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A message to Rifle


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
Hi Rifle,

I would have normally send this as a private message, but as you previously explained, you no longer accept PM's and that as this is a forum, everything should be put out in the open, for the entire forum to read.

I have noted over the last week or two that you have been posting messages and then deleting them after a few hours or a day. Today I saw a message by Tampa, in the Obama Speech thread that quoted a message that you had written about the ultra conservative radio rabble rousers. I then went back, as I had never seen that message only to note that you had deleted a message, which presumably was that.

Last weekend you had written a parody of my message singing the praises of straight boys being straight. I quoted part of your message, but found the next day that you had once again deleted your original message. I also noticed that you had posted a message asking for reader's worst sexual experiences. I thought that over time this may have been an interesting topic, but within a day I saw that you deleted that due to a "lack of interest".

The only other member that I recall doing the "post and delete" thing as often was the since banned, (twice) Mitch who would post inflammatory statements, usually racist in nature, and then get scared that he would be banned, and subsequently delete them.

You are an interesting individual who has interesting points of view on many issues, and while I often disagree with you, I don't understand why you have been posting and deleting so often. If there is a lack of interest in one of your posts, so what? Just leave it there. Perhaps in a week or a month, someone will go back through the old postings and make a comment on it, or just get some insight from you.

Like I said, this would have been a PM, if you were accepting them.

I must agree with Mike on this Rifle. Everybody has the right to delete their own posts if they choose to. But it's not good to make it a frequent habit. At least though you are not deleting threads with other people's work on them. That's an issue that can get me rather riled up.

There have been some posts of yours that I have agreed with and some that I haven't. But I'll always defend your right to say what you feel because we live in a free country. If you think a post is too over the top or inflammatory then don't post it. If it's not, then stand by it. I'm not sure why you are showing so much sender's remorse.

You're a talented writer. So please allow us the benefit of seeing your work without the frequent deletions. You have a lot to offer the forum and I'm glad that you came out of your self imposed exile.
You're right, Mike. I jumped into an argument I had no business in - the one involving you and rapper. I had done that to you once before and come to regret it because after that, no matter what I said, you chose to ignore me. I went back to remove it. Unfortunately, Tampa seems always waiting to pounce and, if you'll check the timing, he actually posted his comment as I was deleting mine. I sort of resent the idea of the comparison to those who've been banned - unless of course, this is the gentle set-up. I do tend to argue for causes I'm passionate about but there's no name calling, no racism, no threatened violence. I'll be perfectly honest about the three deletions. The first I mentioned. The new topic I posted on 'worst sexual experience' was deleted because it received what I consider the 'ho-hum' stamp of disapproval: one of those 'What an interesting story's.' For the topic to have any validity it should have generated another story. Too often we have the commentors who run rampant through the forum with no other purpose than putting a stamp of on every posting. It's no wonder the General Chat Forum is dying, one has to wade through dozens of such stamps to find any real conversation. So, in a fit of picque, not fear, not remorse, I ended that thread. The third, I do believe there were three - I'm trying to remember the third, I do believe, inadvertantly involved releasing information that was privileged.

Now, gentlemen, don't you feel better for having aired this in public. I certainly do. I also suggest, Tampa, since you feel so strongly about my behavior, you contact David and Mark. David's had to put up with a lot from me and he may well take advantage of this opportunity to back you up.

If this is my 'swan song' and I am to assume the position and flutter my wings - the book I've been working on will be out week after next on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. It is called "The Auteur" and it is dedicated to David and Markymark and you might find a few familiar refrains in the score. Thanks, therefore to all of you who helped me with it. And, to the models, copies will soon be in the mail. Wyomom does not forget! (Michael, you thought I wanted something else! LOL, honey, you're so not my type! You know who has my address and you've got my email.) If it's not my 'swan song' it probably should be; when my three deletions get more attention that my postings, my husband says it's time to get a new thesaurus. Mssr. Roget, here I come.


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Weren't we asked speciifcally not to delete our own messages and threads? Then again, there always seems to be some disparity between those who acknowledge rules and those whose love of martyrdom makes them the exceptions, at least in their own heads...
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(Michael, you thought I wanted something else! LOL, honey, you're so not my type!

Did I miss something? lol I never got to PM you back from any of your PMs you sent me because you have it set not to receive any PMs...
You're right, Mike. I jumped into an argument I had no business in - the one involving you and rapper. I had done that to you once before and come to regret it because after that, no matter what I said, you chose to ignore me. I went back to remove it. Unfortunately, Tampa seems always waiting to pounce and, if you'll check the timing, he actually posted his comment as I was deleting mine. I sort of resent the idea of the comparison to those who've been banned - unless of course, this is the gentle set-up. I do tend to argue for causes I'm passionate about but there's no name calling, no racism, no threatened violence. I'll be perfectly honest about the three deletions. The first I mentioned. The new topic I posted on 'worst sexual experience' was deleted because it received what I consider the 'ho-hum' stamp of disapproval: one of those 'What an interesting story's.' For the topic to have any validity it should have generated another story. Too often we have the commentors who run rampant through the forum with no other purpose than putting a stamp of on every posting. It's no wonder the General Chat Forum is dying, one has to wade through dozens of such stamps to find any real conversation. So, in a fit of picque, not fear, not remorse, I ended that thread. The third, I do believe there were three - I'm trying to remember the third, I do believe, inadvertantly involved releasing information that was privileged.

Now, gentlemen, don't you feel better for having aired this in public. I certainly do. I also suggest, Tampa, since you feel so strongly about my behavior, you contact David and Mark. David's had to put up with a lot from me and he may well take advantage of this opportunity to back you up.

If this is my 'swan song' and I am to assume the position and flutter my wings - the book I've been working on will be out week after next on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. It is called "The Auteur" and it is dedicated to David and Markymark and you might find a few familiar refrains in the score. Thanks, therefore to all of you who helped me with it. And, to the models, copies will soon be in the mail. Wyomom does not forget! (Michael, you thought I wanted something else! LOL, honey, you're so not my type! You know who has my address and you've got my email.) If it's not my 'swan song' it probably should be; when my three deletions get more attention that my postings, my husband says it's time to get a new thesaurus. Mssr. Roget, here I come.
Rifle, calm down, You are overly sensitive to a forum poster on an Internet sleazy porn site, (no offense to David and Mark. I love sleaze). I find you one of the more interesting contributors to the forum. You are not a poster who simply puts your stamp on everything. I don't always understand everything you say, as I am not on the same intellectual level as you are, but I do read every word you post, (as long as you haven't deleted them yet:001_smile: )

I only compared you to Mitch in the sense that he was the other poster who I recall regretting what he said and soon deleting it. Nothing at all remotely to compare you to him in any way, shape or form.

And if you think that Tampa or I are talking about having you banned, that is utterly ridiculous, and Mark, and David and Scorpio have no reason to even think of that. Also read what Tampa just said about you today:

"You're a talented writer. So please allow us the benefit of seeing your work without the frequent deletions. You have a lot to offer the forum and I'm glad that you came out of your self imposed exile."

Rifle, we are saying that we enjoy your writing, and that once you post something, you should leave it there for all to read, comment on, or ignore. Once you post it, you have made your statement. We are complementing you, not asking for you to be banned. Relax. We love you.:thumbup:

Sorry, Mike, but that compliment holds about as much water as Joseph Conrad's proverbial fire fighting waterbucket full of holes. If you didn't intend the comparison (or the threat) why did you both bring it up? And, really, the stretch marks on that last paragraph rival Kirstie Alley.

Tampa, three times is not a frequent habit, it is not even a habit. Unless, of course, you count getting up to unrinate during the night or pm'ing a topic to death before openly discussing it.

Baal, don't mind you calling me a martyr. It might get to me if I thought you knew what it meant. But knowledge of anyone else's feelings, beliefs, concerns, tastes, preferences, or choices do not penetrate your curmudgeonry. I know you find that amusing; others do too - occasionally. More of that disparity you cherish?

Mikey, I apologize. I sent you my email address so you could send a mailing address for the book. I assumed you would not email me because you didn't want me to have that address. (Perfectly understandable since I've seen how often you have to dodge the googlers - those trying to hone in on your trailer on google earth! - I was trying to make a joke out of not intending to knock on your door and say surprise! The joke flopped. The advance reviews always get a 'kick' out of the two characters I mentioned in my PM.) I'll see if one of the other models will forward the book to you. That will guard your home and hearth!
Sorry, Mike, but that compliment holds about as much water as Joseph Conrad's proverbial fire fighting waterbucket full of holes. If you didn't intend the comparison (or the threat) why did you both bring it up? And, really, the stretch marks on that last paragraph rival Kirstie Alley.

Tampa, three times is not a frequent habit, it is not even a habit. Unless, of course, you count getting up to unrinate during the night or pm'ing a topic to death before openly discussing it.

Baal, don't mind you calling me a martyr. It might get to me if I thought you knew what it meant. But knowledge of anyone else's feelings, beliefs, concerns, tastes, preferences, or choices do not penetrate your curmudgeonry. I know you find that amusing; others do too - occasionally. More of that disparity you cherish?

Mikey, I apologize. I sent you my email address so you could send a mailing address for the book. I assumed you would not email me because you didn't want me to have that address. (Perfectly understandable since I've seen how often you have to dodge the googlers - those trying to hone in on your trailer on google earth! - I was trying to make a joke out of not intending to knock on your door and say surprise! The joke flopped. The advance reviews always get a 'kick' out of the two characters I mentioned in my PM.) I'll see if one of the other models will forward the book to you. That will guard your home and hearth!
Rifle, I can only repeat that I enjoy your posts, and want to continue to read your thoughts and opinions. Please keep posting here. Thanks.
