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So let's get down to brass tacks...

BSB Jason

BSB Model
BSB Model
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Today marks day five of Post-Operation. If I won the lottery today, I would buy my Doctor a new car. I have been completely amazed with the recovery period. As the day came near to an end so did the remaining pain. Which was never more than discomfort. Every once in a while it aches or throbs a bit, but I’m sure that’s to be expected.
I’ve been taking a look at the incision and noticed the beginning of some minor scabbing. In my research I found over and over and over not to let that happen. Keep the wound moist. Tomorrow I am going to begin a variety of topical wound treatments… most likely Neosporin. But more importantly I think I’m going to begin physical exercises tomorrow. Considering I’ve done nothing for ten days now.
If you can recall. One of the main issues arising from the hernia was an inability to exercise core muscles. Well that mixed with an office job and little ceasers pizza every day for six months contributed to me gaining a tad bit of weight. HAHA I Even recall it being mentioned when I first came back how I should Hit the gym… It’s true especially in this profession that I was a bit out of shape. Over the past year I slowly managed to get back to about where I was. Still unable to really do anything because I was unable to truly push myself.
I’ve developed a regimen of physical exercises that I think are going to put me exactly where I want to be and hopefully past your expectations. I do recognize the need to employ restraint. I certainly don’t want to dive right back in at full capacity. But I do feel that my body is prepared to do some light upper body exercises while still primarily resting the core. This will certainly be better than doing nothing and will help to achieve the overall results.
I’ve noticed as the last few videos have released comments have soon followed referring to how great I look. One in specific said I have never looked better. Well I’m hoping to blow all of these out of the water upon my return. Not just for employment but for overall health in general. Now I’m not promising the return of a bowflex body or something crazy and extreme. But I would certainly hope to expect some added definition and tone along with enhanced endurance, flexibility and strength. I suppose in time we will see but in the meantime it will give you something to hope for and imagine.
Also food for thought… any suggestions of things about my appearance you feel need attention or I should add focus to or from... things you feel may need a bit improvement. I’d love to hear what you have to say so please let me know. You would know better than I as I know you’ve seen more of my body than I have lol…

Until next time,

Jason Matthews :)
So glad your healing and feeling well! Don.t forget to eat your vegies. :broccoli: Take care of that scar, which only adds character to that great bod! We await further word of your progress.:biggrin:
Hey Jason, Best of luck on the healing! Sounds like your doing great. I miss you on the videos. Can't wait for you to come back. I am usually quiet on here, and have never ever written back to a model, but your special, sweet, pleasant, hot as hell, and you speak your voice when necessary.
Glad that you are doing well. Watch using neosporin, if you do not cover the neosporin it acts like a sponge and can cause and infection. When i had my surgery I used a vitamin based hand cream that absorbed into the skin. I have a very faint scar and considering i had about 60 stitches and 10 staples, I am lucky I do not have a road map like scar.

Watch exercising too fast, you do not want to undo what the doctor just did.

Take it easy!
Just a few words of wisdom I have acquired over the years...

Today marks day five of Post-Operation. If I won the lottery today, I would buy my Doctor a new car. I have been completely amazed with the recovery period. As the day came near to an end so did the remaining pain. Which was never more than discomfort. Every once in a while it aches or throbs a bit, but I’m sure that’s to be expected.
I’ve been taking a look at the incision and noticed the beginning of some minor scabbing. In my research I found over and over and over not to let that happen. Keep the wound moist. Tomorrow I am going to begin a variety of topical wound treatments… most likely Neosporin. But more importantly I think I’m going to begin physical exercises tomorrow. Considering I’ve done nothing for ten days now.
If you can recall. One of the main issues arising from the hernia was an inability to exercise core muscles. Well that mixed with an office job and little ceasers pizza every day for six months contributed to me gaining a tad bit of weight. HAHA I Even recall it being mentioned when I first came back how I should Hit the gym… It’s true especially in this profession that I was a bit out of shape. Over the past year I slowly managed to get back to about where I was. Still unable to really do anything because I was unable to truly push myself.
I’ve developed a regimen of physical exercises that I think are going to put me exactly where I want to be and hopefully past your expectations. I do recognize the need to employ restraint. I certainly don’t want to dive right back in at full capacity. But I do feel that my body is prepared to do some light upper body exercises while still primarily resting the core. This will certainly be better than doing nothing and will help to achieve the overall results.
I’ve noticed as the last few videos have released comments have soon followed referring to how great I look. One in specific said I have never looked better. Well I’m hoping to blow all of these out of the water upon my return. Not just for employment but for overall health in general. Now I’m not promising the return of a bowflex body or something crazy and extreme. But I would certainly hope to expect some added definition and tone along with enhanced endurance, flexibility and strength. I suppose in time we will see but in the meantime it will give you something to hope for and imagine.
Also food for thought… any suggestions of things about my appearance you feel need attention or I should add focus to or from... things you feel may need a bit improvement. I’d love to hear what you have to say so please let me know. You would know better than I as I know you’ve seen more of my body than I have lol…

Until next time,

Jason Matthews :)

Dear Beautiful Jason,

"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who's the fairest of them all"...is what readily comes to mind, yet if I am understanding you correctly, you are wanting any objective feedback you can get from your fans to serve a constructive purpose? As much as I might love to be a foreman in your remodeling efforts, I find it exceedingly difficult to be "objective" about a body I would already give my left nut for. With more improvements to your body, what would I have left remaining??? Please, please don't even think this thought! Please don't take this as being disinterested or squelching your intentions to arrive at a newly buff and improved Jason. It is hard for me to imagine such a thing, just like it is difficult for Microsoft to introduce new and improved software that won't require multiple corrective upgrades almost immediately following its introduction to the public with little real-world "testing out".:smiley-sex020:

You know Jason, if you suddenly were sporting the "Goth" look, submitted yourself to a full set of tribal tattoos, or treated yourself to a "Mohawk" haircut, I could immediately recognize something that was totally out-of-character for my much beloved Jason. But otherwise, just think of your improvements as slight tweaks smoothing off some rough edges with some welcomed muscle definition to your core. Just don't go the other extreme by developing a neck that is larger around than your waist, avoid covering your body in body oils and barbecue sause designed primarily for the weight-lifting crowd. If anyone refers to your more muscular upper arms as "GUNS" don't register with the NRA, but instead realize that you may have just stepped into the "
Twilight Zone" and you might consider backing up a few steps.:001_rolleyes: Don't get into anything that requires injesting massive quantities of steroids or male hormones/testosterone as this will make your cool attitude much less likeable, add a bulging Adams apple, lower both your "voice" and your "ballsac" to new depths you never dreamt of achieving without donning on scuba gear and lead weights, and unwittingly contribute to male-patterned baldness. None of these negative side-effects need any additional encouragement, least of all by taking unneeded supplements.:closedeyes:

Personally, I feel if you can wear a thong or a skimpy speedo and look at yourself without first getting sick-to-your-stomach, then I think you are on solid ground. If you are sufficiently confident enough to wear such a prevocative garment in a public pool setting or beach, then I personally think you have just struck "Black Gold"! Then, you can confidently go on with your life and like the Beverly Hillbillies before you, you can consider whether to move on to Beverly Hills or not to strut your stuff"!:monkey_dance1:

Best of luck to you, Jason!


Jason, it is always an honor to be able to read the inner thoughts of a Broke Straight Boys model, as you and Blake are the only two that I can recall for many years who regularly post here, and are honestly introspective about being a model on this site. And of course, I wish you continued rapid healing.

I am so pleased to read that you are cognizant of the fact that when you returned to BSB2, you were not in "perfect shape" for a model on a gay porn site. Now, I must qualify this statement by saying that you were in better shape than I ever was in my entire life, and your body at it's "worst" is better than 99% of the guys out and about at the clubs, on the beach, etc. But as you have chosen to earn a living by getting naked and performing sexual acts for the enjoyment of the masses, I am so pleased that you recognize that the standards are so much higher than for the rest of society.

I agree that you have never looked better than in your last scene, which is by the way my favorite yet on BSB2, where you pleasure young beautiful Brandon to a mind blowing amazing total servicing of his cock and ass.

From my perspective as one consumer of gay porn, the area that I consider the most important for you to keep working on are your abs, as a lean athletic young man with a thin waist "makes" the body for me. I also like definition in the chest and arms, but NOT in an over done bulky muscular way. My ideal look is the "swimmer build".

Other's may enjoy a beefy, bulky type bod, but as you asked for customer feedback, that is how I envision a perfect looking model on this site, and as you are so handsome to start with, you can easily attain that goal with some exorcize, and light lifting, once your doctor gives you the okay to resume all physical activities.

I usually "preach" for Broke Straight Boys to keep moving new models onto the site, as a broke "straight" boy can only be "straight" here for a finite period of time, but you are one of the exceptions for me. As you are so willing to "break in" the newbies, as you did with Brandon, it is far more pleasurable for me to watch a handsome, sleek young man such as yourself, as opposed to some of the more "shopworn" looking experienced gay models that have been used in the past, and in the present to teach the newbies the ropes.

When you get the okay to resume a full physical regime of exorcizes, get back into it, for as a professional athlete must hone his body for his line of work, the same goes for you. And again thank you so much for being a conduit for us in the forum, between the real people who make the scenes and we the consumers of the product.

Keep up the great work, and thank you very much!
Also food for thought… any suggestions of things about my appearance you feel need attention or I should add focus to or from... things you feel may need a bit improvement. I’d love to hear what you have to say so please let me know. You would know better than I as I know you’ve seen more of my body than I have lol…

Until next time,

Jason Matthews :)

Okay, I wasn't going to mention this, I mean it is your body and all. I would just suggest one thing; I normally don't get into things you may be lacking in, I mean we all have things we want to improve upon, and I don't really know how much control you have over this, sometimes it is not up to us. Well, I can only suggest and then see what happens upon your return. Anyway, I think you are lacking...a fuck awesome three way: you fucking Kodi, while Connor fucks you! :w00t:hehehe
I think you're pretty much PERFECT......hope you continue to feel well!!!!
Please be careful about working out too soon. Don't do anything until your Doctor gives you the go ahead. You don't want to mess up what you just fixed up.
Trust me .... call and ask your Doctor. He knows best.
Dear Jason,

I am so pleased to hear that recovery is going so smoothly. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. You know that our feelings for you go way beyond just whatever you can do for us onscreen. I can think of nothing to add to ideas on what you could improve on. As for the incision area you can use an antibiotic polysporin lubricant or maybe even a light smear of clean Vaseline. Assuming of course that your doctor or his nurse has approved that. You should probably be getting the stitches out within the next couple days.

Please stay in touch with us and let us know how you are doing from here Jason.

Big hugs!
Hey Jason, Best of luck on the healing! Sounds like your doing great. I miss you on the videos. Can't wait for you to come back. I am usually quiet on here, and have never ever written back to a model, but your special, sweet, pleasant, hot as hell, and you speak your voice when necessary.

Thank you I really appreciate that. It means alot !! :)

Dear Beautiful Jason,

"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who's the fairest of them all"...is what readily comes to mind, yet if I am understanding you correctly, you are wanting any objective feedback you can get from your fans to serve a constructive purpose? As much as I might love to be a foreman in your remodeling efforts, I find it exceedingly difficult to be "objective" about a body I would already give my left nut for. With more improvements to your body, what would I have left remaining??? Please, please don't even think this thought! Please don't take this as being disinterested or squelching your intentions to arrive at a newly buff and improved Jason. It is hard for me to imagine such a thing, just like it is difficult for Microsoft to introduce new and improved software that won't require multiple corrective upgrades almost immediately following its introduction to the public with little real-world "testing out".:smiley-sex020:

You know Jason, if you suddenly were sporting the "Goth" look, submitted yourself to a full set of tribal tattoos, or treated yourself to a "Mohawk" haircut, I could immediately recognize something that was totally out-of-character for my much beloved Jason. But otherwise, just think of your improvements as slight tweaks smoothing off some rough edges with some welcomed muscle definition to your core. Just don't go the other extreme by developing a neck that is larger around than your waist, avoid covering your body in body oils and barbecue sause designed primarily for the weight-lifting crowd. If anyone refers to your more muscular upper arms as "GUNS" don't register with the NRA, but instead realize that you may have just stepped into the "
Twilight Zone" and you might consider backing up a few steps.:001_rolleyes: Don't get into anything that requires injesting massive quantities of steroids or male hormones/testosterone as this will make your cool attitude much less likeable, add a bulging Adams apple, lower both your "voice" and your "ballsac" to new depths you never dreamt of achieving without donning on scuba gear and lead weights, and unwittingly contribute to male-patterned baldness. None of these negative side-effects need any additional encouragement, least of all by taking unneeded supplements.:closedeyes:

Personally, I feel if you can wear a thong or a skimpy speedo and look at yourself without first getting sick-to-your-stomach, then I think you are on solid ground. If you are sufficiently confident enough to wear such a prevocative garment in a public pool setting or beach, then I personally think you have just struck "Black Gold"! Then, you can confidently go on with your life and like the Beverly Hillbillies before you, you can consider whether to move on to Beverly Hills or not to strut your stuff"!:monkey_dance1:

Best of luck to you, Jason!



HAHAHAHA I dont really know what to say. Fortunatly I dont want to be a body builder. Im aware that its possibile to be just as strong with half the size. Steroids also arnt my thing as I dont like putting things in my body. I dont even like tylenol. Besides the side effects just arnt worth it. If i am ever considering an NRA Membership then ive overstepped my goal. Over all I wouldnt want to gain more then 25 pounds.
Jason, it is always an honor to be able to read the inner thoughts of a Broke Straight Boys model, as you and Blake are the only two that I can recall for many years who regularly post here, and are honestly introspective about being a model on this site. And of course, I wish you continued rapid healing.

I am so pleased to read that you are cognizant of the fact that when you returned to BSB2, you were not in "perfect shape" for a model on a gay porn site. Now, I must qualify this statement by saying that you were in better shape than I ever was in my entire life, and your body at it's "worst" is better than 99% of the guys out and about at the clubs, on the beach, etc. But as you have chosen to earn a living by getting naked and performing sexual acts for the enjoyment of the masses, I am so pleased that you recognize that the standards are so much higher than for the rest of society.

I agree that you have never looked better than in your last scene, which is by the way my favorite yet on BSB2, where you pleasure young beautiful Brandon to a mind blowing amazing total servicing of his cock and ass.

From my perspective as one consumer of gay porn, the area that I consider the most important for you to keep working on are your abs, as a lean athletic young man with a thin waist "makes" the body for me. I also like definition in the chest and arms, but NOT in an over done bulky muscular way. My ideal look is the "swimmer build".

Other's may enjoy a beefy, bulky type bod, but as you asked for customer feedback, that is how I envision a perfect looking model on this site, and as you are so handsome to start with, you can easily attain that goal with some exorcize, and light lifting, once your doctor gives you the okay to resume all physical activities.

I usually "preach" for Broke Straight Boys to keep moving new models onto the site, as a broke "straight" boy can only be "straight" here for a finite period of time, but you are one of the exceptions for me. As you are so willing to "break in" the newbies, as you did with Brandon, it is far more pleasurable for me to watch a handsome, sleek young man such as yourself, as opposed to some of the more "shopworn" looking experienced gay models that have been used in the past, and in the present to teach the newbies the ropes.

When you get the okay to resume a full physical regime of exorcizes, get back into it, for as a professional athlete must hone his body for his line of work, the same goes for you. And again thank you so much for being a conduit for us in the forum, between the real people who make the scenes and we the consumers of the product.

Keep up the great work, and thank you very much!

Its always my pleasure to keep in touch. Especially over these past few days where Ive had to take it easy. It allows me to stay in touch and it can get entertaining as well.
I have to agree with you here. The one main area that is my favorite to work out as well as the one I want to build the most is my chest. I feel that abs are a close second. You never really can go wrong with a good set of abs. I feel you can actually compensate with abs for a lack of pectorals ... if that makes sense.
Ok so one thing I didnt realize is the Doc didnt put external stitches in. He only used steri-strips or butterfly stitches i think they are called. Well they came off today and ill be damned. I dont think I will even need any topicals to prevent or reduce the scar. The only reason anything is even noticable is because its still swollen and bruised. but i think it wont even be noticable as is !!
Cutting to the chase...

HAHAHAHA I dont really know what to say. Fortunatly I dont want to be a body builder. Im aware that its possibile to be just as strong with half the size. Steroids also arnt my thing as I dont like putting things in my body. I dont even like tylenol. Besides the side effects just arnt worth it. If i am ever considering an NRA Membership then ive overstepped my goal. Over all I wouldnt want to gain more then 25 pounds.

Dear Jason,

While my original response was intended to be a "tongue-in-cheek" :biggrin: humorous review of your options before you, I never intended to overwhelm you. Personally I am elated that your choices mirror my real thoughts and you are an even "better centered young man than I knew before".:001_rolleyes:

I would like to go on record saying that you are so very reasonable and introspective, just as indicated in your previous posts. This may not fall into the "sexy" catagory, but your "personal charisma" and "sense of humor" does. These traits can make the difference in being successful in life or not. Take this as a given, in my mind Jason you exemplify the very best Broke Straight Boys has to offer.

Come back refreshed and stronger than ever!:w00t:


Ok so one thing I didnt realize is the Doc didnt put external stitches in. He only used steri-strips or butterfly stitches i think they are called. Well they came off today and ill be damned. I dont think I will even need any topicals to prevent or reduce the scar. The only reason anything is even noticable is because its still swollen and bruised. but i think it wont even be noticable as is !!


I am glad you're healing so well and so quickly. However, BE CAREFUL and do NOT rush into exercise. Your body, on the inside, is also still swollen and bruised. Take care not to work on those abs too much, for about a year! Of course, that may be shorter, depending on how much was done on the inside. I would certainly get the doctor's advice first! Just because your body LOOKS heaLed on the outside, does not mean it is healed on the inside!

If you want to keep trim, then simply do some "power walking" to start with. Then as you heal, 3 - 6 months down the line, add swimming to your exercise regimen. Swimming gives your arms and pecs great definition. Also, have you ever seen a swimmer with fat abs? Of course not!

In your last update with Brandon, you looked better than ever! I can't honestly think of anything that you need to change, or improve. You were already pretty darned near perfection!

Jason, you are still so very young. You have many years ahead of you to perfect your body. And while I appreciate that you want to do it for your adoring fans, remember that all these folks already love you AS YOU ARE. Besides, you know how this membership is, what one member adores, another finds distasteful. You will never please everyone on this membership.

Also remember that your honesty, your work ethic, your charisma have all contributed greatly to your fan base. That is what has won you so many adoring fans! May you continue to heal and prosper!



I am glad you're healing so well and so quickly. However, BE CAREFUL and do NOT rush into exercise. Your body, on the inside, is also still swollen and bruised. Take care not to work on those abs too much, for about a year! Of course, that may be shorter, depending on how much was done on the inside. I would certainly get the doctor's advice first! Just because your body LOOKS heaLed on the outside, does not mean it is healed on the inside!

If you want to keep trim, then simply do some "power walking" to start with. Then as you heal, 3 - 6 months down the line, add swimming to your exercise regimen. Swimming gives your arms and pecs great definition. Also, have you ever seen a swimmer with fat abs? Of course not!

In your last update with Brandon, you looked better than ever! I can't honestly think of anything that you need to change, or improve. You were already pretty darned near perfection!

Jason, you are still so very young. You have many years ahead of you to perfect your body. And while I appreciate that you want to do it for your adoring fans, remember that all these folks already love you AS YOU ARE. Besides, you know how this membership is, what one member adores, another finds distasteful. You will never please everyone on this membership.

Also remember that your honesty, your work ethic, your charisma have all contributed greatly to your fan base. That is what has won you so many adoring fans! May you continue to heal and prosper!


I agree entirely, however its important to note that I was speaking only to the aesthetic results of the operation. One reason I post-poned so long was because I was afraid of a terrible scar. Im very much in tune with my body and its needs. I can still feel its healing on the inside. I also do keep in close contact with my physician and am not afraid to ask questions. Also I plan to first begin exercising just the upper body and work my way down. That way Im still exercising some areas and allowing others to rest. When it comes time to incorporate an abdominal regimen to the routine it will allow for some additional rest of the upper body which i believe in the long run will be beneficial. But I assure you my concerns with improving my body are purely selfish hahaha. I'm doing it regardless of my profession or fanbase. I only asked for suggestions as I thought it would be interesting to hear the feed back and if something made sense its best to employ that suggestion at the begining instead of the end. But this is a decision I made long ago. Now Im able to work on it so I will :)
Dear Jason,

While my original response was intended to be a "tongue-in-cheek" :biggrin: humorous review of your options before you, I never intended to overwhelm you. Personally I am elated that your choices mirror my real thoughts and you are an even "better centered young man than I knew before".:001_rolleyes:

I would like to go on record saying that you are so very reasonable and introspective, just as indicated in your previous posts. This may not fall into the "sexy" catagory, but your "personal charisma" and "sense of humor" does. These traits can make the difference in being successful in life or not. Take this as a given, in my mind Jason you exemplify the very best Broke Straight Boys has to offer.

Come back refreshed and stronger than ever!:w00t:




No worries buddy your humorous intent was well recieved. I thought it was hilarious and just didnt know how to respond and thank you very much for the amazing praise that you gave me. The record is duley noted and Im honored to have earned such an esteemed opinion from you !!
Ok so one thing I didnt realize is the Doc didnt put external stitches in. He only used steri-strips or butterfly stitches i think they are called. Well they came off today and ill be damned. I dont think I will even need any topicals to prevent or reduce the scar. The only reason anything is even noticable is because its still swollen and bruised. but i think it wont even be noticable as is !!

That's great news Jason! I know you must be quite relieved about that. Of course as several of us have said, a scar would not have diminished you in our eyes as a model. I know though that since you are still young and have many years ahead of you that you want as few permanent blemishes on your body as possible. And it's only natural that being a model or not, that you want your body to stay in excellent physical shape. Plus, admitting to a little bit of vanity does not make you shallow. It just makes you human. haha :wink:
I hope you don't change a thing about yourself!

I wish nothing but the speediest of recoveries for you.

I hope we get to see the scar! I hope Clay is paying attention here and does a little zoom in for us when you get back so that we can see it.