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Taking things to seriously


Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I have been reading lots of posts on the forum and ran across a couple of them that really kinda surprised me. I guess in my stupidity I believed that all of the guys here were for the most part "Broke" "Straight" boys. I also ran across the Fernando guy who Logan believed was stalking him and Fernando was doing some other porn stuff in a different place.

I would like to know if Tyler and Logan are on lots of other porn sites as well ?or are they only here? I read in a post that most "Gay for Pay" guys go from studio to studio to keep current (modeling) jobs and so just thought I would ask how many studios they may have been too.

I also wanted to thank the members of the site who provided serious answers to the questions I asked which were very serious to me. I truly appreciated your kind responses.

On a lighter note I guess I don't have to feel sorry that someone was too rough on Jason ( I thought he was really cool) He has videos all over the place. I can also forget about sending in my application probably wouldn't be a good learning experience. I also wonder if I was too harsh on Jordan and Mike for being to rough on Preston....I might have to do a google search and see if they have some movies out.

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! (I'm being serious again...I actually do love ya)


P. S. I tried to check my spelling....I was getting worried some of you may attack me with a spelling book.
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Hello everyone,

I have been reading lots of posts on the forum and ran across a couple of them that really kinda surprised me. I guess in my stupidity I believed that all of the guys here were for the most part "Broke" "Straight" boys. I also ran across the Fernando guy who Logan believed was stalking him and Fernando was doing some other porn stuff in a different place.

I would like to know if Tyler and Logan are on lots of other porn sites as well ?or are they only here? I read in a post that most "Gay for Pay" guys go from studio to studio to keep current (modeling) jobs and so just thought I would ask how many studios they may have been too.

I also wanted to thank the members of the site who provided serious answers to the questions I asked which were very serious to me. I truly appreciated your kind responses.

On a lighter note I guess I don't have to feel sorry that someone was too rough on Jason ( I thought he was really cool) He has videos all over the place. I can also forget about sending in my application probably wouldn't be a good learning experience. I also wonder if I was too harsh on Jordan and Mike for being to rough on Preston....I might have to do a google search and see if they have some movies out.

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! (I'm being serious again...I actually do love ya)


P. S. I tried to check my spelling....I was getting worried some of you may attack me with a spelling book.

Hi Casper!

I just read your post. To help clear some things up regarding your post I'm not sure about a lot of the stuff you wrote. Most of the guys on the site are broke...however regarding there sexuality, this can be a topic that can be debated for years (read some older threads regarding this topic). Every model that appears on the Broke Straight Boys site comes here for there own reasons and what these boys are thinking, I can't tell you :confused1:

Some of the models you see on the Broke Straight Boys site will appear on other sites such as College Boy Physicals.com and our newest site called Boy Gusher.com these sites belong to D&E Productions/BluMedia Studios and the models you see on those sites may appear on the Broke Straight Boys site as well. The models that appear on our other sites or models that are exclusive to our studio and in many cases so the non-exclusive models don't go to other sites will also appear on the College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher sites as well. My thinking on this is if a model is going to appear first on the Broke Straight Boys site and then feel comfortable having sex with another guy, instead of them going to a competitors website, why not just have the model appear on our other sites. It gives the model more money and it keeps the model active and can only be seen on our websites only oppose to seeing that model all over the place.

In some cases, we have no control what models do...some come here to get experience to see if they can do "gay porn"...they have a great time, make money and then move onto other sites that pay them a lot more then what we can offer...however, these models got there start first with our studio and we are proud and claim the fact we got them first. In these cases, this happens far a few and most of the models you see on any of our sites only appear on our sites only.

Tyler, Logan, CJ, Danny, Jordan, Mike, Mike are just a few models you will not see anywhere else expect for our sites. As for Logan being "stalked" by a guy named Fernando...I have no clue what your talking about. Logan is pretty upfront with me when it comes to issues like this and if there happens to be a situation of "stalking", Logan would have told me ASAP and we would have addressed with issue right away.

Also keep in mind that the Broke Straight Boys site has grown in popularity over the years and it amazes me all the "crazy drama" stories I hear through the grapevine...I've heard so many nutty stories and people thinking they are part of our studio and team that over the years there have been many untrue facts and people spreading rumors and untrue facts and statements. If you have any questions or doubts, your best bet is to post on the forum or contact me directly or Mark directly :thumbup:

I hope this has cleared some don't take it to seriously...have fun and just enjoy the site and sex!!!! and be safe!!!

Hi Casper,

If you check back on David's past posts, he has explained that the models who start on Broke Straight Boys and go to work for other studios are usually not welcomed back, as he wants them to be exclusively here. He said, and I agree, that it cheapens the model's when they "make the rounds", and pop up here, there and everywhere.

He's also told us that he has denied requests from models to come back, who started here, worked for other companies, and then wanted to return. But David has made some exceptions and usually lets us know. However the "main guys" on this site are exclusive, specifically the two stars who you mentioned, Tyler and Logan, to the best of my knowledge have exclusive contracts with this company.

And I completely agree with you about not taking things here too seriously. Although all of us forumites consider Broke Straight Boys to be more than just a porn site, but the fact of the matter is that it is a porn site, and not everything said during the sessions are necessarily 100% accurate, and you shouldn't feel sorry for Jason or Preston. I feel very secure that David would not keep the camera rolling, if he really thought that any of the models were being harmed, or abused. As the saying goes "Sometimes the lady protesteth too much. After all this is show business. It is a studio making money by hiring actors to perform for the paying audience.

I find your posts refreshing and thought provoking. I'm curious about your age. You have such a youthful inquisitiveness which I enjoy, but I'm not sure if you are chronologically as youthful as your mind is. Your avatar photo appears youthful, but it could be from many years ago. I hope I'm not being too nosy. But in any case, you are without a doubt a very engaging and entertaining addition to the forum. Please keep on posting, and I'll keep reading every word you write.:thumbup: Thanks.
Very well said Mikeyank!!! and I too would like to know more about Casper...he sounds interesting??

I want to welcome you back from your vacation Dande01. I hope you had a great time and I am a big fan of yours...in fact I even started my own social group called "The artist in you and dande01 too".....I really like you alot David so don't get upset with this post. ( You havent' joined my social group...haha..and its dedicated to you)

If you look at the 28 Sept 2009 video featuring Logan & Fernando then you can see that you mentioned that at first Logan thought Fernando was stalking him because he felt kinda wierd about being contacted by him........Then there is another site which I will not mention because It would be unfair to mention other porn sites on the ones owned by blu media then you will find that Fernando has been in lots of porn videos for other places. It made me mad because when you interview these "models" then we kind of get to know them a little and we start to care about them. Everyone here likes Logan and I was just kinda upset because I was worried that some may not care about his safety (safe sex).

Jason was on this site with Lane and Dustin (I think) and they litterally screwed the hell out of him and since I liked Jason I was upset that Lane and Dustin would just fuck him so hard that he left the site and would never come back. So much for what I thought..Jason is also on other porn sites. (They call Jason a Power bottom...I don't know what the fuck that is but it makes me mad that everything seems to be so fake).

Then there is the Preston, Jordan and Mike video and I thought they was being completely abusive to Preston and then I found the entertainment purposes only and thought that its all probably just a joke and they've more than likely been in a hundred different videos everywhere else.
Don't get me wrong, I think the site is great. I was just confused.

Alot of the things done on this site is things that I am concerned about and since I wasn't sure if I was straight or bi than I actually thought about doing it, at least then I would know. Its just hard for me to see something that is a serious question in my own life to just be for entertainment purposes only.

Do you think you can post a video from Logan and Tyler at least once a week. I would really appreciate that.



It looks like I've been promoted...I'm now a member instead of a Junior member. Wow.
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Alot of the things done on this site is things that I am concerned about and since I wasn't sure if I was straight or bi than I actually thought about doing it, at least then I would know. Its just hard for me to see something that is a serious question in my own life to just be for entertainment purposes only.
Casper, I like you more and more with each new post. You raised some questions for David to answer. But as far as you being surprised that this site is for entertainment purposes, surprises me. You must understand that this is a porn site, and we all initially sign up to be "entertained" by good looking young guys having sex. While sites like this may be helpful to you, in discovering your own sexual identity, the rest of us pay our monthly dues to be entertained and "get off".

And if we disagree, that is part of the fun of a forum to raise points, agree and disagree. And you did perhaps answer my question from earlier about your age. You said that you are attending college, so I can kind of assume that you are typical college kid age, but then again not necessarily.

I like reading your point of view on stuff, because in fact you are a straight boy (for now) representative here on the forum with us.:thumbup1:
Hi Casper,

Thank you for responding back to the post I haven't joined your site because I was unaware of the group and its difficult to always come on to the boards and post and keep track of everything that is going on. Please remember, I'm running a production studio and dealing with models and there issues and filming and getting content ready for Mark to upload onto the site. We not only have the Broke Straight Boys site but we also have the College Boy Physicals site and we just launched a new site called Boy Gusher.com and we are working on a lot of new things for the New Year and the future of our studio so it gets kind of hectic here in the studio. Plus I have a staff that I have to deal with as well.

However, I hope I can clear this up and make some sense of this site and perhaps this will help you out and perhaps this will give all our members some light into the site. Since we have many members, everyone has there own opinion and thoughts about this particular site. Broke Straight Boys site has given us a lot of controversy throughout the years that we haven't anticipated. The original idea of the site is to hire models (new guys) that are NOT gay. In the beginning we wanted to hire guys that are curious about having gay sex but never been with a guy before or a bisexual guys that has very, very limited experience. When we started filming, it was very difficult to find guys that were curious about having gay sex...matter of fact since we had no name and Broke Straight Boys didn't have any members and wasn't online and there was no site...we couldn't find any guys to film...I had no choice but to hire guys that consider themselves gay for pay (gfp). Guys that are gfp, consider themselves straight...in real life, they live a very straight life...they have girlfriends and hang out with straight friends and do straight things and whatever straight people do. However, these type of guys will have sex with other guys for money. In my opinion these guys are bisexual and can't admit they are bisexual. So we hired these type of guys to get the site started. Some of the guys we hired had hardly any porn experience and had there first start with our studio...such as Brad Star, Taz and Phoenix aka Sabastian and the army boy named Chris that appears on the first episode. When we filmed those scenes, we had no idea what the hell we were doing at the time. We filmed the scenes and sent the content to Mark. He loved the content and he told us to keep on filming and don't stop...LOL. Mark had the vision but I was not sure if I was doing it right or not...but Mark believed in Eddie and I and I started to have confidence in Mark and took his advice and kept on filming. I then had the opportunity to actually see what the site looked like. Mark emailed me the link and our website designer named Steve did a fantastic job...he took our videos and photos and placed it on the site and it looked amazing. Once I got to see the site at first hand...I knew we had a winner and I loved the concept from that time on. Finally Mark uploaded the site to go live and I don't know if we expected such results but it seem the Broke Straight Boys site took off like a rocket ship and kept on going. As the site got more popular, the curious guys, the guys that didn't have experience with guys started to apply to appear on the site. Back then the economy was good so we didn't get much applications but we started to get applications trickling into our studio and the ones that applied were guys with no experience and were curious and I decided to limit the guys that consider themselves gfp. As the site got more popular I guess word got out there is site that guys that don't have sexual experience with other guys can apply and appear on the site and get paid for it and our applications increased and it was much easier to higher models. But then we discovered that models would come here, confused about there sexuality, would come here and "try it out" to see if they like doing it with guys. In most cases, the models would arrive, do a few scenes, make money and then the models would go home and apply to several other studios and before you know it...the guys I hired are appearing on other sites. At this point, we as a team and as a business needed to think this out. How does it look we are telling our members that these guys are straight and then appearing on other gay sites? It doesn't make us look legitimate at all and frankly it would piss me off when models would come here do there first gay scenes and then move onto other studios and "whore themselves out" as I call it. We then decided to hire models and if they are good, to give them the opportunity to make those models exclusives...which means they can only work with our studio.

This worked out very well for us and it seem to work in our favor for several years. Models that do come to our studio are manly straight. We do hire some gay guys and match them up with straight guys...but in each scene I do disclose who is straight or gay or bi or whatever. The reason for the interviews is to find out the models stories. I know many people don't like to hear the interviews but this sets up the scenes and why they are appearing on the site. Many will argue that many of the scenes and set-ups are phoney and fake and all written out. 90% of the stories you hear on very close to truth. We don't go into details because many of these guys have lots of issues and I'm not hear to film a 20/20 interview with Barbara Walters....I'm here to film sex...porn..that is..so I like to make it brief and get down to "business". The stories you hear are brief summaries of why they are filming porn. We also change the names of the models to protect there identity and keep there life private. So many will make up the fact they live in North Carolina when they really live in Georgia....or if they go to college we will not mention the name of the school. This is to protect the model and there privacy which we have the right to do as a studio dealing with models. So the question is are the stories real or not..yes the stories are real in many cases but the names and states were the models live have been changed. Very rarely we come up with an untrue story, which scenes those are...we will not disclose and you as members will have to figure it out. As the Broke Straight Boys site got more popular the controversy got even worse...many members would come up with the craziest ideas about the site and we heard them all and to this day we here nutty stories. Then Mark decided to enhance the Broke Straight Boys site by adding the forum to the site so we can connect with members. Before the forum we would get swamped with emails...now with the forum we can connect with the members and here feedback and write posts like this to the boards for many to read and respond. We still get lots of emails but not as bad as before...there are many members that don't post on the site and don't want to get involved and then there are members that make this forum there life and got or get addicted to this forum, either way we are very pleased with our members.

As the economy got worse, we then started getting swamped with applications...in the past 2 years. Matter of fact, I kind of knew that something was going on with the economy before the news made any announcement that the economy was bad. Just from the applications we were receiving and by talking to potential models, many guys were loosing there jobs or couldn't find a job. Then we started getting hundreds of applicants per week and my job became harder because I have to go through all those applications and hire the models that I think will do great on our sites and place them on the proper site.

Continue onto the next post........

As we get more applications I hear more and more sad stories about guys not working, loosing there homes...getting kicked....can't afford school anymore and my heart goes out to them so in some cases I hire models out of pure charity and want to help them out. In many cases I do my best now to hire guys that have hardly any experience with gay sex and if they are good, we keep them as exclusive and work them and we become more of a growing place for guys that are confused with there sexuality. We mentor many of the models and have built up a mutual respect for each other. Many of the models have mentally worked on themselves to better themselves, we built up there confidence so they can go home and keep a job and feel better about themselves. We have helped many, many models. Some have been so inspired by Eddie and I that they started there own business. One of the models was so talented in graphic arts he wanted to start his one clothing line and compete with DC and Hurley brand but he didn't have the confidence...when he showed me his work and the name of his company called "TANK" I couldn't believe this guys talent and we encouraged Shane to take his brand TANK and make it into a business...he took our advice and the model name Shane has a company called TANK with amazing shirts, hats, sweaters and other line of clothing...he took the money he made as a model and invested in his business and he got backers as well...Tank is doing great and on his way to become very popular. This is just one example of what we do for models and help them out. Many members see the boys as "porn" guys having sex...but they have no idea what really goes on behind the scenes and what the models really go through in life. What you see on screen is a fantasy of sorts because we are a porn site and we film porn and porn is to entertain you sexually so yes...this is for entertainment...but many members that got to know us over the years or heard great things about us know that we do the right things regarding the models safety. Recently the scene with Preston, Mike and Jordan...its a popular scenes and liked by all...but many claimed that Mike and Jordan were to harsh on Preston...but Preston wanted to have rough sex and all three guys off scene got along very well and became friends. If we thought in anyway the scene was going to place anyone in danger...we would not film it. There are some scenes we will not film because I model bleeds (ass) or perhaps this is not for the model...we cancel the scene and don't film it and those situations you guys as members don't know about. We may have great intentions to film 6 scenes in one week, but only end up filming 4 because two of the scenes we couldn't film because the "straight" guy can't get hard or is not into having gay sex.

Many straight guys that apply only think about the money and the money only. The main motivation to do porn is the money. A straight model will apply, I will do a phone interview with them for about 30mins and give them the details and what they as a model can earn. When I tell a straight guy they have to suck dick, have there dick suck and fuck another dude, they have all the best intentions in the world....but then they hear they can make $$$$$ doing porn and there brains get clouded with $$$$ in there mind and come to the studio to film and they can't...everyone thinks porn is easy to film...its not. When the consumer watches porn, you all see the finished polished edited cleaned up product and everyone thinks "I can do it" even straight guys doing gay sex...LOL. Well once the reality sets in, then the issues with the boys begin. Some do it and are great at doing it. Some force themselves, some models are just lousy. The models you see on this site are NOT professionals, are not actors and are actually have sex with another guy for the very 1st time...I film it as you see it with very little editing and polishing up. WE are a gay amateur site and we don't make everything and everyone look pretty and fake the scenes...you see it as I see it live. If you browse some of the Broke Straight Boys episodes you will see that some guys just can't get hard and can't cum but we keep those scenes in because the other model did perform and I don't like not paying a model that did a good job...but that is another topic.

Like I said, everyone does this porn site for there own reasons and only they know why. Don't be upset with yourself and don't come down to hard on yourself...don't feel like your ashamed and thought something differently about this site. Again, everyone you chat with will give you a different opinion, you are the one that can make your own decision to why you are a member and why you enjoy this site. If your in the age group and you need extra money and you want to try having sex with guys or you just want a friend to communicate with, just private email me with your issue's and perhaps we can discuss further about your sexual feelings. If your thinking about applying and you think you have what it takes...then you can apply directly to me...just email me privately.

I know this is one of my longest posts ever....but by the way you responded I took time out of my life to try to help you make more sense of this site, and I'm more then happy to chat with you privately.

David! You actually brought a tear to my eye! Not sure where or why, but you did.

I've watched many behind the scenes at other porn sites, and it isn't always pretty. Guys struggle to perform. The best sites are kind to the models. Broke Straight Boys is one of those.

You've explained what you do many times before, but this time, you out did yourself!

I still think you have a great job, but at the same time, can't imagine watching some poor guy try to bust, and not able to.

Perhaps you SHOULD show some of the behind the scene stuff. 2 of the sites I subscribe to do. The models watch porn, wank a bit, some even cry, but still do the best they can and bring off a shoot.

Those scenes make me appreciate what the models do that much more. Does it sully the illusion? Yeah, but it also makes it real.

The fact Broke Straight Boys is not injecting the models cocks with shit that makes their dicks hard, is aces in my book!

Porn is pretty. Well, mostly..........
Hi again Dande01,

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer the post I made. I never actually seen this place as porn...maybe thats why I like it so much. Its deffinately why I was kinda upset but, thats over now...Thank you for what you said. (you may be the first one here who can type more than me)..That was a long and very excellent post.


You have inspired me by just hearing your voice on the videos with the models and you are the first one that made me realize that it wouldn't be so bad....I trust you completely and that is why I even considered it..so I guess one does not have to be a model here to be inspired by you. Even to this day my greatest moment on the site was after I made my first post and you commented on it and said you was the guy behind the camera. That was a really great day. It still makes me feel important.

My favorite saying is something a guy said to me once....He said, "thank you for being in the world", and to you David, I say..."Thank YOU for being in the world..

love ya

I decided to change my avatar to a used condom sitting on a nightstand or something...Would one of you guys please send me one so that I can use it. (The photo and not the used condom)...thought I better mention that real damn quick. I thought it was a really kewl idea...don't steal it...
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The advice I give all models there first time is let nature take over....you going to be scared, nervous and excited...you maybe awkward at first but let it happen naturally and go with your heart.

Have you ever had sex with a women?? I also PM you as well...Im on yahoo chat so if you have yahoo chat we can chat if you like.

That was one hell of an OUTSTANDING reply to our newest and dearest friend Casper (who is truly Friendly, but not Ghostly). I agree with Paris it did almost bring tears to ones eyes. While you have touched on this subject in the past, you really put it all together here. From the way you did this detailed explanation are you getting ready for a second career: Professor of filming Sex scenes??

Casper, it is exactly for the reasons and explanations that David has given that I joined this site. This is the ONLY site I belong too. The best part of Broke Straight Boys is that it is basically live video. What we see is what is really happening, with little if any editing. Even David sometimes does not know where a scene will go. That's what makes this site special.

Yes there are times I can second guess what David is doing. No different than being a TV football or baseball coach. We have that luxury. David doesn't. He has to go with his gut and make decision as the camera rolls. He knows all the facts, we don't so I trust him. Most importantly is to have fun being entertained.

David, Thank You for caring so much about Your Models and Your clients.

Live Long and Prosper,

David, Thank You for caring so much about Your Models and Your clients.

Yes David. Thank you for giving us a site with guilt free porn. In the sense that we don't worry about whether mgmt is taking good care of the models and treating them with respect. Based on your post you and Eddie go above and beyond the call of duty in mentoring some of these young guys who are struggling. I especially appreciated hearing your story about how you encouraged Shane with his entrepreneurial dream. And here you show where you treat members of the site with some of the same courtesy.

Thanks also for taking the time to talk to Casper. He has quickly found a place in many of our hearts. For reasons that you already seem aware of yourself. As he says, hearing from you directly really makes him feel special. Which he is of course. Thanks David! :001_smile:
David, your long message to Casper sums up what I've come to understand (as well as to intuit over the course of the year I've been a forumite) about how the studio works. So thanks for posting your correspondence with him. There can't be many members of the forum who haven't become a lot more enlightened by eavesdropping on your conversation with him.

One of the things that's really interesting is the opportunity for interaction that Casper represents to you, him and us. You may remember that we started a "draft Wahoo" initiative months ago, to see if we couldn't get him to apply for a trip down to D&E to be the first forumite on the futon. Then we were bugging RunningScorp with the same idea in mind.

Casper has caught our imagination big time and inspired our sympathy (in paris's case to the point of tears)...as he obviously has caught and inspired yours. I love guys with their hearts on their sleeves, and you two fall into that category in spades (hearts and spades, is this five card stud or what?). I think you and Casper together would provoke a sort of cataclysm of fascinated enthusiasm from your members if you two managed somehow to work out a way for him to be filmed by you. Even in a non-porn scenario if the futon were too foreboding, but preferably in a shoot with another hottie or two. He'd pick Tyler and Logan for sure, which is ok by me lol...

The forum has matured to the point that this kind of connection between you and us is totally timely and eventually almost inevitable, cuz one day a cute subscriber is gonna end up being filmed for sure.

Good luck both of you with your pvt. communication, and keep in mind that if Casper found it a positive step in his search for a broadened sexual identity, to be the first futon-forumite, it would be just totally awesome. My god, imagine the dialogue between the two of you during the shoot! Casper, what do you think? Dave, what do you think? Fellow forumites, what do you think?
I don't think I wear my heart on my sleeve. My grandma has always said that I was the most loving and compassionate grandchild she ever knew (she has 24 grandkids). I'm afraid that I have just always been that kind of a kid and apparently get it from my grandma who is exactly like me.

Its easy for me to really love people and I get close to them very fast...I guess I should have been a missionary like my grandma.

I was also going to fill out the application because David was the first person that I really trusted enough to do that...I probably would have picked Tyler or Logan because as I've mentioned lots of times...I think they would be some really awesome people to be friends with. (they haven't added me though so apparently they did not agree) It also wouldn't have been up to me but, I just knew in my heart that David would pick out someone perfect for this...I trust him completely.

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I couldn't of said it better than David. It was very hard at first to convey my vision to David and Eddie and what I wanted Broke Straight Boys to be. Our big issue was finding the straight models for the site and that was probably one of the toughest challenges. When I saw the scene Chris and Alex is was perfect and exactly what I wanted. I'm glad that was one of the first scenes they filmed because it gave them a great example of what I was looking for. That scene was the stepping stone that made what Broke Straight Boys what it is today. I also never wanted any acting or anything like that. I wanted to keep it as real as possible. If you look at some of the guys in the scenes you can tell it is their first time with another guy. Many of them have girlfriends, some had wives. Some maybe experimented with guys but still said they were straight. It was crazy what these straight boys would do. I think some of the boys were gay that said they were straight. I think that was more in the beginning because it was a learning process to figure out who was actually straight and who wasn't. Now we have more models then we can ever use and the straight guys pour in just from the name that Broke Straight Boys is today. Like David said we also experienced a huge rise in model applications around the recession. So now we can be very picky and get the really hot straight guys that I want on the site.

A year or so ago I had the delema of starting the forum for the site. I had different feelings about it. After I launched it I realized that it was one of the best things I ever did. We got the much needed input that we never got much of and I feel like Broke Straight Boys has become a community. I thank each and every one of you for posting on the forum.

Next year we will be releasing some VERY exciting things that have been in the works for over a year. I will never stop improving this site and the others I run. I can't even convey how excited I am for 2010. Broke Straight Boys will be taken to a new level in many ways. You guys are going to love it for sure. I've also increased the budget for models so we are going to get much hotter models now.

Thanks everyone for being a member of the sites it is appreciated more than we can ever say.

Boy, I'm not sure where to start on this post.

I agree with Paris, at some points I was at tears. My 'steam of concsiousness' when you were telling about how much you have help you 'models', made me think of many people I've helped over the years.

Also, in the past, you've mentioned during auctions, the money being donated to the SPCA. When my wife of almost 13 years passed about 2 1/2 years ago, instead of flowers, I asked for donations to the SPCA. All of my friends who donated, I sent 10 notecards of dogs Susie had drawn (of many differnt breeds). Starting next year, I added the county SPCA to my charitable contributions at work.

I guess I just subconsciously leaped from your caring for your models and connected that to your caring for animals which brought the two together (along with my memories).

I am so very thankful for you and your staff!

Casper -

I hope you can explore your sexuality, but please be careful! I guess I'm not quite normal, but, when in college, hearing guys talking about going out to bars and picking up a 'chick' to lay...just never something I would consider. Instead of going to a gay bar and picking someone up, I wish for your first experience, it would be with someone you liked and trusted. Like I said, I guess I'm not normal, but a romantic at heart. Whatever happens, I pray it is a good experience with you and you may tell us a little about it.

I don't think I wear my heart on my sleeve. My grandma has always said that I was the most loving and compassionate grandchild she ever knew (she has 24 grandkids). I'm afraid that I have just always been that kind of a kid and apparently get it from my grandma who is exactly like me.

Its easy for me to really love people and I get close to them very fast...I guess I should have been a missionary like my grandma.

I was also going to fill out the application because David was the first person that I really trusted enough to do that...I probably would have picked Tyler or Logan because as I've mentioned lots of times...I think they would be some really awesome people to be friends with. (they haven't added me though so apparently they did not agree) It also wouldn't have been up to me but, I just knew in my heart that David would pick out someone perfect for this...I trust him completely.

I'm not going to fill out the application though, I decided it would be better to just do this thing on my own. Thats what I'm going to do. Thanks for thinking about me though slimvintage (I think...not really sure about that post yet)

besides I have a very close relative who is a preacher in Jacksonville, so I should probably stay out of Florida.


Casper, those two guys probably haven't dipped into the forum since you sent them your friend requests. They're pretty much my all time favorites too, so I know where you're coming from. Dave might be willing to ask them to check their messages?

Knowing you like them a lot, I was only suggesting that your being interviewed with one or both of them would be an amazing experience for you, and as a by product, for all of us as well. And if it led to your making a sexual break though with them, it would be even better.

I hope one day one of the cute forumites does end up on the futon, but I can totally respect that it's not gonna be you. My posts are easy to misunderstand and you're not the first guy to be puzzled by my intentions. Have to watch that. I guess I type too fast and often post too rashly.

PS: wearing your heart on your sleeve is GOOD. It's said of someone who's open, sincere, transparent and whose emotions are there for all to see. The downside is that it carries with it a vulnerability to being hurt by people who aren't sensitive to your feelings. David is a good example, even though recently he's been heard to say that he's taken his big boy pill. That means he's letting the rough and tumble of the forum roll off him like water off a duck's back, but I've seen him with his feelings hurt a time or two, and you only love him more for that.

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Wow what a thread to read first thing on a Sunday morning. It's taken me 30mins to read the posts and I too am close to tears. Thank you David, Eddie, Mark and all at BluMedia etc for your blood, sweat and tears in getting this super site up and running. Things like this are not easy and I bet there were many times at least one of you thought "why am I bothering".

Thank you also David for the magnificant posts on this thread. Although primarily to Casper, I'm sure most of the forumites will be enlightened by the content.

Casper babes, I know your intention is to go and see what the other side is like next Saturday and good luck to you. It must be hard living in a small place with no outlets to express your sexuality, whatever it may be. Good luck with next Saturday and you never know, you may meet someone nice or you may meet someone who is just after a one night stand. No problems with that at our age, as long as you are both safe.

I just wish I was over there now to cover you in love and cuddles. Then you wouldn't have to go out next Saturday.. xxjonxx