Oh Colin,
All I can say is, watch out

. If you son is 2 1/2 and already potty trained then you are looking at an energetic, head strong, smart boy; does he already correct you guys, yet? Start saving for college now; by 4, she was telling us that she would "no longer accept our actions!" Also, do you see other kids and even adults gravitating toward him (at the store or at the playground)? Then you not only have a gifted child, you have a leader on your hands...I'd like to say it will be better, but instead I would tell you guys to look for colleges that are, as we told our daughter, 'out of state or out of the country.' She did both, and has been around the world a good bit. And the best thing about a hefty college fund is, when they get a full ride, you can spend it on the house. Come to our home and you can walk all over her education and feel the cool breeze; we had all flooring put in as well as all new air and heat installed. So, maybe there is an upside to "gifted kids;" we wanted four, until we had her! Remember, keep reading to him and have him label everything in the house; also ask him questions all the time and have him ask you questions. Enjoy...they do grow fast!