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US as beacon yet tarnished - SOTA significance First Lady as advocate


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
During President Obama's State of the Union Address (SOTA) one should note that the First Lady, Madame Obama, invited the only ever openly self-declared NBA player, Jason Collins, to sit in her box.
This acknowledging of a gay professional athlete sends a message diametrically opposed to the one Russian president Putin has put out along with his rubberstamp legislature that homosexuals are pedophiles who have no place in a moral civilized society like Russia.
Now the US has also sent a continegent of some 230 atheletes to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, that is laden with openly gay athletes - the best in the USA - which speaks volumes for the steady continuous crumbling of the dreaded "closet."
The US has come a long way since being created as White Heterosexual Male as Citizens Only nation in 1784 and then the creation of a dissonant foundation document, the US Constitution that opposed what had been written in the Declaration of Independence.
Yet there are still persistent vestiges of hate and intolerance and unacceptance based on the specious criteria of race/melanin content and/or gender-identification and/or sexual orientation and/or class/amount of money and/or geography/where one lives and/or disability and/or language. Persistent vigilance and education to excavate the truths remains terrifically important
Well said!

Your comment Jeff, made me want to read KRU's post. as I usually don't bother reading his stuff, but you are correct. This is a thoughtful well written post that is relevant and makes a lot of sense.

KRU continues to baffle me with his incongruity going from wild, gross accusations to intelligent well thought out commentaries, such as the above one. One thing that is consistent though is that he posts everything on the "Membership Site Chat, Comments & Suggestions", side of the forum as opposed to the "General Chat" side, but as our former forumite "site policeman", Jon is no longer with us, I thought that someone should point this out. :001_rolleyes:

But it is a very good and important post! :thumbup1:
Every time I get ready to count Kru out, he comes up with something that is well thought out, eloquent and intriguing. :thumbup1:
Every time I get ready to count Kru out, he comes up with something that is well thought out, eloquent and intriguing. :thumbup1:
Totally off topic, but I noticed two more posts Tampa and you reach the "8000" post club, and unlike Barry Bonds with his 762 home run record, I don't believe that your post record is tarnished by performance enhancing drugs, or have you been "juicing" Tampa???????? :001_unsure:

P.S. Prune juice does not count. :angel2:
Kru must have been on his or her meds leading up to this post - lol!!!
I have not commented on the fact that kru posted to the wrong side of the board, again. sometime he comes up with some good stuff, like this post. I fear kru likes poking the bear to get a reaction.