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Updates coming in May 2009


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
Here is the scheduled updates coming in May.




I can hardly wait

Thank you Mark. Looks like a great mix of new and old models, and the further development of some of the new guys who have only jerked off so far. I look forward to the new episodes with bated breath, or is that masturbated breath?:thumbup:

You're the best Mark!


Thanks so very much for giving us the HEADS UP on what's cumming in May.

Logan is back and there are several new boys in the mix. CJ and Tyler make an appearance as well as Anthony and Mike (sure to be a popular scene).

We get the "lost" Jason and Lane scene. Will be interesting to see for ourselves what happened.

Dustin is back for one more. Is this the last or are there others in the can?

Is that Derek of Broke Straight Boys Tour/Party fame with Cody and Ty?

Sorry I missed meeting you in Phoenix! You and Blu are the best!!!!

Be well.

May is going to be a real HOT month by the look of this. Some of those new models look real hot can't wait for these updates!:thumbup:
All of it looks pretty good, (I guess the futon needed Dustin[G], it was dirty?) Anyway, I agree with Mikeyank, I have a worm on my tongue. LOL!
Do we have to have all these hot looking boys? YES PLEASE Mark
Looking good! I see very much missed Jason, and Tyler with a newbie, and Logan with much loved CJ!! Oh, my! Jay is back, too?!! May is looking to be a very nice month!
What a good idea it is showing Mays updates in advance - shows good marketing accumen. You sure have got my next months subscription - mind you I would give that purely for Antony and Mike... Bring it on..
Where is Nu?? Will he return? I want more Nu

These returning guys are a great reat but I want my surfer boy with his smile..
The Anthony one is a little older but I believe there is some new stuff with him coming. :001_smile:


I'm a bit confused :confused1: because David has just stated on another thread that Anthony was not coming back :crying:

This would back up a story that was posted some time ago, that Anthonys family had found out about his "antics" and so he was calling it a day.