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Why do ugly guys hit on cute guys

Dude, I pray that you are only 18 years old. Because, if you're any older (...poor grammar aside) you're a fool!! You are far too shallow for these responses.

Some things are much better left unsaid!...perhaps, you'll learn that as you continue to live and mature...? So sad ;-(
Guys i think there are two options in this discussions. To take the "politically correct" opinion on the matter or the.....not so politically correct one :)

The truth is that looks do matter. They are not everything, but they are importand. If they were not we wouldn't be members of this or any other porn site, looking at all the hot models that are involved in this business. And I'm sorry but its not just gay men.

Every aspect of our lives is influnced by Personal Appearance.It affects the way nurses
treat newborns in the same way that it shapes the manner in which
parents act and react with their children. PA influences a child’s self image
and becomes a significant factor in how teachers evaluate,
assist, and grade pupils from kindergarten to graduate school. It’s a
key factor in finding and keeping mates and close friends, in choosing
an occupation, in finding or keeping a job, and in defining the
limits of an individual’s success in a chosen field.

But looks fade and although when you are young this might seem like a really distant future, in reality you need to develop yourself and make yourself broad enough and rich enough so that when looks fade, you have a safety net to fall back on.
Guys i think there are two options in this discussions. To take the "politically correct" opinion on the matter or the.....not so politically correct one :)

The truth is that looks do matter. They are not everything, but they are importand. If they were not we wouldn't be members of this or any other porn site, looking at all the hot models that are involved in this business. And I'm sorry but its not just gay men.

Every aspect of our lives is influnced by Personal Appearance.It affects the way nurses
treat newborns in the same way that it shapes the manner in which
parents act and react with their children. PA influences a child’s self image
and becomes a significant factor in how teachers evaluate,
assist, and grade pupils from kindergarten to graduate school. It’s a
key factor in finding and keeping mates and close friends, in choosing
an occupation, in finding or keeping a job, and in defining the
limits of an individual’s success in a chosen field.

But looks fade and although when you are young this might seem like a really distant future, in reality you need to develop yourself and make yourself broad enough and rich enough so that when looks fade, you have a safety net to fall back on.
You speak the truth Elementstv. It is one of the unspoken truisms in life. Well said.
I am a girl who always had a "type". My first boyfriend set the standard really high in the looks department and I just kept trying to find him again and again. We were in HS, he was an exchange student, a soccer player, tall, fabulous legs, amazing dark blue eyes, hair any man would be jealous of and lips I could have kissed forever. But he went home after that year and I went on a quest. I met another man in college who really reminded me of "him" in looks, but in personality and intelligence, he fell way short. But, I was in love with the package, so we were together for longer than we should have been. When that finally ended, I continued the pattern, pretty package, lots of physical attraction, no mind connection. I had MANY one night stands and a few lovers along the way. Way more than any other woman I know.

Then one night I met a guy, a friend of a friend. He was cute. Not tall, not hot, not built, not sexy. But he was funny, charming, intelligent, cute, interesting and interested in me, and in many of the same things that interest me. I don't think that I'd ever had a conversation with a man quite like the one I had with him that night.

We hung out for 6 months, playing poker every Tuesday, going out on Saturdays with friends, sometimes getting together to cook. But not to date. I made myself pretty clear. Just friends. He was a 25 year old virgin, and I mean virgin. Never been kissed. I had an embarrassingly long line of partners. Very uncharacteristic for a girl in her early 20's at the time.

When I was home visiting my family the Christmas after I met him, he called. I'd been talking to my dad about school, friends, boys, and so my dad said, "Who are you talking to, your boyfriend?" I think my heart stopped.

When I got back to school, he picked me up at the airport, we went to dinner and back to my apartment. I told him that I wanted our relationship to move forward romantically and then I kissed him. He didn't kiss me back. He left. 2 hours later, he knocked on my door. He'd been sitting outside my door for 2 hours trying to decide how to come back. We kissed again. For a couple of weeks, we just kissed and took things slowly. I had some tests run.... We became lovers and have been for 20 years. He is my best friend, my favorite person in the world, my husband, the father of my children and I am more in love with him today than I was that day 20 years ago after one flippant sentence from my dad. And I find him incredibly handsome and sexy now, and I kiss him as much as I can.
@lovelumps: Gosh that is just wonderful. I am in a similar position like you, my 1st boyfriend set the standard pretty high in the looks departmment. And i have been questing for a similar boyfriend ever since, sometimes with more success than others.

But something clicked as i was reading your story. I am not saying that looks don't matter cause they do. But in the end you want someone to just be with, to be comfortable in your own skin and have fun with. Your story is inspirational.Bravo !
So what's your problem, you can't say "no thanks"? You think it's some kind of rudeness to approach someone who is "out of your league"? Here's the answer to your question. Sometimes those "ugly people" get a yes because not all "attractive" people are shallow and only interested in people as attractive as they are.

Some people do have to learn how to approach people without being rude and some people have to learn how to say no without being rude. It's a matter of mutual respect.