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Well, it's not ever easy to say goodbye, and it's sure not now:(


BSB Addict
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
I haven't been very active over the last few months. A whole lot has been happening in the Lovelumps household that has made it difficult to put in the time I have so enjoyed spending here on the forum in the past year and a half or so.

I spent a lot of time in the last couple of years having a lot of free time because Mr. Lovelumps worked swing shifts 4 nights a week. So, the boys would off to bed and I'd find myself with naught to do for hours on end some nights. The forum came to feel like my family at times in the wee hours of the night when I felt so alone. It also helped me salvage the vestiges of a flailing sex life with William the Lump Lover. At the time, he'd be so happy when he came home to find me awake, and I'd be so horny after a long evening on here that I'd jump his bones or swallow him whole! Lucky fucker... if only....

So... the good news is Mr. Lovelumps got a great job offer late this summer and started in a position that befits a man of his intelligence and education. And, it has normal business hours. Cheers to Bill! He so deserves it! He's the smartest man I know, although I think our friend Slim could probably put in a good case for smarter:) However, with great change comes great, well, change.

It just so happens our oldest started high school and our youngest started middle school this year, too. Who knew that my life would change so much just with a change of school addresses. I had plans to start my masters degree this fall. So happy I procrastinated that to death like usual! I'd be buried in my back yard by now! With my school work schedule and responsibilities and the boys' schedules (David is in marching band and Ian plays La Crosse) and Bill's schedule, well, I've started calling around to find a house cleaner. Finally! The pet hair is killing me!

With all that's happened lately, I hardly have time to shower or sleep. In fact, as little as that sleep thing happens lately, it's hard to imagine I haven't been on here chatting up and posting with you all like last year, or am so sexed up that I just can't be bothered. The difference is, Mr. is home during those hours now, and he seems to have a fondness for his Lovelumps still. For that, I'm eternally grateful. Now if I could just find a way to invigorate his sex drive after 3 years of working shift work, I'd be the happiest and most satisfied girl I know!

I'm hoping that as we all settle into our new life together, with a new lease on life for me, that our family life becomes richer than ever. It's been a big adjustment and one that is full of challenges as we all get to know each other again. After all, we haven't really spent much time together as a family in 3 years.

I can hardly even begin to mention all the people who have touched my life here in the last 18 months and if I were to try right now, as emotional as I am, I could hardly do you all justice. Please know that I cherish my time on here. You all became family to me when I was lost and lonely and I am eternally grateful. I love you, dear friends. I wish you all health and happiness and love to spare!

I hope that I have left adequate contact information on here for those of you with the will to stay in touch. Who knows, I may be back in a month when I realize that I just can't stand to talk to Bill for 6 hours a night. Hopefully, his interest in these lumps will come back full force soon and I won't bite his hand off in a hormonal rage! One never knows. However, it feels like the right thing to do, to say goodbye for now.

I think I'm here until the 20th but I can't even remember to pay bills, never mind when they get auto-debited. Drop me a PM with your contact info if I don't have it. I'll be mostly off and a little on.

Love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love... lumps;)
well, I am sure as all hell glad everything worked out....meaning, "all it is" is the onset of 'early' menopause. As for you deciding to leave...now WHO am I gonna have on here that knows all about that special "J" juice that I SOOO wanna try at that certain coffeehouse?
Oh well, I am real sorry to see you go, but I know you have tought long and hard about the decision, and therefore, I must respect it.

I know that you will be busy working on your Master's....thus I can understand why you feel the need (OF COURSE, as well the familiar thing)., just remember, You won't be forgotten!

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Gone, but not forgotten!

I couldn't believe what I was reading, honestly, Laura, I didn't want to! I had just commented how you and Ms K. were the only ladies left on the forum to keep us guys balanced! And then I read your post!

I want to thank you, Laura, for being so kind to and supportive of me, as a relatively new member! Isn't it wonderful how one can forge a bond with a stranger just through his or her comments, opinions, and good wishes? That's what I love about this forum! I've come to know you as a loving daughter, wife, mother, and friend without even shaking your hand! God's speed as you start enjoying your new lease on life! I'm so very happy for you! I will be sending you a PM with my contact info so you can drop me a line when you get a chance and, of course, to set up the time and date to have that drink at El Chile! God bless you, always!:crying:
Countless ways you have helped me

I couldn't believe what I was reading, honestly, Laura, I didn't want to! I had just commented how you and Ms K. were the only ladies left on the forum to keep us guys balanced! And then I read your post!

I want to thank you, Laura, for being so kind to and supportive of me, as a relatively new member! Isn't it wonderful how one can forge a bond with a stranger just through his or her comments, opinions, and good wishes? That's what I love about this forum! I've come to know you as a loving daughter, wife, mother, and friend without even shaking your hand! God's speed as you start enjoying your new lease on life! I'm so very happy for you! I will be sending you a PM with my contact info so you can drop me a line when you get a chance and, of course, to set up the time and date to have that drink at El Chile! God bless you, always!:crying:

Dear Laura,

While I will be the first to state I have been relatively inaccessible lately, I do nonetheless want to express my sincere gratitude for your generous emotional support when I needed it most. Your willingness to communicate via the forum, then Yahoo Messenger, and then by phone was extremely healing to me when I was most crushed and vulnerable over my loss of someone I wanted mightly to count as a friend, namely Undie. That was around January or February, I believe. Back then, Undie was someone we considered as a mutual friend.

When Undie returned in late August, his utter indifference to me, despite my warm and enthusiastic welcome upon his return, gave me the answer I so dreaded hearing, the final nail in the coffin for our previous assumed friendship(if only by me), namely his complete silence. But I soon realized long before his sudden second departure a few weeks ago, Undie had changed considerably by then and based on his recent postings. It became apparent to me that Undie was no longer so openly the fun-loving flirt(as indicated by his "reserved and almost antiseptic" choice of avatars(in sharp contrast to his most famously celebrated best feature, his photo of his glorious perfect buns) gracing the forum for all to appreciate and admire) nor was he so full of jokes or "fun-loving" mischief as before. Sad to observe the decline in his self-confidence or withholding of his naturally occurring "effervescent bold self".

Then, we shared an interest in Zyl84 and I had barely gotten introduced to him with his complete devotion to Lady GaGa, and later on sharing several PM's and exchanges on the forum and his shared love for Paris, France. Then, he too decided to leave much to the loss of the Broke Straight Boys community.

I really have appreciated your many contributions to the forum and the much needed balance it helped provide. I appreciated your disdain we both shared for "unnecessary roughness" in certain brutal episodes. When things got out-of-hand on the forum, it was always so nice to have your "kinder-gentler approach and presence on the forum to fall back on and remind others, less mindful and with often a coarser view, that women were around on the forum, too. With Miss Deidra gone, and now you too, Ms Kianna will have her hands full whipping the rest of us, with the occasional behavior problem, into shape and keeping order in the Broke Straight Boys house.

Laura, please don't take this wrong! It is not my intention to lay on some guilt trip on you. That would be unfair and completely undeserved. I wanted this post to be a testament to the kind of friendly nurturing you have provided the forum whenever asked. Definitely, whether Lovelumps or Laura, you have been widely loved and appreciated by me and countless others with any forum history. Your contributions will not be soon forgotten! Thank you for all of your efforts and kind words!

Sorry this has to end, but you go with my blessings for you and your family!


I'm very sorry to see you go Ms. Lovelumps, you have always been a wonderful addition to the forum. I wish you and your family all the best, and for selfish reasons I hope you'll be back...but if you don't come back I guess that will be ok too because that will seem to mean that everything is going wonderful in your new life with Mr. Lumps now that he will have more time to spend with you.
I haven't been very active over the last few months. A whole lot has been happening in the Lovelumps household that has made it difficult to put in the time I have so enjoyed spending here on the forum in the past year and a half or so.

I spent a lot of time in the last couple of years having a lot of free time because Mr. Lovelumps worked swing shifts 4 nights a week. So, the boys would off to bed and I'd find myself with naught to do for hours on end some nights. The forum came to feel like my family at times in the wee hours of the night when I felt so alone. It also helped me salvage the vestiges of a flailing sex life with William the Lump Lover. At the time, he'd be so happy when he came home to find me awake, and I'd be so horny after a long evening on here that I'd jump his bones or swallow him whole! Lucky fucker... if only....

So... the good news is Mr. Lovelumps got a great job offer late this summer and started in a position that befits a man of his intelligence and education. And, it has normal business hours. Cheers to Bill! He so deserves it! He's the smartest man I know, although I think our friend Slim could probably put in a good case for smarter:) However, with great change comes great, well, change.

It just so happens our oldest started high school and our youngest started middle school this year, too. Who knew that my life would change so much just with a change of school addresses. I had plans to start my masters degree this fall. So happy I procrastinated that to death like usual! I'd be buried in my back yard by now! With my school work schedule and responsibilities and the boys' schedules (David is in marching band and Ian plays La Crosse) and Bill's schedule, well, I've started calling around to find a house cleaner. Finally! The pet hair is killing me!

With all that's happened lately, I hardly have time to shower or sleep. In fact, as little as that sleep thing happens lately, it's hard to imagine I haven't been on here chatting up and posting with you all like last year, or am so sexed up that I just can't be bothered. The difference is, Mr. is home during those hours now, and he seems to have a fondness for his Lovelumps still. For that, I'm eternally grateful. Now if I could just find a way to invigorate his sex drive after 3 years of working shift work, I'd be the happiest and most satisfied girl I know!

I'm hoping that as we all settle into our new life together, with a new lease on life for me, that our family life becomes richer than ever. It's been a big adjustment and one that is full of challenges as we all get to know each other again. After all, we haven't really spent much time together as a family in 3 years.

I can hardly even begin to mention all the people who have touched my life here in the last 18 months and if I were to try right now, as emotional as I am, I could hardly do you all justice. Please know that I cherish my time on here. You all became family to me when I was lost and lonely and I am eternally grateful. I love you, dear friends. I wish you all health and happiness and love to spare!

I hope that I have left adequate contact information on here for those of you with the will to stay in touch. Who knows, I may be back in a month when I realize that I just can't stand to talk to Bill for 6 hours a night. Hopefully, his interest in these lumps will come back full force soon and I won't bite his hand off in a hormonal rage! One never knows. However, it feels like the right thing to do, to say goodbye for now.

I think I'm here until the 20th but I can't even remember to pay bills, never mind when they get auto-debited. Drop me a PM with your contact info if I don't have it. I'll be mostly off and a little on.

Love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love... lumps;)

Well shit you always made me smile and im sad to see you go. Thank you for blessing us with you presence on this forum!

Love, Colin
Although we have not communicate a lot 1on1, I have truly enjoyed your contribution the the forum. WOW, what a big hole to fill. There are so few people with your way of putting things kindly and respectfully. May God be with you and your family. I want the best for your marriage and continued education. God bless and best wishes.
Dearest Lovelumps,

I am so saddened to hear that you will be leaving us. I am very pleased though that it is for all the right reasons. Many people have found a niche in here while they were going through some personal crisis or just a patch in their lives of plain loneliness. I truly feel that we have been blessed by your presence in here.

As has been alluded to by Mikeyank, the forum was not an especially friendly place for women when you first showed up. Your warmth and your wit showed so many of us that women can bring as much valuable insight, balance and perspective in here as you do in our personal lives. And you were able to do all this just by being yourself. You and Deidra will be missed very much for your contributions. You two were pioneers of sorts...shattering previous stereotypes and misconceptions. I know this is not goodbye though because I'm sure we will stay in touch. :001_smile:

Congratulations to Bill on getting a job more befitting of his intellect and skill. I'm so glad that your family life is ramping up and keeping you fully involved now. It beats being home alone and lonely! Please cherish these times with your children. As hectic and as challenging as it gets at times, you won't have them at home for very much longer. It seems that the older I get the more time speeds up. haha I think that's the way parents feel after their kids reach their teens.

Of course if you do manage to squeeze in some time for the forum at a later point you know you will always find a welcome reception in here.

Good luck and best wishes! XO
Dearest Lovelumps,

I am so saddened to hear that you will be leaving us. I am very pleased though that it is for all the right reasons. Many people have found a niche in here while they were going through some personal crisis or just a patch in their lives of plain loneliness. I truly feel that we have been blessed by your presence in here.

As has been alluded to by Mikeyank, the forum was not an especially friendly place for women when you first showed up. Your warmth and your wit showed so many of us that women can bring as much valuable insight, balance and perspective in here as you do in our personal lives. And you were able to do all this just by being yourself. You and Deidra will be missed very much for your contributions. You two were pioneers of sorts...shattering previous stereotypes and misconceptions. I know this is not goodbye though because I'm sure we will stay in touch. :001_smile:

Congratulations to Bill on getting a job more befitting of his intellect and skill. I'm so glad that your family life is ramping up and keeping you fully involved now. It beats being home alone and lonely! Please cherish these times with your children. As hectic and as challenging as it gets at times, you won't have them at home for very much longer. It seems that the older I get the more time speeds up. haha I think that's the way parents feel after their kids reach their teens.

Of course if you do manage to squeeze in some time for the forum at a later point you know you will always find a welcome reception in here.

Good luck and best wishes! XO
I agree 100% with every word that Tampa said. You will most definitely be missed, Laura.

Thank you for making this a better place while you were with us, and you will always be remembered by me, and I'm sure all of the regulars here. All of my best wishes to you, and your family.
Anyone married to you would just naturally run rings around me smartwise Mrs. Lumps. Despite what you say I can guarantee you I'm no match for Bill in the IQ department.

It's very sad, all this, you know. You're such a knockout broad, and your lovely lumps aren't the only orbs you've got that are first class: the one nestled in your pretty cranium is very terrific. It's full of humanity and warmth, and wisdom and empathy. Although that probably goes for your tits as well. It's just not gonna be the same. At all.

You have been an adorable and amusing forumite friend and you're leaving behind a lot of people who love you. I hate goodbyes, so am going to settle, cornily, for "hasta la vista" in the hope that you'll relent sometime after Christmas and come back.

Love you.

well, I am sure as all hell glad everything worked out....meaning, "all it is" is the onset of 'early' menopause. As for you deciding to leave...now WHO am I gonna have on here that knows all about that special "J" juice that I SOOO wanna try at that certain coffeehouse?
Oh well, I am real sorry to see you go, but I know you have tought long and hard about the decision, and therefore, I must respect it.

I know that you will be busy working on your Master's....thus I can understand why you feel the need (OF COURSE, as well the familiar thing)., just remember, You won't be forgotten!


Bob, the good news is I'm 20 minutes away from that favorite coffee house of yours with that very special "J" juice;)
I couldn't believe what I was reading, honestly, Laura, I didn't want to! I had just commented how you and Ms K. were the only ladies left on the forum to keep us guys balanced! And then I read your post!

I want to thank you, Laura, for being so kind to and supportive of me, as a relatively new member! Isn't it wonderful how one can forge a bond with a stranger just through his or her comments, opinions, and good wishes? That's what I love about this forum! I've come to know you as a loving daughter, wife, mother, and friend without even shaking your hand! God's speed as you start enjoying your new lease on life! I'm so very happy for you! I will be sending you a PM with my contact info so you can drop me a line when you get a chance and, of course, to set up the time and date to have that drink at El Chile! God bless you, always!:crying:

Mr T69,

Thank you for your kind words. This place means a great deal to me. I'm so glad you have found a home here. You are a wonderful addition to the forum and I'm so grateful that you have found what many of us have found here; a community of like and differently minded individuals who are intelligent, funny, caring, creative, and thoughtful. It's very hard to say farewell. It's like finishing a great book and feeling like you've left your very best friend in the pages. I have made many wonderful friends here, most of whom will be with me for a very long time, even if only carried close in my heart.
Dear Laura,

While I will be the first to state I have been relatively inaccessible lately, I do nonetheless want to express my sincere gratitude for your generous emotional support when I needed it most. Your willingness to communicate via the forum, then Yahoo Messenger, and then by phone was extremely healing to me when I was most crushed and vulnerable over my loss of someone I wanted mightly to count as a friend, namely Undie. That was around January or February, I believe. Back then, Undie was someone we considered as a mutual friend.

When Undie returned in late August, his utter indifference to me, despite my warm and enthusiastic welcome upon his return, gave me the answer I so dreaded hearing, the final nail in the coffin for our previous assumed friendship(if only by me), namely his complete silence. But I soon realized long before his sudden second departure a few weeks ago, Undie had changed considerably by then and based on his recent postings. It became apparent to me that Undie was no longer so openly the fun-loving flirt(as indicated by his "reserved and almost antiseptic" choice of avatars(in sharp contrast to his most famously celebrated best feature, his photo of his glorious perfect buns) gracing the forum for all to appreciate and admire) nor was he so full of jokes or "fun-loving" mischief as before. Sad to observe the decline in his self-confidence or withholding of his naturally occurring "effervescent bold self".

Then, we shared an interest in Zyl84 and I had barely gotten introduced to him with his complete devotion to Lady GaGa, and later on sharing several PM's and exchanges on the forum and his shared love for Paris, France. Then, he too decided to leave much to the loss of the Broke Straight Boys community.

I really have appreciated your many contributions to the forum and the much needed balance it helped provide. I appreciated your disdain we both shared for "unnecessary roughness" in certain brutal episodes. When things got out-of-hand on the forum, it was always so nice to have your "kinder-gentler approach and presence on the forum to fall back on and remind others, less mindful and with often a coarser view, that women were around on the forum, too. With Miss Deidra gone, and now you too, Ms Kianna will have her hands full whipping the rest of us, with the occasional behavior problem, into shape and keeping order in the Broke Straight Boys house.

Laura, please don't take this wrong! It is not my intention to lay on some guilt trip on you. That would be unfair and completely undeserved. I wanted this post to be a testament to the kind of friendly nurturing you have provided the forum whenever asked. Definitely, whether Lovelumps or Laura, you have been widely loved and appreciated by me and countless others with any forum history. Your contributions will not be soon forgotten! Thank you for all of your efforts and kind words!

Sorry this has to end, but you go with my blessings for you and your family!




How could I possibly take that the wrong way? I thank you for your kindness and friendship. Sometimes the greatest misunderstandings bring about real understanding. It's being willing to try to understand someone else's perspective and learning from the communication that comes from that process that is what this community is all about. You are a cherished member of this forum, Stimpy. You have such a way with words and such compassion. I will miss you.
I'm very sorry to see you go Ms. Lovelumps, you have always been a wonderful addition to the forum. I wish you and your family all the best, and for selfish reasons I hope you'll be back...but if you don't come back I guess that will be ok too because that will seem to mean that everything is going wonderful in your new life with Mr. Lumps now that he will have more time to spend with you.

Thank you, Abe! I have always appreciated your kindness.
Although we have not communicate a lot 1on1, I have truly enjoyed your contribution the the forum. WOW, what a big hole to fill. There are so few people with your way of putting things kindly and respectfully. May God be with you and your family. I want the best for your marriage and continued education. God bless and best wishes.

Thank you, cum2me01! Best wishes to you, as well! I love your taste in men. Make sure you keep throwing love Rob's way! He totally deserves it!
Dearest Lovelumps,

I am so saddened to hear that you will be leaving us. I am very pleased though that it is for all the right reasons. Many people have found a niche in here while they were going through some personal crisis or just a patch in their lives of plain loneliness. I truly feel that we have been blessed by your presence in here.

As has been alluded to by Mikeyank, the forum was not an especially friendly place for women when you first showed up. Your warmth and your wit showed so many of us that women can bring as much valuable insight, balance and perspective in here as you do in our personal lives. And you were able to do all this just by being yourself. You and Deidra will be missed very much for your contributions. You two were pioneers of sorts...shattering previous stereotypes and misconceptions. I know this is not goodbye though because I'm sure we will stay in touch. :001_smile:

Congratulations to Bill on getting a job more befitting of his intellect and skill. I'm so glad that your family life is ramping up and keeping you fully involved now. It beats being home alone and lonely! Please cherish these times with your children. As hectic and as challenging as it gets at times, you won't have them at home for very much longer. It seems that the older I get the more time speeds up. haha I think that's the way parents feel after their kids reach their teens.

Of course if you do manage to squeeze in some time for the forum at a later point you know you will always find a welcome reception in here.

Good luck and best wishes! XO

Thank you, Tampa!!! Your kindness to me when I first joined the forum is one of the many reasons I felt so welcome and comfortable here. I appreciate you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I will miss you very much, but I also know where to find you:) Take care of yourself, friend!
I agree 100% with every word that Tampa said. You will most definitely be missed, Laura.

Thank you for making this a better place while you were with us, and you will always be remembered by me, and I'm sure all of the regulars here. All of my best wishes to you, and your family.

Thank you, Mike! I will remember you fondly:)
Anyone married to you would just naturally run rings around me smartwise Mrs. Lumps. Despite what you say I can guarantee you I'm no match for Bill in the IQ department.

It's very sad, all this, you know. You're such a knockout broad, and your lovely lumps aren't the only orbs you've got that are first class: the one nestled in your pretty cranium is very terrific. It's full of humanity and warmth, and wisdom and empathy. Although that probably goes for your tits as well. It's just not gonna be the same. At all.

You have been an adorable and amusing forumite friend and you're leaving behind a lot of people who love you. I hate goodbyes, so am going to settle, cornily, for "hasta la vista" in the hope that you'll relent sometime after Christmas and come back.

Love you.


Slim, darling,

If my lumps could hug you right now, they would! I would, too, and I'd add a kiss or two for good measure. You are the one I will miss the most. Thank you, so very much, for everything.

Christmas, huh? We'll see;)

Love you back.


This is without a doubt, the hardest good bye I have posted as a member of Broke Straight Boys I wanted to beg you to stay, and congratulate you on all the positive changes that are taking you away, at the very same time.

When I think of all the harder times on the forum, that we have gotten through, by working together........And the laughs and banter we have had on the threads..........And the books we have discussed.........And the stories of our children and jobs we have shared............it makes this good bye seem so much bigger.

You have been so much fun, as well as inspirational, open, and truly kind. Your presence will be missed.

I wish you the best in all of the new experiences you will be pursuing. I am so happy that Bill changed jobs, allowing for more family time. I truly am beginning to understand the demands of a child's schedule (Cub Scouts starts tomorrow). I remember all too well the demands of school, and the thought of going back for my MBA is actually frightening. But you, will sail through all of this with a laugh, a book for your "in between" moments, and a cocktail at the end of the day.

So like Slimmie, I don't want to say good bye. I'll just hope that you make it back to us, and that when you do, all is well with you, and you only want to say hello and talk about some hot new guys.