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Your Bucket List


Well-known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Marion, OH
Does anyone have a bucket list? You know, a list of things you want to do before you die? I am going to try to list a few, don't know how many.

1. To visit all 50 of the United States. I have made it to 38 so far. There are many things in those other states I would like to visit, but they would be included in this.

2. To finally make peace with my first wife. I have tried, but after 24 years, she still hates me as much or more than the day we were divorced. My second wife is one of my best friends and I am blessed to have her in my life.

3. To see my Atlanta Braves win a world series.

4. To see my children happy an successful in whatever they chose in their life. I am well on my way to achieving this one.

5. To go to bed one night and know that I have told every single person that I love, in one way or another, how much they mean to me. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

6. To live long enough to see our country come to the point where the good of the people outweighs politics, economy, and greed. To see decisions made by lawmakers which let us know they have our best interests at heart.

7. To save someone's life, anonymousy. Not for glory or personal gain, just to save their life.

8. To see two people who love each other able to show that love in marriage, regardless of gender, race or nationality.

9. To write a song that someone uses to propose to the one they love.

10. To put a smile on someone's face, just because I'm me.
Does anyone have a bucket list? You know, a list of things you want to do before you die? I am going to try to list a few, don't know how many.

1. To visit all 50 of the United States. I have made it to 38 so far. There are many things in those other states I would like to visit, but they would be included in this.

2. To finally make peace with my first wife. I have tried, but after 24 years, she still hates me as much or more than the day we were divorced. My second wife is one of my best friends and I am blessed to have her in my life.

3. To see my Atlanta Braves win a world series.

4. To see my children happy an successful in whatever they chose in their life. I am well on my way to achieving this one.

5. To go to bed one night and know that I have told every single person that I love, in one way or another, how much they mean to me. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

6. To live long enough to see our country come to the point where the good of the people outweighs politics, economy, and greed. To see decisions made by lawmakers which let us know they have our best interests at heart.

7. To save someone's life, anonymousy. Not for glory or personal gain, just to save their life.

8. To see two people who love each other able to show that love in marriage, regardless of gender, race or nationality.

9. To write a song that someone uses to propose to the one they love.

10. To put a smile on someone's face, just because I'm me.

Great list -and all but #6 could be accomplished
I wanted to bump this one up, so I remember to work on it. I hope some others will work on it too. Definitely an overlooked thread.
I was just telling someone that she was allowing me to fullfill 3 things on my bucket list.

Some that are on my list is that....

I want to be the first one in my family to attend and finish college.

I want to feel small beside the ocean.

I want to go to a large gay pride. * I have always wanted to go to ny or a Ca pride.

I want to make a mends with the man who abused me. * this one is slowly happening but I know it will take the rest of my life*

I want to have a child and if we cant then i would like to adopt.

I would like to pay for my god daughter to go to college.

I want change a room full of people's opinion on race.

I want to go to the san diego zoo. * i love zoo's I have been to 5 big city zoos and am amazed at them every time.*

I want to dance like no one is looking in a packed room.

yep there is mine.. it might be corny or werid but it's mine.
I'm sure I'll come up with more, but here is my first attempt.

1. To learn another language.

2. To get my Masters Degree.

3. To see my son graduate college.

4. To have one more child.

5. To vacation in Italy.

6. To be comfortable enough in my own skin, to not care who see's me naked.

7. To be able to love someone with everything in me, and not worry about being rejected.
1. I want to be my own boss.
2. I want to go to New Zealand.
3. I want to drag race a vintage car.
4. I want to dominate my play partner.
5. I want to learn how to play the upright bass.
6. I want to build a kitchen table.
7. I want to not let the things I own, own me.
8. I want to open a pub.
9. I want to be finished getting tattooed.
10. I want to do karaoke sober.
11. I want to pay off my house.
12. I want to be branded.
13. I want learn to rock climb.
14. I want to meet my true loves.

Some of the things I want to do before I die.
1. i want to make a meaningful contribution to the energy problems of the world.
2. i want to shift my discipline from material science to pharmaceuticals.
3. tied into #2, i want to make a meaningful contribution in the fight against hiv/aids and cancer.
4. i want to become a well known, published chemist (i already have a few, but notoriety would be amazing)
5. i want to travel to every region of the world.
6. i want to find the one person in the world i can wake up everyday with and hold no regrets.
7. i want to obtain the highest degree in my field.