Hi Casper,
Thank you for responding back to the post I haven't joined your site because I was unaware of the group and its difficult to always come on to the boards and post and keep track of everything that is going on. Please remember, I'm running a production studio and dealing with models and there issues and filming and getting content ready for Mark to upload onto the site. We not only have the
Broke Straight Boys site but we also have the
College Boy Physicals site and we just launched a new site called
Boy Gusher.com and we are working on a lot of new things for the New Year and the future of our studio so it gets kind of hectic here in the studio. Plus I have a staff that I have to deal with as well.
However, I hope I can clear this up and make some sense of this site and perhaps this will help you out and perhaps this will give all our members some light into the site. Since we have many members, everyone has there own opinion and thoughts about this particular site.
Broke Straight Boys site has given us a lot of controversy throughout the years that we haven't anticipated. The original idea of the site is to hire models (new guys) that are NOT gay. In the beginning we wanted to hire guys that are curious about having gay sex but never been with a guy before or a bisexual guys that has very, very limited experience. When we started filming, it was very difficult to find guys that were curious about having gay sex...matter of fact since we had no name and
Broke Straight Boys didn't have any members and wasn't online and there was no site...we couldn't find any guys to film...I had no choice but to hire guys that consider themselves gay for pay (gfp). Guys that are gfp, consider themselves straight...in real life, they live a very straight life...they have girlfriends and hang out with straight friends and do straight things and whatever straight people do. However, these type of guys will have sex with other guys for money. In my opinion these guys are bisexual and can't admit they are bisexual. So we hired these type of guys to get the site started. Some of the guys we hired had hardly any porn experience and had there first start with our studio...such as
Brad Star,
Taz and Phoenix aka Sabastian and the army boy named Chris that appears on the first episode. When we filmed those scenes, we had no idea what the hell we were doing at the time. We filmed the scenes and sent the content to Mark. He loved the content and he told us to keep on filming and don't stop...LOL. Mark had the vision but I was not sure if I was doing it right or not...but Mark believed in Eddie and I and I started to have confidence in Mark and took his advice and kept on filming. I then had the opportunity to actually see what the site looked like. Mark emailed me the link and our website designer named Steve did a fantastic job...he took our videos and photos and placed it on the site and it looked amazing. Once I got to see the site at first hand...I knew we had a winner and I loved the concept from that time on. Finally Mark uploaded the site to go live and I don't know if we expected such results but it seem the
Broke Straight Boys site took off like a rocket ship and kept on going. As the site got more popular, the curious guys, the guys that didn't have experience with guys started to apply to appear on the site. Back then the economy was good so we didn't get much applications but we started to get applications trickling into our studio and the ones that applied were guys with no experience and were curious and I decided to limit the guys that consider themselves gfp. As the site got more popular I guess word got out there is site that guys that don't have sexual experience with other guys can apply and appear on the site and get paid for it and our applications increased and it was much easier to higher models. But then we discovered that models would come here, confused about there sexuality, would come here and "try it out" to see if they like doing it with guys. In most cases, the models would arrive, do a few scenes, make money and then the models would go home and apply to several other studios and before you know it...the guys I hired are appearing on other sites. At this point, we as a team and as a business needed to think this out. How does it look we are telling our members that these guys are straight and then appearing on other gay sites? It doesn't make us look legitimate at all and frankly it would piss me off when models would come here do there first gay scenes and then move onto other studios and "whore themselves out" as I call it. We then decided to hire models and if they are good, to give them the opportunity to make those models exclusives...which means they can only work with our studio.
This worked out very well for us and it seem to work in our favor for several years. Models that do come to our studio are manly straight. We do hire some gay guys and match them up with straight guys...but in each scene I do disclose who is straight or gay or bi or whatever. The reason for the interviews is to find out the models stories. I know many people don't like to hear the interviews but this sets up the scenes and why they are appearing on the site. Many will argue that many of the scenes and set-ups are phoney and fake and all written out. 90% of the stories you hear on very close to truth. We don't go into details because many of these guys have lots of issues and I'm not hear to film a 20/20 interview with Barbara Walters....I'm here to film sex...porn..that is..so I like to make it brief and get down to "business". The stories you hear are brief summaries of why they are filming porn. We also change the names of the models to protect there identity and keep there life private. So many will make up the fact they live in North Carolina when they really live in Georgia....or if they go to college we will not mention the name of the school. This is to protect the model and there privacy which we have the right to do as a studio dealing with models. So the question is are the stories real or not..yes the stories are real in many cases but the names and states were the models live have been changed. Very rarely we come up with an untrue story, which scenes those are...we will not disclose and you as members will have to figure it out. As the
Broke Straight Boys site got more popular the controversy got even worse...many members would come up with the craziest ideas about the site and we heard them all and to this day we here nutty stories. Then Mark decided to enhance the
Broke Straight Boys site by adding the forum to the site so we can connect with members. Before the forum we would get swamped with emails...now with the forum we can connect with the members and here feedback and write posts like this to the boards for many to read and respond. We still get lots of emails but not as bad as before...there are many members that don't post on the site and don't want to get involved and then there are members that make this forum there life and got or get addicted to this forum, either way we are very pleased with our members.
As the economy got worse, we then started getting swamped with applications...in the past 2 years. Matter of fact, I kind of knew that something was going on with the economy before the news made any announcement that the economy was bad. Just from the applications we were receiving and by talking to potential models, many guys were loosing there jobs or couldn't find a job. Then we started getting hundreds of applicants per week and my job became harder because I have to go through all those applications and hire the models that I think will do great on our sites and place them on the proper site.
Continue onto the next post........