Wow, see we get all sorts of people on here. Professor eh, how clever is that, so what was your subject or subjects. I never did uni as I went straight from school to an apprenticeship (which I do not regret). Do you have lots of reel to reel recordings that you see in tv archive programmes ? Where in America is the state of Bliss lol xx ha
Thanks, jon.
I taught Theatre arts and literature, plus Public Speaking. I directed a slew of college productions, both musical and straight. As for the collecting, what I have runs the gamut from cylinders (pre-1900) to DVDs. And nearly every format in between. When I pass on, they're all going to our Library Of Congress. I also have amassed a closet full of gay porn, which definitely ISN'T going to the LOC ! lol
This first paragraph was posted by joninliverton. Sorry, I don't know how to include quotes