Vinnie may be 30, maybe even 35. Who knows? But we should also remember that some guys look much older than they actually are. I know an 18 year old frosh who I swear looks thirty. Some boys are not built lean with a baby face, aka twink.
On the other hand, sometimes when you chase chicken, you wind up with a buzzard. lol
Zach, to me, has an average body, which is not a slam. I could do without the tramp stamp on his chest but I was not distracted by thoughts of him being too pudgy or anything. He has a beautiful face which makes the whole package more than acceptable.
I am usually very sensitive to flab or paunch both in porn and in real life. Nothing makes me hit the STOP button faster.
As for the age of future brokies, I can imagine how difficult it is for
Broke Straight Boys to find the right models. I would be curious to know the pass/fail ratio of all the applicants. Let's face it, just because a boy is 18 or 19 does it mean he fits the
Broke Straight Boys concept by a longshot. So it must be tempting for Blu to look at older applicants at times.
But while I would find it occasionally ok, I hope
Broke Straight Boys resists the idea of regularly featuring more mature models. After all, this is
Broke Straight Boys and not Broke Straight Men with Children in Grade School. lol
Maybe another site can cover that niche.