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America loosing their jobs and income with the push of a button


BSB Executive Senior Member
Oct 28, 2008
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Watch this shot video. Also, notice that the pharmaceutical companies are sponsoring the news. OMG, talk about rubbing it in your face. They are laughing at us... :cursing:


Any struggling to find work. Look why the economy in this country is going into the toilet. I wonder if there is a way to get a list of who all of these companies are and start a boycott of products and services to starve them a little too. ???:wink:

OK, I am done with my vent. I just thought people might want to chew on this topic a bit...
It might be a better idea to boycott politicians who make it difficult for companies to do their business in the US. It is the fiduciary interest of corperations to their shareholders to avoid as many repressice taxes as possible. It is well known that the current goverment is anti-business but you won 't hear too much of that watching CBS.

Also, I doubt too many HIV infected gay men will be for any boycott of Pfizer.
It might be a better idea to boycott politicians who make it difficult for companies to do their business in the US. It is the fiduciary interest of corperations to their shareholders to avoid as many repressice taxes as possible. It is well known that the current goverment is anti-business but you won 't hear too much of that watching CBS.

Also, I doubt too many HIV infected gay men will be for any boycott of Pfizer.

Good point. I thought along those lines a little on this myself. I think we need to lure big business back to the US but I don't want to see people working slave labor again either.

The Gov't does need to downsize. Also, one other thing I have thought about for a while, it is way too easy to start a not for profit agency in this country. Strange they all start up their charities without any real documentation of community support and request permission from the federal gov't through the IRS first. Why not start at the local community level? Get the local City council to decide if this not for profit agency will serve and unmet community need or is there a better fit for an existing service in this community. I mean give them a temporary permit to operate. Then have them generate their first $50,000.00 in funding through community support on their own. If the community believes strongly enough in the need the money should come to the surface. They can then work toward a state level tax exemption status and on to the Federal government exemption if need be. Ultimately business and corporations are the biggest supporters of these organizations. Yet when the not for profits run out of money they apply for more federal grant dollars. Where do these dollars come from? Our taxes and corporate taxes. Yet when business and industry are offered the opportunity to fund organizations independently most business and industry leaders would rather keep their money for their share holders instead of giving it back to the community to fund health programs and assist with those who are economically destitute through no fault of their own.

Oh, well I guess as long as money is in the equation it will always be a three ring circus.

I do have a bit of an issue with people who are able to work and don't. On the other hand I don't want to see the day when business and industry gets their way with the survival of the fittest mentality either. In essence they communicate work or drop dead and stop being a burden to those who can work and be productive.

I do think that lower tax rates would draw some big business back to the US. But in order to compete in a world market Americans will need to work longer hours for less money and receive less time off and less benefits. It is a sacrifice that may have to be made if people want to work. In my community most of the labor unions have collapsed. So, the factories are only working with temp agency's for work. They hire people then work them at minimum wage with mandatory overtime as needed. Then they let them go before they need to hire them full time or offer anyone benefits. They are told they can come back as temps again in 3-6 months if they have more work for them... A week later the same company hires another 50 employees from the temp agency. Then they get sent to a new assignment and start it allover again. It is insane. LOL

I don't know what the answer is. I do know that we cannot keep going the way we are going to fix the economy. Corporate America is bleeding the US government dry and they are "winning" LOL. We have no money coming into the US Treasury coffers to help balance the budget. And we have millions of people out of work sucking money dry that is not going to be replaced. So, maybe the Donald Trump man is the guy to put in office for a while.???? :scared:
Wow, 62 views and still no other takers where this topic is concerned... :confused1:
I would like to think we can return to the notion that our generation should...

Good point. I thought along those lines a little on this myself. I think we need to lure big business back to the US but I don't want to see people working slave labor again either.

The Gov't does need to downsize. Also, one other thing I have thought about for a while, it is way too easy to start a not for profit agency in this country. Strange they all start up their charities without any real documentation of community support and request permission from the federal gov't through the IRS first. Why not start at the local community level? Get the local City council to decide if this not for profit agency will serve and unmet community need or is there a better fit for an existing service in this community. I mean give them a temporary permit to operate. Then have them generate their first $50,000.00 in funding through community support on their own. If the community believes strongly enough in the need the money should come to the surface. They can then work toward a state level tax exemption status and on to the Federal government exemption if need be. Ultimately business and corporations are the biggest supporters of these organizations. Yet when the not for profits run out of money they apply for more federal grant dollars. Where do these dollars come from? Our taxes and corporate taxes. Yet when business and industry are offered the opportunity to fund organizations independently most business and industry leaders would rather keep their money for their share holders instead of giving it back to the community to fund health programs and assist with those who are economically destitute through no fault of their own.

Oh, well I guess as long as money is in the equation it will always be a three ring circus.

I do have a bit of an issue with people who are able to work and don't. On the other hand I don't want to see the day when business and industry gets their way with the survival of the fittest mentality either. In essence they communicate work or drop dead and stop being a burden to those who can work and be productive.

I do think that lower tax rates would draw some big business back to the US. But in order to compete in a world market Americans will need to work longer hours for less money and receive less time off and less benefits. It is a sacrifice that may have to be made if people want to work. In my community most of the labor unions have collapsed. So, the factories are only working with temp agency's for work. They hire people then work them at minimum wage with mandatory overtime as needed. Then they let them go before they need to hire them full time or offer anyone benefits. They are told they can come back as temps again in 3-6 months if they have more work for them... A week later the same company hires another 50 employees from the temp agency. Then they get sent to a new assignment and start it allover again. It is insane. LOL

I don't know what the answer is. I do know that we cannot keep going the way we are going to fix the economy. Corporate America is bleeding the US government dry and they are "winning" LOL. We have no money coming into the US Treasury coffers to help balance the budget. And we have millions of people out of work sucking money dry that is not going to be replaced. So, maybe the Donald Trump man is the guy to put in office for a while.???? :scared:

Dear Jayman and fellow forumites,

All of this reminds me of the US in the time of the Industrial Revolution where "Robber Barons" as captains of industry ran the undereducated workforce down into the mud due to their unlimited greed. The current trend of making disparaging remarks about "all labor unions" (as if they were created by the Devil himself) when there is no one voice out there wanting to support the worker and allow them to raise their families in something better than extreme squalor and poverty should go against every "American Ideal" imaginable.

When we had the "sweat shops" throughout the land, or it's predecessor "institutionalized slavery", America was only for the "rich" and, as now, only the rich were getting richer while the rest of the country spirals further into poverty. Democracy meant very little unless you first had some property allowing you to vote provided your taxes were paid. The middle classes was in effect irrelevant during this period. Then as now, families could not rely on any job security and must accept any job, regardless if they are over qualified, just to have some meager income coming in.

It was the development of labor unions as a direct response to the abuses in big industry that brought a new significance to the middle class and as recently as the 1960's, most Americans strove to be "Middle Class". This worthy goal came into disfavor in the 1970's & 80's when the "Me Generation" dedicated them self solely to looking out only for their own interests and "taking care of #1 was the mantra of the day". Now look at the outcomes of this short-sided philosophy and what a mess we are into today. Now our country requires us to be in perpetual war for the economy to barely function. It's meteoric debt levels are only the expectation of perpetual war with no victory in sight.

Deja vu April 2011. As cliché as it may sound provided you live long enough, history does repeat itself! The reasons for labor unions existing today is based on our history and the need to prevent past abuses from happening again. With such a small percentage of our workforce being in unions, it is simply laughable to say that big industry is being victimized by labor unions today. Is it labor unions or big business that have practically bought every Senator,Congressman, and Supreme Court Justice today. Big business has succeeded in defeating almost all checks-and-balances existing in our government before GW Bush. GW's approach to government was to put in place lobbyist who were against all regulation on industry and have them in leadership positions to negate as many existing rules we had accumulated over decades providing for a safe workplace all in the name of pleasing big business.

Now then, we have regulatory agencies who cannot regulate to even protect the public good thanks to GW Bush's unwise choices. Let me remind you, corporations are not citizens but with their accumulated wealth, they shape public policy in their financial interest and the lack of labor unions only gives big business free reign as checks and balances are almost nonexistent. Concerning the current administration being against big business, that may be true according to Glenn Beck and his followers, but big business only wants results and just ask yourself how many investment bankers have been prosecuted for doing unconscionable things with the elderlies retirement nest egg. The answer is "Nada". So don't tell me that big business is not represented. As a rule of thumb, if it smacks of "GREED" then it is big business at the root of it!

So, if we are ever to hope for a more prosperous time for the masses, then big business alone will absolutely guarantee this will never happen!

Sincerely learn from our history!

Sorry, but I go to a left-wing uni and hear the same mantra day in and day out. I'm also gay which means I'm surrounded by liberals there too. Oh well. lol

But I cannot espouse to the same liberal attitudes toward American Industry and Big Labor that opposes them. I'm not against rank and file mind you, just most of their leadrs who, in my opinion, are largely in bed with the Socialist Internationale.

I dare anyone who reads the words of Trumka and Sonnstein to tell me where they differ from the leaders of the 19th century socialist movement.

I know better about the standard old myths of old Robber Barrons who were said to want nothing but to crush the very workers who made their businesses successful. Of course such things happened but they were the exception rather than the rule.

Before the industrial Revolution there was no middle class. Industries relied soley on unskilled labor. Mostly people from farms. This brand new system was evolving. Millions of people moving from rural areas must have thought factory work was worth their while or they would have left.

Naturally labor unions had their proper place when it came to the health and safety of workers. But once Big labor developed and decided the reason to have factories was to provide a place for jobs instead of a place for business owners to provide a product for their customers, the jobs unions were ther to protect, began to move to wherever the unions weren't.

Add to that the disgusting record of Big labor corruption and violence both toward owners and even fellow laborers then we begin to understand that all is not perfect in the world of Big Labor.

But I am not for the dissolution of labor unions if rank and file is more selective when picking their leadrs. They should rid union leadership of its communists and socialists. Union membership should be voluntary only and elections to decide if workers want a union must be by secret ballot. Workers should have the right to opt out of union membership and not pay dues.

Workers should have the right to deny unions the right to use that dues for political purposes and this should be controlled by outside accountants.

Public service unions should have no right to buy elections anywhere. Former union functionaries should be barred from political service because of a conflict of interest.

That's my short version of the American labor movement. lol
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Lubetube presents many good points that aren't considered because many readily swallow the evil corporation mantra. Corporations will try to maximize their profit, which generally means reducing costs--not realizing they would be better off using a Theory of Constraints assessment to find ways of increasing the revenue as well. Cutting costs generally means work force reductions; without discretionary income, fewer will buy the products the corporations offer.

The salaries is a separate issue, but not restricted to public corporations. Look at the salaries of people at the top of non-profits, churches, governments (including dictators)...it is veritably a pyramid structure, with the people at the top making far more than the ones at the bottom. They all justify the salaries because of the adeptness and business acumen of the person leading the organization.

Labor unions are no different. I bristle when I see the labor leaders urging members to strike after being unsuccessful at getting huge concessions from companies, yet they NEVER suffer the income loss during a strike the laborers endure. WHY??? We've had corruption at the labor union level (e.g. previous union president used labor funds to recarpet his garage, go on trips, hire favorites as secretaries making well over twice the union laborer's salary, etc.). My job role was removed from the covered union ranks years ago through negotiations between the company and the union, but I don't particularly feel it has hurt me. Sure, I pay a pittance for health insurance (less than $70/mo), which I recognize is nothing to complain about--but the union leadership drummed up strike mentality because the company proposed moving from union members paying nothing to paying less than I was??? Give me a break.

I also get a bonus (incentive program) based on how well the company does. Union members typically vote that program down because they want a sure bonus--$5k at the contract signing, $3k the next year, and $2k the following, with no bonus the fourth. I may not have a guarantee, but I've done way better than their bonus because we've never had a year where a bonus isn't paid. And the bonus is based on their OT$$, which they get at 1.5 to 3x their base wage! (I as non-union get $6.50 over my base rate, but that's better than some salaried positions that get higher base salary but no pay for extra OT worked...)

Union friends I talked to said they voted for the incentive program, but the majority don't trust the company and want the sure thing... I told them my Finance friends say the bonus is almost guaranteed, because they are directed to make cuts (read: layoffs) to ensure the executives get their bonus, which is also based on company performance. My union friends are also frustrated with the cattle mentality of their peers...

The loss of jobs is a concern, but it is brought about by a combination of technology, competition from cheap sources of resources (including labor), and bad tax policies that don't put American-made products on a reasonable competitive level. Why don't corporations have to pay an alternative minimum tax like individuals? Why are they allowed to pay no income tax at all (re: GE)?

No easy answers, but lots of bad existing attitudes and policies...
Dear Jayman and fellow forumites,

All of this reminds me of the US in the time of the Industrial Revolution where "Robber Barons" as captains of industry ran the undereducated workforce down into the mud due to their unlimited greed. The current trend of making disparaging remarks about "all labor unions" (as if they were created by the Devil himself) when there is no one voice out there wanting to support the worker and allow them to raise their families in something better than extreme squalor and poverty should go against every "American Ideal" imaginable.

When we had the "sweat shops" throughout the land, or it's predecessor "institutionalized slavery", America was only for the "rich" and, as now, only the rich were getting richer while the rest of the country spirals further into poverty. Democracy meant very little unless you first had some property allowing you to vote provided your taxes were paid. The middle classes was in effect irrelevant during this period. Then as now, families could not rely on any job security and must accept any job, regardless if they are over qualified, just to have some meager income coming in.

It was the development of labor unions as a direct response to the abuses in big industry that brought a new significance to the middle class and as recently as the 1960's, most Americans strove to be "Middle Class". This worthy goal came into disfavor in the 1970's & 80's when the "Me Generation" dedicated them self solely to looking out only for their own interests and "taking care of #1 was the mantra of the day". Now look at the outcomes of this short-sided philosophy and what a mess we are into today. Now our country requires us to be in perpetual war for the economy to barely function. It's meteoric debt levels are only the expectation of perpetual war with no victory in sight.

Deja vu April 2011. As cliché as it may sound provided you live long enough, history does repeat itself! The reasons for labor unions existing today is based on our history and the need to prevent past abuses from happening again. With such a small percentage of our workforce being in unions, it is simply laughable to say that big industry is being victimized by labor unions today. Is it labor unions or big business that have practically bought every Senator,Congressman, and Supreme Court Justice today. Big business has succeeded in defeating almost all checks-and-balances existing in our government before GW Bush. GW's approach to government was to put in place lobbyist who were against all regulation on industry and have them in leadership positions to negate as many existing rules we had accumulated over decades providing for a safe workplace all in the name of pleasing big business.

Now then, we have regulatory agencies who cannot regulate to even protect the public good thanks to GW Bush's unwise choices. Let me remind you, corporations are not citizens but with their accumulated wealth, they shape public policy in their financial interest and the lack of labor unions only gives big business free reign as checks and balances are almost nonexistent. Concerning the current administration being against big business, that may be true according to Glenn Beck and his followers, but big business only wants results and just ask yourself how many investment bankers have been prosecuted for doing unconscionable things with the elderlies retirement nest egg. The answer is "Nada". So don't tell me that big business is not represented. As a rule of thumb, if it smacks of "GREED" then it is big business at the root of it!

So, if we are ever to hope for a more prosperous time for the masses, then big business alone will absolutely guarantee this will never happen!

Sincerely learn from our history!


I agree. We do need to remember the past and why labor unions were created. Great perspective on this. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this.
Lubetube presents many good points that aren't considered because many readily swallow the evil corporation mantra. Corporations will try to maximize their profit, which generally means reducing costs--not realizing they would be better off using a Theory of Constraints assessment to find ways of increasing the revenue as well. Cutting costs generally means work force reductions; without discretionary income, fewer will buy the products the corporations offer.

The salaries is a separate issue, but not restricted to public corporations. Look at the salaries of people at the top of non-profits, churches, governments (including dictators)...it is veritably a pyramid structure, with the people at the top making far more than the ones at the bottom. They all justify the salaries because of the adeptness and business acumen of the person leading the organization.

Labor unions are no different. I bristle when I see the labor leaders urging members to strike after being unsuccessful at getting huge concessions from companies, yet they NEVER suffer the income loss during a strike the laborers endure. WHY??? We've had corruption at the labor union level (e.g. previous union president used labor funds to recarpet his garage, go on trips, hire favorites as secretaries making well over twice the union laborer's salary, etc.). My job role was removed from the covered union ranks years ago through negotiations between the company and the union, but I don't particularly feel it has hurt me. Sure, I pay a pittance for health insurance (less than $70/mo), which I recognize is nothing to complain about--but the union leadership drummed up strike mentality because the company proposed moving from union members paying nothing to paying less than I was??? Give me a break.

I also get a bonus (incentive program) based on how well the company does. Union members typically vote that program down because they want a sure bonus--$5k at the contract signing, $3k the next year, and $2k the following, with no bonus the fourth. I may not have a guarantee, but I've done way better than their bonus because we've never had a year where a bonus isn't paid. And the bonus is based on their OT$$, which they get at 1.5 to 3x their base wage! (I as non-union get $6.50 over my base rate, but that's better than some salaried positions that get higher base salary but no pay for extra OT worked...)

Union friends I talked to said they voted for the incentive program, but the majority don't trust the company and want the sure thing... I told them my Finance friends say the bonus is almost guaranteed, because they are directed to make cuts (read: layoffs) to ensure the executives get their bonus, which is also based on company performance. My union friends are also frustrated with the cattle mentality of their peers...

The loss of jobs is a concern, but it is brought about by a combination of technology, competition from cheap sources of resources (including labor), and bad tax policies that don't put American-made products on a reasonable competitive level. Why don't corporations have to pay an alternative minimum tax like individuals? Why are they allowed to pay no income tax at all (re: GE)?

No easy answers, but lots of bad existing attitudes and policies...

Wow, again excellent points. I never thought we woould solve the job crisis in America with this thread but baybe see the problem from all sides. We need to get Americans back to work and we need business and industry to drive that effort. I don't hink there will be any easy solutions out there there will need to be a lot of compromise if we are going to compete globally and remain strong as a nation. I keep thinking that we have a large number of troops over seas fighting in the middle east ( the Crusades all over again, LOL just joking.) What happens to the economy when they come home and want to work? Soldiers work well in teams and they are great at accomplishing goals as a team effort. Also, they are ofte offered their old jobs back by law and they get preference in civil service jobs. This will be interesting all in all to see this unfold.
here my say

Cumrag said and i agree with a lot that he said. but this is my take...

Corporations need to make money for the stockholder so they hire "HR" managers. These folks go to school to negotiate labor at the lowest cost. Now, they know all the right things to say and do to get the guy/gal coming out of high school or trade school to take the job at the lowest possible wage. HR managers are train and skilled to do this job and have hundreds of hours of training and they even do mock hiring drills to see how they can make it better. The poor bastard out of trade school or high school has no clue. The HR manager is his friend so he thinks.

Then we had the unions, wages raises for everyone and the 1950-60 looked really well. Then Carter and a bad recession and Ronald Reagan said the Unions are to blame. Pan Am and Braniff airways left them dead. Plus the unions were so corrupt.

So the unions died, and so did wages. Minimum wage was so low, however CEO wages skyrocketed. How can we make more money? Well they killed off the unions but still, the American worker is to highly paid. Hmmm, what to do? Mexico, India, China, etc... CEO wages took to the heaven while middle class took a heavy hit. Still how can we make more money, slave labor in 3rd world countries... and they say “we didn’t know" while CEO's in the US are the highest paid and lowest taxed. But what about service industries that can’t hire over-seas?, Illegal aliens. Now they are going after the teacher, police and firefighter unions. What kind of work force will we have with 1 teacher to 50 kid’s ratio? How about a cop that gets paid 30k a year, a firefighter at 25k. Congress already said the Military is over paid. I get a 1.8% increase and congress gets over a 5% plus cola, and a tax reduction and they don’t pay into social Security. I believe in a capital society however, unbridled capitalism is not good for the average worker.
America is giving her recourses away. The oil and timber and mineral that are dug, chopped, and drilled from her are not used to the better the people, but only to the few. Yes we should give the lions share to the property holder, but these are the riches of all Americans, not the few. Timber, oil, and minerals were here long before the property owner. As for farmers, without them, the crops would have never been. They are the ones that put the time money and sweat to grow these crops; however they are also getting subsidies. Not sure I can afford a loaf of bread without it.

Well Jay there ya go...
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That is the a

Cumrag said and i agree with a lot that he said. but this is my take...

Corporations need to make money for the stockholder so they hire "HR" managers. These folks go to school to negotiate labor at the lowest cost. Now, they know all the right things to say and do to get the guy/gal coming out of high school or trade school to take the job at the lowest possible wage. HR managers are train and skilled to do this job and have hundreds of hours of training and they even do mock hiring drills to see how they can make it better. The poor bastard out of trade school or high school has no clue. The HR manager is his friend so he thinks.

Then we had the unions, wages raises for everyone and the 1950-60 looked really well. Then Carter and a bad recession and Ronald Reagan said the Unions are to blame. Pan Am and Braniff airways left them dead. Plus the unions were so corrupt.

So the unions died, and so did wages. Minimum wage was so low, however CEO wages skyrocketed. How can we make more money? Well they killed off the unions but still, the American worker is to highly paid. Hmmm, what to do? Mexico, India, China, etc... CEO wages took to the heaven while middle class took a heavy hit. Still how can we make more money, slave labor in 3rd world countries... and they say “we didn’t know" while CEO's in the US are the highest paid and lowest taxed. But what about service industries that can’t hire over-seas?, Illegal aliens. Now they are going after the teacher, police and firefighter unions. What kind of work force will we have with 1 teacher to 50 kid’s ratio? How about a cop that gets paid 30k a year, a firefighter at 25k. Congress already said the Military is over paid. I get a 1.8% increase and congress gets over a 5% plus cola, and a tax reduction and they don’t pay into social Security. I believe in a capital society however, unbridled capitalism is not good for the average worker.
America is giving her recourses away. The oil and timber and mineral that are dug, chopped, and drilled from her are not used to the better the people, but only to the few. Yes we should give the lions share to the property holder, but these are the riches of all Americans, not the few. Timber, oil, and minerals were here long before the property owner. As for farmers, without them, the crops would have never been. They are the ones that put the time money and sweat to grow these crops; however they are also getting subsidies. Not sure I can afford a loaf of bread without it.

Well Jay there ya go...

Dear Wiredog,

I don't disagree with what you say. For too long everything has been oriented to giving advantages to the rich and super rich, that is getting wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Sort of a twisted welfare program for the wealthy means that most of those labor union members are no where near the rich and super rich, except perhaps the highest ranking union leaders. What is the difference with union leaders getting paid extravagantly just like business leaders. If you look at Europe, the president of Mercedes Benz or other large business get no where near what corporate leaders do here in the US. I have to wonder how long Americans are going to be content to have the wool pulled down over our eyes with these excessive salaries.

Even with the investment banking debacle, corporate officials still received their outrageous bonuses despite the fact that they lied to investors and did not make a profit. Where else but America rewards people so generously for making stupid decisions and accumulating gigantic losses for the corporation. COLOR="Red"]WE OBVIOUSLY DO NOT BELIEVE FOR THE RICH AND SUPERRICH CORPORATE LEADERS THAT THEY ARE REQUIRED TO EARN THEIR KEEP BY MAKING PROFITS FOR THE CORPORATION. YET, SOME EVERYDAY WORKSTIFF IN THEIR OWN COMPANY LOOSES THEIR JOB FOR THE IRRESPONSIBILITY OF TOP MANAGEMENT.[/COLOR]

If we value our democracy, or at least what is left of it, I was always taught that democracy depended on an educated and informed public and the existence of the "American Dream". Essentially, it means that anyone with the dedication and skill, can improve our lot through upward mobility. Yet, as twisted as things have gotten in our economy, there are countless thousands who have done all the right things and still their economic standing has not improved. The American Dream somehow is not their birthright like it was in the past. Is this what we want for America to become, as country without hope for the masses to improve themselves. All I hear is about the poor Rich and Super Rich who are over taxed. Yet every time there has been real economic progress in the US, more taxes were passed on to those with the means to pay for it. Isn't it about time for the wealthy to contribute, just like some of our billionaires like Bill Gates are calling for.

It is sad that we hear all the time about cutting entitlements and other government programs to help the need when financial experts of the Reagan administration say today that this deficite problem could be largely addressed if we would have the self-discipline to revote the irresponsible tax breaks that Bush started and were extended 2 additional years by Congress and the President. Talk about government waste, refusing to tap into existing sources of tax revenue from these Bush Tax Cuts could go a long way to avoid shortfalls in other essential services for the elderly, unemployment benefits, and furthering the life of Social Security.

Is it just that we as a nation refuse to help our self by pulling on these bootstraps that are there if only we utilized them.