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With age comes wisdom, right???


BSB Addict
May 9, 2010
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Or does it just bring a shit ton of problems??? How many of you are suffering from potentially life changing and alarming changes in your health? All of my problems are related to my abundant feminine nature. I've got girly problems enough to write a novel about at the moment. And for the sake of your mostly male sensibilities, I'll spare you all the gory details, unless something life changing comes out of all this. Then I'll be bitching to you all regardless of how squeamish you might all be feeling about hearing the deets. But really, I spend more time trying to feel "normal" lately than I spend doing anything else, and it's starting to really piss me off. I eat a well balanced diet, although I eat too much of it, I drink LOTS of red wine, and I LOVE dark chocolate;) I see my doctor regularly, visit the chiropractor for my back and get a regular massage. I take all my vitamins and drink all the water I'm supposed to every day. I take care of 5 year olds all day, so you'd think that would count as my 30 minutes a day for sure! But I'm STRESSED and find that the things I used to enjoy no longer appeal to me. I'd rather bury my head in my pillows and hide, and cry. I might be having a little pity party here, but honestly, who's with me??? Surely there's someone out there who feels like I do?? I don't feel wise, I feel OLD!
Well, welcome to the human race with all its problems with ageing. I'm 57 yrs old and despite my healthy lifestyle, I can't seem to get a focus on my life. I feel like I'm drifting through whatever is left of my time here on earth. If it wasn't for work, I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. I would just deteriorate in my bed for all I care. My cats give a reason to keep going because they give me unconditional love - well, as long as I feed them and keep them clean. In the evenings, their small cold noses will rub up against mine and then I will thank God for little furry friends.

You are so right my dear! Whoever coined the term "Golden Years" was a real ass! That, or one of those rare persons who doesn't experience the decline in health that must of us do. There has been nothing "Golden" about growing old.
What's more, even living a healthy lifestyle is no guarantee that you won't have any problems as you age. Depressing, isn't it?
Enjoy your pity party! You have earned it. Take solace in knowing that you are in good company, then pass the party favors; Geritol, vitamins, something for pain, something for Blood Pressure, something for the GI system, and something for you brain, so you can remember to take all the rest of your meds.
When my dad asked me whether he should retire, I asked him whether he still loved his job? He said he did and I told don't retire. I rather have you died doing the thing you love and waste away in some nursing home. He retired and died in a veterans home.
Well, it was a good news bad news kind of week for Lovelumps, and it's early yet in the week. I have been having some issues of the kind most of you would really hate for me to recount. However, the good news is that I don't have cancer, which is what my doctor and I were worried about considering my symptoms. However, I am well into the big change... for those of you who might now know what I'm referring to, I'm fully enjoying the big "M"... Menopause. Who knew it could happen at 43. Hot flashes, mood swings, depression, full on rages for no apparent reason, intolerance of stupidity... yep. That's my reality now. But I can't tell you how well I slept last night knowing that I don't have to worry about anything more at the moment than remembering to take a hormone pill 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off for... for however long.
Well, it was a good news bad news kind of week for Lovelumps, and it's early yet in the week. I have been having some issues of the kind most of you would really hate for me to recount. However, the good news is that I don't have cancer, which is what my doctor and I were worried about considering my symptoms. However, I am well into the big change... for those of you who might now know what I'm referring to, I'm fully enjoying the big "M"... Menopause. Who knew it could happen at 43. Hot flashes, mood swings, depression, full on rages for no apparent reason, intolerance of stupidity... yep. That's my reality now. But I can't tell you how well I slept last night knowing that I don't have to worry about anything more at the moment than remembering to take a hormone pill 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off for... for however long.

That is GREAT news! Sorry about the big M and all the inconveniences that it entails, but I am so glad that the big C is off the table.:thumbup:
Thanks, Ms K. It was freaking me out a lot over the last month. I think I didn't realize just how much it was effecting me until I got the good news yesterday. Whew!
I'm very glad you're doing well, health wise, inspite of the changes the Big M is bringing. Take care, Laura! Now that we've lost the Divine Ms. D., you and Ms K. Are the only two ladies left to keep us opinionated guys balanced!
I'm very glad you're doing well, health wise, inspite of the changes the Big M is bringing. Take care, Laura! Now that we've lost the Divine Ms. D., you and Ms K. Are the only two ladies left to keep us opinionated guys balanced!

Not true Tequila. We just talk more than the others.:scared:

Isn't getting old grand? Honey, come back in 20 years and then we'll talk! Seriously though, glad you are only suffering the aging process and not anything more serious, I know what a relief that must have been. I am truly glad for you.

By the way, love your avatar. You look pretty damn good standing there with that hunk. I am jealous! Not of you personally, but all who live in cities where these gorgeous boys might show up.

Isn't getting old grand? Honey, come back in 20 yeArs and then we'll talk! Seriously though, glad you are only suffering the aging process and not anything more serious, I know what a relief that must have been.

By the way, love your avatar. You look pretty damn good standing there with that hunk. I am jealous! Not of you personally, but all who live in cities where these gorgeous boys might show up.

Isn't getting old grand? Honey, come back in 20 yeArs and then we'll talk! Seriously though, glad you are only suffering the aging process and not anything more serious, I know what a relief that must have been.

By the way, love your avatar. You look pretty damn good standing there with that hunk. I am jealous! Not of you personally, but all who live in cities where these gorgeous boys might show up.

Thanks, JLipps! It was a huge relief!

And incidentally, I traveled 1350 miles to get that pic! It was soooo worth it, too:)
I'm very glad you're doing well, health wise, inspite of the changes the Big M is bringing. Take care, Laura! Now that we've lost the Divine Ms. D., you and Ms K. Are the only two ladies left to keep us opinionated guys balanced!

Um... well.... when you see my other post... I'm afraid you're in the very capable hands of the Divine Ms K, and hers alone, unless there are some women lurking that we don't know about:(
You're too young!

You are way too young to start feeling the effects of aging. As a person dealing with Parkinson's, Diabetes, and Heart Disease, I can tell you that I am so happy for the good days! ::001_rolleyes:
You are way too young to start feeling the effects of aging. As a person dealing with Parkinson's, Diabetes, and Heart Disease, I can tell you that I am so happy for the good days! ::001_rolleyes:

That's what I thought, too. However, the test results aren't lying. But considering I have a very dear friend battling stage 4 breast cancer right now, I'm just grateful that all I have is early onset menopause. Perspective.

I wish you well with your personal battles.

I'd love to have that drink with you at El Chile sometime!
My goodness, is there anything I can do for you, poor suffering people? I thought surviving Stanlingrad was bad, growing old with chronic ailments is worst.