PLEASE NOTE: Before reading the note below, please begin linking to the following music whilst it plays gently in the background as you read on...
Dearest Abe,
With your voluminous and beautifully written, well thought-out comments to the contrary, you know being from the South and with my response being written in the thickest of Southern accents, "I always rely on the kindness of strangers", especially well-written ones having their origins from the likes of someone such as yourself! Abe, you are the definition of the "Mason/Dixon Line, Tradition, and Honor" all wrapped into one and you must know I have always had from the bottom of my heart an affinity for your many gentlemanly charms, kind Sir! Even if your name reminds me of none other than the enemy and Devil himself, Abe Lincoln. Such are the fortunes or misfortunes in life.
With regards to your pensive response to me on the forum, of course we can..."still be buds(as in roses) and agree to disagree" always with civility and good manners, from time to time without the necessity of bringing out the "dueling weapons". Personally, I have always hated having to take the time to count out the required number of steps with my dyslexia! Would you like to share a mint julip? "Fiddle de dee, tomorrow is another day" my dearest Abe Rhett Butler, III!
Perhaps I can make a new dress from these imported draperies in the honor of this memorable occasion. Afterall, if Southerners stand for anything at all, we stand for "Tradition" and "Honor"! While it might appear to be a bit forward for us O'Stimpy girls, I want to share the fact that I have taken the personal liberty as a woman's prerogative and long-standing family tradition of reserving you an most "Honored Spot" on my "dance card", of course! You silly, silly boy! I'll look for you to be freshly shaven in the light and airy "Ballsac Room"!
Sincerely "Honored" by your offer with your "Traditional Southern Charms",
Scarlett O'Stimpy
Stimpy, you are so cute! I must confess though, I've never watched Gone With The Wind so I guess now I'll have to watch it just so I can get all the references to it. What I will say with absolute certainty though is I know nothin about birthin no babies!