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Time to move on!


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Well my loving subjects of Forumland, it is with a heavy heart that I must bid you all a fond adieu. It is time for the Queen Mother to move on to greener pastures. Things around here have become stale and boring, so I have decided to move on to.......(wait for it).... it's killing you isn't it?...........

Corrales, New Mexico.

Hah! You all thought I meant I was leaving Broke Straight Boys, didn't you? Admit it! I saw the look in your eyes. How could you ever think I would abandon my dear subjects?:w00t:

But it's true! Carl & I bought a home in beautiful Corrales, and will be moving there sometime around the end of January, (assuming we all survive 12/21/12). But for at least the next 4 weeks, I will be online, and watching over my wonderful people.

It is probably likely that I will be too busy overseeing the packing of the Royal Household to spend much time with you here in Forumland, after that, but I will make every attempt to keep you apprised of our progress, complete with pictures.

To say we are excited would be a gross understatement. Carl's family all live in Albuquerque, just minutes south of our new castle. And with my family all gone now, moving closer to them was a logical step. Plus, no one has ever been more loved or wanted by his husband's people than I am, the warmth and welcome are genuine, and greatly appreciated.

In case I forget to do so later in the rush, I want to take time now to wish each and every one of you precious people a wonderful, warm, peaceful and happy Holiday Season, and may we all be blessed with the comfort of family and friends during this joyful time of year!
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Thank God! For a moment I thought that you were going to that elephant graveyard somewhere and add your bones to the pile. Thank you for the holiday well-wishes and I pray the same for you and your love ones.
Packing can be such a hassle, but it'll be lovely for you and Carl to be closer to family, and they sound like the best kind of family to have.

Despite the packing and the usual moving mess, I hope you both have a great Christmas :001_smile:
I thought you were moving to Hawaii? Did I imagine that? I don't think I am old enough for dementia:001_unsure:.........
Your Majesty - It is always fun to be moving where you want to go. I've moved many, many times in my life so I don't envy you the packing. But getting to your new home, and unpacking and arranging everything just so can be alot of fun. I wish you & Carl Godspeed in this endeavor; and please be assurred that your loyal subjects here in Forumland will be waiting for moving updates and the establish of your throne in New Mexico.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Your humble servant,


I'm so glad you're not leaving all of your adoring subjects your majesty. I hope your next castle suits you and your queen consort just royally. :) Good luck on the move!
Good luck in your move to greener pastures. Mind you I would have thought you would have had enough minions to do all the packing for you. How times have changed...
Seasons Greetings

Good luck in your move to greener pastures. Mind you I would have thought you would have had enough minions to do all the packing for you. How times have changed...

Dear Jon,

Alas, royalty gets little respect from the people at large, as Mitt Romney only recently got the memo! Best wishes to our royals on their new move! Also, I want to wish them a :xmaschristmas:


Good luck on your move Markymark, and I hope you and Carl and family have a wonderful holiday season! :xmas2smiley:

And please don't scare me again with a title such as "Time to move on!".
You are one of the founding fathers of this forum, (or is it "founding mother" :confused1:), but in any case you are way too important a part of the Broke Straight Boys family to ever "move on", your majesty! :biggrin:
Okay, you had me there for a minute; I thought 'don't do it!' But I'm okay with your" move;" that is a beautiful area; I hope you guys will be very happy there. But if you're like Steve and I, the place doesn't really matter, it's the 'togetherness' that counts!
Well you won't find "greener pastures" literally in N.M., but boy is it beautiful there. Be safe on your move, you might have to go over a few snowy passes to get to the sunshine.
WOW Congratulations, I'm sure you will love it. When I here people talk about New Mexico it's like they are talking about living in a cathedral surrounded be incredible beauty. It was on my short list of places to move to but I really want to move to San Antonio. Here's to a smooth transition, best wishes.
Just resurrected this thread to let you all know that Carl & I set our final timeline. We plan to leave here (Sacramento) around the 31 of Jan., take 99 south to Bakersfield the first day, then across into AZ. to Flagstaff on the second day, (please let there be no snow). Then into Corrales via Highway 40, making the trip with our dogs, in three days total and staying at Motel 6's along the way. Then about a week to get satellite and DSL hooked up, (or whatever is best and available) then back to Forumland. Meantime, I need to get back to packing, sorting, donating, discarding, etc. I wanted to attach pics for you folks to see, but the old girl still doesn't seem to get the knack for it!

Take care, with all our love, Mark & Carl
Dear M&M and Carl,

I wish you safe journey on your way to NM. I look forward to your return to Forumland, along with pics of your travels. :e020:
Hope your move goes ok Mark but I would be careful in putting your itinerary on here - there are some crazy stalkers out there lol.
After ten years and thousands of dollars I can no longer continue with this site, The content in redux of same modelsovever and over. I can get any of this for free. I asked u to change....I'm not made of cash........1/2 star for this site.....bring back david

After ten years and thousands of dollars I can no longer continue with this site, The content in redux of same modelsovever and over. I can get any of this for free. I asked u to change....I'm not made of cash........1/2 star for this site.....bring back david
Just to be clear, you are not Markymark, are you? So if your not, I wonder why you are using his thread to announce your decision to leave the site? It's been a while since we've heard from Markymark and Carl.
Just to be clear, you are not Markymark, are you? So if your not, I wonder why you are using his thread to announce your decision to leave the site? It's been a while since we've heard from Markymark and Carl.

I thought the same thing, mikey. Perhaps he is responding to the title of the thread "Time to move on!" rather than its original intent. Confusing nonetheless.
I thought the same thing, mikey. Perhaps he is responding to the title of the thread "Time to move on!" rather than its original intent. Confusing nonetheless.
And even more so Stowe as his screen name is marky7, so there is a tiny bit of doubt in my mind, but it was not markymark's style of writing either, so most probably it is not the one the only queen mother of forumland or is it??????????? :001_unsure: