For me knowing that the models involved in the scenes are not necessarily of the same sexual orientation as the positions that they are being put into implies is
very "stimulating." Why? Well, when you are openly-homosexual and live in an area where the vast majority of your athletic college peers are hopelessly heterosexual, then all you do all day long is fantasize about the "What if..." intricacies that may lead some of them over to the "other side" to benefit both parties involved.
I'm in a unique situation because I have to be very clandestine myself about any sort of romantic/sexual propositions because I'm nearing college graduation during a severe economic recession (for those who don't watch CNN)---each and every job interview I have is PIVOTAL! I can't risk being alone with a drunk straight co-worker at a party, rubbing my hand on his thigh as I stare into his eyes, and then after forcibly rejecting my advances have him tell EVERYONE what I had just done (as those will then tell others). Before you know it it could end up on Facebook, MySpace, or other popular social networking sites to which I belong, and, VOILA! Employers/recruiters will see that, question my moral integrity, and magically find a different candidate to be a more attractive "fit."
Every time when I'm having my "alone time" my fantasies turn to those whom I want but can never hope to attain. Sites like
Broke Straight Boys give me HOPE that, with enough prompting and persuasion, that ANYTHING is possible! As a masculine gay male I'm not hit on very frequently by other males because they probably just assume I'm straight and will kick their derrieres if they make a pass at me (passes that I so desperately want but would never make known). I also seek like-minded males---ones who aren't very effeminate or flamboyant. This means I tend to avoid our rather large area's ONE true LGBT nightlife destination and have turned to CraigsList, where my ads are instantly flagged by the flag queens who are trying to keep our local CraigsList as an exclusive forum for older guys to prey upon younger guys (obviously they feel "threatened" that an attractive younger guy seeking another younger guy will cull the herd of responses to THEIR ads, making them less viable).
When you're hopelessly lonesome living in an area that still thinks "gays are the devil because the bishop told me so," about all you CAN do is picture yourself pinning down a cute straight boy and making out with him forcibly until he submits his writhing and let's you go to town on him!

Hell, if only
Tyler Evans and I lived closer together---he'd be one VERY well taken care of "straight" boy! LOL!