BSB Addict
I guess I just need to watch what I say. I am from San Francisco so I really have never dealt with Straight boy's.
There always was enough Gay boys to go around. So why bother with straight boys.( For Me )
I joined thinking Broke Straight Boys was a fun site to join. My interest in straight boys didn't start till then.
But when I joined there were boy's I felt were straight. But the longer I am a member the less I feel it. And Again
( That is just me ) But I always remember mike talking about His Fantasy ( Straight Boys ) I guess I just don't understand why people question him
I know he was excited by Jason so his being fucked so soon took away his fantasy.
But you know I am having a hard time explaining the point I am trying to make.So I am just going to have to let this pass.
Before I stick my foot in my mouth. And (another thing about me). I am just not into feet.
I am sure that is a turn off to allot of people.So Sorry. Over and Out..
No reason to feel bad Johnny! I too ADORE our friend MikeYank. I've always had a fascination with guys gay or "straight" but, when I think about what makes a "straight guy" appealing to me, it's simply a guy with certain characteristics that in my mind, would not be inclined to do things with other guys! That may be, looks, mannerisms, attitude. That's what stimulates me. And, if I see this guy as a "challenge" on! No different from what boys and girls do!
It took me quite a while to understand the complex nature of MikeYanks sexual fascination, though he's very consistent in his explanation. Why the site has changed from what first brought him here and so on. I understand that!
Just because we don't see things the same way, as our "idealizations" are different, I still express my thoughts and perceptions as he does and we all do. There is no right or wrong, people will not always agree but, that's because we're all different in many respects and have similarities in other aspects. For one, we all come here to enjoy something. The forum gives us (and I feel okay using "US" in this case......inside joke and you know what I'm talking about,) the opportunity to share our sexual turn on's and such! Hopefully, without reprisal from those who's perceptions are different.
So, carry on my friend, post what you feel...remember, it's about YOUR fantasies too!