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What the f*** is this all about..

It's an absolute disgrace! I can't for the life of me, figure out why child beauty pageants have not been outlawed, or why the mothers always look like in-bred, white trash, grade school drop outs, who couldn't spell pageant, let alone be in one!

They are only popular in the American south, here. Do they exist in the UK or elsewhere?
It's an absolute disgrace! I can't for the life of me, figure out why child beauty pageants have not been outlawed, or why the mothers always look like in-bred, white trash, grade school drop outs, who couldn't spell pageant, let alone be in one!

They are only popular in the American south, here. Do they exist in the UK or elsewhere?

I'm not aware of such pageants over here. The kid's gonna end up retarded, like her parents.
Unfortunatily she's already retarded like her parents. There are a few shows on American T.V. that really make you wonder what kind of people are out there that watch this shit! Amazes me!!!
Unfortunatily she's already retarded like her parents. There are a few shows on American T.V. that really make you wonder what kind of people are out there that watch this shit! Amazes me!!!

The article in the Sunday times was larger than that of Mitt Romney. Says it all when a retarded child gets more press than a future American president lol
After all, these little girls are just kids and nothing more. Isn't that be enough??

It's an absolute disgrace! I can't for the life of me, figure out why child beauty pageants have not been outlawed, or why the mothers always look like in-bred, white trash, grade school drop outs, who couldn't spell pageant, let alone be in one!

They are only popular in the American south, here. Do they exist in the UK or elsewhere?

I'm not aware of such pageants over here. The kid's gonna end up retarded, like her parents.

What I think is most telling is that the parents of these unfortunate children are usually among the least sexual or attractive people on the face of the earth! Rather than investing in self-improvement, they are content living their own unfulfilled sexual fantasy through their innocent little children. They think nothing of over-sexualizing the daughter's appearance to where the kid appears almost adult-like but on a smaller scale. When children have learned since infancy over and over again to respond to the intense emphasis on appearance only, then they grow up thinking this is normal life. As grownups they can continue to remain as uninformed as they were during childhood, only now they have a lifetime of developing their dependence on using their bodies in an overly flirtatious way to get the desired attention from others. What better recipe for poor mental health or becoming a drug-abusing prostitute could anyone have provided their own offspring.

Years ago, we had the unsolved Jonbenet Ramsey murder of an oversexualized beauty pageant queen at around the age of 7. In this case, the mother was wealthy but "white trash" despite all her education, values, and income level. Having her own child abducted and sexually abused by the unknown murderer seemed to come as a big surprise to the mother. There was a Christmas Party going on upstairs during the actual time of the murder that took place in the basement. The mother was indulging her own fantasies playing dressup like a little girl might normally play with one of her own dolls. All the while this mother was being totally clueless of the strong sexual message her own daughter was radiating when dressed up with full pageant-quality makeup, hairdo, and attention-getting costumes for these godless "little-girl pageants".

I really don't know what kind of "defective thinking" gets into the heads of these "Stage Mothers" to purposefully place their own daughters in this undesireable and vulnerable position. All I know is that these idiots don't deserve to be called "Mom" as they obviously aren't happy with the child God gave them! The girls are essentially guaranteed to grow up with poor self-concepts/low self-esteem issues. Thank God at least, these so-called parents are in the minority!

Sincerely disgusted with these sickos!!:sick2:



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Also in the words of Shirley-Q-Liquor, Gurrll, they is just clinically ignurrant!