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Vadim Black Comes Back To Broke Straight Boys


Well-known Member
Feb 18, 2014
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I can't believe I'm the first to start a thread on Vadim Black's interview! It seems like I could have a ton to say, but am going to try and keep it brief. I'm going to direct my comments directly at Vadim Black. First off I am very happy you are back. I made the mistake of following you to the "other" studio. I made the mistake of joining there right after your first video was posted. In the back of my mind I expect it to be a mistake to join. Still I did so. It was very clear that the studio was in it for money and not producing high quality videos. I have not doubt that a studio who is not willing to be make a good video is also not willing to threat models with the respect they deserve. For whatever reason a model decides to get into porn they are taking huge risk. To me the idea of any studio "using" you guys and not treating you as the person you guys are really upsets me. But that's also the nature of some of the industry.

I think it sucks that you learned a painful lesson by leaving BlueMedia. I may not know the studios staff personally but it's very clear they treat the models with respect. Additionally most fans really do care about the models. You guys are not just flesh and bone to us. If you look at the forum comments many really do care about the models are people.

I am truly sorry that your family has taken the path that they did with you. In no way can I imagine how disappointed they were with you doing porn. I have no doubt that I would have a similar problem. But I would like to think that I would have unconditionally loved you enough to figure out how to deal with the public embarrassment of it all. Though we don't know a lot of details of your adoption from your home land (in terms of your biological family) and I'm not sure how much you even know. The idea the your adopted family basically gave up on you for doing porn is just not fair. I think it totally sucks and I truly hope that someday they are able to continue to figure out how to forgive you. But that also will require you to do some forgiving yourself. It will take time. It may not ever happen, but with all my heart... I hope it does. You and your family deserve it!

I hope that you continue to grow from this overall experience. I know it has caused you a lot of pain. How you deal with that pain is entirely up to you. You can grow from it or let it beat you down. From the interview it seems you have the mental strength to get through all of the negative parts of the whole porn (and really growing into adulthood) experience. I know I am not the only member of Broke Straight Boys who will wish you continued success in your life. Not matter what direction you go... Broke Straight Boys members and staff care about you... not as a model... but as a person!

Now... all that being said... I think that you are one of the most beautiful guys I have ever seen in porn. I have no problem admitting that I think you Russian guys are the hottest people around. So I am thrilled that you are back and I hope that your "career" at Broke Straight Boys will continue for a long time. But this in no way makes me think of you as a piece of "meat". Please continue to grow as a person and further your education and head in whatever direction is best for you and your future!

As a fan who fell "in love" with you at "first sight", I accept your apology. We all have challenges in life... those challenges sometimes lead to us not making the best decisions. What matters is how we learn from them. I am sure the Broke Straight Boys family will support you.

what's the story of the young man who takes his share and leaves. after losing everything and with nothing left to lose, he returned home. he ask to be forgiven for mistakes. his father ordered a feast in his honor. when ask why celebrate the return of a errant child said, he was apart from us and now he is a part of us again.
what's the story of the young man who takes his share and leaves. after losing everything and with nothing left to lose, he returned home. he ask to be forgiven for mistakes. his father ordered a feast in his honor. when ask why celebrate the return of a errant child said, he was apart from us and now he is a part of us again.
Lmfao guys I hate to burst ur bubble but wake up and do ur home work. if u honestly believe anything he is saying then I feel sorry for you.

I'd just say:

*I thought this was a sensitively-conducted, and thoughtfully-answered, interview.
*The insights shared by Vadim Black ring pretty true, to me.
*I feel that Vadim Black has nothing to apologize about, to members: his own career choices, are his own career choices.
*Based on what friends who have worked in the industry have told me, I think there are only a couple of studios in North America that treat their models properly - and Broke Straight Boys is one of them.
*Vadim Black is right - there is no such thing as a "career" in erotic video: it's an ephemeral and evanescent moment in life. AT BEST - it's an opportunity to pay some bills and further one's education. At WORST - it can be a trap.
*Vadim Black was very charitable to fans, in general. Maybe a little too much, so. In my experience, most of the committed fans who write in this space DO care for, and love the models, and are eager for them to pursue their educations, and have happy lives. But it isn't so, everywhere. Bad studios flourish, because there are bad 'fans' out there who are only concerned with their own satisfaction, and who are unconcerned about the fate of the models, beyond the scenes which they like.

Vadim Black, of course we are glad you're back. There are many fans here who genuinely like and care about you, as a person. Of course we are all looking forward to your scenes, which I am sure will be excellent! But I know that we are all hoping that you will be able to use your time at Broke Straight Boys as a stepping-stone to your further goals in life. And we all will be VERY happy for you, as those goals take shape, and you progress toward the happiness you deserve.

Lmfao guys I hate to burst ur bubble but wake up and do ur home work. if u honestly believe anything he is saying then I feel sorry for you.

You are implying he is not being honest. Then you should state what it is about which he is not being honest.
You are implying he is not being honest. Then you should state what it is about which he is not being honest.

Yet again Damien Kyle opens his big mouth without thinking about the consequences (remember him leaking the Broke Straight Boys video). I think it is downright rude and unprofessional for a model to come here and diss another model in public. Damien Christopher and the team have obviously put a lot of time and money in getting Vadim Black back to Broke Straight Boys and also to get his popularity up again. If I was Mark I would carpet Damien Kyle and give him (at least) a final warning on his behaviour.
Lmfao guys I hate to burst ur bubble but wake up and do ur home work. if u honestly believe anything he is saying then I feel sorry for you.

I am old enough to have had many bubbles burst. my fantasies and beliefs keep me on this site. I hope management and staff expect me to believe his story. if not it would be a work of fiction and a source of friction. as a site oriented person, I give the site the benefit of any doubt.
what do you know and what will you share?
Yet again Damien Kyle opens his big mouth without thinking about the consequences (remember him leaking the Broke Straight Boys video). I think it is downright rude and unprofessional for a model to come here and diss another model in public. Damien Christopher and the team have obviously put a lot of time and money in getting Vadim Black back to Broke Straight Boys and also to get his popularity up again. If I was Mark I would carpet Damien Kyle and give him (at least) a final warning on his behaviour.

And yet again I end up arguing with somone who has no idea about what they are talking about. We all saw what happened last time we were about to leave. In case you havnt picked up on anything because I know your not on social media we have a reality tv show coming out! My name is Damien Kyle & This Is Reality...& im rude for being real and honest. I forgot who I was talking to. I forgot I had to sugar coat everything so you'd believe what I gotta say.
And yet again I end up arguing with somone who has no idea about what they are talking about. We all saw what happened last time we were about to leave. In case you havnt picked up on anything because I know your not on social media we have a reality tv show coming out! My name is Damien Kyle & This Is Reality...& im rude for being real and honest. I forgot who I was talking to. I forgot I had to sugar coat everything so you'd believe what I gotta say.

This thread is about Vadim Black and not about you Damien Kyle. The fact that you have already sabotaged this thread, is just another example of why I have always stated that models should not be allowed to post in this section of the site. I don't give a fuck what you post on FB or Twitter or whatever other social media sites you are on, this is a membership site and I for one would like you to keep your disturbing opinions to yourself.

As I said before, you need to be hauled in before DC and Mark and have your loudmouthed ass kicked. Totally unprofessional behaviour and uncalled for in this instance.
I am old enough to have had many bubbles burst. my fantasies and beliefs keep me on this site. I hope management and staff expect me to believe his story. if not it would be a work of fiction and a source of friction. as a site oriented person, I give the site the benefit of any doubt.
what do you know and what will you share?

Ok lets talk about 1. how he abandoned his dog witch is now with me paul and dutches. 2. How dallas the company he left Broke Straight Boys to work for called him out on twitter about stealing money from them and then him finally abandoning Broke Straight Boys to go work for dallas. 3. Then comes back to Broke Straight Boys and gets idealized, asked abunch of sugar coated questions with out going into much detail. That what ya'll are missing and it makes me sick because u all are welcoming him back to his so called "home" to just leave again to go work for another studio AC. If we are ever going to have a Broke Straight Boys team of boys there needs to be honesty, loyalty, royalty. You all dont see everything us models see, go through. Models are constantly back stabbing each other. Im trying to make peace and a Broke Straight Boys team of models that can actually Rep the company with professionalism, make it bigger then it all ready it. Miking the cow and doing porn just because of the money is not the only reasons to be a model. You can either do somthing with your career and make somthing out of your self or u can be another average joe. Ive seen nothing but models trying to do other models jobs, models copying top models just to fit it.
I see paul posted a comment on Vadim Black's bts episode. good to see something got paul's attention. he doesn't post on the forum any more. he and Damien call bs on Vadim Black's interview.
as an outsider I have no idea what is going on. something tells me the site has become one giant marketing tool. the forum has become a test board.
I still don't know what happened the last time Damien and paul were about to leave. a rumor, a confirmation, a denial, a photo, and a reminder today. rude in the forum is good for business and reality tv.
Lmfao guys I hate to burst ur bubble but wake up and do ur home work. if u honestly believe anything he is saying then I feel sorry for you.


Damien Kyle ~

Maybe you're right - and undoubtedly you are. You and I both know how gay erotic sites work: and interviews are invariably tailored of one-quarter truth, and three-quarters fiction, to tug at members' sympathies. Having had a couple of friends in this business, I never believe any narrative which is offered up to me, as whole-cloth, about ANY model: including (I'm sorry to say): you.

However, what you should know is: when people like "mt" and "another1" offer kind words in a situation like this, they are not doing so as "insiders" - they are making their remarks on the basis of incomplete and imperfect information. BUT, they are doing so out of a spirit of KINDNESS, decency, and love.

It's not just mean-spirited, but also intellectually wrong, to suggest that they "haven't done their homework", or that anyone ought to feel "sorry for them." (Which is tantamount to suggesting that they are stupid. Which they are NOT.)

NO, INDEED. These are nice people who work hard, and have jobs and families, and who (unlike miscreants like ME) don't spend their whole lives masquerading as the "Hercule Poirot" of gay video. To the contrary - in their words and deeds, they are just showing, based on the limited and imperfect information available to them, all the KINDNESS they CAN. If that's a crime, then please, arrest me, too.

"A". :frown:
Ok lets talk about 1. how he abandoned his dog witch is now with me paul and dutches. 2. How dallas the company he left Broke Straight Boys to work for called him out on twitter about stealing money from them and then him finally abandoning Broke Straight Boys to go work for dallas. 3. Then comes back to Broke Straight Boys and gets idealized, asked abunch of sugar coated questions with out going into much detail. That what ya'll are missing and it makes me sick because u all are welcoming him back to his so called "home" to just leave again to go work for another studio AC. If we are ever going to have a Broke Straight Boys team of boys there needs to be honesty, loyalty, royalty. You all dont see everything us models see, go through. Models are constantly back stabbing each other. Im trying to make peace and a Broke Straight Boys team of models that can actually Rep the company with professionalism, make it bigger then it all ready it. Miking the cow and doing porn just because of the money is not the only reasons to be a model. You can either do somthing with your career and make somthing out of your self or u can be another average joe. Ive seen nothing but models trying to do other models jobs, models copying top models just to fit it.


Damien Kyle ~

This is all fair comment. HOWEVER. As a senior and well-liked model in the company, if you are feeling that Vadim Black is not the sort of model to be a good member of the team, then the most professional thing to do is to talk to management about it. And if there is a consensus amongst your fellow-models - go and make your case TOGETHER.

As someone who has no dog in this fight, if you and your colleagues think Vadim Black is not right for the site, you should be able to raise this with your employers in a reasoned fashion, bolstered with evidence, and work it out, internally.

My only point is that the members who have said kind things about Vadim Black are: #1~ responding to him as a performer, based on their taste; and, #2 ~ trying to be kind and supportive - which is something good people, DO.

If you are aggrieved about this, Damien Kyle, your grievance is NOT with members who have said kind things to Vadim Black - based on the limited things they know: but, with management. And that is the correct place for this discussion to unfold, in my opinion.

I woke up at 2 am this morning laughing my ass off thinking about the video of Paul and Damien's road trip. As soon as I grabbed some coffee I turned my computer on and went to that video. I also checked out the Youtube link someone had posted and watched other related videos. What a fuckin wonderful way to start the day.

Then, and on my second cup of coffee, I flipped the channel and came back to watch Vadim Black's interview. I watched the interview with mixed feelings and reservation. I came to the forum and read all the comments. I am not going to express my opinions other than to say that all my exhilaration has dropped to the pit of my stomach.

I may be an old fool, but I am too old to be fooled.

I think I'll leave now and go check my email or something. BBL

As the interviewer and the director of this interview, I will say that Vadim Black was honest and sincere in his answers. Knowing the complete story about why he left and what happened led me to ask the questions I did. Basically, he left Broke Straight Boys for what seemed like greener pastures and then came back when he realized what was best for him. We didn't go into details on why he left because he was contractually forbidden to do so by his former studio. That speaks volumes. He had a bad experience and learned a lot from it. He's young and it happens. Overall, I feel like he gave a great interview and is a welcome addition back to the roster. Our team prides itself on providing an accurate and honest look into the lives of the models that we feature. There are no half truths and we never intentionally set out to mislead anyone on anything or do things for attention. We're too busy for that. There are times that a model asks me to not ask them certain questions and I abide by that. Sometimes I have them avoid certain topics for their own safety and some things should be left alone. I worked for The Tonight Show and it was the same process. It's what it is.

On another note, it's bad to call out other models and say mean things about them or anyone for that matter. This should be done in private and in a professional manner. We expect our models to act in a professional manner and the Broke Straight Boys team apologizes for Damien Kyle's remarks. Damien Kyle is a very passionate person and doesn't hold back. However, this isn't the most wise thing to do all the time and he will be spoken to.

Guess this was a nice little preview of the TV show and what staff and models deal with on a daily basis. lol Good night!
As the interviewer and the director of this interview, I will say that Vadim Black was honest and sincere in his answers. Knowing the complete story about why he left and what happened led me to ask the questions I did. Basically, he left Broke Straight Boys for what seemed like greener pastures and then came back when he realized what was best for him. We didn't go into details on why he left because he was contractually forbidden to do so by his former studio. That speaks volumes. He had a bad experience and learned a lot from it. He's young and it happens. Overall, I feel like he gave a great interview and is a welcome addition back to the roster. Our team prides itself on providing an accurate and honest look into the lives of the models that we feature. There are no half truths and we never intentionally set out to mislead anyone on anything or do things for attention. We're too busy for that. There are times that a model asks me to not ask them certain questions and I abide by that. Sometimes I have them avoid certain topics for their own safety and some things should be left alone. I worked for The Tonight Show and it was the same process. It's what it is.

On another note, it's bad to call out other models and say mean things about them or anyone for that matter. This should be done in private and in a professional manner. We expect our models to act in a professional manner and the Broke Straight Boys team apologizes for Damien Kyle's remarks. Damien Kyle is a very passionate person and doesn't hold back. However, this isn't the most wise thing to do all the time and he will be spoken to.

Guess this was a nice little preview of the TV show and what staff and models deal with on a daily basis. lol Good night!

Thank you for your response.

On another note, it's bad to call out other models and say mean things about them or anyone for that matter. This should be done in private and in a professional manner. We expect our models to act in a professional manner and the Broke Straight Boys team apologizes for Damien Kyle's remarks. Damien Kyle is a very passionate person and doesn't hold back. However, this isn't the most wise thing to do all the time and he will be spoken to.

Guess this was a nice little preview of the TV show and what staff and models deal with on a daily basis. lol Good night!

So what I'm reading here is: models calling out each other should be reserved to the fabled reality series because it makes for good drama and should not happen "for free" on the forum.

I for one am grateful that Damien Kyle brought a little tension into the proceedings and made it a little livelier than the love-fest that was programmed by TPTB.

Abandoning a pet is not a good look on anyone and speaks volume about a person's lack of empathy.

And I hope that PC will also get a stern talking-to since he was the one to start it in the scene comments. Right?

You could even make a video of that exchange and post on the site... Everybody wins!
Ok lets talk about 1. how he abandoned his dog witch is now with me paul and dutches. 2. How dallas the company he left Broke Straight Boys to work for called him out on twitter about stealing money from them and then him finally abandoning Broke Straight Boys to go work for dallas. 3. Then comes back to Broke Straight Boys and gets idealized, asked abunch of sugar coated questions with out going into much detail. That what ya'll are missing and it makes me sick because u all are welcoming him back to his so called "home" to just leave again to go work for another studio AC. If we are ever going to have a Broke Straight Boys team of boys there needs to be honesty, loyalty, royalty. You all dont see everything us models see, go through. Models are constantly back stabbing each other. Im trying to make peace and a Broke Straight Boys team of models that can actually Rep the company with professionalism, make it bigger then it all ready it. Miking the cow and doing porn just because of the money is not the only reasons to be a model. You can either do somthing with your career and make somthing out of your self or u can be another average joe. Ive seen nothing but models trying to do other models jobs, models copying top models just to fit it.

Young kids do dumb things, especially when they feel life has thrown them for a loop and they lose their family and their friends in one fell swoop. That would be hard for anyone to go through and believe it or not, people can learn from their mistakes, Damien. Broke Straight Boys has obviously decided to give him another chance and yet you're here-spreading the seed of discourse on a public forum. If you feel so passionately about his return, then discuss these matters privately with your management team. Bringing it here is just unprofessional, in my opinion. It also seems a bit hypocritical when you speak of honesty and integrity in one breath, and the very next breath you use private information in order to defame and negatively color the members' opinions of another model. Talk about backstabbing.
I am not totally surprised that this thread stirred up some drama, but to get that strong of a reaction out of Damien Kyle does surprise me. I have no doubt we do not have all of the information to make a totally informed decision about Vadim Black. But that's not my place! If Broke Straight Boys management felt Vadim Black should be given another chance than that's their choice. I suspect Mark probably listens to comments the other models might make but ultimately someone has to make a decision about a model's future with the company.

Damien Kyle every single one of us has made bad choice in life. What matter's is we learn from those mistakes. Maybe Vadim Black was a total jerk to a whole lot of people. That doesn't mean people don't change. He's a few years younger than you and that means he hasn't experienced some of the things you have. Only you can decided for yourself if someone deserves another chance. I have had plenty of times when someone has stabbed me in the back. Some of those people are no longer in my life as a result. But a couple of them are because they (and even me) grew up, talked things out and moved on. One of those people I am very closed to now.

I certainly am not in your position and I cannot pretend to understand to put myself in any model's shoes. I have not doubt that can be a very difficult thing. I can be just as opinionated and outspoken as you. But as I've gotten older I'm a lot less outspoken. I keep my opinions to myself and only share them with a more select few now.

Damien Kyle I will call you out a little bit though. I've been a huge fan of yours from day one (and I still continue to be). In my profession I deal with people at some of their worst moments in their life. I have not make decisions every single day without knowing all of the facts about a situation. We all could learn to put a little more faith in each other. I am willing to give Vadim Black another chance, just like I am anyone else. That does not make me a fool. It helps me to be a more understanding better person. Do you get a third chance... probably not... (but I'm not going to say never either).