For those of you who can, check out this morning's New York Times op ed page for an interview with a progressive evangelical minister. His response to your point is there is a word for advocating the opposite of what the bible says about treatment of the poor to enrich even more the rich, and the word is HERESY! He also views the political marriage of white right wing evangelism to the Republican Party as a Faustian deal which gives up the "envangel" (preaching the scriptures) and keeps the "white", a heretical blow against true Christianity. Lest this become too denominational, Senator Al Franken said that his rabbi once told him that Christ's teachings on social justice and the treatment of the poor by the rich were were nothing new and well within mainstream Judaic thought. So we are talking about universal truths here that the three religions in the Abrahamic tradition share, and that the white right wing evangelicals are heretically selling out.