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What About You Tell The Story??

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
I sincerely hope Ms. Kianna wont mind if I start another thread about her wonderful You Tell The Story thread. It looks like folks are starting to place comments about the thread in with the story line which will make it hard to read if it gets to many comments. So I have opened up this one so people can leave their comments here. If you have been reading it you can tell that I am having the time of my life chiming in and I hope others will do so also. It really opens the mind and makes you think outside the box. I just hope nobody thinks I'm hogging the story line. Anyway have fun, join in, and enjoy the party.
Not at all Denny. It was a great idea. I'm having a blast reading it, even when you guys shock the hell outata me.

I am just wondering what David, Eddie, Mark & the boys think of this story. :biggrin:
I am just wondering what David, Eddie, Mark & the boys think of this story. :biggrin:

I'm actually quite terrified of what David thinks of the story. But, my purpose was to get a lot of people involved, using their creativity, having fun, and having no reasons to fight. So regardless of where the story is going and how they might feel about it, I'm thrilled with how it's being received.

I'm actually quite terrified of what David thinks of the story. But, my purpose was to get a lot of people involved, using their creativity, having fun, and having no reasons to fight. So regardless of where the story is going and how they might feel about it, I'm thrilled with how it's being received.


I remember doing something similar to this when I was in highschool.
Our English teacher set it up as a "class activity".
Being the last day of term all the school work had been done & he was trying to kill some time.
I remember it being a hoot just seeing where it all went as the story moved around the class.
But, my purpose was to get a lot of people involved, using their creativity, having fun, and having no reasons to fight.
I have a question for you Ms. Kianna. If that was your motivation, are you a pre-school teacher, in your vocation away from the forum? It seems to be a great technique to stop the children from fighting, giving them a group project to teach them to work together in the spirit of cooperation.

The forum definitely has a bit of a different feel to it with the addition of the women. I'm not complaining. I am just commenting on the subtle changes taking place. (And please don't take offence to my post Ms. Kianna. It's all said in fun. I have a big smile on my face as I write this. :biggrin:
I have a question for you Ms. Kianna. If that was your motivation, are you a pre-school teacher, in your vocation away from the forum? It seems to be a great technique to stop the children from fighting, giving them a group project to teach them to work together in the spirit of cooperation.

The forum definitely has a bit of a different feel to it with the addition of the women. I'm not complaining. I am just commenting on the subtle changes taking place. (And please don't take offence to my post Ms. Kianna. It's all said in fun. I have a big smile on my face as I write this. :biggrin:

Pre-schoolers actually have a lot in common with my poor, angry middle-schoolers. Their first reaction is to slap out, and they have no idea what cooperation is. But, I still love them with everything in me, even when I want to knock them upside the head.:001_tt2:

I had missed this thread before I put out a critique of the fictitious vid. I would love to do another thread with a fictitious model or models. But have a separate thread for critiques of the vid. I think at some point there should be a stop to the story. So that people can comment on the vid so far. And then if someone wants to continue with the scene to start another thread. If that makes sense. What would the rest of you think?
I had missed this thread before I put out a critique of the fictitious vid. I would love to do another thread with a fictitious model or models. But have a separate thread for critiques of the vid. I think at some point there should be a stop to the story. So that people can comment on the vid so far. And then if someone wants to continue with the scene to start another thread. If that makes sense. What would the rest of you think?

I think the fictitious thread should keep going as long as it has legs - fictitious vid with the fictitious critiqueing.
Whilst using this thread to critique, comment, lambast the fictitious thread.
ITA, Ray. I want to see what happens with Logan and JIMMY! :tongue_smilie:

You out there, Slim? :biggrin:

Sorry, puter being weird tonight........
ITA, Ray. I want to see what happens with Logan and JIMMY! :tongue_smilie:

You out there, Slim? :biggrin:

Sorry, puter being weird tonight........

Funny things are happening on my end as well, erractic dl speeds, when I refresh pages it just hangs, when I go to post comments or replies it just hangs
Who the hell can top the King?! Slim has out done himself.

I am unworthy!
I've been loving reading the ever evolving adventures of Vinnie aka Ice. I would love to contribute something but it moves so fast and my muses aren't exactly cooperating lately.

Slim, your last update was hilarious. The way you had Logan talk and the "real" names you've come up with for some of the guys. Fabulous!

I've been loving reading the ever evolving adventures of Vinnie aka Ice. I would love to contribute something but it moves so fast and my muses aren't exactly cooperating lately.

Slim, your last update was hilarious. The way you had Logan talk and the "real" names you've come up with for some of the guys. Fabulous!


That is the beauty of this sort of thing, it really doesn't matter what YOU write even if it is only a few words or a whole page. Just hop in there and add anything that comes to mind. :biggrin:
I've been loving reading the ever evolving adventures of Vinnie aka Ice. I would love to contribute something but it moves so fast and my muses aren't exactly cooperating lately.

Slim, your last update was hilarious. The way you had Logan talk and the "real" names you've come up with for some of the guys. Fabulous!


That is the beauty of this sort of thing, it really doesn't matter what YOU write even if it is only a few words or a whole page. Just hop in there and add anything that comes to mind. :biggrin:
"What's in a name? A rose by any other..."

I've been loving reading the ever evolving adventures of Vinnie aka Ice. I would love to contribute something but it moves so fast and my muses aren't exactly cooperating lately.

Slim, your last update was hilarious. The way you had Logan talk and the "real" names you've come up with for some of the guys. Fabulous!


I love the way a lot of the Brokie's porn names all sound like Broken, Bargain, Torin, Logan, Jason, Dungeon, Dustin, Austin, Morgan, Organ and, as the best porn operative in the world would say, "stuff like that".

A lot of their real names actually have surfaced for one reason or another. Andrew Grande's ("Dustin Michaels's") death brought out a lot of the guys, using their legal names and surnames, to express their repulsion and condolences. A book published by a forum member inadvertently names some people. You can't help running into some of the guys on popular social networking sites. Sometimes a newbie member here, not knowing how careful we are about saying the actual words on the forum, outs a guy he recognizes from his own hood. This happened recently (although it's by no means sure it's the same boy on the futon whom he saw at Walmart's).

As I say, we're all very circumspect about bandying this information about, unless it's come out officially on the forum in a post or posts from management.

So knowing what some of these guys are really called makes the fantasy more fun when you move the chess piece one square off the board, and go from birth certificate name, to Brokie porn name, and then back to some made up, nerdy "legal" name that erases the butchy, testosteronic ring of "Borden" or "Travis" and supplants it with "Homer" or "Garland".

Garland was my Delta Psi roommate for a semester at UNC haha.