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What are your 2010 Christmas Plans?


Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
New York
I am interested in finding what people around the country and world do for Christmas, so please tell everyone in the forum what you plan on doing for this Christmas.

Will you be travelling, if so where to?
Will you be spending time with family, if so who?
Will you be staying home with you special someone?

Are there any traditions you would like to share with the forum?

Since I started the thread I will tell you all that I will be going home from college for Christmas, I have not been home since August and I kind of miss it. I will not miss the freedom that I have at school but I do want to see my family and have anice home cooked meal. I actually think I am sick of fast food, please don't tell my mom, she may faint!:001_smile:

As for traditions it will be church on Christmas Eve, folowed by packages in the morning, arguing with my sister by noon, then a family dinner. This year it will include my mom, sister and aunt and uncle and 3 cousins. The day after it will be my other aunt and uncle their 2 children with their spouses and their 6 kids. I always get stuck cleaing up the mess.:cursing:

And finally back to Buffalo to go to see the world hockey tournament, a freind and I actually got lucky enough to get tickets to see Canada play the Czeck (spelling?) republic.

Hopefully the weather will not be bad and I will be able to make it back in time for the tournament.

So what are your plans?

I would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Holiday season.
Well, we are staying home for Christmas this year and my mother and father and brother in law are travelling to our house.... They are lovely people, but can be difficult. I'm being nice:) I have 2 children, 2 boys, ages 14 and 11. We are expecting Santa to bring an X-Box to add to our collection of gaming devices, because the Wii and Playstation are apparently lonely.... So I expect lots of gaming to occur. We have 2 weeks off school, and I for one plan to try to discreetly catch up on porn, and to seduce the hell out of my husband at every opportunity, as at our house, the middle age crisis swings the other way and I'm the insanely horny one who can't get enough.... Wish me luck:)

Happy Holidays to you all, dear partners in porn:)
My hopes for you and yours...

Well, we are staying home for Christmas this year and my mother and father and brother in law are travelling to our house.... They are lovely people, but can be difficult. I'm being nice:) I have 2 children, 2 boys, ages 14 and 11. We are expecting Santa to bring an X-Box to add to our collection of gaming devices, because the Wii and Playstation are apparently lonely.... So I expect lots of gaming to occur. We have 2 weeks off school, and I for one plan to try to discreetly catch up on porn, and to seduce the hell out of my husband at every opportunity, as at our house, the middle age crisis swings the other way and I'm the insanely horny one who can't get enough.... Wish me luck:)

Happy Holidays to you all, dear partners in porn:)

Dear lovelumps,

Play this while you read my Christmas note:


I hope your two boys play to exhaustion with their new games as too much unstructured free time can and often result in a truly dangerous thing or two!

I hope you and your hubby have seductively amorous moments with each other to near exhaustion or more with new and creative adult-games, as too much unstructured romantic time leads to much frustration and, in your hubby's case, scowling and premature aging on his face.

May you all have the most exciting holiday season ever, without disturbing your guests too much at the same time!

Make this Christmas time together truly legendary!
Also, Gino and Tank Shane send their best regards!

I <3 Stimpy!!!

Dear lovelumps,

Play this while you read my Christmas note:


I hope your two boys play to exhaustion with their new games as too much unstructured free time can and often result in a truly dangerous thing or two!

I hope you and your hubby have seductively amorous moments with each other to near exhaustion or more with new and creative adult-games, as too much unstructured romantic time leads to much frustration and, in your hubby's case, scowling and premature aging on his face.

May you all have the most exciting holiday season ever, without disturbing your guests too much at the same time!

Make this Christmas time together truly legendary!
Also, Gino and Tank Shane send their best regards!


My dearest Stimpy,

You are such a good listener! Thank you for your wonderful Christmas wishes! And for the lovely gift of Natalie and Nat... that was more of what I needed....

I got the best gift today... I came home for lunch and didn't have lunch:) I went back to school with a really big smile on my face, messed up hair and bright red lips....

I hope my in-laws are heavy sleepers... Fortunately, they are only in town for 5 days...

The kids, well... they know how to keep themselves occupied without any intervention on my part, so I can honestly say that if Bill and I disappear for an hour or so, they won't even notice:) And they won't come looking either, which is even better...

The perma-scowl is less visible lately. I am very optimistic about the New Year!

xoxoxo Stimpy!

Not much happening here this year. Going to have a ham dinner with all the goodies. Don't know yet if Jon will spend Christmas with him mom or not.
I wish everyone a very blessed Christmas and a whole lot better year in 2011.

Not much happening here this year. Going to have a ham dinner with all the goodies. Don't know yet if Jon will spend Christmas with him mom or not.
I wish everyone a very blessed Christmas and a whole lot better year in 2011.


Merry Christmas to you also:biggrin:
Hi All,
How is everyone, well I'll be going up to the white mountains, NH to the family farm. I am not looking forward to the drive up there. I have 3x sisters and a brother so you could only imagine the chaos,one sister also lives here in new york so she'll be bring her 3x kids and a very large 150lb black lab, I hope my moms 2x cats well be ok. My next door neighbor was kind and volenteered to take my 3 chihuahua as this would not be a pretty site.
Hi All,
How is everyone, well I'll be going up to the white mountains, NH to the family farm. I am not looking forward to the drive up there. I have 3x sisters and a brother so you could only imagine the chaos,one sister also lives here in new york so she'll be bring her 3x kids and a very large 150lb black lab, I hope my moms 2x cats well be ok. My next door neighbor was kind and volenteered to take my 3 chihuahua as this would not be a pretty site.

Have a safe trip and try to enjoy your family time. Merry Christmas!
We always stay home at Christmas. My six year old has to be sure that Santa can find him.:001_wub:

The house is all decorated. We open one present on Christmas Eve, the rest in the morning, after we see what Santa brought. Then cinnamon rolls for breakfast. This year I am making ham for dinner.
We always stay home at Christmas. My six year old has to be sure that Santa can find him.:001_wub:

The house is all decorated. We open one present on Christmas Eve, the rest in the morning, after we see what Santa brought. Then cinnamon rolls for breakfast. This year I am making ham for dinner.

That sounds really nice. I hope you have a wonderful day together.

We open a gift on the eve as well and have a seafood dinner. Christmas morning we have Bloody Marys with our presents:)
We'll be going to Palm Springs for two weeks at the condo. My daughter will come down the day after Christmas (she's an Episcopal Priest and has to work on Sunday). We haven't decided on a ham dinner or prime rib... have both in the freezer, ready to go. We'll have my sis and brother in law over for dinner as well as my nephew. It'll be a great day. We'll bring our live, potted tree to the desert to light and decorate, as well as the creche set given to us by the bishop when we made a pilgrimage to the holy land several years ago. Looking forward to just getting away from it all for a few days and fucking our brains out (with each other and friends). Will celebrate New Year's with a few friends over for dinner and a midnight champagne toast for those who last that long.
well I am getting ready to go back to Cali to be with family, until after the New Year....STAY TUNED to see as to whether or not I make it! ONE of my only solices is my laptop at night after e/b has gone to bed, (as they are a bunch of daytime socialites!UGH! LOL). Sadly, I won't be on here as much, but I will find ways!!! LOL
It shouldn't be too adventerous for me as well. My partner and I are headed down to his grandparents for dinner. Our son will be out of town at his mom's.
To me, I just need time to watch college football and the Heat/Lakers game. Nothing like the entire day to veg out and watch sports...
I am going to spend time with my friend from Russia and my brother. I also have to work. I am planning to make a small turkey and do a bunch of organic sides like mashed cauliflower, green bean almandine, and maybe a nice baked sweet potato with a spinach salad made with walnuts, cranberries, and feta goat cheese. Then for desert I may try this low carb apple crisp recipe and I am doing a pumpkin mouse. We are planning to do some caroling with friends at area nursing homes. I just have to see if I can get those darn antlers to stay on my dog. Maybe I will try to figure out when and where the surprise celebration is and write in down and put it in a sealed envelope just to see if I was right later. After all of that, I think I will cuddle with my dog and my friend and call it a day. :thumbup: