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something disgusting i watched on tv earlier


Well-known Member
May 2, 2014
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As everybody knows I have nothing else to do in the day other than watch TV and so I was watching a program called this morning earlier and there was a women on there who lets her children one of which was 8 and the other was around that age send letters to prisoners in America, she said she lets them send to all of them (as pen pals) as long as there offences didn't involve children. I personally think its wrong, what do you all think?
Dan, we are an ocean apart so to me there is no fear of the children's endangerment. We do not know what the woman's involvement or intentions are in communicating with prisoners. We have many prisons and prisoners here in the US. Many of these are individuals who have been incarcerate for non-violent crimes. Many have been estranged from their families and are lonely. We do have humanitarian advocates here in the States that promote communication with prisoners as a means of giving them some sense of worth. A man commits a crime and is imprisoned, but that does not mean he is no less a human being as another. During holidays, many schools have projects where the students write and send cards to elderly people in nursing homes, sick people in hospitals, and prisoners in prison.

Dan, Please DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE or hate me for what I have to ask. Are you not sick? Are you not imprisoned in your environment? Do you not take comfort when you receive responses to your posts?

Dan, I love and respect you. Please, "Don't judge, lest you be judged."

I do not know if you read the thread posted by Ambi about persecution, literation, etc. Read the couple of responses, but also read between the lines of what we are saying.

Love you.


Dan, we are an ocean apart so to me there is no fear of the children's endangerment. We do not know what the woman's involvement or intentions are in communicating with prisoners. We have many prisons and prisoners here in the US. Many of these are individuals who have been incarcerate for non-violent crimes. Many have been estranged from their families and are lonely. We do have humanitarian advocates here in the States that promote communication with prisoners as a means of giving them some sense of worth. A man commits a crime and is imprisoned, but that does not mean he is no less a human being as another. During holidays, many schools have projects where the students write and send cards to elderly people in nursing homes, sick people in hospitals, and prisoners in prison.

Dan, Please DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE or hate me for what I have to ask. Are you not sick? Are you not imprisoned in your environment? Do you not take comfort when you receive responses to your posts?

Dan, I love and respect you. Please, "Don't judge, lest you be judged."

I do not know if you read the thread posted by Ambi about persecution, literation, etc. Read the couple of responses, but also read between the lines of what we are saying.

Love you.


louis I respect your opinion and I'm trying not get angry but there is a huge difference between me and them, they through their own choice committed crimes to put them selves in those prisons committing everything from theft, rape and murder and I didn't choose to be like this, I did not break any law neither did I hurt anybody else, I am a victim of a junior doctor severing and damaging the nerves in my spinal cord and so causing me intense pain that can not be fixed, bed bound, doped up on different types of morphine, anti spasmatics, anti depressants among with many other tablets and medicines and on top of that having to have my own mother help to bath me. And so if a child was to write to me it would be a considerable difference to writing to a murderer or any other incarcerated person. Once a person has left prison and served their time I have no problem with them and I would be more than happy to be their freind or what ever as they would be a normal member of society. Finally as for "don't judge, lest you be judged" I open my self up for anybody to judge me. I don't want to fall out with you here but you have actually hurt me by comparing my situation to there's. Dan
As everybody knows I have nothing else to do in the day other than watch TV and so I was watching a program called this morning earlier and there was a women on there who lets her children one of which was 8 and the other was around that age send letters to prisoners in America, she said she lets them send to all of them (as pen pals) as long as there offences didn't involve children. I personally think its wrong, what do you all think?

Dan, the US law and prison system differs a lot from ours. As Louis states later, people get sent to jail over there for crimes where over here they would just get their knuckles rapped. If these letters help these prisoners in their rehabilitation to become better people then so be it. Letters are ok as long as they don't have the senders true identity, address, cell numbers etc. I didn't watch the programme but I would hope not.
louis I respect your opinion and I'm trying not get angry but there is a huge difference between me and them, they through their own choice committed crimes to put them selves in those prisons committing everything from theft, rape and murder and I didn't choose to be like this, I did not break any law neither did I hurt anybody else, I am a victim of a junior doctor severing and damaging the nerves in my spinal cord and so causing me intense pain that can not be fixed, bed bound, doped up on different types of morphine, anti spasmatics, anti depressants among with many other tablets and medicines and on top of that having to have my own mother help to bath me. And so if a child was to write to me it would be a considerable difference to writing to a murderer or any other incarcerated person. Once a person has left prison and served their time I have no problem with them and I would be more than happy to be their freind or what ever as they would be a normal member of society. Finally as for "don't judge, lest you be judged" I open my self up for anybody to judge me. I don't want to fall out with you here but you have actually hurt me by comparing my situation to there's. Dan
Your so Fucking Beautiful Dan.I Love You.Don't be mad at Louis he did not know.And is a sweet man.
None of us can imagine the pain you are going through.
Because you are always sweet, so up.What is that thing about walking in another mans shoes?
Until we do we don't know.Forgive us Dan we all say things . That we ALL don't agree with.That is one of the great things about this forum.
We all seem to forgive.And your a smart kid.Who is LOVED... johnny
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Aside from what I originally wrote, I will answer your question simply.

No, I do not find it disturbing nor disgusting that a woman allows her children to write letters to prisoners.
Dan, the US law and prison system differs a lot from ours. As Louis states later, people get sent to jail over there for crimes where over here they would just get their knuckles rapped. If these letters help these prisoners in their rehabilitation to become better people then so be it. Letters are ok as long as they don't have the senders true identity, address, cell numbers etc. I didn't watch the programme but I would hope not.
thank you jon, what I forgot to mention on the post was that she allows her children to both send and recieve letters from the prisoners and the prisoners actually write back to the children and I think thats what bothered me the most. Thanks for the post jon. X
Your so Fucking Beautiful Dan.I Love You.Don't be mad at Louis he did not know.And is a sweet man.
None of us can imagine the pain you are going through.
Because you are always sweet, so up.What is that thing about walking in another mans shoes?
Until we do we don't know.Forgive us Dan we all say things . That we ALL don't agree with.That is one of the great things about this forum.
We all seem to forgive.And your a smart kid.Who is LOVED... johnny
thank you johnny, your post means alot to me. I didnt want to have to tell anyone whats wrong with me or how it happened but I guess its all out there now. Dan x
Jesus said that we should visit prisoners. I'm not a Christian, but I thought I'd just throw that out there! I'm fairly sure the Buddha would agree...
Jesus said that we should visit prisoners. I'm not a Christian, but I thought I'd just throw that out there! I'm fairly sure the Buddha would agree...
I haven't got a problem with people visiting prisoners my problem is with young children writing to and getting letters back from prisons. I havent got a problem with people that are in prisons as some of my family have been inside my issue is with young children communicating with them like that ad I wouldnt want children writing to normal people nether mind people that are inside
I have no problem with the letters...as long as they are monitored by mom/dad going out and coming in. Lest we forget about "innocents" being locked-up. Most prisons are now privatized. That means the more prisoners we have and the longer we can keep them, the more money the large corporations make.
I have no problem with the letters...as long as they are monitored by mom/dad going out and coming in. Lest we forget about "innocents" being locked-up. Most prisons are now privatized. That means the more prisoners we have and the longer we can keep them, the more money the large corporations make.
I can understand what your saying and thank you for your post. I think if the child was older then I wouldn't feel so strong its just the age thing that gets me and if I'm being honest if they were being sent to a lower security prison maybe that would bother me less, I don't know. I just hear so many stories involving children and the nasty things that can happen I guess I'm a bit sensitive about it, I understand that the letters are being sent far away but this day and age that begins to mean less and less. I appreciate your opinion and post though so thank you. Dan.
I can understand what your saying and thank you for your post. I think if the child was older then I wouldn't feel so strong its just the age thing that gets me and if I'm being honest if they were being sent to a lower security prison maybe that would bother me less, I don't know. I just hear so many stories involving children and the nasty things that can happen I guess I'm a bit sensitive about it, I understand that the letters are being sent far away but this day and age that begins to mean less and less. I appreciate your opinion and post though so thank you. Dan.

Dan, I don't know if this will give you some piece of mind but rest assured that every piece of mail that goes through the prison system is closely read, audited, and scrutinized. If there were any untoward behavior exhibited toward the recipient, believe me, the prisoner would lose the right to write those letters, and the intended person would never receive said letter.
Dan, I realize you are upset with me concerning my original post and I understand your reasoning. However, I do not think you understand my reasoning for what I posted. My concern was not for the sending and receiving of letters to prisoners. That has been happening for years and as I posted above, the monitoring system in the United States is very elaborate. What concerns me more are the crimes committed against children via the internet. Below is a clip of a sting operation that was conducted in the county next to mine. I hope we still remain friends. Love, Louis

Dan, I realize you are upset with me concerning my original post and I understand your reasoning. However, I do not think you understand my reasoning for what I posted. My concern was not for the sending and receiving of letters to prisoners. That has been happening for years and as I posted above, the monitoring system in the United States is very elaborate. What concerns me more are the crimes committed against children via the internet. Below is a clip of a sting operation that was conducted in the county next to mine. I hope we still remain friends. Love, Louis

louis I wasnt upset with you and I never could be upset with you as you have such a gentle soul and a kind heart, also I didnt have a problem with your reasoning what hurt me was the comparison you made between the people in prison and myself and my situation. I know you didnt mean any harm and you didnt know anything about my disability and how it affects me as I didnt tell any one as I didnt want to burden anyone or have them think of me any different. I thank you for your explanation and for the information you have given me. Thank you louis and take care. Dan x
Dan, I don't know if this will give you some piece of mind but rest assured that every piece of mail that goes through the prison system is closely read, audited, and scrutinized. If there were any untoward behavior exhibited toward the recipient, believe me, the prisoner would lose the right to write those letters, and the intended person would never receive said letter.
thank you, this does ease my concerns abit and also thank you so much for taking the time to find the information and share it with me. Thank you. Take care. Dan x