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Tyra Banks Show on "Gay for Pay"

Wow! I'm am so amazed to hear that there are straight guys doing gay porn..imagine that...come on this can't be true...gay for pay?? Straight guys doing gay porn and married with children or girlfriends...I can't believe this nonsense!

I agree! It'll never work! Who would pay good money to watch straight guys have sex with each other? Gay guys can do it so much better. Who would ever come up with such a lame brained idea? LOL
Wow! I'm am so amazed to hear that there are straight guys doing gay porn..imagine that...come on this can't be true...gay for pay?? Straight guys doing gay porn and married with children or girlfriends...I can't believe this nonsense!

What I don't understand is, why does this matter? The guys get off. That is all I care about. I'm with Mitch. I just want to see guys have sex.
For me knowing that the models involved in the scenes are not necessarily of the same sexual orientation as the positions that they are being put into implies is very "stimulating." Why? Well, when you are openly-homosexual and live in an area where the vast majority of your athletic college peers are hopelessly heterosexual, then all you do all day long is fantasize about the "What if..." intricacies that may lead some of them over to the "other side" to benefit both parties involved. :wink:

I'm in a unique situation because I have to be very clandestine myself about any sort of romantic/sexual propositions because I'm nearing college graduation during a severe economic recession (for those who don't watch CNN)---each and every job interview I have is PIVOTAL! I can't risk being alone with a drunk straight co-worker at a party, rubbing my hand on his thigh as I stare into his eyes, and then after forcibly rejecting my advances have him tell EVERYONE what I had just done (as those will then tell others). Before you know it it could end up on Facebook, MySpace, or other popular social networking sites to which I belong, and, VOILA! Employers/recruiters will see that, question my moral integrity, and magically find a different candidate to be a more attractive "fit." :thumbdown:

Every time when I'm having my "alone time" my fantasies turn to those whom I want but can never hope to attain. Sites like Broke Straight Boys give me HOPE that, with enough prompting and persuasion, that ANYTHING is possible! As a masculine gay male I'm not hit on very frequently by other males because they probably just assume I'm straight and will kick their derrieres if they make a pass at me (passes that I so desperately want but would never make known). I also seek like-minded males---ones who aren't very effeminate or flamboyant. This means I tend to avoid our rather large area's ONE true LGBT nightlife destination and have turned to CraigsList, where my ads are instantly flagged by the flag queens who are trying to keep our local CraigsList as an exclusive forum for older guys to prey upon younger guys (obviously they feel "threatened" that an attractive younger guy seeking another younger guy will cull the herd of responses to THEIR ads, making them less viable).

When you're hopelessly lonesome living in an area that still thinks "gays are the devil because the bishop told me so," about all you CAN do is picture yourself pinning down a cute straight boy and making out with him forcibly until he submits his writhing and let's you go to town on him! :tongue_smilie: Hell, if only Tyler Evans and I lived closer together---he'd be one VERY well taken care of "straight" boy! LOL! :001_smile:
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I tracked down one of the links that was posted and came up with some stills. This is the first guy she interviewed. I will say one thing for him he has some unique moves.


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Kurt Wild is definitely a wild man... I remember when he did his first fuck scene on CF and his second one. Wow, he really sells the idea that he switched sides in his fuck scene with Corey on CF. It is as if he cannot get enough cock. Hell I thought he was gay for sure. This is another reason I don't like labels. This man is happily involved with his GF and wants to get married. They have three kids and one on the way. Kurt has been doing double cum shots back to back recently. When he gets fucked he looks like he is in heaven. I am sure the GF has gotten into using a strap on on him ...
He really seems to like anal action... He has certainly come a long way in the industry. I didn't think he would amount to much when I saw him on CF for the first time. He really made me think he was gay. I must also admit when I saw him on Tyra I did not recognize him at first. Hot dam he is better looking now then he was back then.

One other thing this goes to show is how these models will sign on a s free agents elsewhere if they are not put on contract. Kurt has really made it around to multiple studios and made lots of films. I really love when Kurt tried to tell Tyra how he after the shoot the models can become good friends. I understood his point and hers. It was a funny interview moment.

It is sad that he was fired from SubWay for being identified as a porn star. ACLU is probably all over that. I don't know if the Tyra show was the best thing for his career. It did get Kurt some much needed publicity for himself. So, in essence he is just as out to the public as any self proclaimed GLBT person at this point in time.
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...and I just want to BE one of those guys! HAHA! :tongue_smilie:

You aren't the only one my brother! LOL After watching so many guys having all the fun I'd like a piece of the action too every once in a while. :thumbup1:

It would be nice to be a participant in some sex rather than just a spectator. Know what I'm sayin' ? :001_huh:
Kurt Wild is definitely a wild man... I remember when he did his first fuck scene on CF and his second one. Wow, he really sells the idea that he switched sides in his fuck scene with Corey on CF. It is as if he cannot get enough cock. Hell I thought he was gay for sure. This is another reason I don't like labels. This man is happily involved with his GF and wants to get married. They have three kids and one on the way. Kurt has been doing double cum shots back to back recently. When he gets fucked he looks like he is in heaven. I am sure the GF has gotten into using a strap on on him ...
He really seems to like anal action... He has certainly come a long way in the industry. I didn't think he would amount to much when I saw him on CF for the first time. He really made me think he was gay. I must also admit when I saw him on Tyra I did not recognize him at first. Hot dam he is better looking now then he was back then.

One other thing this goes to show is how these models will sign on a s free agents elsewhere if they are not put on contract. Kurt has really made it around to multiple studios and made lots of films. I really love when Kurt tried to tell Tyra how he after the shoot the models can become good friends. I understood his point and hers. It was a funny interview moment.

It is sad that he was fired from SubWay for being identified as a porn star. ACLU is probably all over that. I don't know if the Tyra show was the best thing for his career. It did get Kurt some much needed publicity for himself. So, in essence he is just as out to the public as any self proclaimed GLBT person at this point in time.
Since yesterday I have watched several Kurt Wild videos. I actually watched 4 of his videos in a row (I know it was a tough job, but somebody needed to do it). I was shocked. While he is very vocal, he sounded exactly the same in each. In other words, I actually believe he is acting. There was almost no variation in how he sounded.

The "S" in Broke Straight Boys stands for straight. I signed up for this site to see straight boys be gay for pay (an occational gay guy with a straight guy is ok or Tanner from your related site is ok anytime). However, in Kurt Wild's case, I actually find it sad. He is trying to make a living off being gay for pay while having a wife and kids. How will he eventually ever be able to explain it to his kids. In addition, if he is doing so well, why is he trying to work at Subway (aka - sandwich for pay).
Kurt and the other panel members, while far from drooling on themselves while trying to figure out how a thermos knows whether to keep something hot or cold, were not exactly Mensa candidates either. With 3 kids and bun in the oven at his age, I would think he would need something a bit more substantial than Subway. It does not sound like he has thought things through before introducing innocent children into his life. I would assume that a porn star would have known something about safe sex and contraception; he can't have four accidents.
Kurt and the other panel members, while far from drooling on themselves while trying to figure out how a thermos knows whether to keep something hot or cold, were not exactly Mensa candidates either. With 3 kids and bun in the oven at his age, I would think he would need something a bit more substantial than Subway. It does not sound like he has thought things through before introducing innocent children into his life. I would assume that a porn star would have known something about safe sex and contraception; he can't have four accidents.

I kind of agree with Canada to a point. When I look at the children issue with Kurt. I wonder if he is over compensating with his GF to remind himself he is still straight. Like you I would hope he doesn't think that he will make a living on his back his whole life or working at SubWay...

I would think his GF would insist on condoms based on being a porn star. Maybe that goes to self esteem issues though.

I think it is all media hype to push a law suit against SubWay for wrongful dismissal and working in a hostile work environment. I could be wrong though.
How many of you were able to watch all five segments? I found the editor from the Advocate somehow irritating with a "Better than Thou" sort of attitude towards Kurt and Dean both. He as much as admitted he was upset that these "Gay for Pay guys stop being gay at the end of the day, and go home to their "normal" lives, after making money off of gay people." Yet he has no problem editing a magazine targeted directly at the LGBT community, making money off the same group as the porn stars and straight bartenders. Geez, cut'em some slack dude, its a job, like any other.

With Love, I am,
How many of you were able to watch all five segments? I found the editor from the Advocate somehow irritating with a "Better than Thou" sort of attitude towards Kurt and Dean both. He as much as admitted he was upset that these "Gay for Pay guys stop being gay at the end of the day, and go home to their "normal" lives, after making money off of gay people." Yet he has no problem editing a magazine targeted directly at the LGBT community, making money off the same group as the porn stars and straight bartenders. Geez, cut'em some slack dude, its a job, like any other.

With Love, I am,

I felt the same way MarkyMark. I thought these guys are on national TV advertising what they do for a living. Ond guy was fired because he was a Gay porn star. One guy's gF left him for coming on National TV to discuss being straight and doing Gay porn. I thought, where does this guy get off saying they don't have to put up with the prejudice that GLBT people experience everyday.

OK, the addiction caught me off guard. I really need to do some school work today... Thanks for all of the fun today all.
I recognized Kurt right away from CF. He looked so innocent on Tyra's show. Much more innocent than in his CF vids! LOL! I wonder how many of the ladies in the audience googled him when they got home? LOL!! I'm wondering if the guy that said he wouldn't do anything strange for change did, too? LOL!! Kurt not marrying his girlfriend until he leaves the porn industry came across hollow. No problem having children at this time though? GreatLakes makes a good point, too. These guys are not Mensa candidates. although this may have been a brilliant marketing move! I also thought the Advocate guy was out of line. He doesn't think these guys spilling their guts on national TV aren't going to get some prejudice? Please. I don't like labels, and have lived my life with the notion, this is my junk, and it isn't any of your business what I do with it!
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I recognized Kurt right away from CF. He looked so innocent on Tyra's show. Much more innocent than in his CF vids! LOL! I wonder how many of the ladies in the audience googled him when they got home? LOL!! I'm wondering if the guy that said he wouldn't do anything strange for change did, too? LOL!! Kurt not marrying his girlfriend until he leaves the porn industry came across hollow. No problem having children at this time though? GreatLakes makes a good point, too. These guys are not Mensa candidates. although this may have been a brilliant marketing move! I also thought the Advocate guy was out of line. He doesn't think these guys spilling their guts on national TV aren't going to get some prejudice? Please. I don't like labels, and have lived my life with the notion, this is my junk, and it isn't any of your business what I do with it!
I agree with you paris. And I personally don't see how Dean makes any money at this because every vid of him I've seen he does not get a hard on! I do like Kurt I have all his vid's from CF. I would like to find out which site him and Aaron did their vid on? :drool: :001_tt1:
I agree with you paris. And I personally don't see how Dean makes any money at this because every vid of him I've seen he does not get a hard on! I do like Kurt I have all his vid's from CF. I would like to find out which site him and Aaron did their vid on? :drool: :001_tt1:
College Dudes
I thought I would bump up this thread because many seem to be fascinated with the issues of gay for pay. Not only for the enjoyment of watching guys engaging in gay for pay...but also from the sociological standpoint as well.

I have to warn you that: The Link on the Very First Post Does NOT Work.

Use these Youtube links instead. :001_smile:


And please feel free to post any comments you might have. :biggrin:

Don't let the number of clips scare you. They are only about 8 minutes long apiece. It's one hour long show without the commercials. haha





disclaimer: this is a crass and untasteful remark, proceed with caution

tyra sucks dick too, i dont know what the big deal is! why wont she let straight boys do it too!