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The current state of this forum


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I have commented both on this board, and in private messages to other members, how this forum has become "watered down" and lacks the pizzazz, and plethora of interesting topics that were here when Mark first introduced the forum. There is a thread on the "Membership Site Chat. Comments & Suggestions" board called, "Amateur Boys First Time", where Tampa24, joninliverton, elyot1 and myself have commented on the lack of direction on the forum, and posting "nonsense" comments on a thread that was started on a specific topic.

I decided to move this discussion to the "General Chat Forum (not membership site related)" board and see if anyone else shares our feelings and has any suggestions on how to get the forum interesting and lively again.

Since the inception of this board, there have been many interesting topics discussed and debated, from the highly volatile but interesting "racist ranting's" of a former member, to more civil discussions of politics in the USA and the world, to discussions of movies and television programs, pop culture, music and books.

And my favorite part of the board has been the sexual discussions of both the episodes on Broke Straight Boys's and our opinions of the scenes and the models, as well as general discussions of straight and bi and gay sexual activities. After all, I joined here, and I assume everyone else pays their monthly membership dues because we enjoy watching guys in their late teen's through mid twenties getting naked and hard and having sex, with other guy's. And as the premise of this group is "straight boys" having gay sex for money, I had even started a thread many months ago about my personal experiences with young straight guys. Several other members posted their stories as well, and I found this to be a totally relevant topic to discuss among men who enjoy this genre of porn.

I also have been fascinated by the "10 things about you" thread, where we actually get to know things about our fellow members. And personal stories about our loves and disappointments, as well as unfortunate aspects of our lives involving lost love, or illness or death of one's close to us is very interesting.

But over time, the board been watered down to lot's of "nonsense" with childish jokes and attempts at humor and endless cartoons that are totally irrelevant, as well as endless posts about the weather, when we wake up and go to sleep, or what we ate for dinner. This type of conversation bores me, but if a segment of the forum wants to participate in this type of conversation, there should be threads clearly labeled for such conversation. However so many other threads that are titled for specific subjects have become "high jacked" by the "nonsense" posts.

I still check the forum regularly whenever I go online, but find little to comment on. I would love to see the board become interesting and lively again, and get input from new members, and other's who come to the site for the porn, (as do most of us), but find this feature interesting and compelling. I would be very curious to see how other's feel about the state of the forum.

Now isnt this much better ..... i can take it and can take what ever comes from this.

No one has stopped your topic's ,im certainly not stopping others from reading or commenting on them,and im sure not stopping you from reviving them. so stop attacking me about ...Ok as i said in the Amateur Boys First Time chat in reply to yr posts was i had stopped posting down there and if i had to i would have reframed from using any animations and if you didnt belive me, all you had to do was look at the last names on the chat posting mine is still on very few of them..

I cant do anymore then that can i ..... we all have our likes and dislikes one that drives me nuts.. u said 1 tonight in above letter,but im not attacking you ...... and yes most of us like to talk about sex....... we are men for pete's sake ....... but prob because i have my Peter, i dont find it .. the be all and end all.. as i said
the other night when the site was playing up.. i can amuse myself in many other ways.. and ive had a lot of messages telling me that that i make a lot of people smile and have a laugh ... .. and if i have to stop all together ..... yes i will be upset.

There is way to many heavy things going on in the world, as it is over here ... we have just gotten over bush fires and we are still in drought in a lot of places..... we are now getting floods in 3 states WOW we only have 6 and 2 Terratories .. 13 with swine flu ...that will do .. and thats just here in my little spot of the world

So if my little animation make me smile and i can put one on someone else's face ... im even more the happier

You start yr threads........ i promise ill stay out of them with my little animations, and if i cant find anything serious to say i'll say jack shiiit so to speak..

But we must be doing something right,we are getting 3 visits to every post .. we noticed that yesterday .. even Mark told me its getting a lot of attention and that the chat name was fine ..because i wanted to change it.

Have your fun......
... its a smilie ..... even these chats have them..

P.S if i think of anything else I VILL BE BAAACK
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I'm with Kodie. You want to be a Topic Nazi? Fine. No one's stopping you but on the other hand, no one's stopping me from doing what I damn well please as well. I find the 'nonsense' interesting and rigid adherence to whatever was in the original post boring and restrictive.

Just look at who the last poster is in a thread and if you see me or kodie are it then I think you shouldn't bother clicking on it.
Wooow baby ... Short ..... but that was straight to the point

I like it i like it

BAAAAALLLie ... u know what i meant lol
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Mike as you sated their are a lot of different threads in the forum. And as for me, I can only talk for myself. I started a few threads about me to let my friends in the forum know what was going on and hopefully get so idea's about what to expect. Yes I could of went to some other cancer site, but I was hoping to get some personal in put from some one who has went through what I am going through. And I thank everyone who has posted on those post's for their kind word's of support and all their prayers.

If I have something to say on a thread I post on that thread. I am also the type of person who likes to find out about weather and places where people are from because I'm not in their part of the world. I probibley never travel around the world. So what's wrong with getting a quick temp or is it cloudy or clear, from Ray, Kodie, Slim, or Jon. They have only been 2 or 3 post and then that was it.

What's wrong with trying to add a little humor. I for one like kodie's pix. They make me laugh. And the way thing are going here in the US and around the world, we need to laugh every now and then. I have not lost your point, Though. If I have something to say on a post I will, if not I won't. But I don't think people should get mad. That's why when people were talking about being American on the 10 thread I started the are you American thread. So if I got off topic in a tread or made you mad I am sorry. And as my sig. say's with peace and love to all who post, your friend John.
I can't believe the weather her in Phoenix. First we set a record for ocnsecutive days over 100 in May (I think) then we have weather more like other areas in May and now it looks like it's going to be hot again. Ugh. And today's my usual day to walk up to the Subway to get me a sammich and to hit the Safeway to check my lottery ticket. Better get going if I don't want a toasted sub by the time I get home!
Mike, it's never a good idea to try and influence the direction of a forum. Makes people defensive. And everyone has the right to post as they wish.

However, I do agree with you in that I rarely find anything worth responding to here. That's just my opinion, though. Different people find different things interesting. I find very little of the posts on this site interesting, so I don't post myself or respond. That's my choice. But I have no right to chastize others for posting what they want.
I have to agree with TightyWhitieBoy. Not so much that their are few posts of interest, but everyone can post whatever they want as long as they aren't bashing another poster maliciously.

As far as threads getting hijacked. Very common on forums. I post on two other non porn sites, and paid to join an Arabian horse breeders site so I could see the photos of the pretty horsies. You want to talk about thread hijacking? There is a man that is such a good photographer, and he posts pictures of his horse farm or horse shows he attends, and the next thing you know the thread is all about some scandal in the horse industry. Forget the pretty horses, it is people calling each other asshole, sumbitch, you name it. They are allowed to do that provided they use their real name when they do it. I haven't posted there as of yet. I'm skeered to! LOL! The owner of the site is an old crab ass with a heart of gold. I may post just once to have him call me stupid! LOL!! I have learned tons about the horsies there! Very good site, if you have a thick skin.

There was a thread about nothing here not long ago, why not start one about everything? Get it started and see where it goes. It could be fun!
I have to agree with TightyWhitieBoy. Not so much that their are few posts of interest, but everyone can post whatever they want as long as they aren't bashing another poster maliciously.

As far as threads getting hijacked. Very common on forums. I post on two other non porn sites, and paid to join an Arabian horse breeders site so I could see the photos of the pretty horsies. You want to talk about thread hijacking? There is a man that is such a good photographer, and he posts pictures of his horse farm or horse shows he attends, and the next thing you know the thread is all about some scandal in the horse industry. Forget the pretty horses, it is people calling each other asshole, sumbitch, you name it. They are allowed to do that provided they use their real name when they do it. I haven't posted there as of yet. I'm skeered to! LOL! The owner of the site is an old crab ass with a heart of gold. I may post just once to have him call me stupid! LOL!! I have learned tons about the horsies there! Very good site, if you have a thick skin.

There was a thread about nothing here not long ago, why not start one about everything? Get it started and see where it goes. It could be fun!
Paris. You are correct that this is a very open forum, and we are permitted to comment on whatever subject we choose. And if "high jacking threads" is a common practice on Internet message boards, then I apologize for my ignorance, as this is one of two boards that I comment on, and I have not found that happening on the other site.

I do not intend to keep posting on this subject, or defending my position. It is just a disturbing trend that I have noticed here, and other than mentions in an Amateur Straight Boys thread, I had not noticed anyone commenting on it. And as my point is to keep things somewhat on track in threads, I decided to open up a discussion in where I feel is an appropriate place.

I do not intend any offence to any of the forum members. I was just hoping that the forum could get back to more interesting, informative and provocative themes. I do apologize if anyone took my comments to be mean spirited or offensive, as that was not my intention. Perhaps, I should have been more subtle in my comments.
Gosh, I don't know if I want to wade into this or not. :-) What a minefield! LOL I am friends with so many of you in here. I personally like and I can empathize with people on both sides of this particular debate.

As I said on the Amateur Boys thread I feel that the instant message, personal chat style of conversation should stay as much as possible in the "Bored" thread or any other thread that someone starts with the intention of it being idle chit chat. I trust that most of us can tell the difference between a personal chat thread and one with an assigned topic for open debate and discussion. Everyone of course is entitled to post whenever and wherever they want. But let's try to keep the lighthearted banter in the chat threads though.

If we are talking about anything from porn to politics and trying to get a lively insightful and intelligent debate going we don't want to have to worry about someone pulling up a chair and talking about the price of tea in China. It is not uncommon for threads to take odd turns off topic however. I have been guilty of doing that myself at times. I try not to though and I figure that's all we're asking of other members here. Moderation is the key... What I'm hearing from others and the way I feel personally is that we should try to keep our posts on threads of a specific subject reasonably on topic. There are times when we can't help ourselves but to crack a joke on a serious thread. And there's nothing wrong with that... in moderation. But it should hopefully not be so distracting (or persistent) as to stop all prior serious discussion.

As to those who complain that there is a lack of compelling material to discuss lately I couldn't agree more. And that is no the fault of any individual or group in my opinion. The forum has ebbs and flows where it can get dull for a while and then it heats up again. Interesting and lively conversation will come back. We are just in a dry spell and it will lift.

It is because of this dry spell that although I may be in a minority I do enjoy some of the idle chat in those designated threads. When there is little of interest for me to comment on in the overall forum I enjoy making small talk with whoever happens to be logged in at the time. Since there is not anyone here in the forum that I actively dislike I find the experience to be quite like chatting with the proverbial good neighbor over the back fence. Not having an assigned topic to a thread can be liberating in its possibilities. You never know what learning experience or entertainment awaits you. :-)

Would I rather be discussing and debating interesting topics in the forum? Absolutely! I thrive on that myself. I encourage anyone with ideas for good topics that would allow plenty of give and take to start a thread. It could be anything from asking for advice on something, to bringing up politics, relationships, finances or religion.

Does any of what I've said sound unreasonable?
Tampa, not unreasonable at all.

Having spent years on forums, there are definite ebbs and flows of interest. I know something will occur to make things interesting. The horse forum I mentioned gets very slow and uninteresting to me at times, but it always changes. When it does, I always think, "Hot damn! Now we're talkin'!".

I try to stay on topic, but sometimes a post just deserves an off topic response. I think that is fun! Overwhelming hijacking, not so much.

I didn't find you at all offensive, Mike. We all have our opinions. Not bad, just different.

Have fun posting, my friends!
Wow, I see there is much a do about his topic. My first thought here is that I think every thread gets a little off topic from time to time. Many of us do try to stay on topic or create a new thread. Sometimes I have found the animations annoying and detracting from the content. However, most of the time I found them humorous and very up lifting.

Mike I know you did not mean any harm with this post. I totally understand you were trying to get us to be a bit more mindful too. I do not think it is anyone's intent to hijack a thread. I do feel that most of what is happening is that people are expressing themselves with regard to certain topics. Sometimes our expression may cause a few of us to post some off topic banter about the expression. Sooner or later the topic comes back full circle.

I do find it confusing sometimes to follow what is being said on some threads. However; I find that life can be just as confusing. I skip over some of the casual banter for the most part and look for the heart of the mater to post to. I know I have posted some interesting graphics and run a muck with a topic from time to time myself. However; it was all in fun with another member or two, or three, or everyone. Like Tampa I see both sides of the issue here. Mike I appreciate you reminding us to try to stay on point. It does make it easier to follow the ebb and flow of the thread without having to work at it too much. Being dyslexic, I don't have time to read a lot of nonsense. I usually skip over it when I can. I do love to read it though when I have a few minuets because it helps me understand the personalities of each member much better.

I think sometimes people confuse the Forum for a chat room. PM is way too slow at times. So, I think that any improprieties are just incidental and not meant in a harmful way. The annimations bring a lot of laughter to my days on topic or not. So, I just try to see this as a blessing in disguise. Sometimes I live life way too seriously... I like to use the Forum as a way to relax, let my hair down, watch some great porn, and more importantly just enjoy the fun that comes with being human and hang out with some really great Forum friends. :thumbup:
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Wow, I see there is a much a do about his topic. My first thought here is that I think every thread gets a little off topic from time to time. Many of us do try to stay on topic or create a new thread. Sometime I have found the animations annoying and detracting from the content. However, most of the time I found them humorous and very up lifting.

Mike I know you did not mean any harm with this post. I totally understand you were trying to get us to be a bit more mindful too. I do not think it is anyone's intent to hijack a thread. I do feel that most of what is happening is that people a re expressing themselves with regard to certain topics. Sometimes our expression may cause a few of us to post some off topic banter about the expression. Sooner or later the topic comes back full circle.

I do find it confusing sometimes to follow what is being said on some threads. However; I find that life can be just as confusing. I skip over some of the casual banter for the most part and look for the heart of the mater to post to. I know I have posted some interesting graphics and run a muck with a topic from time to time myself. However; it was all in fun with another member or two, or three, or everyone. Like Tampa I see both sides of the issue here. Mike I appreciate you reminding us to try to stay on point. It does make it easier to follow the ebb and flow of the thread without having to work at it too much. Being dyslexic, I don't have time to read a lot of nonsense. I usually skip over it when I can. I do love to read it though when I have a few minuets because it helps me understand the personalities of each member much better.

I think sometimes people confuse the Forum for a chat room. PM is way too slow at times. So, I think that any improprieties are just incidental and not meant in a harmful way. The annimations bring a lot of laughter to my days on topic or not. So, I just try to see this as a blessing in disguise. Sometimes I live life way too seriously... I like to use the Forum as a way to relax, let my hair down, watch some great porn, and more importantly just enjoy the fun that comes with being human and hang out with some really great Forum friends. :thumbup:
Thank you Jayman for your thoughtful and honest opinions on the questions that I raised. It is always fascinating to read your point of view on issues, as you come from a more spiritual place than I do, and therefore you see things in a different light. I always enjoy hearing intelligent opinions on all sides of an issue. It is wonderful to have you as the unofficial "spiritual leader of the Broke Straight Boys forum". :thumbup:Long may you reign.

Wow, I see there is a much a do about his topic. My first thought here is that I think every thread gets a little off topic from time to time. Many of us do try to stay on topic or create a new thread. Sometime I have found the animations annoying and detracting from the content. However, most of the time I found them humorous and very up lifting.

Mike I know you did not mean any harm with this post. I totally understand you were trying to get us to be a bit more mindful too. I do not think it is anyone's intent to hijack a thread. I do feel that most of what is happening is that people a re expressing themselves with regard to certain topics. Sometimes our expression may cause a few of us to post some off topic banter about the expression. Sooner or later the topic comes back full circle.

I do find it confusing sometimes to follow what is being said on some threads. However; I find that life can be just as confusing. I skip over some of the casual banter for the most part and look for the heart of the mater to post to. I know I have posted some interesting graphics and run a muck with a topic from time to time myself. However; it was all in fun with another member or two, or three, or everyone. Like Tampa I see both sides of the issue here. Mike I appreciate you reminding us to try to stay on point. It does make it easier to follow the ebb and flow of the thread without having to work at it too much. Being dyslexic, I don't have time to read a lot of nonsense. I usually skip over it when I can. I do love to read it though when I have a few minuets because it helps me understand the personalities of each member much better.

I think sometimes people confuse the Forum for a chat room. PM is way too slow at times. So, I think that any improprieties are just incidental and not meant in a harmful way. The annimations bring a lot of laughter to my days on topic or not. So, I just try to see this as a blessing in disguise. Sometimes I live life way too seriously... I like to use the Forum as a way to relax, let my hair down, watch some great porn, and more importantly just enjoy the fun that comes with being human and hang out with some really great Forum friends. :thumbup:

I thank you too Jayman ........ I like to Joke around and have fun,i have stopped my animations, as i have said in here... i have even past the message on via other members.

Im glad to see things are pretty level in here and ive not upset to many people. i would like to say .....Thanks all for ....... the messages.

This will be my last message in this chat as i feel its just going in circles as the problem Mikeyank had has been solved .... and if he finds going in circles stimulating ..... he's a better man then i am
Huggs all
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Thank you Jayman for your thoughtful and honest opinions on the questions that I raised. It is always fascinating to read your point of view on issues, as you come from a more spiritual place than I do, and therefore you see things in a different light. I always enjoy hearing intelligent opinions on all sides of an issue. It is wonderful to have you as the unofficial "spiritual leader of the Broke Straight Boys forum". :thumbup:Long may you reign.


Bless your heart Mike you are an awesome guy. Thanks for the vote of confidence.:thumbup:
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I thank you too Jayman ........ I like to Joke around and have fun,i have stopped my animations, as i have said in here... i have even past the message on via other members.

Im glad to see things are pretty level in here and ive not upset to many people. i would like to say .....Thanks all for ....... the messages.

This will be my last message in this chat as i feel its just going in circles as the problem Mikeyank had has been solved .... and if he finds going in circles stimulating ..... he's a better man then i am
Huggs all

Bless your heart... Hang in there nobody meant any harm. I personally enjoy you just being you. That is the greatest gift you can give us in here my dear friend is you being who you are and were meant to be. :thumbup: