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Upcoming Scenes


Well-known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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After Paul and Jason, and the Grahams solo the upcoming scenes seem boring and why is CJ in another scene giving oral when is he getting his cherry popped. Johnny scene seems interesting but I wish it would have been with someone else like Damien orCarter.
It is nice to see the owner comment to members that is a first for me on a site. Well every scene can't be Paul and Jason.
Well each person has their own taste. Good news is we do have more of Paul and Jason coming. :D

.....And we might eventually have some DAMIEN coming........but I heard a rumor that MARK is going to save it as a birthday present to me:001_wub:, ummmmmmm, in DECEMBER!!!:scared::001_tt2:
I'm not a big fan of CJ or Carson and it is oral only, but I will watch because sometimes those types of scenes can surprise you. The next scene with Johnny getting topped, I'm really looking forward to. Even though I see Johnny only as a top, there have been others I felt that way about and they end up doing an admirable job bottomming. I have no idea whether or not Johnny had a choice in picking out who would top him. But if he did, then I congratulate him for picking Brandon, a stud with a big dick instead of choosing a nellier model and/or one with a dick more modest in sizr than Brandon's.
The problem with having just seen a show stopper is that that there will inevitably be a downer period - think of being high on drugs and coming down afterwards (not a druggie here may I say). We will just have to get our feet back firmly on the ground and realise that every episode will not be a Jason/Paul one.
The problem with having just seen a show stopper is that that there will inevitably be a downer period - think of being high on drugs and coming down afterwards (not a druggie here may I say). We will just have to get our feet back firmly on the ground and realise that every episode will not be a Jason/Paul one.

True that, my friend, true that!!!

.....And we might eventually have some DAMIEN coming........but I heard a rumor that MARK is going to save it as a birthday present to me:001_wub:, ummmmmmm, in DECEMBER!!!:scared::001_tt2:

Now my dear Ms. K, my birthday is in Dec. too; but I'm not willing to wait! In the old days in my Roman Catholic church, there were movable feasts, commemoration of a specific event or person so important that the celebration of his or her feast or the event could be moved to conform to certain local needs of a particular diocese and other reasons.

So I suggest that this year our Dec birthdays be declared movable feasts and we move them to coincide with the release of Damien's next scene. That way the rest of the Broke Straight Boys family doesn't have to suffer because our birthdays are so late in the year! What do you think?
Well each person has their own taste. Good news is we do have more of Paul and Jason coming. :D
Thanks for acknowledging that each person has their own taste, Mark. We the membership of Broke Straight Boys are a diverse group, and while we all come together for a magnificent scene like Paul & Jason, we do vary on other models. I personally think that Carson is very handsome, and while he seemed almost disconnected in his bottoming scene, I still think he's hot. And CJ is very much the kind of Broke Straight Boys who first attracted me to this site.

I'm glad to see that the owner of the site acknowledges how important it is to offer variety to try to please all of the fans at least some of the time. All of the same kind of scenes would not be a success in my opinion.
How many times do so many people have to say or write the same idea in so many different ways before members of this forum will understand and acknowledge that:

1. No two human beings are innately alike. Even physically identical twins are innately different.

2. Broke Straight Boys Membership is comprised of two or more people.

3. Therefore, Broke Straight Boys membership is made up of people who are innately different from one another.

4. But some of these differences can be common to more than one individual, thus constituting a group of individuals based on the same shared difference.

5. Example: Members 1, 76, 300, 567, etc. all like anal scenes. They constitute one group. Members 2, 4, 78, 653, etc. like only solo scenes. They constitute another group. Members 3, 5, 89, 456, etc. like oral only scenes. They constitute yet another group. Then there are members who like kissing in partnered scenes; and there are those who do not like it. They each constitute a group. There may be overlaps between groups which form yet another group; e.g., members who like anal scenes with kissing; members who like anal scenes with no kissing. The statistical variations could go on almost ad infinitum, but definitely ad nauseum.

6. The owner of Broke Straight Boys and his employees have the herculean task of trying to come up with a product which will be satisfactory to as many of his members as humanly possible at least some of the time, realizing that all of the members can never be satisfied all of the time.

7. The ultimate judge of how well he achieves his goal is the individual member. Broke Straight Boys is part of a rational, highly competitive marketplace (gay male porn websites) where people pay dues to become members and receive a service in return, in this instance, gay male porn videos to view. Thus, if a member pays his dues and feels he is getting an adequate return for his dues, then he will continue to be a member. Conversely, if a member pays his dues and feels that he is not getting an adequate return for his dues, then he will discontinue his membership and seek out, in this highly competitive marketplace, a provider which he feels will better suit his needs and give him an adequate return for his membership dues.

8. CAVEAT to #7 - Notice the use of the word rational. Not all purchasers act rationally even in a rational marketplace. Thus, if a member is happy with the service provided, but chooses to give up his membership, then it is not the fault of the provider. Likewise, if a member is not happy with the service provided at Broke Straight Boys, especially in this highly competitive marketplace of gay male porn websites, but chooses to remain a member, then he is acting irrationally and neither is that the fault of the provider.

9. So it is up to each one of us to decide whether or not we are getting our money's worth from Broke Straight Boys That evaluation process is ongoing for me and I think about it everytime my dues are deducted from my account. We each have our own tipping point - that point beyond which we can not justify paying dues any longer for the product we receive. For me, happily, I'm nowhere near mine yet, and truthfully I hope I die before I get there.

I hope I die before I get there.


With regard to Broke Straight Boys membership, what happens if you die unexpectedly ? If your membership to this site is hush hush who is going to stop your account ? I suppose when you get to the age that most members are of this site and your pensions are due, then it would be advisable to have a non recurring membership. At the moment I have a recurring membership, but what would happen if I was to be knocked down by the nr 11 bus and die on the spot !!
.....And we might eventually have some DAMIEN coming........but I heard a rumor that MARK is going to save it as a birthday present to me:001_wub:, ummmmmmm, in DECEMBER!!!:scared::001_tt2:

You know Ms. Kianna. I heard also that Damien may be cumming soon. :) He is so tasty isn't he?
You know Ms. Kianna. I heard also that Damien may be cumming soon. :) He is so tasty isn't he?
It's interesting how out of the group on the couch from two weeks ago, Damien is he last one to not be seen yet, having sex, and with his rocking body and super cool confident attitude, I'm more than ready to see Damien in action with a few of the guys on that couch that day, (my big hopes are for Graham to get broken in by Damien).

We know it won't be in one of the next three episodes, but hopefully in # 4?????? :cool:
With regard to Broke Straight Boys membership, what happens if you die unexpectedly ? If your membership to this site is hush hush who is going to stop your account ? I suppose when you get to the age that most members are of this site and your pensions are due, then it would be advisable to have a non recurring membership. At the moment I have a recurring membership, but what would happen if I was to be knocked down by the nr 11 bus and die on the spot !!

I'm prepared, jon! My best friend Joe who is only 55 knows about my fee-based porn site memberships. He knows how to cancel the accounts and he is instructed to remove all porn from my apt before doing anything else, lest my children realize that their old man was a horny old man into his (fill in the blank) {I'm hoping for 90's}. If those plans go awry, I'll be dead, so those still alive will just have to deal with it!

1. No two human beings are innately alike. Even physically identical twins are innately different.

2. Broke Straight Boys Membership is comprised of two or more people.

3. Therefore, Broke Straight Boys membership is made up of people who are innately different from one another.

4. But some of these differences can be common to more than one individual, thus constituting a group of individuals based on the same shared difference.-
. . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . .


This is really terrific. I think that it should be written a little more succinctly and made available for all members to read especially the new ones. Hope you are not offended by me stating that it should be re-written. The contextual thought and premise to remain the same, just shorten a little. Thanks for this article that perhaps could have it's own thread NOW in order to draw attention.

On a side note: I went back yesterday and watched the two scenes we have of Damien. The stills we have of him today shows a great deal of toning to his body. If I was in management, I would be totally impressed by this fine young man in his effort to work hard and really shape and maintain his body for the work he desires to do. I along with others make up a Damien Group and we wait impatiently with our tongues hanging out to see him again in action.

On yet another note: Even though Damien has a wonderful smile, to me his strong solemn look shows such a manly look that is beautiful. On the other hand, even though Graham has a handsome face, when he smiles, he just smiles all over and I need help getting off the floor.

I am really getting more than I am paying for and if it was only Broke Straight Boys I would still be here. The forum here is icing on the cake.
I'm prepared, jon! My best friend Joe who is only 55 knows about my fee-based porn site memberships. He knows how to cancel the accounts and he is instructed to remove all porn from my apt before doing anything else, lest my children realize that their old man was a horny old man into his (fill in the blank) {I'm hoping for 90's}. If those plans go awry, I'll be dead, so those still alive will just have to deal with it!


You're one step ahead as usual mate.