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Useless as a neutered underdog in HEAT-Feeling unofficially OSTRACIZED BY THE FORUM


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
With all the unrelenting contentiousness on the forum created over Jimmy's mere existence on Broke Straight Boys and further fueled by his many defensive "in-your-face" postings on the forum, I RAISE MY HANDS ALONG WITH A WHITE FLAG IN COMPLETE SURRENDER AND RECOGNITION OF THE COLLATERAL DAMAGE CAUSED BY ALL SIDES! One could only think this is some 3-party presidential campaign and the sake of this site is at stake!

To those of you eternally loyal to Jimmy's performances having become so enamored and taken-in by his alleged "STRAIGHTNESS" and his complete permission he enjoys to do as little as he "damn-well pleases" during his episodes, I say respectfully from my perception, I could care less whether Jimmy ever "bottoms or becomes the biggest/most willing "bitch-boy" ever in Broke Straight Boys history. Whether we are talking about his "worshipped feet" or him requiring an apology from those registering their honest disapproval as a paying customer, I personally feel "WHAT THE HELL AM I STILL DOING HERE ANYWAY? THERE IS "NO ROOM FOR DISCENTION" FROM THOSE UNDERDOGS THAT ARE SO BOLD AS TO DISAGREE WITH THE PREVAILING WINDS!.

May I say ALL the fuss and/or pretense of adoring " straight boys" as complete "GODS" on a Gay Porn Site seems somehow discordant with the primary purposes we as Broke Straight Boys subscribers have assembled. After all, all the actions expected from our models are by their very nature "gay-oriented actions" for a "primarily gay audience". Duhh! Go figure?

I do not pretend to deny my adversarial role as a "critic and unsatisfied customer" in regards to Jimmy's "disappointing performances" limited to routine Broke Straight Boys updates.(my issues with Jimmy never included his BTW persona!) Since he started sharing his "wares" here back in April, I have been brow-beaten to a bloody pulp, emotionally speaking, by their steady, perpetual stream of everpresent diehard Jimmy supporters, whose goal has long ago been realized anyway. I FEEL NOTHING LESS THAN "GANGED UP ON" BY THOSE POLITICALLY CORRECT 6 OR 7 HARD-CORE "JIMMY-ITES", yet even so, I feel the necessity to continue onward ad nauseum while my opponents continue to gloat and rub their victory in the face of others like me, those not so enamored of the "Golden Calf" that represents "Jimmy and his performances". I view all of these as merely adopting those currently divisive/hostile popular practices used in polarizing political tactics, settling for nothing less than monolithic, dictatorial-rule..."VICTORY AT ANY COST"!

As a consequence I feel my "ostracization" by most on the forum has been almost total, despite the fact that I basically "live for the forum", not for monetary benefit, of course, but out of a genuine desire of friendship derived through associating as equals with my peers, the third of Maslow's five hierarchy of human needs. What I have learned from all of this is what I call typically American competitive attitudes of "Winning is everything!" Coming in "second place" is equal to "loosing or achieving nothing!" America "Love it or leave it" still prevails as a given in our society! And among those one would naturally assume shares so many basic realities, "no one really cares about yesterday's news!"

I am not some "leper" or "child molester" and I have "no contageous disease(s)"! I am myself and nothing more with all my worts, bruises, and imperfections, seeking mostly to "register my customer dissatisfaction " only now a little older and more NUMB! I seek no apologies, only a frendly word of acceptance for whom and what I am - a friend and most faithful supporter of the forum and ALL it "should represent"!

Very Beseiged Forumite,


PS I am as good as dead now, so spare me the "overkill"! Thanks!
I say shoot your wad to whatever makes you happy! I love this site because there is such of bounty of gorgeous men (all be it half my age, but in their sexual prime) that should one or more leave you limp, try another...and another!
Here's hoping within a few, you too can spew like I do...ah, anew!
Although one may spend an afternoon with a pitcher of margaritas laughing over your choice of fonts and colors when you want to make a point; go the hell on and make it.This forum is a ball. The rest of the world has that tweet thing but we have this; hell we can be in heat, mad as hell, catty (that would be me just saying) but I for one just love reading all this give and take and quite frankly want to give us all a pat on the back because tho the majority of us were born more than twenty one years ago (little joke) we are able to convey how we feel with a sense of intelligence and maturity and throw in a whole lot of humor....so keep it up ....to coin a phrase.
Dearest Stimpy,

You are not ostracised by me. And even among some of the strongest supporters of Jimmy on the site I don't see you as ganged up on. Of course your feelings and perception of the situation is what matters most to you. Not ours. But obviously you have the freedom to say whatever you want in here. Just like you've proven in your post above. Whenever you speak in bold terms on any given subject you are bound to get some pushback from those with opposing views. That's what a free and open exchange of ideas is supposed to be about.

I always admire the passion and the fire in the belly that you bring to so many conversations. It's people like you who bring so much life, enthusiasm and interest to the conversations we have in here. If anything, we need more people like you...not fewer.
My dear Stimpy-I think I understand from whence you are coming. And that is why I continue the drumbeat that on this forum when we disagree with one another it be done "agreeably", i.e. with civility and respect for each other's opinions and point of view. I have read some of the bitter words exchanged on a variety of subjects, especially Jimmy. I just don't think calling people names, impugning their intelligence and/or character are necessary to get across one's viewpoint. Long ago one of my English Professors always said people resort to such tactics when they are not confident in the positions on which they are expounding. And I have noted some of these attacks directed at you. But don't let that get you down. From what I can gather in reading this forum, you are much loved and your views well respected even by those you don't agree with you from time to time. I have had the privilege of getting to know you during my brief time on the forum and I urge you not to let the poor manners and language of the few who don't mind disrespecting their fellow forumites overshadow the much greater number of your forum friends who consider you a dear friend and valuable contributor to the forum. Your very presence makes this forum a better place. :biggrin::thumbup::biggrin::thumbup:
Thanks Stimpy for a great post! I agree with 98% of what you had to say. I believe you have a much more positive outlook toward the site than I do. I have gotten tired of the continuous monopolizing of the episodes by just a few performers. I have taken all I can take of Jimmy ( sorry all of you Jimmy worshipers),Jamie,Darren and especially Colin,with his constant talk about his wife (no disrespect intended toward her). I think he uses her to try and convince the members of his "straightness". He needs all the help he can get. I for one don't understand how anyone who loves a cock up their ass as much as he seems to love it can be "straight". I'll give him "bi" at the most. I know this post won't sit well with many members. It is to be expected and I respect that reaction.
Having said all this, I have acted on my feelings. I have cancelled my membership to the BSB2 site. I may be back in a few months, if it looks as if Clay and the management have gotten away from all of the clones and the "special" performers and have added new blood to the site. In the meantime, I hope you all have many days and nights of hot,hot fun. Peace to you.
Dear Stimpy,

It seems to me that you are overly concerned about a situation that I honestly don't think exists. You are well liked on the forum, your posts usually receive very favorable commentary, and I see nothing but admiration for your humor, honesty and candor, in your postings.

Yes, the "Jimmy factor" has become quite divisive on the forum, but as a long time member here, it is not the first "issue" that has aroused the wrath of supporters and detractors, and more importantly I believe that taken in the right spirit, the debate can be healthy and interesting.

However, for the most part this particular debate has become repetitive, and quite frankly boring to me, so I now tend to glance over the "Jimmy" posts, and have had very little to say about them for several weeks now, for as with politics, people rarely change their basic beliefs, and the conservative tea party advocates are no more likely to "change" their beliefs, than the "Jimmy haters" are likely to start singing his praises. In both situations, the rhetoric does not change any of the hard liners opinions.

As I have told you many times, Stimpy, both on this forum, and in our private communications, that while we may disagree on what kind of scenes, models, and actions performed by the models that we find entertaining and arousing, I still respect your opinions, as well as everyone else's who are able to state their opinions intelligently and without an "axe to grind".

I understand that you may feel frustrated that everyone who belongs to Broke Straight Boys, and more importantly, who post on the forum, does not agree with your take on the "Jimmy" persona, I feel that some of your conclusions in your post on the situation are invalid, and as a "Jimmy supporter" from his initial scene to inaugurate Broke Straight Boys 2, I want to point out that many if not most of the folks who enjoy him and his scenes are not "brain washed" in any way, but just have a different idea than you, on what is hot on a porn site, and that is certainly okay, but I have seen no evidence that anyone has "unofficially ostracized" you in any way, or that there is a "winning" or "losing" side in this debate.

The forum has an ebb and flow to it, and it has been relatively quiet in the last few days, but please don't consider yourself a "besieged forumite", anymore than anyone else who posts here. I am grateful that Mark has given us a free and open forum, with almost no censorship, and we all have equal rights here, to express ourselves and our views, and your opinion is as valid as anyone else's.

Stimpy, you are a "colorful" poster, (in more ways than one), and your voice is both respected and valued on the Broke Straight Boys forum, and I look forward to reading your thoughts here for a long time to come. :thumbup:
Hey Stimpy,

Much of what I think has already been said. I've always enjoyed your thoughtful and often funny posts. Nobody puts as much work into one as you do! I'm sorry that you're feeling ganged-up on. I believe that the vast majority of forumites appreciate your wit and efforts. I know I do.

I owe you a response on the Rocco/Colin thread. You responded to my post and did a hell of a job on yours!
I've been sick with some vile head/chest/fever virus and have only turned on the computer to see a couple scenes and read a few posts. My email runeth over! When I get out of the Nyquil fog and begin feeling human again, I'll get back to you.

You have the support of many. Take it!
Hey Stimpy, Don't be too down. We all have things to say that may not agree with the majority of posts for a particular scene. That's fine with me. I always assume that's why there are a variety of scene types as will as bonus sites so we can find what suites us on any particular day. Hell, what I like one day, I may not care for another. Keep posting your thoughts, I want to know how everyone feels / thinks. For me the real test is as long as they cum, I'm happy. If they shot volumes with some distance, I stand up and cheer. So let's just agree that we both like cum scenes. Love ya Stimpy. Hope you have a great day.
Dearest Stimpy,
If I wanted to be around people who think the same as I do, I'll go to the Tea Party crowd since they don't tolerate any deviation whatsoever. I appreciated different opinions; its healthy to be around those who disagree with me even if it hurts my feelings. I'm not god so I need people to keep me in balance, correct me, educate me and yes, love me. And I do the same for others too. What I find helpful when things don't go the way I want or the way I think is right or logical, is to go around it and find something else worth my time and energy. If I get fixated on whatever obstacle it happens to be, then I get very frustrated with myself, with others and with the whole damn world. Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy and be happy time is so precious.
Stimpy, I hope everybody realizes that any of my posts are written with tongue firmly in cheek. And I assume most others are too. I could not possibly take anything seriously on this forum. I'm enjoying myself. I try to be respectful when someone really seems torn or sad or ostracized or whatever, but I am perplexed as to why they would use this forum for such expressions. I found the "Jimmy" exchanges interesting in that over several posts we actually got down to understanding the way Jimmy thinks and what his ultimate goals are. It took a bit of digging and manipulation to get there, but we did reach a "truth." Jayshaw: You are suppose to create a thread of your own to say goodbye so people have a chance to talk you out of leaving. As for Colin, I think he is an example of a guy willing to experiment and found out, as Bobby has I think, that there is enjoyment in having something rubbing over your prostrate no matter how straight you are. I think Colin is as straight as anybody on this site. I don't have the aversion to Darren (my trailor trash fantasy) or Jamie or even Jimmy that you have, but I am seeing a pretty consistant influx of new blood, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. I may be leaving soon myself for financial reasons. I'm on a fixed income and in this money climate several of my relatives could use the money I spend here. Not to mention several causes I would like to support. OOPS! I will create a thread when I make my decision. LOL!
I have read both sides of the argument basically from the very beginning. At first I felt sorry for Jimmy and how his "personal views/opinions" were questioned and aggravated. Also, at that moment began to deeply like Jimmy as a person for his honesty of a controversal question. Then as the weeks went on, and this debate began to get really ugly I began to think. The very reason models are on the forum are to address questions that are directed to there scenes/personal lives. It is that model's choice if he wants to be on the forum, or if so if he wants to answer any of the questions. I get he wants to be honest and straight forward, but doesn't the site address any of the comments he has made to paying costumers. I think from studying to be a psychiatrist; which involves human-resources, that the director of a business gives basic and guided instructions in which you communicate which the public/costumers. Yes, I fell the questions asked to Jimmy were a little deep(personal), but I also fell Broke Straight Boys as a corporation has some-what failed in how they handled a debacle involving one of their ever popular models. So I feel that blame of this debate rests on the shoulders on the Questioners, and Jimmy (Including Broke Straight Boys as a corporation) for letting this get to such an extreme.
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Stimpy, I hope everybody realizes that any of my posts are written with tongue firmly in cheek. And I assume most others are too. I could not possibly take anything seriously on this forum. I'm enjoying myself. I try to be respectful when someone really seems torn or sad or ostracized or whatever, but I am perplexed as to why they would use this forum for such expressions. I found the "Jimmy" exchanges interesting in that over several posts we actually got down to understanding the way Jimmy thinks and what his ultimate goals are. It took a bit of digging and manipulation to get there, but we did reach a "truth." Jayshaw: You are suppose to create a thread of your own to say goodbye so people have a chance to talk you out of leaving. As for Colin, I think he is an example of a guy willing to experiment and found out, as Bobby has I think, that there is enjoyment in having something rubbing over your prostrate no matter how straight you are. I think Colin is as straight as anybody on this site. I don't have the aversion to Darren (my trailor trash fantasy) or Jamie or even Jimmy that you have, but I am seeing a pretty consistant influx of new blood, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. I may be leaving soon myself for financial reasons. I'm on a fixed income and in this money climate several of my relatives could use the money I spend here. Not to mention several causes I would like to support. OOPS! I will create a thread when I make my decision. LOL!

I am with you on this one Larkster, I'm not sure what Stimpy is talking about either.

Stimpy, I see you getting more praise, kindness, and friendship over your posts, than anyone else on the forum. So I do not know why you would feel useless or ostracized by the forum. :confused1:

If this is all about some people disagreeing with you about Jimmy, then I think people need to toughen up a little.(I know I am always the one asking everyone to be nice.....) People are going to disagree. If we all think the same, this would be a boring world. Any time you voice strong like or dislike for something, there are going to be people that feel opposite of you, as well as those that agree. Trying to make people feel bad for disagreeing with you is not in keeping with the class and kindness that I have always seen in you.

Every model here, has his fans and detractors. Tyler, Deisal, Cousin Mikey, Colin, Mick, Bobby, even Logan and JIMMIE:001_wub:(but my Mikey really does love JIMMIE, and someday he will admit it.....). Some of those fan and detractor debates have gotten heated, ugly, and personal. Jimmy is just the latest to go that route, but it will not be the last. Hopefully the next is not CHAD!

If we get mortally wounded over things people say when arguing about a porn model, then we will definitely have to stay away from things that really insight strong feelings, like politics, religion, sexuality, legalizing marijuana, abortion, animal experimentation(through that in for Jason), colonizing the moon...............
I am with you on this one Larkster, I'm not sure what Stimpy is talking about either.

Stimpy, I see you getting more praise, kindness, and friendship over your posts, than anyone else on the forum. So I do not know why you would feel useless or ostracized by the forum. :confused1:

If this is all about some people disagreeing with you about Jimmy, then I think people need to toughen up a little.(I know I am always the one asking everyone to be nice.....) People are going to disagree. If we all think the same, this would be a boring world. Any time you voice strong like or dislike for something, there are going to be people that feel opposite of you, as well as those that agree. Trying to make people feel bad for disagreeing with you is not in keeping with the class and kindness that I have always seen in you.

Every model here, has his fans and detractors. Tyler, Deisal, Cousin Mikey, Colin, Mick, Bobby, even Logan and JIMMIE:001_wub:(but my Mikey really does love JIMMIE, and someday he will admit it.....). Some of those fan and detractor debates have gotten heated, ugly, and personal. Jimmy is just the latest to go that route, but it will not be the last. Hopefully the next is not CHAD!

If we get mortally wounded over things people say when arguing about a porn model, then we will definitely have to stay away from things that really insight strong feelings, like politics, religion, sexuality, legalizing marijuana, abortion, animal experimentation(through that in for Jason), colonizing the moon...............
I agree with everything that you said Ms. K, except the Jimmie Slater reference, but we will leave that debate for another day. :sneaky2:
Thanks for your response to my impassioned plea for breathing space.

Dearest Beth; RayJ3MD; tampa24; stowe1; jayshaw; mikeyank; Stripe222; cum2me01; angelone. larkster; powabam; and Ms. Kianna,

I want each of you to know that I thank you for taking your own time to respond to my thread and the concerns it raised. Personally, I felt at the time I wrote my original statement, that I was “in need of some time away from the forum to regain my perspective once again”! I have had a little time off to reconsider things putting them in to proper proportion.

I have long been accustomed to the fact that, for much of my professional life, I had no one other than myself actually backing me up. In most cases, I was the only Counselor on campus vs. 30 to 40 classroom teachers. As my primary purpose as a high school counselor, I was to advocate for my students, while attempting to establish or maintain some reasonable balance for the necessary diverse views of interested parties contributing to the education of an individual student. For the most part teachers, seemed to be very cliquish and resistant to outsiders who might have suspicious “turf” motives or attempting to dictate how the teacher was to conduct their class. Counselors are a hybrid (not exactly a teacher nor an administrator) occupying “the nether regions” in the “pecking order” that is usually found in public schools. Not being from either category of professionals, I had no authority to tell a staff member what they must do. I was operating strictly on “good faith” that our staff members would do the right thing, when the opportunity presented itself. Required counseling activities, whether on an individual or group level, were frequently viewed by the already overwhelmed classroom teacher as an added burden or inconvenience to their accomplishing their professional goals and purposes. Therefore, for some 36 years in my chosen profession, having the support of others on the staff was in constant flux with very little shared in common.

When I wrote my original comment in this thread, I was assuming I had “burned all my bridges” with my divergent opinions and what appeared like no one, with any history on the forum, was willing to give me the time of day. Sorry to have doubted and underestimated your loyalty so. I will do better in the future!

To Beth, I want to thank you as a relative newbie to the forum for being so upbeat with your advice and your sense of humor. Thanks so much!

To RayJ3MD, although I have never corresponded with you, I want to thank you for the universal “pat on the back” as I also share with you the joy it has been writing on the forum and picking the choice of fonts I seem so hell-bent on doing. Colors express my emotions and passions in a tongue-in-cheek fashion in yet another dimension than the mere words. Thanks for the encouragement.

To tampa24, I want to thank you for mentioning your admiring the “passion and the fire-in-the-belly” approach many of my responses have had.(Little do you know I suffer from “Acid-Reflux” and that your comment is true both “figuratively” and ”literally”!) For sure, I always attempt to speak as passionately and honestly as I know how, on whatever is on my mind. You are always “the voice of reason” and I greatly admire you for that. Thanks for your support.

To stowe1, I appreciate from whence you are coming and you are right, “civility” is indeed a virtue. We all need to encourage this essential attitude by our actions and the actions of others on the forum. I consider you a dear friend and valuable newer contributor on the forum. Thanks for your kindness.

To jayshaw, first of all I am indeed sorry you have decided to leave us in the near future. I was attempting to resolve whether I remain on this site, too. I am hoping you are still active as a member when this goes out. Knowing that you agreed 98% with what I had written in my posting, I wished I had gotten to know you better. I recently cancelled my membership for two months and returned in August to find that I missed the forum too much during those two months, regardless of the updates. I very much hope you reconsider your cancellation. May you have many days and nights of hot, hot fun too! Peace to you jayshaw!

To mikeyank, my loyal and ever faithful friend, I want to thank you for your non-judgmental support for me, regardless of how my views differ and are frequently at odds with yours. I can only imagine how many times I have stepped on your toes with my contrary opinions I have the habit of expressing. I furthermore appreciate your acknowledgement that we each have a valid take on our unique tastes of what appeals to us. Looking at your reply, I recognize you gave much thought when formulating your thoughtful response. Being a relative newcomer myself to BWS when compared to you, I want you to know how I appreciate your loving tolerance of my “colorful” postings and your brotherly acceptance of those things about me that perhaps unfortunately will not change. Something to do with teaching an old dog new tricks, I think? Thank you Mike for your just being you!

To Stripe222, not realizing you were still hitting the bottle(Nyquil unfortunately, but at least hoping it is a vintage year with a “cork” instead). Please don’t worry about your response on the Rocco/Colin thread and I think for my own wellbeing, I will investigate into locating a “laugh-track” I can playback when posting what I hope and think might be taken as humorous on the forum. Personally, I can never “get it” as to how my humor is going over or when I have “over-done it”. I have these “moments of comic writing skills” where things seem to naturally fall into place. I have really appreciated the positive comments from Slim acknowledging his finding my posting funny! Likewise, I appreciate you mentioning this too. That is a good feeling to me just reading it! Hope you get well soon and get to go “cold turkey” on the Nyquil real soon!

To cum2me01, Thank you for your encouraging words, I mean liking the cum scenes. I too am happy so long as they cum. However, if they are truly gifted like Mike Robbins in shooting cum with volume and some distance, both me and my little soldier stand up and cheer. With your name being what it is, do you thing “cumrag27” might be related? Even a “kissing cousin” would do! Just remember to always keep Kleenex or Bounty handy in case of “total sensory overload” and a “cum-load tsunami”! Just the thought of that “brings tears to my eyes”! Happy Watching and more.

To angelone, I just want to continue you thinking of me as providing that balance, sort-a like “roughage” as an essential dietary element to keeping you balanced and regular! There is nothing quite like things flowing freely as God intended. I guess much like you, I tend to get fixated on things, too, from time to time. Mostly, I just needed to remove myself briefly from the forum to get my perspective back. Thanks for your reply. And, yes, don’t we all need to feel loved from time to time!

To larkster, as perplexing as it may appear, I guess I count on the forum for always being there and, on the rare occasion, count on it as part of my extended/substitute family, hence reaching out for emotional support in a moment of overwhelming solitude. I certainly respect your reasons for why you are considering leaving. Times are definitely tough nationwide. I read most of your comments and will catch your farewell, should the time come. I wish you the very best, larkster.

To powerbam, while I think some of the models like Rob_Ryder and Colin have been able to get more positive responses while being on the forum themselves, I feel Jimmy is not a uniter like Rob and Colin. Jimmy by his nature is a more polarizing individual, not because of his BTS footage(which we all agree is highly likeable), but by his more “uptight” update footage. I think all of us will agree he is a good looking guy. I felt he oversold his “straight” image and I feel that was partially due to the manner in which he was recruited to Broke Straight Boys giving him a false sense of entitlement. That surely was Broke Straight Boys’s fault. Then, his “straight” image became his mantra, regardless of whether it is true or not. Thanks for your response.

To Ms. Kianna, This definitely was never about making others feel bad for disagreeing with me. It was mostly about the vacuum created that, while there were others having similar views as myself, I guess they wrote off trying to expressing their views and in their absence on the forum, while other forum members were reiterating their positions multiple times and I was in effect left with no one on my side. I purposely decided to stop posting and before I knew it, someone stated something that I simply could not let it go unanswered.

Personally, I was all for models communicating directly on the forum. When I first came to Broke Straight Boys, I was totally unaware of MikeR’s thread and really didn’t know of its existence until he got fired. I remember then I was so enamored of MikeR initially as a young, cocky kid that probably in his enthusiasm stepped on many people’s toes, but it was his youthfulness that appealed to me initially. Then I began hearing others complaining about him and after a period of time, I was getting burned out as well by his aggressive actions. After he came back before Broke Straight Boys-2, I saw him with kinder eyes and then regretted my getting fed up with him earlier. Quite frankly, Ms. Kianna, I always have invested considerable time into most of my postings and I was, with the absence of much feedback on whether I was appreciated or not, about to abandon the forum for good! Not everyone responds the same way, but if I felt I had other recourse, I would have sought something else that might not appear to be so self-serving or, I might add, so humbling. I made it very clear in my last sentence…”I seek no apologies, only a friendly word of acceptance for whom and what I am - a friend and most faithful supporter of the forum and ALL it should represent! PS I am as good as dead now, so spare me the ‘overkill’!”

I did not know what would be the responses but, if they had chosen to ignore me or “ride my butt”, that would have been the final blow to my membership. I feel everybody from time to time needs a little encouragement, and I'm sure I needed it at the time and I am thankful for it now. I took a risk for a reality check. I guess you could say at the time this was written, I felt—emotionally speaking--I needed some reassurance before I begin…”colonizing the moon”! I hope this cleared up some of the reasons for my motivation. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to explain.

Appreciative of all the responses,

With all the unrelenting contentiousness on the forum created over Jimmy's mere existence on Broke Straight Boys and further fueled by his many defensive "in-your-face" postings on the forum, I RAISE MY HANDS ALONG WITH A WHITE FLAG IN COMPLETE SURRENDER AND RECOGNITION OF THE COLLATERAL DAMAGE CAUSED BY ALL SIDES! One could only think this is some 3-party presidential campaign and the sake of this site is at stake!

To those of you eternally loyal to Jimmy's performances having become so enamored and taken-in by his alleged "STRAIGHTNESS" and his complete permission he enjoys to do as little as he "damn-well pleases" during his episodes, I say respectfully from my perception, I could care less whether Jimmy ever "bottoms or becomes the biggest/most willing "bitch-boy" ever in Broke Straight Boys history. Whether we are talking about his "worshipped feet" or him requiring an apology from those registering their honest disapproval as a paying customer, I personally feel "WHAT THE HELL AM I STILL DOING HERE ANYWAY? THERE IS "NO ROOM FOR DISCENTION" FROM THOSE UNDERDOGS THAT ARE SO BOLD AS TO DISAGREE WITH THE PREVAILING WINDS!.

May I say ALL the fuss and/or pretense of adoring " straight boys" as complete "GODS" on a Gay Porn Site seems somehow discordant with the primary purposes we as Broke Straight Boys subscribers have assembled. After all, all the actions expected from our models are by their very nature "gay-oriented actions" for a "primarily gay audience". Duhh! Go figure?

I do not pretend to deny my adversarial role as a "critic and unsatisfied customer" in regards to Jimmy's "disappointing performances" limited to routine Broke Straight Boys updates.(my issues with Jimmy never included his BTW persona!) Since he started sharing his "wares" here back in April, I have been brow-beaten to a bloody pulp, emotionally speaking, by their steady, perpetual stream of everpresent diehard Jimmy supporters, whose goal has long ago been realized anyway. I FEEL NOTHING LESS THAN "GANGED UP ON" BY THOSE POLITICALLY CORRECT 6 OR 7 HARD-CORE "JIMMY-ITES", yet even so, I feel the necessity to continue onward ad nauseum while my opponents continue to gloat and rub their victory in the face of others like me, those not so enamored of the "Golden Calf" that represents "Jimmy and his performances". I view all of these as merely adopting those currently divisive/hostile popular practices used in polarizing political tactics, settling for nothing less than monolithic, dictatorial-rule..."VICTORY AT ANY COST"!

As a consequence I feel my "ostracization" by most on the forum has been almost total, despite the fact that I basically "live for the forum", not for monetary benefit, of course, but out of a genuine desire of friendship derived through associating as equals with my peers, the third of Maslow's five hierarchy of human needs. What I have learned from all of this is what I call typically American competitive attitudes of "Winning is everything!" Coming in "second place" is equal to "loosing or achieving nothing!" America "Love it or leave it" still prevails as a given in our society! And among those one would naturally assume shares so many basic realities, "no one really cares about yesterday's news!"

I am not some "leper" or "child molester" and I have "no contageous disease(s)"! I am myself and nothing more with all my worts, bruises, and imperfections, seeking mostly to "register my customer dissatisfaction " only now a little older and more NUMB! I seek no apologies, only a frendly word of acceptance for whom and what I am - a friend and most faithful supporter of the forum and ALL it "should represent"!

Very Beseiged Forumite,


PS I am as good as dead now, so spare me the "overkill"! Thanks!

I adore you Stimpy!

Even though I am a Jimmy fan (and I know you're not at all), can't we still be buds and agree to disagree when it comes to him?
Ok, I have been reading all the replies in this thread and thought, we need an outside voice. I went to Google "watching porn;" my friends, we have a BIGGER problem than just ourselves! There are websites out there to help you STOP watching porn...are these people nuts... (it's okay, take a minute, add your own expletives here...yep, take a deep breath). My friends, we are fine: we watch porn and comment on it, but there are those out there who do NOT watch...there in lies the real sadness and maybe the world's REAL problem...just sayin." (Shit, I wish I could add a "sad face" here but I'm still learning).
Remember to smile...more porn's cumming!
Something time honored and traditional...

I adore you Stimpy!

Even though I am a Jimmy fan (and I know you're not at all), can't we still be buds and agree to disagree when it comes to him?

PLEASE NOTE: Before reading the note below, please begin linking to the following music whilst it plays gently in the background as you read on...


Dearest Abe,

With your voluminous and beautifully written, well thought-out comments to the contrary, you know being from the South and with my response being written in the thickest of Southern accents, "I always rely on the kindness of strangers", especially well-written ones having their origins from the likes of someone such as yourself! Abe, you are the definition of the "Mason/Dixon Line, Tradition, and Honor" all wrapped into one and you must know I have always had from the bottom of my heart an affinity for your many gentlemanly charms, kind Sir! Even if your name reminds me of none other than the enemy and Devil himself, Abe Lincoln. Such are the fortunes or misfortunes in life.

With regards to your pensive response to me on the forum, of course we can..."still be buds(as in roses) and agree to disagree" always with civility and good manners, from time to time without the necessity of bringing out the "dueling weapons". Personally, I have always hated having to take the time to count out the required number of steps with my dyslexia! Would you like to share a mint julip? "Fiddle de dee, tomorrow is another day" my dearest Abe Rhett Butler, III!

Perhaps I can make a new dress from these imported draperies in the honor of this memorable occasion. Afterall, if Southerners stand for anything at all, we stand for "Tradition" and "Honor"! While it might appear to be a bit forward for us O'Stimpy girls, I want to share the fact that I have taken the personal liberty as a woman's prerogative and long-standing family tradition of reserving you an most "Honored Spot" on my "dance card", of course! You silly, silly boy! I'll look for you to be freshly shaven in the light and airy "Ballsac Room"!

Sincerely "Honored" by your offer with your "Traditional Southern Charms",

Scarlett O'Stimpy
PLEASE NOTE: Before reading the note below, please begin linking to the following music whilst it plays gently in the background as you read on...


Dearest Abe,

With your voluminous and beautifully written, well thought-out comments to the contrary, you know being from the South and with my response being written in the thickest of Southern accents, "I always rely on the kindness of strangers", especially well-written ones having their origins from the likes of someone such as yourself! Abe, you are the definition of the "Mason/Dixon Line, Tradition, and Honor" all wrapped into one and you must know I have always had from the bottom of my heart an affinity for your many gentlemanly charms, kind Sir! Even if your name reminds me of none other than the enemy and Devil himself, Abe Lincoln. Such are the fortunes or misfortunes in life.

With regards to your pensive response to me on the forum, of course we can..."still be buds(as in roses) and agree to disagree" always with civility and good manners, from time to time without the necessity of bringing out the "dueling weapons". Personally, I have always hated having to take the time to count out the required number of steps with my dyslexia! Would you like to share a mint julip? "Fiddle de dee, tomorrow is another day" my dearest Abe Rhett Butler, III!

Perhaps I can make a new dress from these imported draperies in the honor of this memorable occasion. Afterall, if Southerners stand for anything at all, we stand for "Tradition" and "Honor"! While it might appear to be a bit forward for us O'Stimpy girls, I want to share the fact that I have taken the personal liberty as a woman's prerogative and long-standing family tradition of reserving you an most "Honored Spot" on my "dance card", of course! You silly, silly boy! I'll look for you to be freshly shaven in the light and airy "Ballsac Room"!

Sincerely "Honored" by your offer with your "Traditional Southern Charms",

Scarlett O'Stimpy

And my husband wonders why I laugh so much watching porn!
Really Scarlett, "hows you do have a way which ya"!
Stimpy, Still listening to the music. Thanks! I think you should add music to all you posts. Quite inventive and definitely joyful.