Hi Colin, I think I read somewhere you have two cats and two dogs so I thought you might enjoy hearing about what I did yesterday.
There is an animal sanctuary not far from where I live that's run by a very dedicated young couple from their own funds. The sanctuary is home to literally hundreds of unwanted and abandoned animals of all varieties, from guinea pigs (I think US folk call them Cavies?) to massive bulls and everything in between.
Sadly the wife half of the couple has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, so I decided to volunteer one a day a week to help out with the animal care. Being there is very bittersweet, as I love being around animals but knowing she saved everyone of them from certain death and is now facing death herself is heartbreaking.
Yesterday was bleak, cold and windy and later on in the afternoon I was by myself at the sanctuary and I thought I check on Princess the pregnant pig before I left for the day. She was happily lolling around in the mud, so I knelt down to give her a goodbye pat and a rooster pecked me on the back of my neck! A peck on the back of my neck from a rooster was the last thing I was expecting and fair dinkum, I thought the Vampires had come to get me...lol

When it comes to Vampires I have a vivid imagination.
The few times I've been frightened half to death I instinctively hit the ground, only yesterday it was a case of landing face down in the mud! I'm not sure who was muddier, Princess or me, although I could definitely see the funny side of the situation
Just thought I'd share the laugh.