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Some sites might be down.....

We are pulling our hairs out getting this back up and running ASAP.

Dont you hate when computers don't work? :)
I was finally able to get back on about a half hour ago.

Just in time to see your handsome face Chuck. :blush::001_smile:

HAHA Thanks, glad you're back on.

All should be set now, we had a large crash and had to install a new server. If anyone notices pages, links or images not loading on Broke Straight Boys.com or our other network of sites please let us know.

We had a hard drive crash so some of our sites might be down today. We are working on this issue to get everything back up. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.

If it can happen to Amazon it can happen anyone. I really appreciate being informed rather than being mushroom farmed(being kept in the dark and fed shit)
If it can happen to Amazon it can happen anyone. I really appreciate being informed rather than being mushroom farmed(being kept in the dark and fed shit)

That's something you can really count on with this site. If there are technical glitches they are very quick to own up to it and they try to get it fixed right away. They don't keep you in the dark or hope you don't notice. They don't try to deny or hide anything in the hopes that you'll keep quiet. Or try to blame the problem on our own computers. If there's a problem we know that they are on it and trying to fix it. And because they are so up front about things like this nobody gets all pissed off. They really are a class act.
It must be infectious. My PC went in a coma two nights ago and I've been forced to use an archaic laptop...
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