Ye Olde Curmudgeon
I agree that a person should call out someone who offends them, but particularly for newbies who may not know the "lay of the land" here, often times it just makes them shut up, as it's easier and not worth the effort to them, feeling like an outsider calling out the establishment here.
I personally know of two specific examples of newbies feeling this way, and they both have persevered though the initial discomfort they felt and become established "core" forumites. My friend Peterh from Seattle has told me that when he first checked out the forum there seemed to be a core clique who didn't seem too interested in communicating with a newbie, and that the clique appeared to be ignoring his posts and just chatting with each other. That made me feel terrible to find out that as a core member, I was part of that clique and it was never intended that way by myself or any of my forum friends. That goes to show me that even a bright, funny, friendly guy like Peter felt slighted by the establishment.
I mention Peter's by name as he always tells me he has nothing to hide, and that his life is an open book, so I told the story to make a point. I heard the same thing from someone else who is now a senior member who told me that when he joined and asked a question or made a point, he was told by the clique in a dismissive way that we already discussed that topic. It intimidated him from posting again for a while.
And as I feel that we need more voices on the forum, I shudder when I think that one of us is being short or dismissive with a newbie who tries to venture into our "good old boys club", (and yes Beth is included in the boy's club. lol). I try to be extra polite and welcoming to a newbie, whether I agree or disagree with their point of view.
I guess it is all a matter of perspective. I was a member of the site for a month before I joined the forum. During that time, I read the forum just to see what it was since I had never participated in anything like that ever before. I saw people expressing their views on the scenes, models, and then general topics as well. So I thought to myself why not. And I did. I had a few questions about how things work and tampa and stimpy answered them for me. Then I was set to go. I review scenes, express my views because that is what I want to do as a forumite. I did not set out with the purpose of expressing myself to get the approbation of others on the forum. To state in it my typical curmudgeonly bluntness: I could care less what anyone thinks of me or my views, with one exception. If someone wanted to agree or disagree with me, that it is their prerogative, just as it is my prerogative to do the same. The one standard that I hold myself to is not to use "ad hominem" verbiage - and I admit that there have been a few times when I failed in that; and later apologized. I like the forum but I didn't come on it to win friends or influence people. But one of the pleasantly surprising things that has happened since I've been on the forum has been the relationships that I have developed with a few of the people here, and especially my close friendship with you, mikey. I never in a million years would have ever dreamed that I would be in a forum group on a porn site and meet someone whom I consider a friend even away from this setting.
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