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So long...


Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
So i have some news, i have officially canceled my membership. i am done with this site. everything i've cared about is gone. Mike R and the old days of what this forum used to be.

I HAVE ALWAYS FELT COMFORTABLE HERE, AND STARTING TONIGHT I HAVE OFFICIALLY LOST ALL COMFORT. i have always had my girls by my side, and i have finally come to the realization that i cant sit back and watch them be disrespected by EVERYONE here.

i hope you all are happy in your little gay porn bubble. there are very few i wish to keep contact with after my membership is done, and you will know who you are. the rest of you, well i would hate to say something harsh here so i will leave it up to your imaginations.
Joe, as one of the people who has probably made you uncomfortable, I want to say how much you're gonna be missed, at the same time as recognizing that your reasons for going are more of less the kind I'd have if I were thinking of doing that myself. You're coherent and complex, smart and surprising, irreverent and sometimes agreeably gross, all the things I've always liked best in my friends.

Thanks for having been a wonderful ray of darkness on this forum. I guess you know that's meant as a huge compliment. Take care.
Joey, before you make any rash decisions, wait for spring.

I see in the Mike Robbins memorial thread you had harsh words yesterday with another poster. Now this. I bet you feel like I do. This morning I insulted one of my best friends, questioning his musical abilities and all the members of his band. And I'm not a musician and he makes his living playing music.

I don't know what it's like where you live, but where I'm at it's cold and too much snow is still on the ground. I could use some sunshine and green myself. I know my problem is late winter blues.

I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid. I'm also not discounting them. Things are changing around here. It's just that cabin fever magnifies all negativity, including the sour attitude of other posts. Everyone, including me, is more likely to make a post that will piss folks off. It's been a long winter. Life sucks in general. In a few, warm weeks, it won't suck as much.

Plus I like your tits. I just voted for them in the avatar thread. :thumbup1:
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Joe, as one of the people who has probably made you uncomfortable, I want to say how much you're gonna be missed, at the same time as recognizing that your reasons for going are more of less the kind I'd have if I were thinking of doing that myself. You're coherent and complex, smart and surprising, irreverent and sometimes agreeably gross, all the things I've always liked best in my friends.

Thanks for having been a wonderful ray of darkness on this forum. I guess you know that's meant as a huge compliment. Take care.

it has very little to do with your posts or actions on this forum slim. my actions are not solely on the actions of the other posters on this forum. i made my decision based on many aspects of stuff going on here. the politics are simply too much for me to enjoy this any more. people i like have been hurt, and instead of staying and fighting, like i should, im quitting.
Joey, before you make any rash decisions, wait for spring.

I see in the Mike Robbins memorial thread you had harsh words yesterday with another poster. Now this. I bet you feel like I do. This morning I insulted one of my best friends, questioning his musical abilities and all the members of his band. And I'm not a musician and he makes his living playing music.

I don't know what it's like where you live, but where I'm at it's cold and too much snow is still on the ground. I could use some sunshine and green myself. I know my problem is late winter blues.

I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid. I'm also not discounting them. Things are changing around here. It's just that cabin fever magnifies all negativity, including the sour attitude of other posts. Everyone, including me, is more likely to make a post that will piss folks off. It's been a long winter. Life sucks in general. In a few, warm weeks, it won't suck as much.

Plus I like your tits. I just voted for them in the avatar thread. :thumbup1:

thanks. as i said to slim, my actions are not because of the posts of others, it is the politics of this forum. i cant stand the way deidra was treated as a moderator by anyone! and while i wish i had the energy to come back and retort the way she has been treated i cant because the minute i try to say anything i am labeled a young kid that knows nothing. i wish this was a seasonal decision, but it isnt. i have been debating this for a long time, and instead of wasting the money that i have very little of much longer, i am done. i was just billed, so i will be here for another month, but i cant guarantee how active i will be. we will see.
Joey, before you make any rash decisions, wait for spring.

I see in the Mike Robbins memorial thread you had harsh words yesterday with another poster. Now this. I bet you feel like I do. This morning I insulted one of my best friends, questioning his musical abilities and all the members of his band. And I'm not a musician and he makes his living playing music.

I don't know what it's like where you live, but where I'm at it's cold and too much snow is still on the ground. I could use some sunshine and green myself. I know my problem is late winter blues.

I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid. I'm also not discounting them. Things are changing around here. It's just that cabin fever magnifies all negativity, including the sour attitude of other posts. Everyone, including me, is more likely to make a post that will piss folks off. It's been a long winter. Life sucks in general. In a few, warm weeks, it won't suck as much.

Plus I like your tits. I just voted for them in the avatar thread. :thumbup1:

thanks. as i said to slim, my actions are not because of the posts of others, it is the politics of this forum. i cant stand the way deidra was treated as a moderator by anyone! and while i wish i had the energy to come back and retort the way she has been treated i cant because the minute i try to say anything i am labeled a young kid that knows nothing. i wish this was a seasonal decision, but it isnt. i have been debating this for a long time, and instead of wasting the money that i have very little of much longer, i am done. i was just billed, so i will be here for another month, but i cant guarantee how active i will be. we will see.
I am so sorry to see you leave when your membership expires. I have always enjoy your posting and you appear to be a very intelligent person. Hope to see you around often while you are still a member.


Say it isn't so! You must know that not all of us feel threatened or uncomfortable because of you girls. If you go back and check, many of us have indeed been very supportive of all our female members.

As for Deidra, yes, many were uncomfortable and harsh over her being made moderator, but those people would be miserable with ANY person chosen moderator, if it wasn't them. I think that issue was more about them, not about Deidra. So, to hell with them.

Politics? Sorry, but I don't honestly believe there can be a policitical undercurrent on a forum such as this. The spread of ages and sexual interests are way too varied to allow that. I know some people may think there is, but I see too many differences of opinions to accept that premise.

What is true is that there are those who relish in being righteous and over bearing. And those people would love to have this forum all to themselves. If you dont agree or accept their opinions, they berate and belittle. Instead of trying to argue with them, I have learned to just ignore.

With respect to Mike Robbins. I think Mike would be disappointed that you would want to leave because he was no longer here. Mike was all about living and enjoying life. Remember always that Mike lives! IN our hearts, our minds, and on film, but he lives! Keep his memory alive!

Above all Joey, don't leave because of someone else. If you leave, do it because the forum and your friends here are no longer enough for you, not because it is too much for you. I guess you have gathered, I for one, hate to see you leave. I appreciate the insight that women and straight forum members bring to us. It is becuase of all of you that makes this forum such a special place to come to late at night, and whenever we need company, or solace, or even entertainment and debate. This forum would be EXTREMEMLY boring if it were reduced to nothing but a bunch of tired bitter old queens.

I extend to you my heart and my hand in friendship. If part you must, go knowing that you do leave people here who value you for who you are and what you bring to our lives. May God bless you and keep you safe and happy.

Say it isn't so! You must know that not all of us feel threatened or uncomfortable because of you girls. If you go back and check, many of us have indeed been very supportive of all our female members.

As for Deidra, yes, many were uncomfortable and harsh over her being made moderator, but those people would be miserable with ANY person chosen moderator, if it wasn't them. I think that issue was more about them, not about Deidra. So, to hell with them.

Politics? Sorry, but I don't honestly believe there can be a policitical undercurrent on a forum such as this. The spread of ages and sexual interests are way too varied to allow that. I know some people may think there is, but I see too many differences of opinions to accept that premise.

What is true is that there are those who relish in being righteous and over bearing. And those people would love to have this forum all to themselves. If you dont agree or accept their opinions, they berate and belittle. Instead of trying to argue with them, I have learned to just ignore.

With respect to Mike Robbins. I think Mike would be disappointed that you would want to leave because he was no longer here. Mike was all about living and enjoying life. Remember always that Mike lives! IN our hearts, our minds, and on film, but he lives! Keep his memory alive!

Above all Joey, don't leave because of someone else. If you leave, do it because the forum and your friends here are no longer enough for you, not because it is too much for you. I guess you have gathered, I for one, hate to see you leave. I appreciate the insight that women and straight forum members bring to us. It is becuase of all of you that makes this forum such a special place to come to late at night, and whenever we need company, or solace, or even entertainment and debate. This forum would be EXTREMEMLY boring if it were reduced to nothing but a bunch of tired bitter old queens.

I extend to you my heart and my hand in friendship. If part you must, go knowing that you do leave people here who value you for who you are and what you bring to our lives. May God bless you and keep you safe and happy.

thank you for being one of the only few generous posts on my thread. but you will see the politics soon enough. there is a small band of members that like to gang up and pounce on people and im done with that business. they are the dictators and they know it. but thank you for being genuine.

I am not quite sure what is going on. I just logged in for the first time in a while. I was trying to give myself a bit of a break from the forum. I had a lot going on and it was a lot of effort to keep up some days as of late. So, it has bee a nice short break. I have been very busy lately. I am saddened by the news that you will be leaving because of the actions of a few peopel. I guess I will see what you are talking about soon enough as I make some time to read through the posts. You will certainly be missed.

Bless your heart in all of your endeavors. My prayers are with you dear sir.

Nameste, be at peace.:mellow:
Joe. I am super bummed you are leaving. :( But I just want you to know how much I love you and appriciate you. You are the best thing that happened to me when I joined this site, and I am so much better for knowing you. I just love you. Period. Thanks for being you Boo Boo and always telling it like it is.
JOE!!!!! I can't stand the thought of you leaving.... Maybe if I close my eyes and make a wish on the first star that appears tonight things will change for the better and you won't feel the need to leave.

Joe, you are a yellow daisy blooming in a field of white ones. You are a stand out, out loud, say what you feel, honest, loyal and incredibly loving friend and human. You can be crass and insulting and I'm sure, have hurt the feelings of countless forumites over the years you have been here. But I also know that you are genuine. And for that, you are my prince. I love you Joe, everything about you. Well, I'll accept some of your more disgusting fascinations if it means I get to keep you uncensored. Because Joe not speaking his mind is incomprehensible. And if you don't feel you can do that here anymore, well then, don't. Know are irreplaceable, Joe, and you will be missed.
Hey now, you can't be leaving after you talked me into staying!
Hey now, you can't be leaving after you talked me into staying!

well now im not sure, i think i might have to stay to keep some bitches in place. now you just need to talk me into staying!
well now im not sure, i think i might have to stay to keep some bitches in place. now you just need to talk me into staying!

I'll titty fuck you.
I'll titty fuck you.

ok ill stay! done...you owe me z....really tho im torn now...i wanna stay to protect my girls
I have to say, I have been reading the forum for a long long time and I really hope you stay joey. You are really fun and always spunky. I think you would make an excellent friend here.
It pleases me to learn that you are hanging around. I do enjoy reading your posts.
