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Tyler and Leon


BSB Executive Senior Member
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Great shoot. Happy belated Tyler... :waw: Thank you too Rifle for your contribution. Special note to Tyler and Leon thank you for doing the kissing part of the scene. I know it is a lot to work up to sometimes but all in all I think it helped make the scene more memorable. Leon awesome job bottoming dude. You hung in there and did not give up that takes a lot of courage and stamina to endure a good fucking like that when there is some pain involved. Also, that was one of the better 69's videotaped here. It is always nice to watch 69's where both models are committed to giving each other great oral pleasure.:thumbup:
Retroactively a happy birthday from me as well Tyler.I can only
express myself in superlatives for this shoot:Fantastically done. Overwhelming and absolutely worth a full 5.Congratulations to you both guys!!!
Tyler has been my favorite since his very first appearance here on Broke Straight Boys And, Leon has really made an 'impression' on me...seeing the two of them together was simply AWESOME!!

I thoroughly enjoyed the pairing of these two, although I do wish it had been less painful and more enjoyable for Leon. ...Maybe next time (hint hint...?).
Let me chime in with belated happy birthday wishes to Tyler. This scene is like a birthday present to all of us. Both Leon and Tyler put on a great show and it appears that they genuinely like each other which makes it better yet. In short, I loved this vid. Good job guys and thank you.
I guess I am going to be the idiot that says this but I didn't really like the scene. It was almost a year old. Also it does appear that once again the ages are off, Tyler started filming in 2007. I could be wrong but something just doesnt add up for me that he would be 20 and with the last video Jake being 4 years off his age come on it's little apparent the white lies. Not that I care really in grand scheme of things but if your going to lie cover your tracks.
I guess I am going to be the idiot that says this but I didn't really like the scene. It was almost a year old. Also it does appear that once again the ages are off, Tyler started filming in 2007. I could be wrong but something just doesnt add up for me that he would be 20 and with the last video Jake being 4 years off his age come on it's little apparent the white lies. Not that I care really in grand scheme of things but if your going to lie cover your tracks.

Yes agree with you there. This has gone to the members top list but it certainly is not a patch on the Josh/Shane film. I don't think Leon enjoyed himself but I guess Tyler did - nice to see them kiss but that was kiss for pay - a token gesture for 200 greenbacks.
Why are the videos so out of order? This was back during Leon's clean cut days. He has been shaggy and unkept for months now. He also enjoys it more now.:scared:

Aquarius/Rifle, where did you get a bakery to put a naked Tyler on that cake? Slimmie's Birthday is still months away, but that cake gave me ideas!:001_tt2:
I guess I am going to be the idiot that says this but I didn't really like the scene. It was almost a year old. Also it does appear that once again the ages are off, Tyler started filming in 2007. I could be wrong but something just doesnt add up for me that he would be 20 and with the last video Jake being 4 years off his age come on it's little apparent the white lies. Not that I care really in grand scheme of things but if your going to lie cover your tracks.

BigGurl, you rock. You make a lot of great points too. LOL, I have worked long an hard on my OCD to try to ignore those things. I tried to look at it like this. I have watched several TV shows with action scenes and car chases and such. I used to get pretty annoyed when the star's injury changed sides from one scene to another or while watching a chase scene the car looses the same hub cap three times and then after the chase the car still has all of it's hubcaps. :001_tt2: I think the worst for me was trying to figure out how come when Batman and Robin walked up the side of a building why were their capes stuck to their backs some of the times. Talk about static cling... LOL:lol:

So. let me play devil's advocate for a moment. I have never made a movie and I would like to think I would not mess up on these kind of details but then I realize a lot of these videos are made at so many different times and that must make it hard to maintain a tight story line. I mean, have you ever seen the live TV episode blooper reels? I think that maybe getting some actors lines or details correct put a lot of stress on the models since they are not professional actors. Then I think about how some details are changed to protect the model's true identities. Putting too much pressure on the models could drastically affect their on screen sex acts. I don't know... These are just some thoughts that have come to mind that could possibly influence these scenes. So, I figure that the work it takes to make a film must be so intense that to get every detail right it must be difficult. So, to stay off of the meds, I have just had to remind myself this is just fantasy porn and is made affordable for the majority of viewers. Although not necessarily low budget productions; I am certain that they don't have the same kind of budget as a major Hollywood production. Actors and major production studio's with multi million dollar budgets still cannot get it all right. So, then it makes it easier for me to let go of some of the petty little mistakes and error's in time lines and such.

Now, then like Slim I am a huge Tyler fan. So, it is very hard for me to see anything that he would do wrong. When or if he does not perform as well as I would like, I am very forgiving and I usually blame the other model. It may not be fair too the other models. I think this plays in to how I and some of us view the scenes in general. Although, Tyler has topped my list for a long time I do have quite a few other favorites too. So, I try to always be open minded but understanding of some of the idiosyncrasies that take place in the videos on the site.

I do appreciate your point though. Nice, catch. Some of those things could make for an interesting trivia contest.
I guess I am going to be the idiot that says this but I didn't really like the scene. It was almost a year old. Also it does appear that once again the ages are off, Tyler started filming in 2007. I could be wrong but something just doesnt add up for me that he would be 20 and with the last video Jake being 4 years off his age come on it's little apparent the white lies. Not that I care really in grand scheme of things but if your going to lie cover your tracks.
Quite right.I was bothered too but did not want to mention it for the sake of this amazing scene.Tyler is most probably from 1989.
He first appeared in December 2007 in a scene which was undoubt-
fully shot earlier that year.He must then have been at least 18 yo by taking the legal age for that sort of things into consideration.
David would better leave the age out of the conversation, especially
when the order is not respected as once again is proved by this
older scene of the guys.
Yeah... we forumites are nasty when we're given details to play with. Tyler was discovered at the Miami Car Show which was held in early November 2007. For him to be 20 now means it was shot a long time ago. Details, details.

It was a good scene if not great in my eyes. I like both these models and getting to like Leon more and more. The scene proves how much hotter Leon's scenes could be if he allowed himself to kiss.

Happy Birthday, Tyler!
To clear up any confusion. When Tyler first started filming with our studio, he just turned 18. When it comes to production all our scenes are filmed at different times so to try to figure out someones age on this site is something that is going to confuse everyone.

Every scene we film is dated and cataloged and paperwork is signed for each scene that every model appears in plus we keep a copy of each models picture ID. Every model that is filmed has to be 18 years or older.

If a model comes to us and just turned 18 years old, legally we can film that model. To break it down....lets say on Monday the model is 17 years old, Tuesday he or she celebrates there birthday and turns 18. On Wednesday of that same week, that model can apply to do porn videos and start filming.

In Tyler's case, he turned 18 years old a month before filming and has been working with our studio since then. At the time of filming this particular scene he turned 20 years old. Now if Mark holds onto this scene and/or is taken out of order is something that you need to take in consideration. Also just because the scene is uploaded today doesn't mean it was filmed yesterday. Many scenes we film have been filmed many months ago and if the scenes are out of order or held back for any reason, this has to be taken into account.

If your trying to figure out Tyler's age it will be very difficult to figure out. At the time of filming this particular episode, he was turning 20 years old. Tyler will soon be turning 21 years old. If you have anymore to say about the scene or have any questions, please feel free and PM me.
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Wow, Tyler will be 21 next month. Sep 24th to be exact. Are you throwing a party for him and are members invited to party?
To clear up any confusion. When Tyler first started filming with our studio, he just turned 18. When it comes to production all our scenes are filmed at different times so to try to figure out someones age on this site is something that is going to confuse everyone.

Every scene we film is dated and cataloged and paperwork is signed for each scene that every model appears in plus we keep a copy of each models picture ID. Every model that is filmed has to be 18 years or older.

If a model comes to us and just turned 18 years old, legally we can film that model. To break it down....lets say on Monday the model is 17 years old, Tuesday he or she celebrates there birthday and turns 18. On Wednesday of that same week, that model can apply to do porn videos and start filming.

In Tyler's case, he turned 18 years old a month before filming and has been working with our studio since then. At the time of filming this particular scene he turned 20 years old. Now if Mark holds onto this scene and/or is taken out of order is something that you need to take in consideration. Also just because the scene is uploaded today doesn't mean it was filmed yesterday. Many scenes we film have been filmed many months ago and if the scenes are out of order or held back for any reason, this has to be taken into account.

If your trying to figure out Tyler's age it will be very difficult to figure out. At the time of filming this particular episode, he was turning 20 years old. Tyler will soon be turning 21 years old. If you have anymore to say about the scene or have any questions, please feel free and PM me.

Why don't Broke Straight Boys and it's other sites put the legal preview stating they abide by this that and the other and include the date when the movie was shot and that all models were over 18 etc etc ?
Why don't Broke Straight Boys and it's other sites put the legal preview stating they abide by this that and the other and include the date when the movie was shot and that all models were over 18 etc etc ?

Its not in the members area. Its on the non-members public page there is a link at the very bottom of the page that if you click on the link will give that information also right before you place in your UserID and Password below is a link with this information :001_smile:
Hi All,

I just watched this video and loved it,gave it a 5.The kissing was the topping on the cake.David it is good to see your words on here again,but it would have been nice for you not to have to explain these issues.I have always thought you guys have done a great job and hope to keep seeing that.

I think Tyler has grown in many ways and i wish for him good health and happiness on his upcoming 21st birthday...Oh to be 21 again....

Anthony from Long Island New York
Happy 21st on the 24th

Thank you David for that explanation. I'd already worked it out since Tyler is of special interest to me haha. I actually wanted to suggest that the guys who'd like to send Tyler a present for his next birthday in a month and a bit, maybe not the same sort as the excellent Rifle/aquarius (how much cake can you eat), would be grateful for a postal addy where they could do that. I'm pretty sure that we could find the address of the studio since it's public domain, but since all the privacy issues that came up a couple of months ago, I hesitate to go looking.

I think a 21 year old might like to get a card with a check or a couple of twenties folded in. I'd love to do that, and would really appreciate knowing any kind of address, the most anonymous and impersonal one you guys can get together, where I could send an envelope with a birthday card and some bread in it for him to spend on his car or his cat, or to take Leon to dinner. Surely a PO Box could be rented for a month to give us a chance to send Ty a present?

Or am I the only one? I bet a lot of people would do it if they could. What do you guys say? You only get one 21st, it's a big deal.

PS: loved the video, 5 of course. Amazing that the whole Tyler, Leon, Scott, Josh, MikeR, Shane stuff was happening as long ago as 11 months. Human gestation is only 9. If one of those guys had impregnated a Broke Straight Girl the week Tyler turned 20, the baby would already be two months old.:lol:
I reread my posting and it looks as though I came across crass. I am sorry just with the mess up with Jake that I didn't understand if there was a mess up why someone wouldn't just re shoot that part of the scene take place. I do like Tyler. I am not really fond of Leon's un-kept look but I am not the director nor would I want the job. I don't want to point fingers cause I do care about the site it was just something that I had noticed. I don't get why we are so far behind or that they are out of order. Just my thoughts...
I really liked this episode, but then again any episode that has my future ex-boifriend Leon (sigh) in it is a hit with me.
I really appreciated the 69 scene as well, it is my personal favorite position! I think it brings out the best in both boys cocksucking abilities.
Tyler has matured into a fine specimen of manhood. Speaking of manhood, it seems his cock keeps getting longer and thicker with each new episode, or was it just that Leon turns him on so much? And OMG!! did you see his smooth and perfect ass?! There's got to be a Broke Straight Boys willing to munch on that ass for an hour and a half! Hell, I'll do it for 50 cents!

Seriously though, these two put on a great show. I wish the kiss, although passionate and extremely hot, had been spotaenous instead of coaxed as at that point Tyler was really getting into fucking Leon, petting him and rubbing his chest and face, looking deep into each other's eyes, Leon's cock was rock hard at that point. The kiss may have happened natuarally, but we will never know now. I'm just glad we got to see it.

The only disappointment for me (there had to be one), was that Tyler's cumshot did'nt film well, or was it just me? It almost seems like we just got to see the last spurt, at least on my screen it appeared that way. Leon did not disappoint with his facial cumshot, WOW, right on the lips!! I wonder how much more dough it would have taken to have Tyler lick it off Leon's lips and share it with him with one last kiss..........Did I go too far?

5 Baby!! - Jason
A couple of things I noticed as these videos progress. Tyler has turned into a marvelous cocksucker, his dick does seem bigger and he does like kissing and seems to be quite good at it. These Broke Straight Boys will suck cock, get fucked, rim and take a load on their face but oh no no, kissing is out of the question lol. I'll never understand that logic. I also like the clean cut Leon, not the unkempt, longer haired, hardware wearing Leon.