Please keep in mind, thefuntimes, that the definition of "HOTTIES" is totally subjective. When you say what "we want", you are really only speaking for yourself. As human sexuality is so diverse in nature, I'm sure there are many guys who do want what you want, but there are just as many others, (if not more), who do enjoy the scenes that you say, "give us a break..... and GET US THE HOTTIES".
Keep in mind that there are many members of this site, and David and Mark are professionals in the industry, and they give us a diverse cross section of models, and scenes to appeal to all of our tastes. My feeling is, if a scene and the models in it do not appeal to me, I will wait for the next one and hope that is more to my liking, but I believe that when a person generalizes, they are being somewhat selfish and not respecting others who may not have the same taste as you do.