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Taking things to seriously

A year or so ago I had the delema of starting the forum for the site. I had different feelings about it. After I launched it I realized that it was one of the best things I ever did. We got the much needed input that we never got much of and I feel like Broke Straight Boys has become a community. I thank each and every one of you for posting on the forum.

Mark, the forum has evidently been a success for both subscribers and management. It was a brilliant move on your part to take the risk, since through it you get intelligent and thoughtful feedback from loyal customers in a less clumsy format than the hundreds of e-mails you were receiving. And for us it's represented a unique insight into the workings of your world. You've empowered a bunch of guys interested in boy porn in an amazing way, allowing us to opine about your product, to feel we have a small part in the decision making and to do our best to help you better it. Thanks mister.
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David, I forgot to ask how we can find Shane's "TANK" products?

I'd love to have a T-shirt or cap, or both, from his company. :001_smile:

How can we find his product?
David, I forgot to ask how we can find Shane's "TANK" products?

I'd love to have a T-shirt or cap, or both, from his company. :001_smile:

How can we find his product?
Is that the Shane who is scheduled to appear on November 16 with Alec? He is one of my favorite guy's that have appeared on this site, however David has told us that he was not willing to go further (get fucked), so he is no longer on the site. I hope it is him. Please let us know David. Thanks.
Casper babes, I know your intention is to go and see what the other side is like next Saturday and good luck to you. It must be hard living in a small place with no outlets to express your sexuality, whatever it may be. Good luck with next Saturday and you never know, you may meet someone nice or you may meet someone who is just after a one night stand. No problems with that at our age, as long as you are both safe.

I just wish I was over there now to cover you in love and cuddles. Then you wouldn't have to go out next Saturday.. xxjonxx
I just had a fantasy. The Broke Straight Boys Dating Game, and perhaps Jon and Casper would win the date, including an all expenses paid trip to Fort Lauderdale. Of course a roll on the futon would be part of my fantasy, but I am an old perv.:001_tt2:

Don't take insult regarding Tyler and Logan. At the moment, Logan is really busy with college. Logan is very active in college and is president of his fraternity and he's studying medicine to become a doctor and he's very active in his studies. When I first hired Logan, we made him an exclusive model...but he was very upfront with me and told me his school comes first and I have to respect that from a model that goes to school.

As for Tyler. Tyler now works in our office and is really busy....I recently told him to please check the forum and answer his messages. The problem I have with Tyler on the forum is that when he does get on and answers everyone's messages....it distracts him from office work and he doesn't get his work completed and he ends of ignoring deadlines we are working on. I really need Tyler working on content and doing his office work, then spending much of his time on the forum. But we are going to figure something out so we can at least get on and post.

If your going to go out to a bar or club to meet someone, just be very careful and remember you don't have to do anal so fast....at least do oral and go slow at what your doing....don't think with your "dick" think with your heart and mind. I don't want to hear that something happen to you!

Our door is open to any member that wants to film on the futon, provided they meet our specifications to become a model. So if you think you have what it takes, you might want to think about coming to our studio in a safe controlled environment to have your first sexual experience with another guy...but that is a decision up to you...and don't worry...your relative that lives in Jacksonville is far, far away from us here in Miami/Ft.Lauderdale.
Wow! What a great thread. I concur with all of you in having deep respect, admiration and in my case as well as many of yours... a high regard personally for David, Mark, Stephane, Chuck and all of the Blu and Broke Straight Boys staff.


As the other guys have said... please don't take it personally that Tyler and Logan haven't responded to your friend requests. I know how much you are looking forward to seeing their photos in your profile. And yours in theirs. Having a favorite model listed as a friend of yours is a treat, I know. Under the photo on the left side of the profile pages is a date. That date tells you the last time that person logged on to the forum. In Tyler's case the last time he logged on was September 3rd. The last time Logan was in the forum at all was September 23rd. The point being that neither one of them is actively ignoring your friend request or snubbing you. They haven't logged on yet to even see your friend request. They are taking a break from the whole forum altogether.

In Logan's case we know that he is in college studying pre-med. That is an extremely demanding and time consuming courseload of work. So much so that Mark has told us not to send him any PM's at all. None of us want to be responsible for him getting a bad grade on a test or doing poorly in a class because he was busy surfing the forum and responding to fan mail. Instead of studying... It's quite possible that over either Thanksgiving or Christmas break that he will log on to the forum for a short time. We'll see. But Tyler and Logan are both very nice guys who are appreciative of their fans. I'm sure that when they log on again that they will add you as a friend.
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Our door is open to any member that wants to film on the futon, provided they meet our specifications to become a model. So if you think you have what it takes, you might want to think about coming to our studio in a safe controlled environment to have your first sexual experience with another guy...but that is a decision up to you...and don't worry...your relative that lives in Jacksonville is far, far away from us here in Miami/Ft.Lauderdale.

Wow. David you are too much. Casper, think about it. The models are treated like beloved kid brothers down there, mentored, cautioned, fed and housed and hugged, supported through the challenge of a filming with all the distractions that lights, crew, makeup entail. Tyler will be right there for sure since he clocks in every day.

When I was a sophomore at uni, I was in an art film in black and white, with Lou, a girl I was dating from my painting class. I admit I was pretty hot in those days, and she was hotter. It wasn't porno but it was mega erotic and won a bunch of prizes in artsy competitions. I never got a copy of the reel, but remember the first time the director showed it to us, and it was fascinating. That doesn't mean you should do it, but anyway.

Take care Casper. If you head over to Oklahoma City, enjoy yourself and be safe.:001_wub:
I agree, what a fabulous tread, so much emotions, so much caring, make you feel good....and David thanks for a (long ) great interesting post...Now Caspar you are a tresor...I love you....I don't know if going to a bar to be "picked up" is the greatest idea, but if you do go....YOU choose someone you feel attracted to, it is your show you run it...and good luck...Cannot wait to read all about it...Hugs

For those that like to visit Shane's website called TANK here is the link:


check out his talents...and his clothing line!

Thanks, David! It was very cool for Logan to model for Shane!!

Now I have to decide what I want. I like them all! Oh, hell! It's only money. I'll get one of everything! :thumbup:

Come on guys! Help out our burgeoning young entrepreneur!
I get paid on Monday...I will be doing some shopping...going to get some for all my friends...I'm going to take pics of them wearing them and send them here so Shane can see them.

Dave perhaps you should simply say the model's stories are "truthy" a la Colbert.
A thought for Casper. If the bar scene proves too intense, try attending the nearest Metropolitan Community Church. The members are mostly gay and lesbian and very supportive.
I don't know if going to a bar to be "picked up" is the greatest idea, but if you do go....YOU choose someone you feel attracted to, it is your show you run it...and good luck...Cannot wait to read all about it...Hugs


Casper, what Mat said!

You don't have to do anything with someone just because he hits on you. If you are going to do this, do it with someone you think is hot, and more importantly, kind and trustworthy. That is kind of hard to know meeting someone in a bar. If you decide Mr. Right isn't there that night, go back to your hotel room alone. Nothing wrong in doing that, and I know your big bros here will agree.

Man, I sure wish one of the Forumites lived closer to you. I really wish someone could be with you to look out for you on Saturday night in OKC.

I'd like to see half a dozen of us there with you to watch your back. We'd be your chaperones and lo onto anyone who does you wrong! :001_smile:

Be safe, Casper.

Jeez this thread is turning into a mini series. Now we've got gay porn, gay dating and the metropolitan Community church thrown in to boot.

My final thought on the subject is maybe Casper and everyone else who's posted on this thread, should revisit the subject matter - taking things too seriously.

Casper hun, if you wish to go to a gay bar for the very first time, I would go with a friend, especially in a strange city. The friend doesn't have to be gay or even male but it's much safer. I'm not saying you're a whimp and cannot handle yourself, but some of these bars are filled with sleeze and nasty people. Just take care darling. xx
Jeez this thread is turning into a mini series. Now we've got gay porn, gay dating and the metropolitan Community church thrown in to boot.

My final thought on the subject is maybe Casper and everyone else who's posted on this thread, should revisit the subject matter - taking things too seriously...

Since you've got three posts on this thread yourself maybe you should heed your own advice?
Well, I have finally got caught up with this thread. Yes, thanks Casper for starting this thread, and thanks to everyone that has posted on this thread.
There were a few times that yes, I got teary eyed too.
Best of luck to you Casper and as the other forumites have said, please, be careful next weekend and have fun.
Keep us posted.

Love ya's
Casper, what Mat said!

You don't have to do anything with someone just because he hits on you. If you are going to do this, do it with someone you think is hot, and more importantly, kind and trustworthy. That is kind of hard to know meeting someone in a bar. If you decide Mr. Right isn't there that night, go back to your hotel room alone. Nothing wrong in doing that, and I know your big bros here will agree.

Man, I sure wish one of the Forumites lived closer to you. I really wish someone could be with you to look out for you on Saturday night in OKC.

I'd like to see half a dozen of us there with you to watch your back. We'd be your chaperones and lo onto anyone who does you wrong! :001_smile:

Be safe, Casper.



I hope you are not getting OD'd on all this advice. I totally agree with Mat and Paris. Just remember this: if it doesn't feel right (in your gut) that's OK. As the wisest of the wisest (the Great Yoda) preaches: PATIENCE.

You are truly one special guy. Look at all of us watching out for you as Paris noted above. I remember my first time going to a Gay Bar. I was never into the bar scene for two reasons: First I don't drink (except ice tea or ginger ale) and I hate cigarette smoke. Those two elements drinking and smoking which go hand in hand are two turnoffs for me. It took a couple of my friends to more or less con me into "taking the Plunge". To say I was not nervous, would be to lie to you.

As if things were not uptight enough for me there was a young guy who came up to me and started talking to me. Needless to say the heart started to pound. Each of us have in our own mysterious way of defining what we consider hot and what is not. WE can look at a Slim and a Tampa and say WOW, what Hotties. At the same time we can look at a Paris and Jayman and say Yuck. (Just using the avatars for the above as examples. We are pals, I think?). On the other hand the person next to you will see just the opposite. If we could figure out how/why this happens maybe we can cure the world's problems. But I digress from the subject.

Going back to "my guy" to quote my mom, "I've seen better heads on cabbage". From my point of view (be it right or wrong) and at the moment there was no interest on my part for wanting to engage nor encourage someone I had no interest in. So I very nicely and politely let him know I was not interested. I was not playing games or being hard to get (Now the rest of you guys, just knock it off, I know what your thinking, especially you Slim). Needless to say, he would not take no for an answer. He kept following me around trying to engage with me and I being still very nervous kept nicely saying no. After about 10 or 15 minutes one of my friends, who had abandoned me, returned. He asked me what was up and I filled him in. Well he went over to that guy and I guess gave him a tongue lashing and I never saw him again. I don't know what he said to him and I did not ask him to say anything. He did it to help me out.

The point of all this is not to freak you out, but to share a real life story. By going with people you know helps get you through that first time. Paris is so right about going with company to easy into it. I'm sure I'm not alone with this first time experience.

All of us at the forum just want to make sure your all right. Isn't it nice to know that in such a short time you have so many forumites wanting to be there for you.

Mark, thanks for creating first Broke Straight Boys and then this wonder forum. Now we can indulge in porn and then give us all a helping hand.

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. Slim, Jayman, Tampa & Paris thank you for allowing me to abuse (I mean use) you in the above. You know I love you all. Or is it Gremlin I Love. no Logan?, Mike?, Alden? Jon?, Preston? Tyler? Tuscon? Oh, I GIVE UP.