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That's it no more Mr. Nice Guy

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BSB Addict
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
Kincheloe, MI

You all remember my roomies Jim and Deb. They have been out of my house for 7 1/2 mo. I have told them a number of times to get their shit out of my house. They told me they would be over at spring clean up. Well today was spring clean up. They never showed up, so I through all their shit out on the curb. 10 mins later the garbage truck came by and boom it was gone.

Well, now I'm a no good son of a bitch, Jim called me "a mother fucking faget", I said no I'm a father sucking faget. We argued for10 mins then the police showed up and then Jim and Deb left.

Then their son Ron came over and started yelling at me and I told him to shut up or I was going to kick him out of the house he rent's from me. We were yelling at each other, me and Ron, then Jim and Deb came back and it was three againest one. We were all yelling at each other when the city and state police showed up. I told the three of them to get out of my house or the police would arrest them. So they all left and will not be back, or they will be arrested. :cursing:

Sorry about this but I needed to vent. And now I feel better. I live alone and have no one to talk to.

You all remember my roomies Jim and Deb. They have been out of my house for 7 1/2 mo. I have told them a number of times to get their shit out of my house. They told me they would be over at spring clean up. Well today was spring clean up. They never showed up, so I through all their shit out on the curb. 10 mins later the garbage truck came by and boom it was gone.

Well, now I'm a no good son of a bitch, Jim called me "a mother fucking faget", I said no I'm a father sucking faget. We argued for10 mins then the police showed up and then Jim and Deb left.

Then their son Ron came over and started yelling at me and I told him to shut up or I was going to kick him out of the house he rent's from me. We were yelling at each other, me and Ron, then Jim and Deb came back and it was three againest one. We were all yelling at each other when the city and state police showed up. I told the three of them to get out of my house or the police would arrest them. So they all left and will not be back, or they will be arrested. :cursing:

Sorry about this but I needed to vent. And now I feel better. I live alone and have no one to talk to.

No Offence taken, I am only OFFENDED by your spelling of OFFENDED :001_tt2:

In all seriousness though.
Sounds Messy and probably not the end of the situation....
My partner is a solicitor and I used to work for a Property Managment Firm. If they can't recover the goods they could potentially take you to small claims court. They will more than likely dispute your agreement (pick up date etc) and, unless it is in writting, Its their word against yours. Which means you will more than likely have to reimburse them at least half the cost of the missing goods [That would be the case with UK law] Speak to a solicitor who specialises in Eviction and or Property Law....
It is a tricky situation my friend, I had a similar situation with a tennant in my house when i was away for 8 months... Couldn't touch a thing until all legal notices had been served. Use a letting agent, if you don't already.

Let me know how u get on!


You all remember my roomies Jim and Deb. They have been out of my house for 7 1/2 mo. I have told them a number of times to get their shit out of my house. They told me they would be over at spring clean up. Well today was spring clean up. They never showed up, so I through all their shit out on the curb. 10 mins later the garbage truck came by and boom it was gone.

Well, now I'm a no good son of a bitch, Jim called me "a mother fucking faget", I said no I'm a father sucking faget. We argued for10 mins then the police showed up and then Jim and Deb left.

Then their son Ron came over and started yelling at me and I told him to shut up or I was going to kick him out of the house he rent's from me. We were yelling at each other, me and Ron, then Jim and Deb came back and it was three againest one. We were all yelling at each other when the city and state police showed up. I told the three of them to get out of my house or the police would arrest them. So they all left and will not be back, or they will be arrested. :cursing:

Sorry about this but I needed to vent. And now I feel better. I live alone and have no one to talk to.

Well you know you have plenty of friends to unload ... umm let me rephrase that ... vent on :thumbup:
Yes I do remember them & I thought it was all sorted 7 months ago. Just like a bad penny - it always seems to come back.
I went through the same thing a few years ago with a roommate, except that I didn't show as much restraint as you. He bailed on me one day while I was on a 24 hour shift (I'm an EMT, and work either 24 or 48 hour shifts). I called the landlord to ask if JR (the roommate) had mentioned anything to him about moving, and the landlord's reply was "Well yeah..that's usually what people do when they receive an eviction notice."

Turns out JR had been taking my share of the rent and putting it in his pocket and not bothering to pay the rent at all. Then, when he found the eviction notice on the door 3 months prior to this incident (I lived in Kentucky at the time....evictions are long, drawn out, nasty processes there), he hid it from me so I wouldn't be mad at him.

I was able to get a 1 bedroom apt in the next couple of days and my sister came to help me move, and through her insistence I agreed to take any of his stuff that he had left and I thought I needed with me.

I never heard from him again so i don't know if it hurt him any, but I spoke to his ex bf who let me know that JR was basically a con artist who would move in with people and pull that kind of crap, then move on to the next.

I personally agree with what you did, but JohnUK has a point. There is a chance they can take some kind of legal action, but you can always hope they're too dumb to know that.
I just has a quick read at my reply and I am sorry if it came across a tad harsh... I never meant it that way..:blushing:

You did what any reasonable person would do, and by the sounds of it they're probably a few fries short of a happy meal... so you probably dont have much to worry about.
Would still speak to a solicitor to arrange getting them the hell out of your other property ASAP.. If you need any advice or a chat IM me or send me a message. My Dad owns a Property Investment and Managment firm and my partner is a solicitor, so I can try and get you some advice about what you should and shouldnt do from here on in.

Best of luck
Hopefully hear from ya soon with some good news x

You all remember my roomies Jim and Deb. They have been out of my house for 7 1/2 mo. I have told them a number of times to get their shit out of my house. They told me they would be over at spring clean up. Well today was spring clean up. They never showed up, so I through all their shit out on the curb. 10 mins later the garbage truck came by and boom it was gone.

Well, now I'm a no good son of a bitch, Jim called me "a mother fucking faget", I said no I'm a father sucking faget. We argued for10 mins then the police showed up and then Jim and Deb left.

Then their son Ron came over and started yelling at me and I told him to shut up or I was going to kick him out of the house he rent's from me. We were yelling at each other, me and Ron, then Jim and Deb came back and it was three againest one. We were all yelling at each other when the city and state police showed up. I told the three of them to get out of my house or the police would arrest them. So they all left and will not be back, or they will be arrested.

Sorry about this but I needed to vent. And now I feel better. I live alone and have no one to talk to.

You go I2ina69.

In PA all you needed to do was give them a written letter requesting them to remove their stuff giving them 30 days.

Make a copy for your records and send it registered or certified mail. They need to sign to get their mail.

A copy of receipt is then sent back to you for your records.

After 30 days.

Go to the local magistrate file a request for a court order to remove the property. The Judge will so order the removal within 30 days.

Best of all they will need to schedule their removal of items with the local Sheriff. LOL.

If the property is not removed after 30 days you can have it removed anyway you wish.

By court order the rights to the property are severed automatically after 30 days. However, they still owe you for court costs. LOL

The reason to go through this whole process is in PA an informal bailment is made when property is left behind. And we have an obligation to keep it safe until it can be removed. Once notice of removal is made it is proof that you do not wish to possess their property. Strange but it is a system that works.

I just feel for you having to go through that mess. You were in the right... But what a scene... I wonder how they thought all of the yelling was going to get their stuff back. :bored:

You take care and hang in there.:wink::001_rolleyes:
Well it's a little late to go through the court's.lol As I said they told me they wanted to get rid of some of their stuff, but they didn't say what. So I just got rid of it all. If they want to sue me, they can. But one good thing about that is they would have to have money which they don't have.hahaha As far as kicking Ron out I don't know? He pay's his rent on time, and keeps the house in order. I just talked to him to see if we would have a problem and he said, no problem. So I think were good. As for his mom and dad, they can KISS MY ROSIE RED AMERICAN INDIAN ASS.
I've all was took a person at their word. If you say something, I think you should stick by it. Am I wrong for thinking that way.
Well you know you have plenty of friends to unload ... umm let me rephrase that ... vent on :thumbup:
Yes I do remember them & I thought it was all sorted 7 months ago. Just like a bad penny - it always seems to come back.

:lol: May be that's my problem I need to unload.:blow:
Sounds like an old episode of Coronation Street - yes okay I have the archive collection.. blush blush.

I'm glad you kicked their asses dude and I would go and change your locks too, just to make sure.
Keep your insurance premiums current and a baseball bat handy. If they show up call the police at once. There is a nasty potential for violence in this. Legally, I wouldn't worry. At a minimum they would need to show documentation establishing the value of their property.
the insurance is paid, and I wish he would do something. I'd sue him.I wouldn't get anything.
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