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who on the new BSB would you want in a orgy scene?

Which of the models on the new Broke Straight Boys site do you want to see in a orgy? My list is Mark, Colin, Zach, Rocco, Bobby, and Jimmy. Tell your choices and maybe Broke Straight Boys will listen to the members and do it.

Good list, but I for one, can't imagine Jimmy agreeing to do a group scene. One person at a time is about all he can stomach would be my guess.
Good list, but I for one, can't imagine Jimmy agreeing to do a group scene. One person at a time is about all he can stomach would be my guess.

Jimmy would bring nuance and edge but Balboa is right:
Bobby, Mick, Jack, Rocco and Colin
on a hellish camping trip with beer, mosquitoes and semen


...and Clay in that tight wifebeater with the rip in the back
and rockin' those bad plaid bermudas he stole from his brother
Not much into orgy scenes

There have been *very few* orgy scenes, on any site or any porn video, that I have found interesting (notable exceptions are the earlier "Aspen" videos). I don't even like three-way scenes that much. When fucking is involved, I prefer it if the bottom is able to vocalize, and I prefer the focus be on a single pair of people. The muffled sound of a bottom with a cock in his mouth kills it for me--I so want to jump into the screen and push that third person out of the way! The switching back and forth between multiple pairs is distracting. The "Aspen" videos tended to do long shots on a single couple, so the action was not so disjointed, and that's why those were OK.

The one time when a three-way pretty much always works for me is when two guys are using a double-headed Dildo with the third teasing them with it.
I think most three-ways are...

There have been *very few* orgy scenes, on any site or any porn video, that I have found interesting (notable exceptions are the earlier "Aspen" videos). I don't even like three-way scenes that much. When fucking is involved, I prefer it if the bottom is able to vocalize, and I prefer the focus be on a single pair of people. The muffled sound of a bottom with a cock in his mouth kills it for me--I so want to jump into the screen and push that third person out of the way! The switching back and forth between multiple pairs is distracting. The "Aspen" videos tended to do long shots on a single couple, so the action was not so disjointed, and that's why those were OK.

The one time when a three-way pretty much always works for me is when two guys are using a double-headed Dildo with the third teasing them with it.

Dear navelluver,

I think most three-ways are no-ways for me to get much enjoyment. I don't like three-ring circuses, much less 3 brown-eyes all perfectly lined-up and waiting their eventual fate. It is almost like applying automation techniques to filming (ala Charlie Chaplin's classic film Modern Times)


without providing the intensity it truly deserves. It is as if you are seeing a "porn-cassarole with a little white cheese" sprinkled randomly on the dish, when all you really wanted is to concentrate on a "specific couple" long-enough to get something HOT out of it and, hopefully, out of you too. Even the description above sounds a bit "CHEESY".

It seems there is always a "third wheel" that only gets half the attention lavished on them that the other two are getting. Therefore, I wholeheartedly subscribe to the following mindset:

Two's company, and three is a crowd!


i would love to see Chasen back on here, or has he moved to a different site?:001_tt2::001_tt2:
I'd like to see Jack, Mick, Mark, Sam, and Zach, dear sweet little Zach, though it seems he won't ever be back. Oh, and Jason.
I agree with others who aren't too impressed with the three-way scenes. The way they are filmed here, they really don't bring much excitement. That being said, the original question on this thread called for an orgy, and a three-way is not an orgy, it's just a three-way.
Cluster Fuck...

Found a decent BSB1 orgy scene. Zach, Mike, Cody and Luke. A Christmas special!!! The guys are hot (especially Luke), the fucking is decent and the cum scenes great, with Luke licking his own cum off Mikey.
I'm not a big fan of group gang bangs, but this was pretty good.
I agree with others who aren't too impressed with the three-way scenes. The way they are filmed here, they really don't bring much excitement. That being said, the original question on this thread called for an orgy, and a three-way is not an orgy, it's just a three-way.

Just so it's clear to others, who might be prone to take offense and claim we are showing "disrespect" to the people who make Broke Straight Boys, I don't typically like ANY scenes with more than two performers, on ANY site or in ANY video. It's not just a Broke Straight Boys thing.
I think most three-ways are no-ways for me to get much enjoyment. I don't like three-ring circuses, much less 3 brown-eyes all perfectly lined-up and waiting their eventual fate. It is almost like applying automation techniques to filming (ala Charlie Chaplin's classic)...

Thanks, cumrag27, especially for that link to the "Modern Times" clip. That scene always cracks me up!
I must admit to enjoying a 3 - way but I especially like one if the bottom is getting DPed by the 2 tops which is something that would really liven up a good Broke Straight Boys orgy. I would love to see Mike and Diesal DP Shane.. That would drive me WILD!! :001_rolleyes::001_tt1:
An orgy scene would be great

First, I would like the scene to have no set tops or bottoms. Flip/Flop fucking
Just let the guys have fun.
As for ther Models
Mick, Bobby, Jack, Colin, Zack, Mark, and Kevin
Give the guys a chance to surprise us.:thumbup1::drool::001_tongue:
After watching today's new video, I think that Mark would be a great bottom for multiple tops. Now that we know he will eat cum, just think of the fun everyone could have.
I believe that for a successful orgy scene you need a great bottom or two. My choices are Mark and Darren. The others must be at least above-average fuckers; and, my choices are Kevin, Jamie and Mick. These may not be the greatest fuckers but they can also switch and be bottoms as the scene demands. Kissing is not usually expected or done during an orgy scene. Instead passionate fucking, rapid-repeating fucking and fucking till the cows-come-home and lastly, fucking-till-I-blow-in-your-ass are the only items on the orgy menu. Did I mention dirty language, and all sorts of "uhs" and "ahs"?
After watching today's new video, I think that Mark would be a great bottom for multiple tops. Now that we know he will eat cum, just think of the fun everyone could have.

I agree too. Mark is my first (and second) choice bottoming for multiple tops. Hope it happens soon.