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What would you give up, to keep Undie?

Ms. Kianna

BSB Addict
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
It has come to my attention that Undie is leaving us. This is heartbreaking news. Undie has become such an important part of the forum and a friend to everyone. I wish there was something I could do to get Undie to stay with us, and keep starting all his thought provoking and sometimes controversial threads.:thumbup:

What would you give up, to keep Undie?

If I could get Undie to stay, I would be willing to give up making fun of Tyler, and the Tyler lovers everywhere.:001_rolleyes:

I know, you expected me to say I would give up talking about JIMMIE, but I could not make a promise that I would not be able to keep.:001_wub:
It has come to my attention that Undie is leaving us. This is heartbreaking news. Undie has become such an important part of the forum and a friend to everyone. I wish there was something I could do to get Undie to stay with us, and keep starting all his thought provoking and sometimes controversial threads.:thumbup:

What would you give up, to keep Undie?

If I could get Undie to stay, I would be willing to give up making fun of Tyler, and the Tyler lovers everywhere.:001_rolleyes:

I know, you expected me to say I would give up talking about JIMMIE, but I could not make a promise that I would not be able to keep.:001_wub:

Oh God, I am so tempted to respond with a sarcastic remark.

Oh, no! My heart is broken!!! Undie going away??? :crying: :crying: :crying:

I'd be willing to give up using ellipses and smilies.... Oh, for real, though, I'd be willing to only watch one update per week, instead of all three, just to keep Undie posting....
I'd give up mayonnaise.

Although from reading his post on his wall, I'd say he's going to be back. Just wants to try out other sites for a bit. Maybe whomever is the Broke Straight Boys fairy granting free subscriptions to the other members, might include Undie in their charity. That way he can expand his horizons and continue to entertain the masses. :) Just a thought.
Undie Please Don't Go!!!

Undie, you came along into ForumLand, when we needed you the most. You've been like our social director, or camp counselor, organizing us into little discussion groups, taking our minds off some less than stellar episodes, bringing up topics of interest to all.

If you cannot be convinced to stay, then please return real soon. You are a totally cool dude!!! :thumbup:
What I would gladly give up

Dear Ms Kianna,

I would more than gladly give up my new sexy avatar if it would help encourage Undie to remain on the forum. I think I can locate my old Sears catalog underwear section pages to use in its place if it hasn't crumbled with age. lol Otherwise, I am willing to accept any recommendations from Undie on down to help with this essential cause.


I'd date that fucking monkey he sent me to test my tolerance for fur, even though I hate his smile. He'd have to be groomed prior to the assignation and keep his mouth closed while I fucked his scrawny ass AND it would have to be in either Alabama or Mississippi where bestiality is almost never prosecuted.

Anyway, I think I just saw a new thread with Undie's byline on it, so all these sacrifices are superfluous since, thank heavens, he's back.

I give up a few massages if it would help. I love that guy. He brings humor and cynicism when it is needed most. He posts lots of interesting photos and stuff like I used to when I had the time to. I am not sure where he has gone yet. I have some forum stuff to read and catch up on. I just got back on myself. There was a mix up with my membership and we resolved that today. I hope Undie wasn't banned or something like that. :scared:
Let us not forget Undie's remaining week on Broke Straight Boys is almost over!

To whom it may concern:

Time is of the essence as Undie's remaining week of Broke Straight Boys membership is almost over. Surely, as responsible Broke Straight Boys members, we can put our collective heads together and rally Undie on convincing him to stay on our site.

Undie, please reconsider and agree to stay on!


To whom it may concern:

Time is of the essence as Undie's remaining week of Broke Straight Boys membership is almost over. Surely, as responsible Broke Straight Boys members, we can put our collective heads together and rally Undie on convincing him to stay on our site.

Undie, please reconsider and agree to stay on!


Perhaps the only way to convince Undie is through song. Please watch this video, Undie and then tell us if you're mind has been changed. :thumbup1:

Undie's Funny Sexual Awareness Stories Thread page 1

Perhaps the only way to convince Undie is through song. Please watch this video, Undie and then tell us if you're mind has been changed. :thumbup1:


Dear Mikeyank and Undie,

Remember Undie's Thread - Funny Sexual Awareness Stories? One of Undie's first threads to come down the pike. May I suggest this following link:


These times were truly fun times on the forum and I am still so very hooked - lock, stock, and barrel.

Hopefully with our links, this will serve as a double-whammy and cause Undie to change his mind.


Oh Mike that vid is sooo tacky but I love you for it lol. I'm trying to think of one for Undie and will get back. We're just about to get battered by 90mph winds over he weekend so I'll have plenty of time to choose one.
I hope Undie is listening to these dedications, and realizes how much he is loved here.:thumbup:
Love the new avatar LL! My imagination runs wild, with all the reasons it could be "special.":001_tt1:
Loved, but also Cherished

I hope Undie is listening to these dedications, and realizes how much he is loved here.:thumbup:

Dear Ms. Kianna,

So true but I might add Cherished as another worthy descriptor.

Cherished is defined by Merriam-Webster as;

1. a. : to hold dear: feel or show affection for

1. b. : to keep or cultivate with care or affection

2. : to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply or resolutely

3. : as Defined by The Association:



Open Letter to Undie from a friend and admirer

Dearest Undie,

Before you leave Broke Straight Boys, I wanted to say thank you for your many contributions to the forum. Thank you for the following comment:

"Originally Posted by underwear fun

Well honestly Mikeyank and Stimpy, I was quiet surprised by your unexpected nice words. You have just made me feel good inside. I enjoy posting on the forum and am unsure what responses there will be to my questions.

This particular question I drafted and sat on for a week before posting, being unsure whether to post it up or not. I've never told anyone about my first cum experience but also didn't know whether young experiences like this were appropriate stories to 'publish'. In the end I decided to take out my age from the story (which was 12) and post it. I was wondering during the day what reaction the posting would get. I was surprised at all the great responses and amazed how open people were about such a 'delicate' topic for us at that age. Each post is very individual but at the same time its sort of re-assuring that we have similar feelings.

Thanks again guys,

Your beginning statement made me personally feel very good inside, too! For the rest of your statement above, Thank You for your modest, almost shy candor for the truly private person you are down deep.

Since you first joined Broke Straight Boys in August, you have been a trailblazer with your humor; your creativity in establishing provocative threads; your entertaining delightful, and relevant YouTube links; and truly fabulous pictures so appropriately complementing your intended theme or point you were making. For me most of all, it was your providing thought provoking threads or comments that routinely inspire other forumites, like me, to comment further and contributes greatly to the liveliness of the forum. This was especially noticeable and appreciated by me when the forum gets in the "doldrums" from time to time. Your several occasions pointing out my many 1000+ word posts gave me your blessings and approval I needed as encouragement. It began with your approving words for my wordy "10 random facts" posting based on your own "10 random facts" as my model.

You do have a place here established in the forum built on solid rock that will always welcome you back, should you not reconsider your earlier intention to drop your membership. This is your permanent home and, in your absence, you will be greatly missed, me being just one of those missing you! This separation anxiety generated by your anticipated departure is almost like a death of someone held very dear to one's heart, someone truly cherished for all of his many contributions.

Should you stick to your original plan, I want to extend my most sincere "Best Wishes for a Happy 25th Birthday" in March. Also, I also want to wish you much success in your marathon event, your weekend skiing assaults, and all that you may do, both professionally and personally speaking, in all of your pursuits of happiness. May they all come true, but beyond your wildest expectations!

Finally, I want you to know you are both loved and cherished as a friend most sincerely, even if only in the strictest platonic sense. My being at age 62 precludes any other reality-based possibility. I make no apologies for my age as my mind is young at heart! In all my clumsy and sometimes misguided wordy attempts to communicate directly with you, realize that I am only human and to err is human. There has never ever been any ill will or any desire to control you in any way on my part. My psychic powers don't reach as far as Canada.lol This isn't to be construed as a apology either, as I never did anything intentionally wrong or mean spirited. This is a positive attempt to right our friendship before you leave and you depart, if you must, hopefully with both of us having any regrets for unspoken thoughts not previously shared.(see note below)

I want to Thank You, Undie, sincerely for your limited time spent on the forum (just about 6 months). I genuinely hope to see you back on-line with the Broke Straight Boys forum. This is your home, Undie, and you are among real friends that are yours, merely for the asking! What a privileged place you hold!

Best Wishes to You,

Cumrag27, aka Stimpy

P.S. Undie, I would feel honored and blessed to hear from you in the future. It is my most cherished hope that we can begin anew unincumbered with any baggage or negativity created in the past.
WOW! Well Undie, I have to say, I have not had the chance to really get to know you yet, as I made the mistake of leaving the forum before you joined, but I just have to share something with you here, in light of all that has been said in this particular thread.

As a young boy, my parents, who always worried about the kinds of friends I had, would tell me that " A man is known by the company he keeps" Based on what I have read, and the passion behind it, allow me to make a few observations.

1) You are highly respected by a large number of people.
2) Your opinions are sought after, and often used as a guide by others.
3) You have a fresh and welcoming sense of humor.
4) You are looked upon as a true friend by many whose only knowledge of you is from your writings
5) You have qualities sought in leaders, and admired by others.
6) You are an approachable person.

For myself, I will feel bad if all I ever know of you is what has been said in this thread. I am aware that each of us must deal with our own devils in our own way. And that sometimes our devils can be as simple as thinking the grass is greener elsewhere, or as difficult as the loss of someone or thing we care about. No matter your personal reasons, know that the hearts of all of us in Forumland are with you, as you go forth, willing to support you any way we can. Now, in the words of Jayman01:

NAMASTE, my friend!
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