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So let's get down to brass tacks...

Hey Jason, don't use Neosporin, we don't recemmend it any more due to too many local sensitivity reactions, best to leave your scab in place it facilitates the growth of the epithelium. The scab will fall off when it's ready too. Do not be shocked if your incision goes through an "angry" period. Looks red and more prominent than you would expect. This is initally normal. You will get you BEST scar results in six months. Much depends on your natural ability to heal. Have you ever had even a small laceration repaired. If you have and it was properly repaired your incision should look the same. BTW I never did receive my backstage passes. So much for the mail.
Jason, I think other members have expressed my feelings. So, I just want to say that I am thrilled that you are doing so well and that you are upbeat about your future. It's obvious that your fans here are looking for your return. Take your time, let things heal and if you feel you want to hit the gym, I hope it only will be to tone things up after your surgery down time. You are the ultimate professional and sharing your thoughts and feelings here boosts your image even more (if that is possible) among your adoring fans. Get well soon.