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10 random facts about you.

1. I Was Born & Raised In Santa Clarita, CA.
2. I Started Liking Guys In 2017. Didn't Come Out Until 2019.
3. I Am A Huge Fan Of Zander Floyd From Broke Straight Boys And Jax Thirio From Say Uncle.
4. I Prefer Cats Over Dogs.
5. My Favorite Color is Black and Dark Red.
6. I'm A Top.
7. My Favorite BSBs Are Zander Floyd Ronan Kennedy Masyn Thorne, Carter Del Rey and Darron Bluu.
8. I Have Five Siblings.
9. I Graduated With An Associates At Junior College In 2022.
10. I Would Love To Join Broke Straight Boys
1. I assumed that was a fictional place. I've never seen the zombie show, and haven't done any research.
2. You mean you became aware of your attraction? Otherwise I don't understand how you "started". I'm not trying to be pedantic. Just wanted to know your meaning.
3. Zander Floyd is quite attractive. Boyishly handsome, with a lovely hairy chest, and a nicely shaped penis. And his feet are not hideous!
10. I assume it's not a truly rigid rule, but can an openly non-straight actor do scenes for Broke Straight Boys? That would be an interesting (and very problematic) idea.
1. I assumed that was a fictional place. I've never seen the zombie show, and haven't done any research.
2. You mean you became aware of your attraction? Otherwise I don't understand how you "started". I'm not trying to be pedantic. Just wanted to know your meaning.
3. Zander Floyd is quite attractive. Boyishly handsome, with a lovely hairy chest, and a nicely shaped penis. And his feet are not hideous!
10. I assume it's not a truly rigid rule, but can an openly non-straight actor do scenes for Broke Straight Boys? That would be an interesting (and very problematic) idea.
I’d never heard of Santa Clarita myself but googled it and it appears to be a lovely city in Los Angeles county. Here is the Wikipedia article on it.

And officialbdillan describes himself in his profile as a 21 year old Virgin. He certainly would not be the first Gay identifying Broke Straight Boys I recommend his contacting David and applying to the site. It’s always fun when a young member of the site applies to be a model. Right, David? :wink:
Let's see. I'll try to list things I haven't mentioned in other threads.

1. My name is Gilbert (treblig is the beginning of my username) but go by Gil.
2. I was named after my father whose name was Juan. For whatever reason, I never asked my mother for an explanation.
3. I never met my father. I've never even seen a photo of him. I don't know if he's alive, but he'd be in his late 80s. He was a rural-born Puerto Rican man in NYC named Juan in the 1970s. There's no way I'd ever find him if I tried.
4. I'm an atheist in addition to gay+. When I had my crisis in my youth, I thought I was doubly going to hell for doubting my sexuality AND whether there was a God.
5. I'm out to most of my friends, but family-wise, I have only ever told my sister, and that's because she was once in a lesbian relationship that the family has "forgiven" her for having. As I did say before, my mom knew, but I didn't fully realize until she passed away.
6. I have PTSD from my mom's death. She died after I failed at CPR. Now when watching TV or movies, I have to turn away from scenes that involve suffocating or CPR. I sometimes get her face in her dying moments in stuck in my head and sob uncontrollably. It's... really unpleasant. Sorry this isn't so fun.
7. Maybe as a result of living so much of my life in secrecy, I am now one to overshare. I do love to be honest and forthcoming, and sometimes vulnerable.
8. Because I didn't know how to be silent, I was known as a kind of rabble-rouser at my previous job. I recently reunited with some former colleagues, and they said they missed my voice in Zoom calls, so that was a nice thing to hear.
9. Whenever I am wrong, and I am wrong a lot, I think of it as a learning opportunity. To grow and change as a person, for the better, is one of my true life goals.
10. Given my late start, I am worried I may never have penetrative sex. I find myself wondering if I even want to at times. I worry if I have the stamina to top, or want to have anything in my butt. I do really like watching it, though.
Let's see. I'll try to list things I haven't mentioned in other threads.

1. My name is Gilbert (treblig is the beginning of my username) but go by Gil.
2. I was named after my father whose name was Juan. For whatever reason, I never asked my mother for an explanation.
3. I never met my father. I've never even seen a photo of him. I don't know if he's alive, but he'd be in his late 80s. He was a rural-born Puerto Rican man in NYC named Juan in the 1970s. There's no way I'd ever find him if I tried.
4. I'm an atheist in addition to gay+. When I had my crisis in my youth, I thought I was doubly going to hell for doubting my sexuality AND whether there was a God.
5. I'm out to most of my friends, but family-wise, I have only ever told my sister, and that's because she was once in a lesbian relationship that the family has "forgiven" her for having. As I did say before, my mom knew, but I didn't fully realize until she passed away.
6. I have PTSD from my mom's death. She died after I failed at CPR. Now when watching TV or movies, I have to turn away from scenes that involve suffocating or CPR. I sometimes get her face in her dying moments in stuck in my head and sob uncontrollably. It's... really unpleasant. Sorry this isn't so fun.
7. Maybe as a result of living so much of my life in secrecy, I am now one to overshare. I do love to be honest and forthcoming, and sometimes vulnerable.
8. Because I didn't know how to be silent, I was known as a kind of rabble-rouser at my previous job. I recently reunited with some former colleagues, and they said they missed my voice in Zoom calls, so that was a nice thing to hear.
9. Whenever I am wrong, and I am wrong a lot, I think of it as a learning opportunity. To grow and change as a person, for the better, is one of my true life goals.
10. Given my late start, I am worried I may never have penetrative sex. I find myself wondering if I even want to at times. I worry if I have the stamina to top, or want to have anything in my butt. I do really like watching it, though.
It was great reading about your facts. It is great to get to know you a bit more! It’s good being an over sharer I think. Also, I don’t think you need to worry about number 10, I am sure you will be fine!
I haven’t don’t one of these so thought I would!
1. I’m 3/4 English and 1/4 Jamaican
2. I love sports and my favorite football team is Chelsea
3. I am an avid pub quizzer
4.I have a 5 year old daughter
5. I am a black belt 3rd Dan in martial arts
6. I once appeared on the weakest link. (A UK quiz show)
7.I am obsessed with the royal family and the history of the monarchy
8. I can name every capital city
9.I have a awful fear of wasps
10.I have a superstition of odd numbers. Numbered parking spaces are the worst! I have once walked an extra mile and parked elsewhere as only odd numbered spaces were available!
What is the capital of bhutan?

No cheating x

I hate wasps too x
Let's see. I'll try to list things I haven't mentioned in other threads.

1. My name is Gilbert (treblig is the beginning of my username) but go by Gil.
2. I was named after my father whose name was Juan. For whatever reason, I never asked my mother for an explanation.
3. I never met my father. I've never even seen a photo of him. I don't know if he's alive, but he'd be in his late 80s. He was a rural-born Puerto Rican man in NYC named Juan in the 1970s. There's no way I'd ever find him if I tried.
4. I'm an atheist in addition to gay+. When I had my crisis in my youth, I thought I was doubly going to hell for doubting my sexuality AND whether there was a God.
5. I'm out to most of my friends, but family-wise, I have only ever told my sister, and that's because she was once in a lesbian relationship that the family has "forgiven" her for having. As I did say before, my mom knew, but I didn't fully realize until she passed away.
6. I have PTSD from my mom's death. She died after I failed at CPR. Now when watching TV or movies, I have to turn away from scenes that involve suffocating or CPR. I sometimes get her face in her dying moments in stuck in my head and sob uncontrollably. It's... really unpleasant. Sorry this isn't so fun.
7. Maybe as a result of living so much of my life in secrecy, I am now one to overshare. I do love to be honest and forthcoming, and sometimes vulnerable.
8. Because I didn't know how to be silent, I was known as a kind of rabble-rouser at my previous job. I recently reunited with some former colleagues, and they said they missed my voice in Zoom calls, so that was a nice thing to hear.
9. Whenever I am wrong, and I am wrong a lot, I think of it as a learning opportunity. To grow and change as a person, for the better, is one of my true life goals.
10. Given my late start, I am worried I may never have penetrative sex. I find myself wondering if I even want to at times. I worry if I have the stamina to top, or want to have anything in my butt. I do really like watching it, though.
OMG that hit hard.

I wish I was clever enough to address all that. But this thread is very interesting.
Gilbert, I'm so sorry about your experience with your mum, and how it's affected you. I'd genuinely do anything so you didn't have to think about that. I'm so sorry. Thank you so much for sharing such an important piece of information to you. That hit me like a block of concrete.
I appreciate the kind thoughts, guys. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it, but I was feeling thematically linking the revelations would be fun, though it does reject the premise of the thread ("random"). I feel a little guilty (can't spell guilt without G-I-L) for making you feel bad, but as I said in the other thread, free therapy.

If it helps, Max, I have used the trauma I've gone through in my life to try and motivate me. The discussion with my mama that later got me to understand she would accept me no matter what, she asked me to find happiness. And while plagues and Trumps and the like have impeded my journey somewhat, I am still on that journey, and I will find happiness, or come close to it, if for no other reason than for her.

And I do have other reasons! Justice, learning, connections with my fellow humans, and yes, fucking around with guys.
OMG that hit hard.

I wish I was clever enough to address all that. But this thread is very interesting.
Much agree Max, that this thread is very interesting. Probably my favorite part of this forum over the years has been virtually, (and in a few cases in reality), meeting people from all over the world, younger, older or of similar age, and we used to have women here too. And people with all different perspectives on sexuality. It was the Broke Straight Boys porn that was the starting point that brought us together here, but the more folks posted, the differences in our lifestyles and desires became apparent.

I’m thrilled that we have new folks posting and especially here on one of the oldest threads on the forum, that includes my introduction to the forum way back when too. Believe it or not, I was shy about posting in the early days and spent the first month or so just reading and then I made a few brief posts about models and scenes. It was a very interesting man known as Slimvintage who along with Tampa and a few others were the most prolific posters in those days. Slim private messaged me and asked me to fill out this 10 Random Facts poll. I told him I had nothing to say and he cajoled me to send him some info about myself to him in a PM. He then took my paragraphs and formed my ten facts which I copied and posted. Slim got me over my shyness on the forum, and now 15 years and over 20,000 posts later, I’ve come out of my shell big time.

So this thread on this forum are all very special to me and I love hearing from and learning about new folks. I really truly love it. :smiley-love021:
Upon the urging of my friend Slimvintage, and with his help in organizing my random message to him, here is my list:

1. I am a native New Yorker. Born and bred in Brooklyn.

2. I am 58, although when I can avoid a mirror, I think that I am 25.

3. I'm 6 feet tall, and weigh 195 pounds. I go to a local gym to keep in shape, (and to check out the young men).

4. I became interested in politics at the age of ten, when John F. Kennedy ran for president. I went to my local campaign office, and handed out flyers for him.

5. At the age of 17, as a high school senior, for an elective social studies class, I was assigned to work one afternoon a week, in Senator Robert F. Kennedy's New York City office. One day they sent me to the airport by cab to pick up a package, and deliver it to Jackie Kennedy's apartment. (Pretty heady stuff for a 17 year old high school student).

6. I'm gay, only ever been with guys.

7. I have done some amateur photography and actually done some Dave type stuff for myself. (See my latest story in the "Seducing & Sucking Straight Guys" section).

8. My spiritual home: Broke Straight Boys (contemporary straighties trying out a taste of fag for pay)

9. I'm a big sports fan, my favorite teams are the Yankees, Giants, and Duke Blue Devils basketball team. Several years ago, I drove with a friend to Durham North Carolina, and was overwhelmed by the beautiful Duke campus, and amazingly beautiful Cameron Indoor Stadium was open, and we went in and were able to sit in the stands, where the "Cameron Crazies" wreak havoc on opposing teams in season). It was a "religious" experience for me.

10. I'm a big fan of rock music from the late 60's and early 70's. (Reminds me of my college days, drinking beer, taking drugs, and protesting the Vietnam War:thumbup1:.)

11. I have close friends, who I can rely on, and who know they can rely on me. I am fiercely loyal person. But I am quite content, living by myself, and don't feel any driving need for a "partner".

12. My "type" of guy that turns me on the most is a young, (but legal of course), thin or in shape young man who considers himself "straight". (See the videos on this site, to see what turns me on).

Whoops. I just counted 12 "random" facts. Is that legal?

Again I thank Slim for cajoling me, and helping me organize this list. Love ya, Slim.

I found my post from March 1, 2009 and I see I used the word “cajoling” back then too to describe Slim organizing my thoughts and encouraging me to open up about myself.
1. I assumed that was a fictional place. I've never seen the zombie show, and haven't done any research.
2. You mean you became aware of your attraction? Otherwise I don't understand how you "started". I'm not trying to be pedantic. Just wanted to know your meaning.
3. Zander Floyd is quite attractive. Boyishly handsome, with a lovely hairy chest, and a nicely shaped penis. And his feet are not hideous!
10. I assume it's not a truly rigid rule, but can an openly non-straight actor do scenes for Broke Straight Boys? That would be an interesting (and very problematic) idea.
Santa Clarita is a city in Los Angeles County, California. I started attracting myself to guys in 2017. I stopped having an interest in girls in 2016. Zane Tate Floyd I would love to collaborate with and fuck all day long. 😜 and yes gay guys can join Broke Straight Boys
I’d never heard of Santa Clarita myself but googled it and it appears to be a lovely city in Los Angeles county. Here is the Wikipedia article on it.

And officialbdillan describes himself in his profile as a 21 year old Virgin. He certainly would not be the first Gay identifying Broke Straight Boys I recommend his contacting David and applying to the site. It’s always fun when a young member of the site applies to be a model. Right, David? :wink:
My Last Name Is Spelled Dillin. Like How It Sounds. I'm 21 and I actually lost my virginity at 19. I really wanna become a Broke Straight Boys model. ❤️😘
My Last Name Is Spelled Dillin. Like How It Sounds. I'm 21 and I actually lost my virginity at 19. I really wanna become a Broke Straight Boys model. ❤️😘
Any thoughts about sharing a pic here? You seem to have an exhibitionist streak in you to want to do porn? We‘ve had a few guys over the years who wanted to perform on the site although only one I can recall who eventually did a scene or two on College Boy Physicals although it was several years after he shared his pics with us here on the forum.
1. I Was Born & Raised In Santa Clarita, CA.
2. I Started Liking Guys In 2017. Didn't Come Out Until 2019.
3. I Am A Huge Fan Of Zander Floyd From Broke Straight Boys And Jax Thirio From Say Uncle.
4. I Prefer Cats Over Dogs.
5. My Favorite Color is Black and Dark Red.
6. I'm A Top.
7. My Favorite BSBs Are Zander Floyd Ronan Kennedy Masyn Thorne, Carter Del Rey and Darron Bluu.
8. I Have Five Siblings.
9. I Graduated With An Associates At Junior College In 2022.
10. I Would Love To Join Broke Straight Boys
You and Masyn Thorne - are you fucking him or is he fucking you?

He's lush tho x
i loved living in San Diego & spent all my free time on the naked portion of Black's Beach. So yes have hear and been to Santa Clarita .