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Where is Jason ???


BSB Addict
Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
San Francisco Ca
Where is Jason ? Does anyone know ? So many boy's gone. Without a goodby . Is he still with us ?
No scene since January. But he is a biggie to me. Miss allot of boys. But Jason was such a major part of BSBs.
Just curious . If anyone knows let me know. I miss him....Hope I posted in the right place Jon ?
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Yes Johnny. Right place. lol Great sentiments too. I agree that I'd like to see Jason back with us soon also. :)
I follow the forum Threads regularly even if I do not post myself. Based on what I've picked up on; if enough requests are made, there seems to be an attempt at getting models back if and when, they are available. All I can suggest is, if you want someone back...."Make Some Noise"! At the very least, that model may no longer be available but, it doesn't hurt to try!

On that note: :Alan North, Sonny, Colby Jones, Zander Floyd Angel M... where 'dey at??? :confused1:
I follow the forum Threads regularly even if I do not post myself. Based on what I've picked up on; if enough requests are made, there seems to be an attempt at getting models back if and when, they are available. All I can suggest is, if you want someone back...."Make Some Noise"! At the very least, that model may no longer be available but, it doesn't hurt to try!

On that note: :Alan North, Sonny, Colby Jones, Zander Floyd Angel M... where 'dey at??? :confused1:
I have one word to add to that..............................AYDEN??? :smiley-love021:
as well as blake and brandon!

You aren't just whistling Dixie. haha You said it Gardenboy! I would love to see both of them. We know there's a good chance of having Blake back fairly soon. I couldn't agree with you more on Brandon Beal. I'm a big fan of his. His picture has been used often during the entrance to the site. He's been on a small batch of event tours. Beyond that he hasn't been promoted much on the site itself compared to some other models. In spite of that he seems to have always been rated by members in the top 5-8 models of the whole site. :thumbup1:
Getting back to Johnny's original question, I'd love for Mark, Sha or Johnny Robins to tell us if we will see Jason here again. He is like Dorian Gray as he never ages, still looks smoking hot and has made some of the hottest scenes in the history of Broke Straight Boys
I have told three or four models from Broke Straight Boys that they are my favorites.
I remember the first as if it were yesterday. Austin, in long beach. my all-time favorite model. he introduce me to sha which led to a great relationship.
next came Jason! all-time favorite Broke Straight Boys model. he never changed, while the world changed around him. another one of those long beach experience.
blake is my favorite Broke Straight Boys model. long beach, the sun, the moon, special viewing glasses, and someone to share watching the moon cover the sun.
colin is my favorite model, because we shared private time on flirt for free. the experience and cost were worth it to me and he earned his title.
then there was paul and long beach. my favorite new model.
but this thread is about Jason. would love to see him again. we will always have long beach and the archive. a favorite by any title.
Hey, guys. . .

I am totally in sympathy with those of you who'd like to see some of our favourites back! I'd love to see Adam back! And, like Beth, I'd LOVE to see Blake return, in triumph!!!

But, bien sur, JASON is at the top of this list, for me, another1!!! I loved Jason, from the first moment I saw him on College Dudes - and then on Broke Straight Boys He is so cute and funny and yes indeed, another1, ageless. I love his eyes, I love his smile, and I love the way he KISSES. Jason Matthews is, for me, the very master and monarch of ALL THINGS EROTIC, and each successive performance inspires me more, and more. (And more.)

I tried a little experiment, this weekend. Usually, I am turned on as much (or more) by my EARS, as by my EYES. . . hearing the models sigh and moan and express their pleasure, orally, can get me off even with my eyes closed. . . . and JASON is absolutely a standout, in this regard.

But I wondered, would Jason inspire me so much, without any sound??? So I watched a brace of his finest videos, with the sound turned off. I was surprised, that this turned me on as much or EVEN MORE. . . watching Jason KISS, and seeing the passion in his deep brown eyes, made me feel that I was seeing Rudolph Valentino make love, on the silver screen. It was absolutely erotic, SEEING Jason kiss, and imagining the dialogue, in my innermost mind. . .

So, yes, Johnny and another1 - I would LOVE to see Jason Matthews back again - doing ANYTHING! I can't tell you how many long, black, arctic nights he's filled my heart with comfort. He's ageless; he's gorgeous; and he is (I think of anyone, from any studio I've experienced) - the greatest lover of ALL TIME.

If he's up for it. . . . let's bring Jason HOME!!!


I remember saying to jason and blake during our interview (I think) that good porn need not depend upon sound.
I am a voyeur and getting anyone to wear a microphone or speak louder would be no easy feat.
Just been watching a few of Jason's scenes. His an awesome model and can suck a mean dick!
Just been watching a few of Jason's scenes. His an awesome model and can suck a mean dick!

Lot of guys have come and gone since I have been a member. Management has never said a word. But lately they seem to be a little more open with long term members.
With the TV show coming and all. I think we deserve to be told if Jason is gone ?
Lot of people have stayed with you through thick and thin . And will stay as you go into your new venture. And it will be those long term members that will be the first to try and watch the show.
So many boys I loved were just gone and never a word from you.
But to me Jason was a major part of Broke Straight Boys as was Adam. But I think you at least owe it to people who have stayed for years. A comment..
Is he gone ? Will he be back ? Just a courtesy to allot of his fans. Thank You...johnny
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Lot of guys have come and gone since I have been a member. Management has never said a word. But lately they seem to be a little more open with long term members.
With the TV show coming and all. I think we deserve to be told if Jason is gone ?
Lot of people have stayed with you through thick and thin . And will stay as you go into your new venture. And it will be those long term members that will be the first to try and watch the show.
So many boys I loved were just gone and never a word from you.
But to me Jason was a major part of Broke Straight Boys as was Adam. But I think you at least owe it to people who have stayed for years. A comment..
Is he gone ? Will he be back ? Just a courtesy to allot of his fans. Thank You...johnny


Hey, Johnny - - - your thread prompted me to have a personal little Jason Matthews FESTIVAL, here at the arctic circle, this weekend. To me, Jason's wit and quips and joie de vivre are always heartbreakingly charming. . . and, I think - NO MODEL I've ever seen - on this or any other site - can equal Jason, as a lover.

I too, am craving his return. I hope he comes home again, soon.


"Come home to me" - written by Ernie Halter, sung by MikeYank's b/f. . . Justin Bieber ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMjUxkIHGsk

Hey, Johnny - - - your thread prompted me to have a personal little Jason Matthews FESTIVAL, here at the arctic circle, this weekend. To me, Jason's wit and quips and joie de vivre are always heartbreakingly charming. . . and, I think - NO MODEL I've ever seen - on this or any other site - can equal Jason, as a lover.

I too, am craving his return. I hope he comes home again, soon.


"Come home to me" - written by Ernie Halter, sung by MikeYank's b/f. . . Justin Bieber ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMjUxkIHGsk

Hi Ambi
Your the Best. A little Bieber for mike. I don't think there going to tell us anything about Jason.Too bad. Hope they are holding off for a big surprise. They really can use him these day's. Pairings seems to be off .There bringing back Anthony but as much as I really do like Kaden Alexander. Don't seem right.
But I'm paying for the Forum it seems. Not the porn. Seem to be watching more of the past scenes these day's.
Nothing has blown me away lately. Maybe Ronans wiener and Tylers smile ,Tates butt. Hope your doing well my friend.
Notice he is not in any of the trailers...Also.. one more thing. Why not use Dakota more ?
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