The porn we are watching is not the porn of yore. I totally understand those members whose memories are scarred by the horrors of the past and their real concerns about and fear of the return of BB sex in porn and real life. But now is not then. There are now options we only dreamed of. We can't make decisions for the young in the context of today's choices. We can only hope that they listen a little and that it just might, might impact a decision they could later regret.
Thank you again Stripe for a most thoughtful and educating post. I read it all, but quoted the part that I found most important.
You are right that we are dealing with a different kind of disease today, one that is treatable and manageable. That was then and this is now. That is why I am not adamantly against bareback porn today, as the consequences are so much less devastating today. However I do still feel somewhat uncomfortable and conflicted watching it here on
Broke Straight Boys, as I feel a connection with the more popular models as I do not clicking on some random "porn tube" video. So I guess it is more my perception than the reality of the situation. You have made some excellent points Stripe which I sincerely appreciate. Thank you.
Thank you everyone in here for your contributions to this conversation. It seems that the BB issue we discussed with so much passion over a year ago is back to the fore once more. I am absolutely against it, just as I was when this site started doing it. I appreciate very much the fact that those at
Broke Straight Boys go out of their way to make sure the models are "clean" before they are allowed to film. That having been said, most of us know that is only the tip of the iceberg. When dealing with a potentially fatal disease and one that will be life changing to anyone who has to be "managed" through it for the rest of their lifespan...there are never any 100% guarantees of protection for those who are sexually active.
I know that many sites switched to BB because they felt it necessary to do so in order to remain competitive with other sites. As we discussed a while back, many of our concerns were not just for the health and safety of the models here themselves. Of course part of
Broke Straight Boys's uniqueness is allowing viewers to get to know the models as fellow human beings. So naturally we feel an even stronger bond with them. We have greater concern for their happiness and health than would be the case on most other sites out there. But this is also about the health and safety of
viewers who are watching BB scenes being performed regularly (on any site) and figuring that AIDS isn't a real concern anymore.
How many young people are naïve enough to think that if they
should happen to get HIV, it will just mean they'll have to go to a doctor and be given some pills to take once a day for the rest of their lives? Younger people especially who did not come of age during the initial body count of the "plague" simply don't know the risks. Do they have the maturity and the courage to have that extremely awkward conversation with potential partners about their past sexual history and their current HIV+ or HIV- status? For grown adults in their 30's 40's and 80's it can still be a very embarrassing and awkward conversation to have with someone. It's not like there is a one-size-fits-all Youtube video tutorial on how to do it. And it's not like we all have lie detector tests to gauge a potential sexual partner's honesty if they have something they're hiding.
None of us
want to have the dreaded "Talk" before a sexual encounter with someone new to us. Most of us are smart enough to know it is necessary and we force ourselves to do it anyway. So many of the most vulnerable in our society coming into their sexually active period of their lives (gay or straight) won't even try to have that conversation.
I feel that BB in the porn industry sends the wrong message to our youth. Beautiful and healthy young men (and women) see beautiful healthy young men who are having seemingly very pleasurable unprotected sex on their video monitors...and they want to emulate their favorite performers. We know that for many people the thought processes will not go much further beyond that point.
One thing I will say here is that
Broke Straight Boys used to have paragraph of warning and disclosure at the top of the description of any BB scene. It warned of the risks of BB and HIV. It also addressed the mandatory testing that all the
Broke Straight Boys models were put through prior to any filming. They have since stopped including it. It seems to me that they should reconsider that and at least put one small paragraph of warning to viewers about the risks of HIV with unprotected sex, and how
Broke Straight Boys requires some of the most advanced testing currently available before the models are allowed to film. The warning needn't run to 2 or 3 paragraphs. How about it?