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Trouble for boys in Gay porn

Wow, what an atrocity against human character the NCAA has going on. I am with you on the Christian College thing but not entirely. I still think those schools go a bit too far. Just becausethey attend a Christian college does not mean they intend to be men or women of the cloth. Their school, their rules is how that will play out. They will call it an ethics violation or something like that. However; I think it has more to do with their reputation as a school and their ethical morality when it comes to these schools...

Technically, the sites are private and viewers must pay for viewing. I really am not sure how that would play out in courts. The models have singed away certain privacy rights to appear on the sites. Because of the Internet and world wide access they are typically branded stars. And they loose a certain amount of anonymity. Wow, this is starting to go a bit too far. It sounds like some jealous types out there that have it in for these guys trying to make a honest living and work their way through school.:001_unsure:

I still wonder how how the christan school found out, does the dean look at gay porn all day or did one of his fellow students find it looking at gay porn. Either way it sounds like the person affiliated with the school that found the vids should have to explain them selves as well.
I still wonder how how the christan school found out, does the dean look at gay porn all day or did one of his fellow students find it looking at gay porn. Either way it sounds like the person affiliated with the school that found the vids should have to explain them selves as well.
You are right I also wonder who tatled on him. Life sucks when hypocrites go on a gay porn site (like I am on now) and then out other people doing the thing they are watching. So what? It does not change what they did and we all have to live with what we do and suffer the consequences that relates to what we do. I hope the person that outed him gets screwed as much as the porn guy did.
The point is Canada He did not flaunt it Some other kid on that campus outed him. I still think it is bullshit and yes I agree if we cared for each other and stopped judging other people's behavior the world would be a better place . Dosen't the bible talk about Jesus relationship with Mary Magdellon and about"casting the first stone" How did people throwing fruit at this guy exhibit the christian behavior that they were supposedly being taught ?
Yes the bible does .... But no one took the time to think if they were without sin...... before they cast the first peice of fruit at the fruit ........ which in its self is not unsual in the slightest ....... not right either .....but not unsual ... their behaviour wasnt even close to anything they would have been taught ....And they surely didnt turn any cheeks ........
The point is Canada He did not flaunt it Some other kid on that campus outed him. I still think it is bullshit and yes I agree if we cared for each other and stopped judging other people's behavior the world would be a better place . Dosen't the bible talk about Jesus relationship with Mary Magdellon and about"casting the first stone" How did people throwing fruit at this guy exhibit the christian behavior that they were supposedly being taught ?

Lester you do not get my point. If you go on a porn site as a model you are by definition flaunting it. You are putting your actions out in a public forum. How can someone truly be outed when they are a model on a porn site on the internet. You are correct that it took someone else to violate those same standards and be a hypocrite and tell on him.

Your comment "How did people throwing fruit at this guy exhibit the christian behavior that they were supposedly being taught ?" is right. If you read what I said in this or a previous post where I said they were wrong on how they treated him. But somebody else being wrong in their actions doesn't change what he did and make his actions ok.

If you are going to do something in public, stand up and take the consequences of what you do and don't complain about it.
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Is he related to Oliver North by any chance? I respected that man at first because despite what he did, he claimed that he decided it was right on principle and he could live with the consequences. Then he weaseled his way out of responsibility. I think one of the key definitions to adulthood is taking consequences and sadly, there are many, many people out there who fail that definition...

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