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Talk to me?


Active Member
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hello all Broke Straight Boys forumites :)

A quick introduction; I`m 20, not male, VERY pro-gay and I love interacting with others. I am from Singapore and my race is Malay. I am a full time student majoring in Business Info Tech - graduating in April, 2010. I work part time at a Japanese Dessert shop, Marvelous Cream, and I absolutely love it there! Below are a few of the pictures I took from one of the outlets the company has.


You can click on my 10 Random Facts to get a basic summary of me [link on my signature] I love to mess around with PhotoShop when I have some extra time on my hands. I don`t really like taking pictures of myself but when I do, it`s usually weird and quirky; just like me :D And yes, I know I have HUGE eyes


I adore piercings <3 My pictures don`t really show off my piercings but I have 15 of them in total - 2 lobe, 2 helix on my right ear, 3 lobe, 1 helix, 1 tragus on left ear, 1 on my right eyebrow, a snakebite and a center laberet and 2 on my tongue. I love the side of my bed because I have pictures of my favourite actors/idols. There`s also 2 pictures of me when I was younger~ My friends call my room "Mini Kinokuniya" [Kinokuniya is a book shop I frequent to get all my books/magazines/comics]


As a parting note for this thread, I would like to say that I want to spend time here to the fullest. I have this feeling that I may not renew my membership after this one ends due to the financial crisis I`m facing. Like I`ve mentioned, I`m a full time student and part time worker. I don`t earn much and most of what I earn goes to bills, transportation money and basic necessities [food mainly :b] Oh and I want to ask, if per say I wish to get my membership back again after I have saved up enough money, I can still use my old username right?

Here`s a parting gif ~

Yami, you are a cutie!

The desserts look yummy! Life is short. Eat dessert first! :001_smile:

I understand the struggle to make ends meet for a student. I hope you enjoy your Broke Straight Boys experience to the fullest!

I do believe you can rejoin using your former username.

Thanks for the gift. What Bravo show is that clip from? Very intriguing!

Take care, Yami!
Yeah finally! Yami..i'm also female and love to watch hot men have sex...it's nice to meet u :)

You sound fun! Welcome and thanks for the fascinating introduction! You seem like a passionate person. I like that :)

Have a great weekend!
Hi Yami,
I'm also a female.
I'm bi-sexuall, but I have to admit, that I prefer mostly a man. AND I love to watch 2,or more :wink:, man together. With Broke Straight Boys I found a community what I was looking for.
In many ways we are alike.
Hey, I like he short video you set under your entry. Nice, nice :001_smile:

Well, I think that you surely can use your old username since it isn't a common username that is used very often.
Siri on the other hand is taken mostly.

I hope you are okay with my english.:wink: I'm still learning... learning by doing. LOL

Take care
Aww D: TinyPic removed my gif *finds another cute gif*


Hey Paris~
I love desserts <3 No matter how full I am, there will always be some space left for dessert :b And the show is actually Season 1 of Make Me A Supermodel; the models are Casey and Perry - both straight :D

Hello qwerty!
2 men having sex is just too hot to pass ;D Nice to meet you too!

Hi ariz
Passionate? I`m just obsessed LOL You have a great weekend too! :)

Hello Siri~
I`m bisexual too ;D But I don`t have preferences. I get turned on by both sexes equally. Your English is fine :) Its understandable. Good luck with learning!
Hey Paris~
I love desserts <3 No matter how full I am, there will always be some space left for dessert :b And the show is actually Season 1 of Make Me A Supermodel; the models are Casey and Perry - both straight :D

If I can find it I'll be setting my DVR to record it. LOL Thanks Yami.

I'm really enjoying getting to listen in on all the women's chit chat. LOL It is a refreshing to get a woman's take on gay porn. lol You're very sweet Yami. Thanks for bringing new perspectives to our homes far away.
Yami, Siri..as the other females of the forum, who is your fav model or models?

Mine is Ashton from College Physicals, Jordan is 2nd in line..I'm only going by looks on this one. Who cares about personality when it's porn right???
But I don`t think the show is running anymore ): It could be Season 2 or even 3 by now LOL I`m not sure if it`s still being seeded on Torrents or available on YouTube either. One of the contestants, Ronnie is gay and it`s really cute watching him on the show where he admits having a crush on his roommate, Ben [who is married]

On Episode 2, Ben said "Its a good thing that a gay guy thinks I`m cute or whatever. That`s a compliment, right? I don`t know, they`re picky. I don`t know". Totally made me love him even more :DDD

And as far as bringing new perspectives, I`m not too sure about that :b I mean, I like talking about things which people might find interesting. What can I say, I love attention lol

Ah! I can never choose >< Most of the regulars are my favs. Austin Grant makes me feel like a girl. I mean, I love his pretty face and him being him makes my heartbeat faster. LOL. Yes, I have a HUGE crush on Austin! <3 Then there`s Mike Robbins, Jimmy Slater, Dustin Michaels [RIP], Shane, Logan, CJ, Tyler and the list goes on~ Told ya I can`t choose lol

I will have to disagree with your last statement. The reason why I even bought membership here is because of the few minutes in the beginning of a video. I like how Broke Straight Boys doesn`t jump straight to fucking.

I was a big fan of a Japanese gay porn company called Coat West. I loved the boys and the fucking was great. But what I looked forward to every time they release a DVD is the offshot footage. The few minutes you get to see the boys being themselves :D
yami, talk about getting to see someone being herself! We've just come out of a very strange moment in the forum when a cute guy (who elevated everyone's expectations to unheard of levels, and who revealed huge amounts of info about himself) turned out to be, almost certainly, someone else altogether who had invented the persona he'd placed in our midst.

At the same time there has been some uneasiness among some of the forumites who feel themselves threatened by the curiosity of their fellows, and creeped out by 24/7 onliners who ask for more details than they're comfortable sharing.

But you are really something else. This forum, with all it's concern about whether the models' privacy needs to be pampered and it's queasiness about letting anyone know who they themselves really are, should be honored and impressed by someone who trusts enough to be open, something most homosexuals crave being able to do: to be open about, and respected for, who they are.

How much longer does your subscription run?
Yami, Siri..as the other females of the forum, who is your fav model or models?

Mine is Ashton from College Physicals, Jordan is 2nd in line..I'm only going by looks on this one. Who cares about personality when it's porn right???

Hi Qwerty, hi Yami,

Sorry for this late answer. I was very busy the last days.

Well, my fav models? My answer is nearly the same as Yami's.
I really can't choose.
Austin, Mike Robbins, Logan, Jimmy Slater, Shane, Tyler, Jordan and more.
I love every guy for an other reason. Especialy the bi-boys are very intersting because they going further than other.
The scene with Austin and Jimmy is on of my fav.
Like Yami I enjoy the first minutes very much. The interviews and the first touch, maybe some kisses etc.
I know they reveals many privat informations about their lives and feelings but this the reason why the videos are so authentic.
And I don't want to miss this all. :001_smile:

Take care
Siri, your post says exactly what I think about Broke Straight Boys

I do agree with Qwerty on Ashton, though. :biggrin:

I feel the same way about Austin that yami does.

It is excellent to have you ladies here!
I would really love to reply and comment on what everyone said after my previous post but work wore me out =_= My eyelids are weighing more than they should. So, I`m going to bed now *checks time* It`s already 1:24am here and I shall wake up early to reply! :D

Another gif

I LOVE how distracting it is LOL
Till next time, lovelies~ ;D
Siri, your post says exactly what I think about Broke Straight Boys

I do agree with Qwerty on Ashton, though. :biggrin:

I feel the same way about Austin that yami does.

It is excellent to have you ladies here!
Hi parisnoyd,

Thanks, it's great to be here.
It one of the few places where I can talk over my liking to watch men together without any hesitation.
Yes, Siri. You came to the right place! :biggrin:
It is so nice to have you here.
What a pity that you all live so far away.
It would be fun to meet some of you guys and not forget the ladys :001_smile:.
I would really love to reply and comment on what everyone said after my previous post but work wore me out =_= My eyelids are weighing more than they should. So, I`m going to bed now *checks time* It`s already 1:24am here and I shall wake up early to reply! :D

Another gif

I LOVE how distracting it is LOL
Till next time, lovelies~ ;D
Hey Yami,
I hope you've had a restful sleep. New week, new luck...

Hey, I really like your gifs. I really like the last one from the movie "Were the world mine". Did you saw the movie?

I know that Slim asked already the question, but I ask it, too.
How much longer does your subscribtion run?
How much longer we can talk over this forum?

I've had some problems with my creditcard, too.
I hope that I send the correct pay information well-timed. If not I will recognize it in the next days.

Well, I have to work. ~7am in Germany.

Have a great monday
I like being myself. I want people to know who I really am. Be it good or bad, I want the impression to last :) I want to be the one who opens up so others can do the same.

I really understand how gay people feel. I have a couple of gay friends and they aren`t out of the closet except to me. We hang out, go to gay bars but at the end of the day, they go home 'straight'. They are constantly afraid of being found out and I dare say, it`s tiring. I don`t know if they might come out in the future, which I hope they do, but I will definitely be there to support them :D

Yes, AUTHENTIC! I love how the boys kind of spill the beans about themselves and let their personality flow. I want to get to know the boys as a person, not just the person who does porn.

Were The World Mine was AWESOME! I love the fact that its a musical. I`m a very drama person so I like these kind of genre. The boys in the movie were pretty cute too :D


Austin just makes you smile, doesn`t he? His smile, laugh and the little things he does, just makes me smile to myself. Okay, maybe I`m just weird lol

Did you guys watch Austin and Jimmy? It was a yummy video! LOL. Well, did you guys hear Austin singing a bit after he took off his top? It`s just so adorable when the boys do all these silly things~

As for my subscription, it`ll expire on 14th February; Valentine`s Day. Sad ): But we`ll see if I can still manage the payment or not =/

Yet another gif~

I love this movie too <3
Yes, siri, I think it would be great fun to hang out with you ladies! I have a feeling we would laugh a lot! :biggrin:

yami, ITA with you on Austin. He does make me smile. He is a very good Broke Straight Boys! I hope you can renew your subscription to the site. You will have to post a lot from now until Valentines Day!

yami, I also agree with Denny. I like your last gif. What movie is that from?