Long time forumite
I also feel somewhat uncomfortable criticizing someone's looks or personality, which they cannot control. And when similar criticisms have been issued here, there have been responses like he still looks ten times better than anyone who is doing the criticizing. But I feel that the forum is here for us to discuss the scenes and the models, and if someone goes into this line of work, they must be prepared for negative reviews as well. And over 90% of the models, including one's that I may criticize are guys that I would gladly invite into my home, and bed.Mike,
Deidra and I had a conversation similar to this earlier, although about someone else, but she was talking about "sexy ugly". It made me think of Leon. I'd change that quote to maybe "sexy creepy". I know exactly what it is that bothers me about Leon. He has a totally beautiful body and cock. He is attractive, handsome even, when he isn't too shaggy. He can be charming and interesting. Can be. However... and you guys fully admit to having issues with belly fat and Leon obviously doesn't have any of that, but I'll take a cue from you and mention my "issue"... it's his mouth. I honestly hate to be critical of anyone like this. I think it's petty and disrespectful of someone who is willing to bare himself, literally, for our entertainment. But you said you weren't sure what it is that bothers you. Well, it's his mouth. It's too small, and it's just kind of wrong. Don't quite know why, and it's so awkward for me to say that. Oh, and he plays to the camera. Don't like that at all.
But all that being said, I hadn't noticed Leon's mouth being small, and you are right Jon, it is certainly big enough to swallow oversized cocks very nicely thank you. But it is still a bit off kilter to my sensibilities. Again being petty, his smile and his somewhat yellowish teeth bother me too. And his personality is someone who tries too hard to please, with a seemingly forced laugh. He reminds me of a kid in elementary school who stands up in class to answer the teacher's question, and is a "brown noser", wanting to say exactly what he thinks the teacher wants him to say, while the rest of the class snickers at his over the top trying to please antics.
Again, I apologize for being petty and perhaps crass in my critique of a very well built young guy who performs marvelously on the futon.
To put Leon into prospective for my tastes. I would rate the following models on a scale of one to ten:
Logan 10
Alden 9
Tank Shane 9
Tyler 8.5
Leon 8
Diesal 8 (Another model who is more highly regarded by most than by me).
I'm just choosing a few that pop into my head. Leon is right up there, but just off "greatness" on Broke Straight Boys
I apologize if I've offended any Leon lovers in any way. (Sorry Slim. I still love you, but don't love Leon as much as you do).