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Whats happening?

Why is nothing happening on Broke Straight Boys?
Is the old Broke Straight Boys coming back? I hope so!

The old Broke Straight Boys is not coming back. Mark has decided to ruin a great web site and make it the Jimmy Johnson show. He has announced that jimmy is the face of the new BSB2 so it is going to be if you want to be on the site you have to please jimmy who will do the same old same old. Unless you are willing to blow smoke up jimmy's ass you are not welcome to post either. He or his worshippers will tell you if you do not praise jimmy stop posting.
It turns out that if you do not want to financially support jimmy's family your only option is to cancel your subscription like me and a few ohter members have done.

R I P Broke Straight Boys
The old Broke Straight Boys is not coming back. Mark has decided to ruin a great web site and make it the Jimmy Johnson show. He has announced that jimmy is the face of the new BSB2 so it is going to be if you want to be on the site you have to please jimmy who will do the same old same old. Unless you are willing to blow smoke up jimmy's ass you are not welcome to post either. He or his worshippers will tell you if you do not praise jimmy stop posting.
It turns out that if you do not want to financially support jimmy's family your only option is to cancel your subscription like me and a few ohter members have done.

R I P Broke Straight Boys

First let me say upfront that I like Jimmy. I like him because he reminds me of a dear friend who is no longer with us and the close, intimate relationship we had. I do not worship Jimmy nor any person. But in the face of some hyperbole here, I decided to take the time and check the stats. So here goes:

BSB2.0 was launched on Apr. 2, 2011 with Jimmy's solo. From April 2 through October 24 there have been 89 scenes posted. There have been 34 different actors involved. 30 of them have been in 2 or more scenes. Here are the 5 highest:

1. Jimmy - In 20 of 89 eligible scenes - 22.5% (first scene - Apr.2)
2. Rocco - In 11 of 88 eligible scenes - 12.5% (first scene - Apr.4)
3. Jamie - In 14 of 86 eligible scenes - 16.3% (first scene - Apr.9)
4. Darren - In 12 0f 76 eligible scenes - 15.8% (first scene - May 2)
5. Bobby - In 14 of 73 eligible scenes - 19.2% (first scene - May 9)

Based on either the raw number of scenes in which he appeared or the more accurate percent of eligible scenes, the data are not overwhelming to the point where BSB2.0 can be called "The Jimmy Johnson Show".

I respect your opinion, nonetheless. And if the site just isn't doing it for you anymore, than by all means find one that does. For me, there are actors or scenes that I do not prefer and I just don't watch them. But I still find enough here to stay. I wish you could too; but, since you can't, I hope you can find another site better suited to your desires.

And by the way, I think I have read every post on every thread about Jimmy - I can't be sure however. But speaking for myself I never suggested that anyone who doesn't like Jimmy shouldn't post on the forum. I have only urged civility in the language used in posting. But if there were posts which suggested that you not do so because of your opinions on any subject, they were wrong and you should ignore them.

In any event,coxy57, good luck in the future and in finding a site which you like better than this one.
The old Broke Straight Boys is not coming back. Mark has decided to ruin a great web site and make it the Jimmy Johnson show. He has announced that jimmy is the face of the new BSB2 so it is going to be if you want to be on the site you have to please jimmy who will do the same old same old. Unless you are willing to blow smoke up jimmy's ass you are not welcome to post either. He or his worshippers will tell you if you do not praise jimmy stop posting.
It turns out that if you do not want to financially support jimmy's family your only option is to cancel your subscription like me and a few ohter members have done.

R I P Broke Straight Boys

I'm sorry to see you go, Coxy. :( You have always been brutally honest, and I really think you simply say what you think without worrying about being politically correct and I (usually) enjoy reading what you have to say. Hopefully someday you will come back and join us.
71 out of 89 scenes have involved one of these five models? That's stunning! I think the site needs to move these guys on. With that much exposure any model who hasn't done the circuit needs to move on. Bobby being the exception, of course, cause he is willing and so damn cute. LOL! Judging from your stats, these guys really do have a valid complaint stowe1. I think you made their case for them. :(
First let me say upfront that I like Jimmy. I like him because he reminds me of a dear friend who is no longer with us and the close, intimate relationship we had. I do not worship Jimmy nor any person. But in the face of some hyperbole here, I decided to take the time and check the stats. So here goes:

BSB2.0 was launched on Apr. 2, 2011 with Jimmy's solo. From April 2 through October 24 there have been 89 scenes posted. There have been 34 different actors involved. 30 of them have been in 2 or more scenes. Here are the 5 highest:

1. Jimmy - In 20 of 89 eligible scenes - 22.5% (first scene - Apr.2)
2. Rocco - In 11 of 88 eligible scenes - 12.5% (first scene - Apr.4)
3. Jamie - In 14 of 86 eligible scenes - 16.3% (first scene - Apr.9)
4. Darren - In 12 0f 76 eligible scenes - 15.8% (first scene - May 2)
5. Bobby - In 14 of 73 eligible scenes - 19.2% (first scene - May 9)

Based on either the raw number of scenes in which he appeared or the more accurate percent of eligible scenes, the data are not overwhelming to the point where BSB2.0 can be called "The Jimmy Johnson Show".

I respect your opinion, nonetheless. And if the site just isn't doing it for you anymore, than by all means find one that does. For me, there are actors or scenes that I do not prefer and I just don't watch them. But I still find enough here to stay. I wish you could too; but, since you can't, I hope you can find another site better suited to your desires.

And by the way, I think I have read every post on every thread about Jimmy - I can't be sure however. But speaking for myself I never suggested that anyone who doesn't like Jimmy shouldn't post on the forum. I have only urged civility in the language used in posting. But if there were posts which suggested that you not do so because of your opinions on any subject, they were wrong and you should ignore them.

In any event,coxy57, good luck in the future and in finding a site which you like better than this one.

If you read all the posts you would know the biggest offender to tell people to stop posting is jimmy. He only wants people to post that love watching the same old same old. It is bad enough we have to put up with his crap on camera never mind off. These people who he does not want to hear from are ones paying his salary.
If you are going to check the stats why did you not check the most important stat, how he rated. He has few scenes rated over 4 and most are low to mid 3 with 4 or 5 BELOW 3. The only time he gets over 4 is when his partner does one hell of a scene. NO model is rated worse yet he is the face of BSB2. He is more like the farce of BSB2. I believe he might be a nice guy like all his fans claim but a porn star he is not. You would think that after 20 episodes we would get more then just him being pleased. He does not like doing gay porn yet all his so called fans want him to do something he obviously does not want to do and yet they call themselves fans.
I am can hear him laughing all the way to the bank.
If you read all the posts you would know the biggest offender to tell people to stop posting is jimmy. He only wants people to post that love watching the same old same old. It is bad enough we have to put up with his crap on camera never mind off. These people who he does not want to hear from are ones paying his salary.
If you are going to check the stats why did you not check the most important stat, how he rated. He has few scenes rated over 4 and most are low to mid 3 with 4 or 5 BELOW 3. The only time he gets over 4 is when his partner does one hell of a scene. NO model is rated worse yet he is the face of BSB2. He is more like the farce of BSB2. I believe he might be a nice guy like all his fans claim but a porn star he is not. You would think that after 20 episodes we would get more then just him being pleased. He does not like doing gay porn yet all his so called fans want him to do something he obviously does not want to do and yet they call themselves fans.
I am can hear him laughing all the way to the bank.

Coxy I actually disagree with you here my friend, I actually DON'T want Jimmy to do stuff he doesn't feel comfortable with. He's already doing stuff he doesn't want to do by being in the scenes, but it's an opportunity for him to make some quick money.
Unless you are willing to blow smoke up jimmy's ass you are not welcome to post either. He or his worshippers will tell you if you do not praise jimmy stop posting.

This is not true. Everybody is welcome to post here even if you don't care for Jimmy. And if a member tells you otherwise, please let me know and I'll take care of it.
Unless you are willing to blow smoke up jimmy's ass you are not welcome to post either. He or his worshippers will tell you if you do not praise jimmy stop posting.
Coxy, while I typically disagree with your posts, and speaking as one of Jimmy's "worshippers", I have to tell you that I don't know where you got the impression that you were not welcome to post. If someone disagrees with your post and challenges you on it, that is called debate. It is not an attempt to muzzle you in any way. This is a free and open forum and unless we personally insult someone, we are allowed to say our peace.

As Abe said, you are brutally honest and say what you are thinking, and that makes for an interesting person to read. I think it's a shame that you are leaving here over one model, but whether you decide to stay or go, please be aware that I read these boards pretty thoroughly, and I can't recall anyone asking or telling you not to post here.
57 scenes have involved one or more of the steady 5.
guys come, cum and go!
i try to enjoy the things along the way on trip and not miss things trying to some finish line.
if i could be said to worship any model at Broke Straight Boys, it would have to be colin.
the top five, bobby, darren, jamie, jimmy, rocco and colin, chad, seth, and aj and all the guys to come (cum) keep me here.
i have always think when i want tell someone they suck and i don't mean it in a good way, that could say it another way.
when i have post non-anti-jimmy comments, i have been told to butt out.
as the mother superior said to the noviate. just lift your apron and say, shoo, shoo!
you see the birds fuckoff without being told.
thus the ignore list.
71 out of 89 scenes have involved one of these five models? That's stunning! I think the site needs to move these guys on. With that much exposure any model who hasn't done the circuit needs to move on. Bobby being the exception, of course, cause he is willing and so damn cute. LOL! Judging from your stats, these guys really do have a valid complaint stowe1. I think you made their case for them. :(

That is not accurate. Some of the 89 scenes featured some of the top 5 together (e.g. Jamie & Darren) and two of them were Bukkakes where two or three of the top 5 appeared. Thats why I said they were in a certain number of eligible (meaning since their first) scenes.

The contention was that Jimmy had such an overwhelming presence that BSB2 should be called "The Jimmy Johnson" show. I don't think the stats support that. If you own 22% of something there are others who own 78% of it. If you are on a website 22% of the time, it is hardly your website.
If you read all the posts you would know the biggest offender to tell people to stop posting is jimmy. He only wants people to post that love watching the same old same old. It is bad enough we have to put up with his crap on camera never mind off. These people who he does not want to hear from are ones paying his salary.
If you are going to check the stats why did you not check the most important stat, how he rated. He has few scenes rated over 4 and most are low to mid 3 with 4 or 5 BELOW 3. The only time he gets over 4 is when his partner does one hell of a scene. NO model is rated worse yet he is the face of BSB2. He is more like the farce of BSB2. I believe he might be a nice guy like all his fans claim but a porn star he is not. You would think that after 20 episodes we would get more then just him being pleased. He does not like doing gay porn yet all his so called fans want him to do something he obviously does not want to do and yet they call themselves fans.
I am can hear him laughing all the way to the bank.

First of all, I said I think I have read all the posts - and then for emphasis I added, but I'm not sure however. The one thing I do remember about Jimmy's posts is that he has said if you don't like his scenes, just skip over them. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just can't remember anyone including Jimmy telling anybody not to post because they posted negative things about him. I will gladly cede your point if you can give me a few examples.

I do recall Jimmy using the term "porn star" in a post and in my recent thread for him, one of the points I made was that neither he nor anyone on this site for that matter can be considered porn STARS - they haven't put enough time in and produced enough material to reach that level. They are porn actors (as opposed to "models").

To use the rating system would not be accurate because it is not a statiscally controlled sample of the membership or even the viewership. And in this particular case those who don't like Jimmy are much more incentivized to vote than those who do. In my own case, I rarely vote immediately after watching a scene unless it's one that I didn't like because if I liked it, my thoughts are elsewhere. I usually end up voting after re-watching a scene at least once because the first time I am watching it with a "lustful" eye whereas the second or third time I will pay more attention to the "technical" and personal actions in the scene.

I am a fan of Jimmy's for the reason I stated in my first post on this thread. I can't speak for anyone else who likes him. But my reason for liking him is just as valid as yours for not liking him, and it makes me a "fan" not a "so-called" fan just as yours makes you a non-fan not a "so-called" non-fan.

And just to be accurate, dues from the total membership supply the funds from which actors' salaries are paid. I doubt greatly that Mark has a computer program that segregates out the dues from members whom Jimmy supposedly doesn't want to hear from and use them to pay Jimmy specifically.
That is not accurate. Some of the 89 scenes featured some of the top 5 together (e.g. Jamie & Darren) and two of them were Bukkakes where two or three of the top 5 appeared. Thats why I said they were in a certain number of eligible (meaning since their first) scenes.

The contention was that Jimmy had such an overwhelming presence that BSB2 should be called "The Jimmy Johnson" show. I don't think the stats support that. If you own 22% of something there are others who own 78% of it. If you are on a website 22% of the time, it is hardly your website.

57 scenes out of 89 is still way over half. As a matter of fact it is two-thirds. I bet you can't find another site that favors five models that much. Let's face it. These models are over exposed and it's a good reason for subscribers to be upset and wonder if they are getting their money's worth. They have a legitimate beef. Instead of telling them to shop elsewhere, I think it would be prudent for the administration to address their grievances.:sleep:
I don't know where some people get their information! I have never been an ardent Jimmy fan, and I have posted my displeasure with Jimmy and his attitude more than once. Even so, Jimmy has never answered me with any disrespect, much less told me not to post or any such thing. That is just a load of crap, plain and simple. I've also read Jimmy's replies to many people who wrote negative comments, and recall none where Jimmy was disrespectful, mean, or telling people what they should post, or not post.

I usually don't even watch Jimmy, or Jamie shoots. I did watch his recent shoot with Bobby and I was impressed how different he was, and therefore enjoyed the episode, and I even rated it, although, certainly not a 5. I also don't typically rate episodes when I first watch one, but rather, only after having watched 2 or more times, and in all honesty, I have rarely rated ANY episode on Broke Straight Boys 2 greater than a 4. But that was
true for Broke Straight Boys 1 as well.

I have been with Broke Straight Boys since 2006 and only page 1. I viewed for almost 3 years before I ever rated an episode, or joined the forum. The point? Well, that there are thousands of Broke Straight Boys members, but only a few hundred forum members, and even some forum members don'r rate scenes. Considering that, there is no real evidence to substantiate that any particular model, or episode has a monopoly. People come and people go. My guess is that in a year or two, there will be some other model who appears to be the favored one, and who will stir the same controversies as Jimmy does today. Much like on Broke Straight Boys 1, with boys like Mike R., Tyler, Austin, and others who at times polarized the forum with those in support and those who were not.

The bottom line is that Broke Straight Boys is online for one reason, to make money, and they have been quite successful at it. Anyone who doesn't like it, is certainly welcome to go elsewhere. Broke Straight Boys is not here for my exclusive pleasure, nor ANYONE else's. They are here to make money, plain and simple. And, its like anything else, if you don't like the product, you don't return to buy it. If you buy a car, and a year later you are not happy with it, and you are not pleased with the service the dealer provides, do you return and buy another cAr from that dealer? My guess is no, you go elsewhere.

I have been watching porn for more years than I care to remember. I have been to many other sites. No where does any site give its members all that this site provides!
Sometimes great episodes, sometimes not so great, but Broke Straight Boys also provides the ability to voice your opinion. On top of that, we are allowed to engage the models, or actors, or whatever you choose to call them, and that is unprecedented! And as if that were not enough, they provide us with the opportunity to actually MEET these young men in the Broke Straight Boys Gatherings. I can think back 30 or 40 years ago, and remember thinking how fantastic it would be to be able to actually meet a "porn star", and never in my wildest dreams think that one day it would actually come to pass! What more do you want?
Again, if anyone is that unhappy with Broke Straight Boys, or the models, or the forums, by all means, LEAVE! and let the rest of us enjoy it in peace. Even when we don't agree.
57 scenes out of 89 is still way over half. As a matter of fact it is two-thirds. I bet you can't find another site that favors five models that much. Let's face it. These models are over exposed and it's a good reason for subscribers to be upset and wonder if they are getting their money's worth. They have a legitimate beef. Instead of telling them to shop elsewhere, I think it would be prudent for the administration to address their grievances.:sleep:

Again, coxy57's contention is that JIMMY'S presence is so overwhelming that the site should be called "The Jimmy Johnson Show". The numbers don't support THAT premise. As to what you state above, I would have no way of knowing about other sites. But coxy57's contention was not based on 5, 10 or more models but on JIMMY. I don't recall (but that doesn't mean it hasn't been posted somewhere on the forum) anyone's complaining about the overuse of a certain number of models. But if so, that is different than the contention to which I was responding. Also I don't believe I've read anywhere of Mark or anyone else in mgmt telling subscribers to shop elsewhere.
I don't know where some people get their information! I have never been an ardent Jimmy fan, and I have posted my displeasure with Jimmy and his attitude more than once. Even so, Jimmy has never answered me with any disrespect, much less told me not to post or any such thing. That is just a load of crap, plain and simple. I've also read Jimmy's replies to many people who wrote negative comments, and recall none where Jimmy was disrespectful, mean, or telling people what they should post, or not post.

I usually don't even watch Jimmy, or Jamie shoots. I did watch his recent shoot with Bobby and I was impressed how different he was, and therefore enjoyed the episode, and I even rated it, although, certainly not a 5. I also don't typically rate episodes when I first watch one, but rather, only after having watched 2 or more times, and in all honesty, I have rarely rated ANY episode on Broke Straight Boys 2 greater than a 4. But that was
true for Broke Straight Boys 1 as well.

I have been with Broke Straight Boys since 2006 and only page 1. I viewed for almost 3 years before I ever rated an episode, or joined the forum. The point? Well, that there are thousands of Broke Straight Boys members, but only a few hundred forum members, and even some forum members don'r rate scenes. Considering that, there is no real evidence to substantiate that any particular model, or episode has a monopoly. People come and people go. My guess is that in a year or two, there will be some other model who appears to be the favored one, and who will stir the same controversies as Jimmy does today. Much like on Broke Straight Boys 1, with boys like Mike R., Tyler, Austin, and others who at times polarized the forum with those in support and those who were not.

The bottom line is that Broke Straight Boys is online for one reason, to make money, and they have been quite successful at it. Anyone who doesn't like it, is certainly welcome to go elsewhere. Broke Straight Boys is not here for my exclusive pleasure, nor ANYONE else's. They are here to make money, plain and simple. And, its like anything else, if you don't like the product, you don't return to buy it. If you buy a car, and a year later you are not happy with it, and you are not pleased with the service the dealer provides, do you return and buy another cAr from that dealer? My guess is no, you go elsewhere.

I have been watching porn for more years than I care to remember. I have been to many other sites. No where does any site give its members all that this site provides!
Sometimes great episodes, sometimes not so great, but Broke Straight Boys also provides the ability to voice your opinion. On top of that, we are allowed to engage the models, or actors, or whatever you choose to call them, and that is unprecedented! And as if that were not enough, they provide us with the opportunity to actually MEET these young men in the Broke Straight Boys Gatherings. I can think back 30 or 40 years ago, and remember thinking how fantastic it would be to be able to actually meet a "porn star", and never in my wildest dreams think that one day it would actually come to pass! What more do you want?
Again, if anyone is that unhappy with Broke Straight Boys, or the models, or the forums, by all means, LEAVE! and let the rest of us enjoy it in peace. Even when we don't agree.

JLipps4U - Thank you for a very thoughtful post. I tip my hat (if I wore one) to you.
I have been with Broke Straight Boys since 2006 and only page 1. I viewed for almost 3 years before I ever rated an episode, or joined the forum. The point? Well, that there are thousands of Broke Straight Boys members, but only a few hundred forum members, and even some forum members don'r rate scenes. Considering that, there is no real evidence to substantiate that any particular model, or episode has a monopoly. People come and people go. My guess is that in a year or two, there will be some other model who appears to be the favored one, and who will stir the same controversies as Jimmy does today. Much like on Broke Straight Boys 1, with boys like Mike R., Tyler, Austin, and others who at times polarized the forum with those in support and those who were not.
That is why I believe that folks on the forum give much greater significance to the "ratings" here than I do. It is a totally random, unscientific gauge of the popularity of scenes. The real ratings are the bottom line numbers. And yes, Jimmy is not the first polarizing model here, including the three you mentioned as well as Dustin, CJ, Diesal and other "frequent futon" visitors from the past.
Again, coxy57's contention is that JIMMY'S presence is so overwhelming that the site should be called "The Jimmy Johnson Show". The numbers don't support THAT premise. As to what you state above, I would have no way of knowing about other sites. But coxy57's contention was not based on 5, 10 or more models but on JIMMY. I don't recall (but that doesn't mean it hasn't been posted somewhere on the forum) anyone's complaining about the overuse of a certain number of models. But if so, that is different than the contention to which I was responding. Also I don't believe I've read anywhere of Mark or anyone else in mgmt telling subscribers to shop elsewhere.

"If the site isn't doing it for you then by all means find one that does." You should recognize those words, they are yours. I know your defense was for Jimmy. But you inadvertently brought to the fore the main complaint of several subscribers. Darren, Jamie, and Jimmy are the most complained about models on the site. Now you point out how over used they have been. With statistics, no less. I have been on many amateur porn sites that feature gay for pay models and none using so few models have been repeated in these percentages. I did notice that Jeremy Hall on the HS sites uses the same models over and over. Turn over is the spice of these sites. Over exposure leads to boredom for some. I want to point out that what I am posing is an intellectual argument for why some subscribers are dissatisfied with Broke Straight Boys They deserve a listen. They shouldn't be dismissed like they are malcontents. Just sayin'. PEACE! :biggrin:
Surely some improvements are possible!

"If the site isn't doing it for you then by all means find one that does." You should recognize those words, they are yours. I know your defense was for Jimmy. But you inadvertently brought to the fore the main complaint of several subscribers. Darren, Jamie, and Jimmy are the most complained about models on the site. Now you point out how over used they have been. With statistics, no less. I have been on many amateur porn sites that feature gay for pay models and none using so few models have been repeated in these percentages. I did notice that Jeremy Hall on the HS sites uses the same models over and over. Turn over is the spice of these sites. Over exposure leads to boredom for some. I want to point out that what I am posing is an intellectual argument for why some subscribers are dissatisfied with Broke Straight Boys They deserve a listen. They shouldn't be dismissed like they are malcontents. Just sayin'. PEACE! :biggrin:

Dear larkster

I would have to agree with both of your arguments about overuse of particular models. For sure the complaints are real and..."They deserve a listen." Concerning Jeremy Hall, I have never noticed any model failing to put out for him, not once! Of course, I have a sneaking feeling their willingness has been "personally tested and plowed" many times before during the casting process alone. But, the fact is that Jeremy certainly is versatile and really has a nice, muscular body all around. I think his performance is well worth missing the frequent disappointments inherent with tapping "exclusively straight" newbies or near-newbies.

However, Jeremy operates in a "highly controlled environment" much more that does Broke Straight Boys I really enjoy Broke Straight Boys for getting us a little familiar with the "person" behind the budding porn star. This gets a chance for "progression" to hopefully be observed and appreciated for all that it is worth. But "progression" doesn't have to cum only from certified "vestal virgins of the straight persuasion".

I believe in equal opportunities, regardless to their orientation. Bi- or Gay guys along with willing straight guys can be worthy candidates for future Broke Straight Boys episodes, too and just as interesting as each variety discovers the inner workings of their sexuality. NO, I WOULD NEVER SUGGEST Broke Straight Boys RESORT TO EXCLUSIVELY GAY OR BI MODELS! However, for the sake of variety, it would be nice to see a willing face more frequently on the "futon", one that doesn't snear at the prospects of showing interest while experiencing new things they could never achieve alone at home.

Sincerely hopeful to see more diversity among Broke Straight Boys models,
