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WTF is this thread about?


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
This morning (very early) I was watching a rerun of Law and Order. In this episode a woman had been found murdered on the streets of New York. Two detectives went to her address to inform her husband of her death and interview him. During the interview the husband explained to the detectives that they lived a "green" life. They lived off the garden they cultivated, climbed the stairs instead of taking elevators, walked instead of riding in cars or public transit. They used no electricity and powered what ever they needed through sun powered generators. He also added they did not believe in using plastics nor paper. When the detectives reported this to their captain, she asked that if they didn't use paper, what about toilet paper. The detective responded by saying, "A left hand and a bowl of water." The captain thought that was disgusting but the detective said that it was the way is used to be.

Smallville followed that episode. Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan and Lois Lane had been possessed by witches that had been burned at the stake in the 1600's. They arrived at a party, surveyed their surroundings and one said, I think I'm going to like it here. One of them said that she agreed, that the men bathed in his time period and were strong but not as strong as they smelled in their time.

A mention was made in the forum about a former model who had been criticized for having dirty feet in some of his scenes. Another forumite also mentioned he was taking the day off, not shaving, not wearing shoes and just laying back.

We know man has an animalistic nature by instinct. Yet, at the other end of the spectrum there are those who are obsessively hygienic in their practices.

So where do you fit in this spectrum?

Since I started this thread, I guess I should confess my sins. I am a nudist. Never wear clothing except to go out. I don't perspire even in the hottest of days. In my view point I don't find it a need to shower every day. Hope I didn't offend anyone.

Please, chime in on your thoughts.
You really need to get a life!
To use your words, I am "obsessively hygienic". Shower at least once a day, if not more. Clothes are optional; like you I'm somewhat of a free bird within the confines of my home. I'm somewhat of a germophobe though. I always carry around hand sanitizer and avoid touching other people's hands like they're carrying the plague. LOL. Things get awkward when I meet people for the first time because, apparently, hand shaking is a polite thing to do, and I just do NOT do that.
I worked with the public most of my life so I had to be presentable and odor free. I didn't freak out about germs from the public who are so rude, coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths handing over sweaty damp money out of their back pocket to pay their bill and the messes they'd leave on the tables, especially families with children, then there's the bathrooms. People are really messy when they aren't using their own bathroom. I think they have the opinion that they don't care since they don't have to clean it up. Women's bathrooms have always been worse than the men's bathrooms. I'd just go with the flow, clean it all up and wash my hands after. I don't even remember the last time I had the flu, I think it was in the mid 80s sometime and I do not get the flu shot, ever. I do get a cold once a year but it's pretty mild.

I firmly believe that if you are exposed to normal germs and bacteria you build up an immunity it to and you'll be healthier in the long run.

I stay pretty clean but I like my men to be a little sweaty and musky, woof woof. When I have my face between a guys thighs I don't want to smell soap or cologne I want to smell and taste him. I've been with guys who after they left my mouth tasted like it had been washed out with soap and the worst experience I had was while rimming a guy and he started to suds up because he didn't rinse the soap away in the shower. yuck yuck yuck I'd rather have a guy with dirty feet and sweaty balls than Mr. Clean.
You really need to get a life!

Stowe, I do have a life and a good one. I post on these forums to stimulate discussions. We entertain ourselves with listening to other's opinions. It is not that I have nothing to do or am bored, but when I have a thought about something I like to share it with the others. This is suppose to be a fun place to hang out, so let us have fun. OK?


(smoke some ganga. It's the miracle medicine of mankind!)
I worked with the public most of my life so I had to be presentable and odor free. I didn't freak out about germs from the public who are so rude, coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths handing over sweaty damp money out of their back pocket to pay their bill and the messes they'd leave on the tables, especially families with children, then there's the bathrooms. People are really messy when they aren't using their own bathroom. I think they have the opinion that they don't care since they don't have to clean it up. Women's bathrooms have always been worse than the men's bathrooms. I'd just go with the flow, clean it all up and wash my hands after. I don't even remember the last time I had the flu, I think it was in the mid 80s sometime and I do not get the flu shot, ever. I do get a cold once a year but it's pretty mild.

I firmly believe that if you are exposed to normal germs and bacteria you build up an immunity it to and you'll be healthier in the long run.

I stay pretty clean but I like my men to be a little sweaty and musky, woof woof. When I have my face between a guys thighs I don't want to smell soap or cologne I want to smell and taste him. I've been with guys who after they left my mouth tasted like it had been washed out with soap and the worst experience I had was while rimming a guy and he started to suds up because he didn't rinse the soap away in the shower. yuck yuck yuck I'd rather have a guy with dirty feet and sweaty balls than Mr. Clean.

Ben, we do so much share the same preferences. A man should be a man and not a girly girl all perfumed up with exotic scents. I too love licking a a man from head to toe, but licking up caked up dried white antiperspirants and unrinsed soap is a major yuck for me too. Let's say my man comes home from work. He is dirty, sweaty and his clothes is stinking from a hard day's work. You go to hug him and he pulls you away and says he needs to rinse off. He jumps in the shower, rinses his entire body and comes back out to you all clean from the grime on him. When he comes back to you he is clean but he still has his natural scent that you love. He is a man and still has the natural scent that you love.

Thank you for posting, Ben.
Stowe, I do have a life and a good one. I post on these forums to stimulate discussions. We entertain ourselves with listening to other's opinions. It is not that I have nothing to do or am bored, but when I have a thought about something I like to share it with the others. This is suppose to be a fun place to hang out, so let us have fun. OK?


(smoke some ganga. It's the miracle medicine of mankind!)

I'm happy for you. I just have a low tolerance for inane topics.

Peace and love,

I will tell you Louis, I love(others) feet! I suck and receive the same, but they must be clean, manicured and maintained. I do a pedi every two weeks and, to be honest, my feet have not seen the light of day in years (the alabaster coloring is unreal). I'm sure I fall into the fetish category, as I love to watch the boy's toes curl in the videos, but as for my own, I just get paranoid.
Louis, he wouldn't have time to take a shower if I met him at the door, I'd strip him down right there and attack him. After it's all over he can take a nice relaxing bath while I make him dinner.

When I was 16 I worked on a construction site, the sights and scents drove me crazy, I also have a weakness for sweaty greasy mechanics. I miss the old days where mechanics would be naked under their coveralls in the summer and they'd have that zipper pulled down to their pubes showing off a sexy glistening chest. Now day they all have uniforms and there's hardly anything to look at. Teh same thing with construction guys now days, they can't wear shorts or take off their shirts.
.........................but guess we shouldn't really be commenting on them if we don't like............
I agree that if a topic doesn't interest me, I usually say nothing and move on to the next post or thread. What is "inane" to one person may be "fascinating" to the next. As the French say, "C'est la vie"!
What Mikeyank no comment on Benben's post? You love the sweaty. stinky boys of summer.
What Mikeyank no comment on Benben's post? You love the sweaty. stinky boys of summer.
True Peter, but I am a very fussy cocksucker, which is why I am practically celibate today, but on the right guy, some summer sweat and musk in the right places is a total aphrodisiac to me. :blush: :tmi:
Join the club lol... but guess we shouldn't really be commenting on them if we don't like. Not keen on unwashed guys though..

Oh, I don't know Jon. If people can post inane things we should be able to comment on them and their inane - ness!

I agree that if a topic doesn't interest me, I usually say nothing and move on to the next post or thread. What is "inane" to one person may be "fascinating" to the next. As the French say, "C'est la vie"!

Oh, I don't know, mikey. If I read something that doesn't interest me, I think I can comment on that fact and why. Also, I believe some things are objectively inane.
Oh, I don't know Jon. If people can post inane things we should be able to comment on them and their inane - ness!

Oh, I don't know, mikey. If I read something that doesn't interest me, I think I can comment on that fact and why. Also, I believe some things are objectively inane.

LOL this is getting so inane lol
I love the way some of these threads turn into a circus at times. Some love the high wire acts, the animal shows or even the clowns. The circus is fun, a little of everything for everyone.

I love the way some of these threads turn into a circus at times. Some love the high wire acts, the animal shows or even the clowns. The circus is fun, a little of everything for everyone.

That's one of the things that I've loved and continue to love about this forum Louis. We may start on one topic, and it can meander anywhere and everywhere. As I said on another thread, I think, Mark is very good to us in allowing us to use this forum as we like, within reason. And there are very few deletions or edits made by management.

And sure, I sometimes shake my head when I see topics brought up for discussion, but I know that other people shake their heads at some of the topics I bring up, (again and again lol). But we all have the option to just skim over or not read subjects that don't interest us. This is a very special place to me. Long Live the Broke Straight Boys Forum!!! :thumbup: