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The Horrible Thing Wrong With The Brady-Maverick Video On SBJO:

Just think of it LP, three or even four pairs of hairy legs twitching with anticipation, eager, alert, drawing you in, surrounding you. Creamy liquid shooting out, splashing off your forehead, burning slightly, threads surrounding you: a warm cocoon. You are enveloped. Later, deep in sleep, visions of Tobey Maguire in spandex lowering himself onto your supine form. How in heaven's name can you even joke about killing a bug?

PS - where do I get my card for PBOE?
I really enjoyed this vid, I haven't watched a lot of the vids from this bonus site because the quality isn't as good as Broke Straight Boys and sometimes the guy who does the talking can be a little annoying but this was great as there was no talking just the guys getting on with it.
Haha and there was kissing going on which I really enjoyed and the shower scene was very hot indeed.
Did you evolve into liking guys from your start in gay sex or were you just gay and didn't know it? Careful, there are a million fundamentalists out there just waiting to hear your answer.

I am bisexual. I do prefer guys because they are usually less drama to deal with. I have said it time and time again. Who knows where I would be with out the game of truth or dare played by the Boy Scouts. LOL

I was never a Boy Scout. I had a friend, Tim, who was. He was the first person who introduced me to the game of truth or dare. When he first dared me to suck his dick I said, "Hell, no." "You are going to pee in my mouth." So, I lost that round. I had no attraction to it at all. Of course I was only 9. It did get me thinking if he would dare me to do that I would dare him later. So, I dared him and he did. Wow, did that fell great. So, I figured if he could do it I could try it some time. It wasn't so bad. Then we just used to 69 for fun sometimes. His younger brother, Mike, and sister, Mary, were twins, age 7, and my friend and I were still age 9. His sister was my first intercourse. Yes, folks I had sex with a 7 year old girl when I was 9. Oh, the shame of it. LOL... Wow, that was awesome too. Only she was a real bitch. She thought she owned me. No wonder I never married... LOL Anyway, I never even knew what cum was at that time. I remember I was about age 11 and Tim's brother Mike and I were out messing around. Dam that guy can suck a cock. Mike was 9 then. He sucked my dick really hard I kept feeling like I had to go to the bathroom. We stopped three times and nothing came out. So, he went back for the 4th time and bang I got my first nut at age 11 LOL. I felt so bad for mike he was gagging and wheezing. He knew it was cum. He had to explain it to me. Hell, I thought something was wrong. We laughed about that for years. Mike and I wound up best friends and fuck buddies until I was turned 31.

So, to answer your question Rifle; yes, I did evolve into liking it. I cannot say I was born to it. If I had not been exposed to it. I may have grown up a sexually deprived red neck. For me I just tend to look beyond sex or sexual orientation. If there is chemistry and it feels right sex just happens. What could be better. I know this will sound crazy but wow I have had some great sex with lesbians too...

It cracks me up living in a rural community. Watching a bunch of guys hang out on the circuit with their buddies and their cars horny as hell waiting for some girl to take them home and rock their world. I just keep thinking why don't these guys just explore each other and release the pressure. LOL

So, life goes on here. These guys get drunk, fight for the same girl's love, and get locked up just because they are horny and they like the same girl. And in the end neither of them get the girl they just get a few nasty hangovers, some bumps and bruises, and maybe probation to boot. or they get the girl pregnant she still leaves and now they have a child support payment too.

They can save all that drama and just do each other. No body gets pregnant, everyone gets off, and no body goes to jail. LOL :thumbup: Thank God for Catholics and Boy Scouts. BTW I often shared my friend Mike with one of the Catholic priests... LOL Mike really had a thing for Father Thomas.
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Did you hear about the priest who had a cock and ten hens in a coop behind the parrish house? Each morning he fed them and gathered the eggs. One Sunday he went to gather the eggs and the cock was missing. He came into Mass and stood at the altar and said, "Has any of ya' seen a cock?" All the men stood up. "No," he says, "ya' misunderstand. Has any of ya' seen someone else's cock?" All the women stood up. "No," he says, "ya' got me wrong, "has any of ya' seen a cock what doesn't belong to ya'?" Half the women stood up. "No, no, no!" He cried, "Has any of you seen my cock?" Two priests, sixteen altar boys, and a goat stood up," and the old priest fainted!

I, too, live in a small rural community and you are spot on about everything. One of my favorite subjects is called four years later, when you sit with friends four years after commencement and discuss the number who graduated four years ago and came out while away at university. In a Mormon community the number can be staggering!

But, Jay, I think the evolution could not have taken place had not the propensity always been present. A prisoner can learn to tolerate, even appreciate, gay sex, but not become gay unless the proclivity already existed. In which case he is not evolving into a homesexual, he is merely opening up a door that has heretofore been closed within him. If we say we can 'learn' to be gay, then we have to admit the converse, that we can 'unlearn' it - and I have seen too many lives destroyed in that attempt.
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Did you hear about the priest who had a cock and ten hens in a coop behind the parrish house? Each morning he fed them and gathered the eggs. One Sunday he went to gather the eggs and the cock was missing. He came into Mass and stood at the altar and said, "Has any of ya' seen a cock?" All the men stood up. "No," he says, "ya' misunderstand. Has any of ya' seen someone else's cock?" All the women stood up. "No," he says, "ya' got me wrong, "has any of ya' seen a cock what doesn't belong to ya'?" Half the women stood up. "No, no, no!" He cried, "Has any of you seen my cock?" Two priests, sixteen altar boys, and a goat stood up," and the old priest fainted!

I, too, live in a small rural community and you are spot on about everything. One of my favorite subjects is called four years later, when you sit with friends four years after commencement and discuss the number who graduated four years ago and came out while away at university. In a Mormon community the number can be staggering!

But, Jay, I think the evolution could not have taken place had not the propensity always been present. A prisoner can learn to tolerate, even appreciate, gay sex, but not become gay unless the proclivity already existed. In which case he is not evolving into a homesexual, he is merely opening up a door that has heretofore been closed within him. If we say we can 'learn' to be gay, then we have to admit the converse, that we can 'unlearn' it - and I have seen too many lives destroyed in that attempt.

Rifle, The priest story was very funny. I am glad to see we agree about the rural communities too.

I think I understand what you are saying much better now. However; some evolution has to take place. I don't believe that being gay or bisexual is a learned behavior. I do believe that the whole concept revolves around our feelings, our beliefs, our attitudes, and our internalized perceptions of gay sex.

For example: I never thought about sex at age 9 before that first game of truth or dare. I thought of building forts, playing baseball, playing basket ball, and developing my skills in the martial arts. The day I got my first BJ, I discovered how good that felt and that my penis could be so much more than just a way to relieve my bladder pressure. I also discovered that it feels pretty good inside a vagina. So, for me; the first thing was. "Humm, that feels good." Sucking dick or eating pussy was never all that appealing to me in the beginning. I just discovered that I could get more BJ's if I would do those things in return. Again, I was 9 and I really had more on my mind than sex most of the time. My friends and I all had sex off and on until we were about age 13. At that time we discovered that it was wrong (not socially acceptable by the supposed moral majority) to be gay. This was a belief of unacceptability imposed by the church and society. Although, if my friends and I went camping; BJ's always seemed to happen. We all agreed to not talk about it because we did not want to be labeled as "Gay."

Shortly after I hit age 14, I discovered the advantages of flexibility that comes with years of martial arts and wrestling. While stretching one day I discovered that I could lay on my back throw my legs over my head and place my knees beside my ears. I could also open my legs and press my hips to the mat. "Wow, my balls sit right on my nose." That night I discovered I could blow myself. That was a real discovery. LOL So, I could get a BJ anytime I wanted one if I was alone. No body to negotiate with, no thought of homosexuality, just pure hot raw sex when ever I wanted. Best of all their were no thoughts of how do I keep my friend from trying to cum in my mouth. I had total control. I eventually learned to swallow my own cum in a BJ. I think in those days I loved my self more than anyone else. LOL :thumbup1:

I had sex with two different male friends between age 14 and 17 while camping and playing truth or dare only. The rest of the time I had girlfriends. I got several BJ's. Hummm, amazing how nobody's BJ's really compared to my own. Then I went to the service. I was self sexual for the most part until I was 20. The women I dated were a lot of fun. I even dated this nympho who was deaf. One day she stopped by and dropped off lunch and she crawled under my office desk and blew me while I tried to carry on business as usual, with people coming in and out of the office. Dam, she was fun. The strobe lights and vibrating bed in the morning took some getting used too but she was fun. Then she dumped me for another guy. Shortly after that, I finally met a guy who could suck some cock. Suddenly, I was like, wow, there people who can give head as good as me. Let's find them. At that time it was all about the BJ's and never anything anal. I started going to Gay bars or even the E-club from then on to pick up guys to experiment with. Eventually, I met enough people who wanted anal sex I gave it a try. Wow, that was awesome. I eventually tried it my self. Then I looked in the mirror and I said Hummmmm, where am I with all of this. Am I gay, bi, or straight. I knew I still liked women. I still have fantasies about them from time to time. But I found my self thinking about guys a bit more. So, said I guess this is what Bisexual is all about. LOL

I finally decided that there had to be something wrong with the church's views on gay sex. It was an intrinsic belief or knowing that the church was wrong. I began a self journey to study theology: the Bible, the Quran, The Torah, and the Sudra at first. Then I moved to the dead sea scrolls, the gnostic scriptures, and the Nag Hamadi Codices. Later in life I met Mel White who was a theological scholar and ghost writer for Jerry Fallwell. He is Gay. He really helped fill in a lot of holes as did Rev. Dan Chesboro, and Tom Sawyer. Poof, I learned the truth and how religions used their dogma to control their congregations and manipulate thinking and subdue self thought and expression.

I do not believe in accidents. Everything happens for a reason. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." From my first exposure to gay sex I began a journey of self discovery. What I can say is that had the opportunity to engage in gay sex not presented itself; I may not have had the opportunity to find me. For me I needed an introduction to start the wheels moving. I cannot say, how things would have evolved with out the introduction. If it feels great how can it be wrong? Why should people feel guilty about sexual pleasure regardless of how they find it?

We all come from the same source and we will all return to the same source. It is the Universal Law of One. To belittle or run down another person who does not see things as we do; passes an unfair judgment and it only serves to hurt us in the long run. When I run someone else down; I run me down. We are one. We are each unique and different in our own way but we are one with all that is, all that was, and all that will be. I AM that, I AM...

We are both masculine and feminine in nature. The right side of our body emanates our masculine energy. The left side of our body emanates our feminine energy. Therefore, we are both masculine and feminine in nature. When these energies are in perfect balance we are in a complete state of homeostasis and optimal health.

When I see the guys perform on this site whether it is for money or not they are learning that they can share themselves sexually with another being even someone of the same sex. The money is just the catalyst that stimulates the initial motivation.

Rifle, I believe as people evolve their souls grow from one lifetime to another lifetime. The concept of being gay, straight, or bisexual is inconsequential. It is more an evolved state of self limitation. I only identify as bisexual because it the best label definition that society has imposed that most people can relate with.

I am a spiritual being experiencing a human condition. My spiritual form is androgynous just as that of an angel. My physical manifestation is that of a male in this lifetime. Being human confines my outer shell to third dimensional reality. I cannot wait until more souls awaken to this truth and we can evolve past the labels of gay, bisexual, and straight and we can just be spiritual beings experiencing the gratification of unconditional love by raising our vibrational frequency to that of divine love and transcending our experiences beyond the third dimensional corporal body.:thumbup1:
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I know what you're saying, Jayman. But you are speaking on a religious plane, a spiritual level. Before man can seek advancement on that spiritual journey he must accept and understand the physical being that he is. How can he hope to share what he is if he does not truly comprehend the full scope of his being? I can understand a straight man sharing his body with another man and gaining and giving pleasure from that experience, but he is and always will be a straight man. The pleasure he gains and the pleasure he gives is from the act of giving and receiving as perceived from the heterosexual being that he is no matter from whom that pleasure comes. The same is true from a homosexual who can give and receive just as genuinely to both sexes, but still perceives that pleasure from a homosexual being's point of view. It would be like asking a man to perceive sex from the point of view of a woman or vice versa. They can perceive it equally but the beauty is that the perception is unique. When androgeny is achieved all sex will have ceased and the point of view will have vanished. Until that time, as Shakespeare says, each of us in our time will play many roles.

Thank you Jayman - such a beautiful thing to contemplate.
I know what you're saying, Jayman. But you are speaking on a religious plane, a spiritual level. Before man can seek advancement on that spiritual journey he must accept and understand the physical being that he is. How can he hope to share what he is if he does not truly comprehend the full scope of his being? I can understand a straight man sharing his body with another man and gaining and giving pleasure from that experience, but he is and always will be a straight man. The pleasure he gains and the pleasure he gives is from the act of giving and receiving as perceived from the heterosexual being that he is no matter from whom that pleasure comes. The same is true from a homosexual who can give and receive just as genuinely to both sexes, but still perceives that pleasure from a homosexual being's point of view. It would be like asking a man to perceive sex from the point of view of a woman or vice versa. They can perceive it equally but the beauty is that the perception is unique. When androgeny is achieved all sex will have ceased and the point of view will have vanished. Until that time, as Shakespeare says, each of us in our time will play many roles.

Thank you Jayman - such a beautiful thing to contemplate.

You are welcome Rifle. I think what I was really getting to. Is that our planetary conciousness is evolving as a whole. I do believe that people are beginning to transend the stereo types. Yes, your are right this requires an epiphany of self acceptence and awareness. I think that each person discovers the true nature of their being depending on their souls level of development and their innate ability to tap into the planetary conciousness. Certainly there are people who are born inately gay, bi, or even straight and that is their intrinsic nature. I believe more so in this day and age that people are evolving along with he planetary conciousness. Check out this information you tube on the "Myan Calendar Comes North" (This is phenominal information that will transend the way we think or the way that we perceive the Universe as a whole, it is not about the world coming to an end in 2012):


There are 16 links total. it will take about 3 hrs. to watch. Great information. :wink: You can all watch this for free. I never knew it was on Youtube. So, I bought my own copy and paid $30.00 for my copy. Enjoy!!!:biggrin:
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Jayman my man, this is good stuff............

Shortly after I hit age 14, I discovered the advantages of flexibility that comes with years of martial arts and wrestling. While stretching one day I discovered that I could lay on my back throw my legs over my head and place my knees beside my ears. I could also open my legs and press my hips to the mat. "Wow, my balls sit right on my nose." That night I discovered I could blow myself. That was a real discovery. LOL So, I could get a BJ anytime I wanted one if I was alone. No body to negotiate with, no thought of homosexuality, just pure hot raw sex when ever I wanted. Best of all their were no thoughts of how do I keep my friend from trying to cum in my mouth. I had total control. I eventually learned to swallow my own cum in a BJ. I think in those days I loved my self more than anyone else. LOL

I had sex with two different male friends between age 14 and 17 while camping and playing truth or dare only. The rest of the time I had girlfriends. I got several BJ's. Hummm, amazing how nobody's BJ's really compared to my own. Then I went to the service. I was self sexual for the most part until I was 20. The women I dated were a lot of fun. I even dated this nympho who was deaf. One day she stopped by and dropped off lunch and she crawled under my office desk and blew me while I tried to carry on business as usual, with people coming in and out of the office. Dam, she was fun. The strobe lights and vibrating bed in the morning took some getting used too but she was fun. Then she dumped me for another guy. Shortly after that, I finally met a guy who could suck some cock. Suddenly, I was like, wow, there people who can give head as good as me. Let's find them. At that time it was all about the BJ's and never anything anal. I started going to Gay bars or even the E-club from then on to pick up guys to experiment with. Eventually, I met enough people who wanted anal sex I gave it a try. Wow, that was awesome. I eventually tried it my self. Then I looked in the mirror and I said Hummmmm, where am I with all of this. Am I gay, bi, or straight. I knew I still liked women. I still have fantasies about them from time to time. But I found my self thinking about guys a bit more. So, said I guess this is what Bisexual is all about. LOL

Fuck Jayman you got me turned on here, pity your to far away to do anything about it.
Maybe David can sign you up to star on one of the sites here. :)

( Ps I could not get the quote thingie to work so just copied it, hehehe )
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Jayman my man, this is good stuff............

Shortly after I hit age 14, I discovered the advantages of flexibility that comes with years of martial arts and wrestling. While stretching one day I discovered that I could lay on my back throw my legs over my head and place my knees beside my ears. I could also open my legs and press my hips to the mat. "Wow, my balls sit right on my nose." That night I discovered I could blow myself. That was a real discovery. LOL So, I could get a BJ anytime I wanted one if I was alone. No body to negotiate with, no thought of homosexuality, just pure hot raw sex when ever I wanted. Best of all their were no thoughts of how do I keep my friend from trying to cum in my mouth. I had total control. I eventually learned to swallow my own cum in a BJ. I think in those days I loved my self more than anyone else. LOL

I had sex with two different male friends between age 14 and 17 while camping and playing truth or dare only. The rest of the time I had girlfriends. I got several BJ's. Hummm, amazing how nobody's BJ's really compared to my own. Then I went to the service. I was self sexual for the most part until I was 20. The women I dated were a lot of fun. I even dated this nympho who was deaf. One day she stopped by and dropped off lunch and she crawled under my office desk and blew me while I tried to carry on business as usual, with people coming in and out of the office. Dam, she was fun. The strobe lights and vibrating bed in the morning took some getting used too but she was fun. Then she dumped me for another guy. Shortly after that, I finally met a guy who could suck some cock. Suddenly, I was like, wow, there people who can give head as good as me. Let's find them. At that time it was all about the BJ's and never anything anal. I started going to Gay bars or even the E-club from then on to pick up guys to experiment with. Eventually, I met enough people who wanted anal sex I gave it a try. Wow, that was awesome. I eventually tried it my self. Then I looked in the mirror and I said Hummmmm, where am I with all of this. Am I gay, bi, or straight. I knew I still liked women. I still have fantasies about them from time to time. But I found my self thinking about guys a bit more. So, said I guess this is what Bisexual is all about. LOL

Fuck Jayman you got me turned on here, pity your to far away to do anything about it.
Maybe David can sign you up to star on one of the sites here. :)

( Ps I could not get the quote thingie to work so just copied it, hehehe )

UKguy, I am flattered. This has been suggested several times. This is not where my focus is these days. Besides, I haven't self sucked since my mid 20's. Today, I work in the field of Health and Human service. My work has allowed me to assist many troubled youth get their lives together and find inner peace. I would not trade that for the world.... :thumbup1:
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Jayman my man, this is good stuff............

Shortly after I hit age 14, I discovered the advantages of flexibility that comes with years of martial arts and wrestling. While stretching one day I discovered that I could lay on my back throw my legs over my head and place my knees beside my ears. I could also open my legs and press my hips to the mat. "Wow, my balls sit right on my nose." That night I discovered I could blow myself. That was a real discovery. LOL So, I could get a BJ anytime I wanted one if I was alone. No body to negotiate with, no thought of homosexuality, just pure hot raw sex when ever I wanted. Best of all their were no thoughts of how do I keep my friend from trying to cum in my mouth. I had total control. I eventually learned to swallow my own cum in a BJ. I think in those days I loved my self more than anyone else. LOL

I had sex with two different male friends between age 14 and 17 while camping and playing truth or dare only. The rest of the time I had girlfriends. I got several BJ's. Hummm, amazing how nobody's BJ's really compared to my own. Then I went to the service. I was self sexual for the most part until I was 20. The women I dated were a lot of fun. I even dated this nympho who was deaf. One day she stopped by and dropped off lunch and she crawled under my office desk and blew me while I tried to carry on business as usual, with people coming in and out of the office. Dam, she was fun. The strobe lights and vibrating bed in the morning took some getting used too but she was fun. Then she dumped me for another guy. Shortly after that, I finally met a guy who could suck some cock. Suddenly, I was like, wow, there people who can give head as good as me. Let's find them. At that time it was all about the BJ's and never anything anal. I started going to Gay bars or even the E-club from then on to pick up guys to experiment with. Eventually, I met enough people who wanted anal sex I gave it a try. Wow, that was awesome. I eventually tried it my self. Then I looked in the mirror and I said Hummmmm, where am I with all of this. Am I gay, bi, or straight. I knew I still liked women. I still have fantasies about them from time to time. But I found my self thinking about guys a bit more. So, said I guess this is what Bisexual is all about. LOL

Fuck Jayman you got me turned on here, pity your to far away to do anything about it.
Maybe David can sign you up to star on one of the sites here. :)

( Ps I could not get the quote thingie to work so just copied it, hehehe )

I'm a lot nearer dude. xx :thumbup1: