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Welcoming New Members to this Forum

There has been talk again about old time forumites, (and myself and Tampa are far and away the longest currently posting), not being inclusive or welcoming enough toward new participants to this forum. I can swear on a stack of bibles that I truly want the opposite to occur on the forum. I firmly want more and more new members to participate as it gets old just having the same folks doing all the posting. I can see where a new member might initially feel on the outside, as the few of us "hard core" posters all know each other and have "inside jokes" and the like, but it just takes a little time for a newbie to be on the inside.

When I joined this site it had a different style of porn and that is why I joined, and now while there has been a further shift in types of guys and the type of porn featured, I remain here for the camaraderie on the forum, as well as the porn, which occasionally still "tickles my fancy". lol I apologize if I have come across as "cliquish" with my long time friends here, as that is not my intention. The lifeblood of the forum is to get new people, new perspectives and ideas. I may not agree, but if someone is friendly and respectful in their manner of presentation, I am all in favor of engaging in debate discussion or whatever, keeping in mind that "it is only porn" and never to take anything too seriously about a model getting fucked or not or whatever.

There is a thread called "10 random facts about you", started back in January 2009, by Scorpio who was a moderator and a designer for Mark of Broke Straight Boys There have been over 1400 posts made there over the years, and I would suggest it is a good way for a newbie to introduce themselves to us. We've had members here from all over the world, of ages from teens to late 80's and perhaps older, straight men and women and guys not sure about their sexuality. By introducing yourself and telling us a bit about your background is a good starting point for us all to get to know one another. I am going to bring this thread back to the first page.

Finally, I am willing to start over with anyone who I may have unintentionally offended with perceived "non inclusive" or "cliquish" talk. I've made many wonderful "forum friends" over the years, and it has expanded to some "real life" friends as well, culminating with a most wonderful week in 2013 when Peterh from Seattle came to visit me for his first ever trip to New York as we toured the city, and we shared it all day by day with pictures and commentary on the forum. And his visit was highlighted with a trip upstate New York to meet a third forumite in person Betu, as we all had a marvelous day together. So I have a lot of love and respect for this forum, and I hope to continue making friendships both in cyberspace and even in real time as well.

This is a very good post Mikey. I think you've conceptualized my thoughts on this pretty well. I have always strived to be very nice and welcoming to new people joining the forum and welcome different insights. If I haven't always succeeded at that 100% of the time, I've hopefully managed it a majority of the time. We can all have different opinions on various topics but I think for the most part we mange to keep things pretty civil. Since I have no idea what's been going on or being said elsewhere, I can't speak to any of that. Just our forum here.