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All time favorite movie?

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is my all time favorite movie. I've seen it hundreds of times. It just makes me so happy!
Okay, true story: My 20 year old daughter said she and a friend were going to "do shrooms." So I say, "do you need some rolling papers?" She about shit herself laughing; I didn't know you don't smoke them. Ah, the things your kids can teach you...
everyday is a new lession for me!
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert is my all time favorite movie. I've seen it hundreds of times. It just makes me so happy!

"Now listen here, you mullet. Why don't you just light your tampon, and blow your box apart? Because it's the only bang you're ever gonna get, sweetheart!"

"That's just what this country needs: a cock in a frock on a rock."

Mitzi: [to Felicia and Bernadette] What fun. Baby bottles of booze.
Bernadette: Oh. Uh, gather around girls, uh, let me show you a trick. You, um, drink the Gin... [guzzles the entire contents]
Bernadette: Aaah! Uh, fill the bottle up with water and then put it back in the fridge.
Mitzi: Va-t'en vous. What about the scotch?
Bernadette: Aha! That's where the complimentary tea bags come in handy.

AHAHAHAAHA! Thats awesome! You should try them some time! They are one of those once in a very great while typa drugs you know?

when to magic mountain and rode the colossus. we rode it going backward and forward and in the first car and in the last car. what an experience.
we never did it again, but after all the years i still remember it.
"Now listen here, you mullet. Why don't you just light your tampon, and blow your box apart? Because it's the only bang you're ever gonna get, sweetheart!"

"That's just what this country needs: a cock in a frock on a rock."

Mitzi: [to Felicia and Bernadette] What fun. Baby bottles of booze.
Bernadette: Oh. Uh, gather around girls, uh, let me show you a trick. You, um, drink the Gin... [guzzles the entire contents]
Bernadette: Aaah! Uh, fill the bottle up with water and then put it back in the fridge.
Mitzi: Va-t'en vous. What about the scotch?
Bernadette: Aha! That's where the complimentary tea bags come in handy.


OMG I think I'm in love!!! Favorites!!!

"How do you like your little boys, girls?"

"Do you have the Texas Chainsaw Mascara?"

"We dress up in women's clothes and parade around mouthing the words to other people's songs."
Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Dragonheart, most movies by Mel Brooks, Star Wars, Underworld. It's hard to pick a favorite, but these are some of mine.
Many, many years ago as a teen I sat in an almost empty theater all by myself and watched "Boys in the Band" and for that two hours I realized I was not alone in the world and also that there was lots of room for humor in being gay. It was a game changer for me.
Someone was finally speaking my language!

Many, many years ago as a teen I sat in an almost empty theater all by myself and watched "Boys in the Band" and for that two hours I realized I was not alone in the world and also that there was lots of room for humor in being gay. It was a game changer for me.

Dear, Dear rrj3md,

Perhaps we both were in the same theatre audience???? I was in Atlanta, GA at the time and I never thought to look for a connecting hallway to the "Delmarva" area too! At least we both had the balls and the foresight to fearlessly go into a movie that was obviously " Gay-themed and PROUD".:newhere: HURRAY FOR HOLLYWOOD!!!:biggrin:

Both Gay and Straight movie critics of the day have raged on about it presenting "too many negative stereotypes", but for me, personally starving at age 21 to see someone I could relate to, this movie was something I could begin filling such an "empty black hole deep inside my real sexual identity and soul". It definitely was an "ALLELUIA MOMENT":smiley-sex011: for me in my personal development.

It had a great deal of "self-deprecating humor and wit" throughout, strategically aimed for people with gay issues. I immersed myself:smiley-sex022: in the brilliant visual character portrayals on the screen and felt a certain innate familiarity with each of the cast members. It was as if, for the very first time, someone was actually speaking my language!

Thank you for reminding me of "those good times"!

Sincerely nostalgic,

1. A Clockwork Orange (timeless and in a class all it's own)
2. Heaven Can Wait (Warren at his very best)
3. Brokeback Mountain (always a good cry)
4. East of Eden (My favorite James Dean film)
5. American History X (OMG.. Ed Norton)
6. Gypsy (my dear Natalie)
7. West Side Story (that is an American classic)
8. Lawrence of Arabia (Magnificent)
9. Farris Bueller's Day Off (Just love Matthew)
10. Tombstone (gotta have a western in there, and thats the best one!)
Honorable Mention... A Christmas Story (Just gotta love it) ... And ... Stand By Me (it just takes me back to my childhood and more simple times.)
12 Monkeys

Dear Erikthbod,

I saw many of the same movies and my choices aren't all that different:

1. Ordinary People (timeless topic about dysfunctional family)
2. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (about dysfunctional relationship)
3. Brokeback Mountain (always a good cry)
4. East of Eden(My favorite James Dean film)ME TOO! His very BEST!
5. American History X (OMG.. Ed Norton's beautiful sexy body OMG x 10)
6. Philadelphia Tom Hanks, Antonio Bandaras dancing together in white dress uniforms.
7. To Kill a Mockingbird (Gregory Peck an American classic)
8. Doctor Zhivago (Magnificent)
9. Farris Bueller's Day Off (Just love Matthew) Me too!
10. The Bridge on the River Kwai (Alec Guinness, William Holden)

Honorable Mention:... A Christmas Story (Just gotta love it/Darren McGavien is great) ... And ... Stand By Me ... And... "12 Monkeys" (for seeing Brad Pitt's naked ass)... One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (with Jack Nicholson)....As Good as it Gets (with Jack Nicholson)

Hand downs my top three fav movies are 1. Beverly hills cop ( I miss you Eddie Murphy) 2. Tommy boy ( Chris Farley your still missed) 3. Back to the future ( always a classic).
Now you are taking me back to my college days, when going to see Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey, while tripping was always a most interesting, and psychedelic experience!!! :001_rolleyes::par50::sneaky2:

Lol booya!!
when to magic mountain and rode the colossus. we rode it going backward and forward and in the first car and in the last car. what an experience.
we never did it again, but after all the years i still remember it.

Sounds epic!!!!:birthday::blush:
Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Dragonheart, most movies by Mel Brooks, Star Wars, Underworld. It's hard to pick a favorite, but these are some of mine.

Awesome! I loved dragon heart!!! Such a great movie! great taste dude!
Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Dragonheart, most movies by Mel Brooks, Star Wars, Underworld. It's hard to pick a favorite, but these are some of mine.

Phantom, we could have great movie nights..........except for Star Wars, I never understood that phenomenon.

I can't believe no one has mentioned Grease...........
Pride and Prejudice (Both versions with Colin Firth and Matthew MacFayden)

Field of Dreams

Torch Song Trilogy

Brokeback Mountain

Glory (With Matthew Broderick)

Ordinary People

Star Wars

Young Frankenstein

Ruthless People

Just to name a few. :)
Another one of my favorite movies is "Blue Lagoon" (1980) starring Christopher Atkins and an underage Brooke Shields. Colin, you may have never heard of this movie, but I'll bet a lot of forumites have shot many loads while watching this movie. I wore out several copies of this movie on VHS trying to capture that perfect shot of Christopher in the buff. Several years ago he did the talk show rounds promoting the 25th anniversary (I believe) of the release of the movie and he is still FINE AS FUCK (to use your phrase).
"Torch Song Trilogy", mentioned by Tampa several posts back, was the first "gay" film I ever watched. I thought back then, how cool, we finally made it in Hollywood. It will always remain a favorite of mine, if for no other reason, because of Hollywood's "coming out".
Another one of my favorite movies is "Blue Lagoon" (1980) starring Christopher Atkins and an underage Brooke Shields. Colin, you may have never heard of this movie, but I'll bet a lot of forumites have shot many loads while watching this movie. I wore out several copies of this movie on VHS trying to capture that perfect shot of Christopher in the buff. Several years ago he did the talk show rounds promoting the 25th anniversary (I believe) of the release of the movie and he is still FINE AS FUCK (to use your phrase).
Ahhh! Christopher Atkins was indeed a beautiful young man, although in Blue Lagoon, I thought he looked a bit immature. I did some research this morning and found a picture of young Chris from that film.

However I became a fan of Dallas, the season that Chris became a swimming instructor for Sue Ellen's son, and of course Sue Ellen could not keep her hands off of the swimming teacher, (see Chris in his blue Speedos). And a movie that really turned me on was "A Night in Heaven", where Chris was a high school student, who worked as a stripper in a club that attracted older women, (cougars :biggrin:). And Chris's teacher was a patron at the club, and she began fucking young Chris. My favorite scene was when the teacher's husband found out, and somehow got Chris on a motor boat, and at gun point made Chris strip naked and jump in the water, after he threatened to shoot Chris and I believe it was aimed right at his "best parts".

Yes, I too was totally in lust with Christopher Atkins. :drool:


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One More Chris Atkins

For all of you "ass" people, here is one more shot of Chris's derriere!!! A perfect example of youth & beauty!


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