It is 5:40 pm as I start to write this. Linda left earlier this afternoon to go to Brandon (50 miles away) to see Godzilla with our granddaughter, her boyfriend and our daughter. After she got there she called me and asked me to go to Publix (a major food chain in Florida) and pick up her prescription which she had forgotten to do. I dressed my nude self and headed out around 3:30. Before I entered the store I stopped at the Chinese take out restaurant and ordered some Lo Mein, egg rolls and chicken noddle soup. When I entered the store I went directly to the pharmacy counter. I was told it would be about 25 minutes before the prescription was ready. Folks, that's all I needed to hear. I marched up and down the aisles, through the deli and through the bakery. I came out with a shit load of groceries including a meat loaf dinner from the deli and a 4 count box of jelly filled doughnuts from the bakery. On the way back to my truck I stopped by the Chinese restaurant and picked up my order.
The moral of the story here is: Don't send me to the store when my eyes are wide open and my belly empty.