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Welcoming New Members to this Forum


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
There has been talk again about old time forumites, (and myself and Tampa are far and away the longest currently posting), not being inclusive or welcoming enough toward new participants to this forum. I can swear on a stack of bibles that I truly want the opposite to occur on the forum. I firmly want more and more new members to participate as it gets old just having the same folks doing all the posting. I can see where a new member might initially feel on the outside, as the few of us "hard core" posters all know each other and have "inside jokes" and the like, but it just takes a little time for a newbie to be on the inside.

When I joined this site it had a different style of porn and that is why I joined, and now while there has been a further shift in types of guys and the type of porn featured, I remain here for the camaraderie on the forum, as well as the porn, which occasionally still "tickles my fancy". lol I apologize if I have come across as "cliquish" with my long time friends here, as that is not my intention. The lifeblood of the forum is to get new people, new perspectives and ideas. I may not agree, but if someone is friendly and respectful in their manner of presentation, I am all in favor of engaging in debate discussion or whatever, keeping in mind that "it is only porn" and never to take anything too seriously about a model getting fucked or not or whatever.

There is a thread called "10 random facts about you", started back in January 2009, by Scorpio who was a moderator and a designer for Mark of Broke Straight Boys There have been over 1400 posts made there over the years, and I would suggest it is a good way for a newbie to introduce themselves to us. We've had members here from all over the world, of ages from teens to late 80's and perhaps older, straight men and women and guys not sure about their sexuality. By introducing yourself and telling us a bit about your background is a good starting point for us all to get to know one another. I am going to bring this thread back to the first page.

Finally, I am willing to start over with anyone who I may have unintentionally offended with perceived "non inclusive" or "cliquish" talk. I've made many wonderful "forum friends" over the years, and it has expanded to some "real life" friends as well, culminating with a most wonderful week in 2013 when Peterh from Seattle came to visit me for his first ever trip to New York as we toured the city, and we shared it all day by day with pictures and commentary on the forum. And his visit was highlighted with a trip upstate New York to meet a third forumite in person Betu, as we all had a marvelous day together. So I have a lot of love and respect for this forum, and I hope to continue making friendships both in cyberspace and even in real time as well.
Thanks Peter, and about the year of your trip, when you get to be my age, they all start to run together. :001_unsure: lol
About the years...YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!

About the post...really nice job, but I'm still thinking if I should forgive you about your cliquish attitude. lolol

I guess I will. lol

Good job, Mr. Mayor. (I know you hate to hear that, but thejudge loves me. lolol)
There has been talk again about old time forumites, (and myself and Tampa are far and away the longest currently posting), not being inclusive or welcoming enough toward new participants to this forum. I can swear on a stack of bibles that I truly want the opposite to occur on the forum. I firmly want more and more new members to participate as it gets old just having the same folks doing all the posting. I can see where a new member might initially feel on the outside, as the few of us "hard core" posters all know each other and have "inside jokes" and the like, but it just takes a little time for a newbie to be on the inside.

When I joined this site it had a different style of porn and that is why I joined, and now while there has been a further shift in types of guys and the type of porn featured, I remain here for the camaraderie on the forum, as well as the porn, which occasionally still "tickles my fancy". lol I apologize if I have come across as "cliquish" with my long time friends here, as that is not my intention. The lifeblood of the forum is to get new people, new perspectives and ideas. I may not agree, but if someone is friendly and respectful in their manner of presentation, I am all in favor of engaging in debate discussion or whatever, keeping in mind that "it is only porn" and never to take anything too seriously about a model getting fucked or not or whatever.

There is a thread called "10 random facts about you", started back in January 2009, by Scorpio who was a moderator and a designer for Mark of Broke Straight Boys There have been over 1400 posts made there over the years, and I would suggest it is a good way for a newbie to introduce themselves to us. We've had members here from all over the world, of ages from teens to late 80's and perhaps older, straight men and women and guys not sure about their sexuality. By introducing yourself and telling us a bit about your background is a good starting point for us all to get to know one another. I am going to bring this thread back to the first page.

Finally, I am willing to start over with anyone who I may have unintentionally offended with perceived "non inclusive" or "cliquish" talk. I've made many wonderful "forum friends" over the years, and it has expanded to some "real life" friends as well, culminating with a most wonderful week in 2013 when Peterh from Seattle came to visit me for his first ever trip to New York as we toured the city, and we shared it all day by day with pictures and commentary on the forum. And his visit was highlighted with a trip upstate New York to meet a third forumite in person Betu, as we all had a marvelous day together. So I have a lot of love and respect for this forum, and I hope to continue making friendships both in cyberspace and even in real time as well.
I dpn't post very much but I've alwayd been welcomed and feel like my comments have been considered. I appreciate Mikey betu the judge and all the regulars. You.ve all been well mannered, If only the general population would be as nice as you all are to everyone. Thank You!!
Thanks Peter, and about the year of your trip, when you get to be my age, they all start to run together. :001_unsure: lol

At least yours is running...:biggrin:
And I too "second the motion," as I would enjoy any motion!:shock:
There has been talk again about old time forumites, (and myself and Tampa are far and away the longest currently posting), not being inclusive or welcoming enough toward new participants to this forum. I can swear on a stack of bibles that I truly want the opposite to occur on the forum. I firmly want more and more new members to participate as it gets old just having the same folks doing all the posting. I can see where a new member might initially feel on the outside, as the few of us "hard core" posters all know each other and have "inside jokes" and the like, but it just takes a little time for a newbie to be on the inside.

When I joined this site it had a different style of porn and that is why I joined, and now while there has been a further shift in types of guys and the type of porn featured, I remain here for the camaraderie on the forum, as well as the porn, which occasionally still "tickles my fancy". lol I apologize if I have come across as "cliquish" with my long time friends here, as that is not my intention. The lifeblood of the forum is to get new people, new perspectives and ideas. I may not agree, but if someone is friendly and respectful in their manner of presentation, I am all in favor of engaging in debate discussion or whatever, keeping in mind that "it is only porn" and never to take anything too seriously about a model getting fucked or not or whatever.

There is a thread called "10 random facts about you", started back in January 2009, by Scorpio who was a moderator and a designer for Mark of Broke Straight Boys There have been over 1400 posts made there over the years, and I would suggest it is a good way for a newbie to introduce themselves to us. We've had members here from all over the world, of ages from teens to late 80's and perhaps older, straight men and women and guys not sure about their sexuality. By introducing yourself and telling us a bit about your background is a good starting point for us all to get to know one another. I am going to bring this thread back to the first page.

Finally, I am willing to start over with anyone who I may have unintentionally offended with perceived "non inclusive" or "cliquish" talk. I've made many wonderful "forum friends" over the years, and it has expanded to some "real life" friends as well, culminating with a most wonderful week in 2013 when Peterh from Seattle came to visit me for his first ever trip to New York as we toured the city, and we shared it all day by day with pictures and commentary on the forum. And his visit was highlighted with a trip upstate New York to meet a third forumite in person Betu, as we all had a marvelous day together. So I have a lot of love and respect for this forum, and I hope to continue making friendships both in cyberspace and even in real time as well.

Both of you certainly made me feel welcome...
FYI anyone getting on the forms should realize that their opinions are just as good and meaningful as someone who posted for years and years. I'd like to see more people post their opinions without being corrected by some "old timer."
FYI anyone getting on the forms should realize that their opinions are just as good and meaningful as someone who posted for years and years. I'd like to see more people post their opinions without being corrected by some "old timer."
Amen. I wish for the same and that is the purpose of my post and this thread. :thumbup:
FYI anyone getting on the forms should realize that their opinions are just as good and meaningful as someone who posted for years and years. I'd like to see more people post their opinions without being corrected by some "old timer."

Don't you believe it. If you're not in The Gang you're nobody, and you and your opinions (or your "bullshit") don't mean crap.
Don't you believe it. If you're not in The Gang you're nobody, and you and your opinions (or your "bullshit") don't mean crap.
Scott, I know you had a rough time, on another forum that I invited you to, which is an offshoot of this one, but I think you are making an unfair accusation about the forum in general, as I see this as a friendly welcoming place. So many of the current group of regulars, joined in the last few years and are not here as long as myself, Tampa, Joeychuck, Elyot, Peter or Beth and they were all welcomed with open arms, and became regulars themselves by posting often and joining in on the fun! As Blake Bennet told me when he met me at New York Pride, "when you post a lot you get recognized". lol

I admit that my opinion is somewhat clouded due to the fact, that I made the original post on this thread, and that I am the second longest active member of the forum, but I really think that the regulars or "the gang", are open to varying opinions and there is no one opinion among the core group of posters either, as we all have varying tastes and opinions ourselves, and we often get on each other, but it is all intended in a friendly, brotherly way.

I would highly encourage new folks to join in on the forum, and please point out any specific instances of feeling ganged up on for a fair and honest differing opinion. If I unconsciously do that, I totally apologize and will make every effort to change, as without new voices, this forum is rather stagnant.
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Sorry, disagree. Same core group, same attitudes, maybe a different view. I just read a couple posts by newer members that were replied to or shot down from members of The Cabal in an unfriendly and less than welcoming manner. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but the truth is there in black and white. Your happy "family" is all well and good so long as the newbies tow the line, otherwise its the nasty retorts and superior, dismissive attitude, and my personal favorite "no one messes with one of our pals but us."
Sorry, disagree. Same core group, same attitudes, maybe a different view. I just read a couple posts by newer members that were replied to or shot down from members of The Cabal in an unfriendly and less than welcoming manner. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but the truth is there in black and white. Your happy "family" is all well and good so long as the newbies tow the line, otherwise its the nasty retorts and superior, dismissive attitude, and my personal favorite "no one messes with one of our pals but us."
Scott, keep in mind that everyone on the forum was once a newbie. When the forum started in 2008, I spent a month or two just reading and never uttering a word, (hard to believe with all my thousands of posts, now. lol). But the forum was dominated by guys named Jayman, Parisnoyd, Slimvintage, KodyKid (paraphrasing his name), Markymark and others. I'd never heard of an internet forum and had no idea what it all meant, so I just read and eventually felt brave enough to chime in.

And everyone else currently here excluding Tampa, another1, Joeychuck, Elyot, Juanjo and a few others including myself have come on board as time has gone by. If the core forum members were all as "nasty", "dismissive", and "superior" acting as you suggest, how did Stowe, Buckeye, Peter, Johnny, Betu, Beth, Stripe, YoungandConfused, Louis, Rafe, Erstas, Spartans, funbilly, and so many others who only occasionally post become regular contributors here?

I know you had a bad experience, on another forum that I invited you to, but I don't recall anyone being dismissive or unwelcoming to you on the Broke Straight Boys board and I think it's an unfair characterization of us on this forum. You were welcomed here with open arms, you posted a very interesting personal story of your life from the past that was cheered on and complimented by all who read it. I personally wish that you would join back in in the conversation here while you are still a member. You are intelligent, usually perceptive and you and I share many same values regarding sexuality and porn. I am truly sorry that you feel as you do and encourage you to give the forum another chance. As a paying member here, your voice and opinion is just as valid as everyone else's here and if you read something that you think is bullshit, call us out on it, (as you did in your post that I am currently responding to), but in my mind the more voices expressing themselves here, the more relevant and valid that this forum is.
Sorry, disagree. Same core group, same attitudes, maybe a different view. I just read a couple posts by newer members that were replied to or shot down from members of The Cabal in an unfriendly and less than welcoming manner. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but the truth is there in black and white. Your happy "family" is all well and good so long as the newbies tow the line, otherwise its the nasty retorts and superior, dismissive attitude, and my personal favorite "no one messes with one of our pals but us."

Well I personally apologize for calling your words "bullshit" on the other forum. But when I read your stuff here it's all negative and I just don't get it. I'm a fairly positive person and purposely don't have chaos in my life, so it boggles my mind how one person can feel so crappy all the time? Then you upset Ambi when all he was doing was trying to be friendly with you, and you dismissed him rudely. Ambi is by far the sweetest man on either forum and it pissed me off that he got so upset. Lets start over and enjoy the forum together Scott. I can vouch for most the members here and their all great people whom I would consider friends I've yet to meet.
I have so much to say on this matter but I also have nothing to say. Someone wrote recently on one of the forums that "Silence is Golden" so I will keep silent.

I do have one suggestion. Can we please stop referring to the "other" forum? They are two separate entities. This is the Broke Straight Boys forum and we should concentrate our discussions to this forum, about this forum, and this forum alone. I can see where regular members and new ones can feel unwelcoming to private discussions.

Wow! I sat here for a minute on how to close my post and could not come up with anything. I guess all I can say is Daddy has spoken.

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Sorry, disagree. Same core group, same attitudes, maybe a different view. I just read a couple posts by newer members that were replied to or shot down from members of The Cabal in an unfriendly and less than welcoming manner. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but the truth is there in black and white. Your happy "family" is all well and good so long as the newbies tow the line, otherwise its the nasty retorts and superior, dismissive attitude, and my personal favorite "no one messes with one of our pals but us."
Sorry ScottA
I have to disagree with you.When I first joined Broke Straight Boys it was the name that got me.Not so much the boys. I always thought they were all Gay.
Being gay myself I could not believe you could suck dick and get fucked and be straight. But I liked looking at the boys.
And I still think there all gay. But that is just me. But I never had interest in straight boys never had one.
But i lived in San Francisco so many beautiful gay boys why go to the trouble. As a kid I could have a different boy when ever I wanted one.And I wanted a lot.
Anyway.. I saw Broke Straight Boys and it seemed like a fun site. I already belonged to so many other sites ( I loved porn) why not one more?
Now this was three years ago before there were so many free sites.
So I joined. I was on the comment page for a long time. I would sneak into the forum page and read what people were saying.
I finally joined the forum. I was so intimidated I would not dare post.All those people were so smart. I did not have the guts.
I could not spell well. Had no idea what to say. Then I saw Paul and fell madly in Love.lol Strange being in love with a fantasy.That lasted 2 and a half years. On my part.
So I started to post a little one here a little one there.
God my first posts were so bad.I could not get my lines in a row.Took forever to learn how to do that. And my spelling was SO bad.
Thank God for the little red line under the misspelled word. Didn't even know what that meant at first?
And the things I said. Very silly things. I was SO embarrassed. I can't write like these people.
I just write what I feel.Then one by one I started meeting people. Always apologizing for what I said. Thinking I can't write like them.
The thing I am trying to say ScottA is not one person laughed at me. They just said keep posting.
I think it was Beth in her sweet Motherly way that said Just Fucking Post. Don't worry about what you say.
People understand You.
Never felt anyone was Superior or dismissive towards me.Then lucky me started to make friends. Wonderful friends.
Now people I talk to every day. People that teach me. Yes people that I have become real friends with.
People I have grown to love. Now I Babel way to much. But what I am trying to say in my way to long post ScottA.
Is you didn't give it a chance. Everyone can't be wrong. Maybe look within. And try to be part of
"The Cabal".
If that is what you want to call it? You are welcome. Love to have you back.There are some really nice
people on this and the other forum. But as most Family's we don't always agree on everything.
Your Friend...I hope..Johnny.... And with all the people that try to help. I still have trouble with my
too to's.
Oh and now..Broke Straight Boys is the only site I belong to. So much free stuff out there. And we have HSBoys here.
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Great post Johnny, and so true how were were all outsiders at one time, and now you are vice president of the "Queer Clique" or is it the "Yenta Club"?????????????????. lolololol

What an excellent Post, (little) Johnny. Don't worry about your to's and too's. I'll help you with that. We can set up our next class anytime it is convenient for you. I'll even teach you about the difference between "its" and it's."

Sorry ScottA
I have to disagree with you.When I first joined Broke Straight Boys it was the name that got me.Not so much the boys. I always thought they were all Gay.
Being gay myself I could not believe you could suck dick and get fucked and be straight. But I liked looking at the boys.
And I still think there all gay. But that is just me. But I never had interest in straight boys never had one.
But i lived in San Francisco so many beautiful gay boys why go to the trouble. As a kid I could have a different boy when ever I wanted one.And I wanted a lot.
Anyway.. I saw Broke Straight Boys and it seemed like a fun site. I already belonged to so many other sites ( I loved porn) why not one more?
Now this was three years ago before there were so many free sites.
So I joined. I was on the comment page for a long time. I would sneak into the forum page and read what people were saying.
I finally joined the forum. I was so intimidated I would not dare post.All those people were so smart. I did not have the guts.
I could not spell well. Had no idea what to say. Then I saw Paul and fell madly in Love.lol Strange being in love with a fantasy.That lasted 2 and a half years. On my part.
So I started to post a little one here a little one there.
God my first posts were so bad.I could not get my lines in a row.Took forever to learn how to do that. And my spelling was SO bad.
Thank God for the little red line under the misspelled word. Didn't even know what that meant at first?
And the things I said. Very silly things. I was SO embarrassed. I can't write like these people.
I just write what I feel.Then one by one I started meeting people. Always apologizing for what I said. Thinking I can't write like them.
The thing I am trying to say ScottA is not one person laughed at me. They just said keep posting.
I think it was Beth in her sweet Motherly way that said Just Fucking Post. Don't worry about what you say.
People understand You.
Never felt anyone was Superior or dismissive towards me.Then lucky me started to make friends. Wonderful friends.
Now people I talk to every day. People that teach me. Yes people that I have become real friends with.
People I have grown to love. Now I Babel way to much. But what I am trying to say in my way to long post ScottA.
Is you didn't give it a chance. Everyone can't be wrong. Maybe look within. And try to be part of
"The Cabal".
If that is what you want to call it? You are welcome. Love to have you back.There are some really nice
people on this and the other forum. But as most Family's we don't always agree on everything.
Your Friend...I hope..Johnny.... And with all the people that try to help. I still have trouble with my
too to's.
Oh and now..Broke Straight Boys is the only site I belong to. So much free stuff out there. And we have HSBoys here.

Johnny, listen, I am through with this. I am only even replying to make a few things clear, then I'm done, as everyone should be, with this.

This was an issue between me and Ambi which blew up out of a series of misunderstandings. The entire situation would have been over and done with, apologized for on both sides, and Ambi and I would have kissed and made up were it not for the fact that the mean gurls had to jump in and stir the shit up, when it had nothing to do with them and was none of their business.

Despite what your eminent psychologist Stowe thinks, I am not seeking attention nor am I looking to be begged to come back. I was done with the whole thing and the one and only reason I made a post here is because Mikey keeps pushing what a great, warm and welcoming "family" of guys it is and from MY OWN PERSONAL experience, I have to disagree. In my case everything was great (I thought) until an argument arose between me and one of the old timers. It was stupid and got out of hand too quickly, yes. But the moment they figured I was gone and couldn't see their posts anymore the mean gurls came out to tear me apart, say how they never liked me anyway, say my posts (here) were bullshit, etc. Even the meanest of the mean gurls, who I have never seen post anything but nasty or negative comments (despite having had that said about me, ironically), and whom I've never, ever even had any exchange with -- whose posts I never reply to and who had never replied to any of mine -- said how much he disliked me and how we didn't get along. Huh? And that same bitter person is still posting crap about me, despite the fact that the "family" say they are tired of hearing it and to move on (and that I haven't posted over there since the day it happened, and only once -- twice now -- over here since then).

Anyway, that was MY experience and I felt that painting this as a loving and welcoming bunch of guys was a lot of crap, and I said so. To ME it was your typical gang of mean-spirited, nasty and bitchy queens. Is it everyone in the gang? Of course not. But I didn't see anyone standing up to the mean gurls and tell them to leave it alone so that Ambi and I could deal with it ourselves. Watching bullies and doing nothing isn't far removed from being a bully. That may not be everyone's experience, but it was mine. I'm done -- not a proclamation or a threat, just saying I'm done with it. With this I've said all I have to say. I'm not wanted back and have no interest in going back. If Stowe or anyone else wants to think I'm looking for attention or to be begged to come back they are sorely wrong (and I urge Stowe to keep his psychological analysis of me to himself from now on).

And as for here, I told the mean gurls I wouldn't post here anymore, either, so there should be no further problems with my "bullshit." Also, this site has changed since I first fell in love with it. Without meaning any disrespect to the models who all work hard, this is not the Broke Straight Boys I knew and remembered so fondly. I miss those old days but they are gone. As I told Mikey, sometimes a dinosaur just needs to know when to lie down and become extinct.